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Cruise ships docked st the pier like in Quatar is likely fastest and easiest solution… why reinvent the wheel.


Cruise companies that are usually docking in Vancouver would like to have a word with you.


Dudes normally docking on Davie street would like to have a word with anyone willing.


I can’t speak to the situation in Qatar, but vancouver has a hotel shortage generally.


Plenty of hotels closed down and turned into sros. The Vancouver way.


And those hotels were already basically SRO’s. Instead of the prov/city renting the room. They just cut out the middle man.




The province just passed [new Airbnb regulations](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7053382) that have eliminated a large number of units.




That'll be a $250 cleaning fee for that comment.


Don’t forget the “host fee”.


That's entirely reasonable


Well, we need more rooms too. The title should be world cups shines light on lack of vancouver hotel rooms.


Just what the harbour needs . More toxic cruise ship waste .


ah yes, the authentic vancouver experience. a housing crisis!


Tell them to pack a tent.


will be how they can guaranteed income to the tent encampments. they can rent out their tents to visiting Football fans


Taylor Swift will be a test run.


Let them stay in Whalley and take the skytrain in


Wow, as someone who is trapped in their current, crappy apartment because they can't afford to move, I could not give fewer f*cks about this.


Yep this is hotel "shortage" is absurd. If it's the case maybe bidding on the World Cup wasn't such a great idea.


But think of all the free advertising we will get. It will only cost us $260 million. And that works out to just 37 million per game played.


What do we need to advertise for?


IDK, but we are spending a whole lot of money on a few games to do it.


It was a good idea… the bad idea was not using it as motivation to immediately start preparing by, y’know… building what we would need for it. When we got the Olympics, we built an entire village to house people in during it. But for the World Cup, 2 years out, we’re like, “Oh shit, forgot to prepare for it.” 🤷‍♂️


It’s kinda interesting.  The province has bought and converted a number of hotels into shelter / housing space.   Secondly , it’s another zoning issue that this kinda at is generally hard to develop




It's worth mentioning that this study was conducted before the recent Airbnb legislation, which has undoubtedly compounded the situation. Too bad, so sad.


It’s certainly awful that if we can’t bring in enough tourists to watch the cup, they may have to lower prices so that more local residents can attend.


Good luck with that....I don't even gonna look at the ticket prices




Aww the poor elite. We have bigger issues to deal with.


Tourism is 2% of our total economy in BC, once you damage that industry it takes decades to recover. But I’m sure it’s just an elite problem.


How is it being damaged? The hotels are going to be full. What would damage the industry is having a bunch of hotels sitting empty 99% of the time and waiting for some big every-four-years event (that may not come in the future)


Just go and try a book a hotel anywhere in Vancouver and see what it will cost you. If there is no availability or it costs $1000 a night that is prohibitive to the industry. Meaning no one will bother to come here anymore.


Except for the people filling the hotel rooms…


If you think about it, one couple spending $1000 on a hotel room doesnt enrich small businesses like restaurants and bars that regular folks who live here can enjoy the same way as hosting 5x middle class couples in $200 rooms. If the businesses downtown only cater to elite travellers, why would local people go downtown? People complain about the loss of music venues and favorite restaurants, it's all the same soup.


What if we built housing instead so local people could live downtown and supports those businesses. Seems better than relying on tourists to support those businesses, and putting local people way out in the suburbs(who get to come once a month downtown)?


Good point, but downtown Vancouver is already one of the densest residential areas in North America. There were a lot of empty investment properties last time I checked


Last new years eave (actually the night before) I Last minute decided to go for a trip to Vancouver for the weekend and stayed in a nice hotel room that came with breakfast and all that for not even 200 a night.


If no one was coming here, they would just lower the hotel prices.


No one looks at shortages around huge events like the World Cup, or the Olympics, as being the norm when booking travel outside of those events. Yes, booking a nice hotel in downtown Vancouver is expensive, but so are property values and rent… Like in a lot of major cities. And no, it does not cost $1000/night to book a hotel in Vancouver on an average weekend. I frequently book 4-5 stars hotel in downtown Vancouver for work and they’re priced at $250-300 a night or below. There are also frequent discounts that will get you a room in a nice hotel for ~$200.


Do you think hotels are being forced to offer those prices?


Are you proud of writing that? Like, you typed that up, hit submit and thought: "Great point dmancman2"?




Lol. Let's build a bunch of hotels so people have somewhere to stay during a once in a lifetime event in Vancouver. That doesn't make any sense. Good try making a case to bring Airbnb back. People are house poor and can barely afford food. The last thing to worry about is hotels for the rich. They can sleep on their private jets.


Vancouver has a pretty big tourism industry. Vancouver also has a shortage of hotels. AirBnB was used to fill the gap. Hotels and residential can coexist. Hotels are seen as a commercial entity, and should be treated as such. This is the Cities fault for not zoning them in over the last decade.


We have much bigger problems than a hotel shortage for a few events. Maybe the events can be priced so locals can afford to attend ?


Depends on if you’re a pleb or not I guess. I’m a huge soccer fan, but I hate FIFA. I’m sure I’ll be happy to join whatever protests end up happening. Fuck FIFA.


Airbnb definitely didn't fill any gap. SFHs aren't going to house thousands of tourists. 


True. It was a stupid thing to depend on. But the new hotels just never happened. Just like housing.


Extra late bc ferry runs. 4 near simultaneous departures on Hullo. Run the west coast express outbound post games. A cruise ship near Lonsdale.


For the trafficking? Lol


This article is plant from crybaby Airbnb landlords


What airBnB investor paid for this article to be manufactured.


There’s more than enough hotels in the lower mainland. Just not Vancouver proper.


We are having a World Cup ?


Just build a tent city in Strathcoma park and charge $2k/night labeling it as Vancouvers Urban Forest camping. West coast lifestyle.


Didn’t Horgan say at one point we wouldn’t be participating in this?


FIFA and Edmonton couldn’t come to an agreement. Vancouver had to step in, otherwise Canada would lose “Host” privileges and have to Qualify.


Wouldn't that be a crying shame...


I’d be more outraged, but this all just seems manufactured. They’re bringing in a temporary sales tax on the hotels to pay for the games. So they’re going to punish the non locals. The scarcity will also drive prices up. I’m surprised the Tourism lobby went for it. I guess they get everything they wanted in the end. Still. Fuck FIFA.


I heard the fuck FIFA in John Oliver’s voice!


Yup. At the end of the day Ken Sim has given me to opportunity to be as hostile to them as possible. The protests should be fun. The best part? Even the most die hard soccer fan won’t disagree.


Yes but he said a lot of dumb stuff. He was a fine enough premier but it was for sure time to move on.


And the rent goes up again ....


Que the air b and b whiners


Oh well.


Didn't they turn most hotels into SROs?


Fuk the World Cup, spend money on people not professional sports.


is this the AirBnB lobby group at it again?


If people can afford to travel to attend the World Cup they can figure it out.


Fuck the world cup. If I had the money I would rent all the hotels for those dates and leave them empty. That's going to be a disaster and fuck over the locals.


How is it going to fuck over the locals? We're hosting 7 matches not the entire tournament, and loads of locals are excited to be able to attend a World Cup game without the added expenses of travel/hotel cost. For many locals it's the only opportunity they'll have to support some of their favourite players/teams and get to experience being there live.


The Olympics was such a disaster locally. Most of the facilities build for it are practically mothballed. I would have to see a projected I'm pact and cost study to really ceede or double down on my opinion of the matches though


All they’re doing is a light renovation on the stadium, they’re not building anything new for the World Cup.


lots of hotels in the dtes. but a few cockroaches tbh


Better kill all the AirBnB’s


Air BnB, oh right


And here I thought there would be vacancies. Well, mud on my face!


Wow, gosh..oh no..... what to do??.... the only alternative to this 1st world problem would be to cancel hosting the 2026 world cup.


Or make it affordable enough for people actually living in the host city to be able to attend. Those poor billionaire organizers.


Part of why Vancouver agreed to host is for the tax revenue from rich tourists. Otherwise Vancouver wouldn't host.


That does not mean that I would not love tickets. Especially if Canada ends up playing the Netherlands here. That would be my life dream there.


Of course. But I'm responding to the idea that Vancouver is hosting this to serve local residents. They are not. The reality is the main goal of events like this is bringing money into BC from outside the province and country, not bringing an attraction to the region for locals to enjoy. That's ancillary. So locals being priced out isn't much of a concern for the city or province.


Exactly. This is not for us. Other than provide some tax revenue. But it costs a lot to get that revenue.


Honestly, it will likely bring in a shitload of money for the city much more than any investments, with close to a million visitors to the region. And a lot of the infrastructure costs will largely benefit Vancouver as a whole since fields and stadiums are used by people after the games leave). I could care less but I know my kid's soccer league are stoked af.


Cool. Lets just alert the illegal short term rental community, that should help.


They should build more hotels, but not any housing. /s


Good thing they banned airbnbs.


Fuck competing with tourists for housing, and fuck every single Airbnb-owning piece of shit in this town.


Hmmm too bad we banned short term Rentals. I called this the second they announced it. There’s no where to stay in this province. Especially when you go more north


That’s a good thing m8


It’s not really, you’re stopping people from exploring this beautiful province


We shouldn’t be housing visitors when there’s already not enough housing for residents. We also shouldn’t be encouraging wealthy people to buy up the supply, cater to other wealthy visitors, and drive up housing costs.


Wealthy people can still buy homes and rent them out long term. So you’re not stopping them from buying, you’re only making it not as lucrative. Might as well allow them to rent short term and bring in tax dollars from visitors. Whether it be from people here like me who want to have a place to stay while exploring or people from other areas of the world.


Even better. We come first. Hotels for visitors.


It’s not just for visitors, it’s for people who live here




Except for the ban on pretty much all Air bnb activities that begins May 1 this year...


Boo hoo


I'm guessing illegal airB&B will be back on the menu boys!


AirBnB will be non-existent due to provincial and federal regulations banning them this year unless they are in your primary residence.


I could totally see locals wanting to escape the chaos from the tourists and renting their primary residence on Airbnb.


Good point. I guess that might be allowed but I thought the owner had to remain on the premises under the new rules.


That's in NY. They haven't added that part to the BC legislation..yet


Yeah and those not banned will be laughing all the way to the bank.


Well golly geee…who would have seen that coming when the government buys all the hotels and turns them into social housing. But I’m sure it will be fine who needs a tourism industry. Ps they can’t fix this in a timely manner so good luck everyone in that industry.


The government didn’t buy hotels that people coming to events like this are going to stay in


Umm yes they did. There are literally no medium priced hotels in Vancouver and now no BNB either.


That’s because the medium priced hotels upped their rates to high. The government literally didn’t buy every medium priced hotel


You said "the government buys all the hotels." That is categorically false. In reality, the government purchased and repurposed a handful of shitty, run down motels and hotels https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2020MAH0070-001160


The guy you're responding to is a complete tool lol.


Oh I'm well aware of the entertaining and fanciful funhouse world of dmancman2


Correct I know in Vancouver during covid the province bought 2 best westerns and a howard Johnson's.


Yeah, people should just be forced to live on the streets instead!


The answer is forced billeting. It was only a matter of time anyways...


Housing shortage, hotel shortage , what’s next? Office shortage?


Well they do keep trying to force us back in order to try to create this situation.


Hmm if only there was a service where individuals could rent out places they owned for short periods of time….


With the current economy I am on the fence about voluteering for something like this. Yes, voluteering can be quite enjoyable, you can make new friends, pad your resume, get fed, etc. but FIFA generates so much money they should switch to paid workers.


Are the hotels on Granville still being used to house hobos? Maybe we should move it back to an entertainment district instead of crackville and use them as hotels again..


Will be a big fiasco...extremely expensive with the junkies getting "safe drugs" for athletes too


Didn’t Vancouver host the Olympics and had enough accommodations??