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Just phone the place and order directly.


Our local Indian charges more ordering direct than if you order via Just Eat.


One of ours charges the same, but will give you 10% off if you order in person or over the phone and collect. And this makes perfect sense with the context provided by glasgowgeg, meaning that they're probably side stepping any agreement with just eat for having different pricing on the app!


Just eat charges the restaurant 25% of the food costs. If your local charges more in person than on just eat where they gonna lose another 25 on top. I'd steer way clear of that place.


It's the best Indian food in town.




Most definitely. But it doesn't change the quality of the food. We've tried all 4.


Hear hear. Don't support these vulture companies that provide fuck all in terms of service and go to great lengths to do as little as possible to help their employees.


> Don't support these vulture companies that provide fuck all in terms of service The service is provided to the restaurant, who don't need to hire their own delivery drivers, manage their own website, or handle their own customer complaints.


Yeah that's definitely worth £12 per order


You're not being charged £12 service charge per order with JustEat. [It's a minimum of 99p, and a maximum of £1.99.](https://www.just-eat.co.uk/help/article/4402427428241/what-is-the-service-charge-for) Who's charging you £10 for delivery on Just Eat? Edit: Assuming you're referring to Uber Eats, it'll be because they don't have any sort of Price Promise, [which Just Eat do](https://www.just-eat.co.uk/help/article/204298552/whats-the-just-eat-price-promise-all-about). Restaurants on Uber Eats are therefore more likely to inflate the prices of their menu items to compensate for the cut Uber Eats takes, which Just eat will be less likely to do, as the customer can claim back double the difference.


The service charge you see as a customer is only part of what UE/Deliveroo/etc take. They also take 20-30% of the order amount (before the stacked on fees).


Deliveroo is 40% and you pay the tax for the full amount of the order and you don’t see the money for 6 weeks.


>They also take 20-30% of the order amount (before the stacked on fees). Yes, those are the fees charged to the restaurant for the service JE/UE provide them.


They inflate the price because of the cut ubereats and justeat charge them for running costs and per order.


Just eat is charging the restaurant 14%, or 30% if je deliver. That's money that could be going towards your food.


It's also money that if the restaurant wasn't using JE/UE, would need to go towards hosting their own website and paying their own drivers.


JE/UE in huge amounts of the country don't provide any form of drivers at all? They just pass the order along and take payment, nothing more.


No-one is charging me £10 delivery, I'm just reading the post


Which I addressed in my comment. Uber Eats are inflating the prices of menu items, they're not charging £12 worth of fees.


Uber doesn't set the price. The restaurant does, they're the ones charging £12 more


Kinda weird to be whiteknighting a billion pound company this hard.


It's not white knighting to point out that a service is actually being provided, grow up.


A service that exploits restaurants, delivery drivers and customers, wonderful.


There's obviously a beneficial service being provided, otherwise restaurants wouldn't use it. Why would you pay a company for something that provides no material benefit?


The restaurant doesn't need to use it. They can hire their own drivers and and have their own website


Near me they all offer the same price as Foodhub. Their websites even seem to use the same plugin / code as Foodhub.


Food hub don't charge extortionate prices to the business.


A lot of the younger generation have phone anxiety


Always an option, never one people want to take.


It's not always an option... Some places only offer delivery through these companies


There's many, many, that do. The point is it's always an option to order in over the phone.


It's not always an option... Many ≠ All


I'd be amazed if you couldn't go into an actual takeaway and pick up an order with you being forced to use an app, I think the exception would be ghost kitchens.


> I'd be amazed if you couldn't go into an actual takeaway and pick up an order The discussion is about delivery though, not collection.


Well no but half the point of a takeaway is that it gets delivered straight to your door. Unless it's a 5 minute walk, I'm probably not going to be up for going out to collect it. I may as well go to the shops if I'm leaving the house to get food. It'd be cheaper.


It is interesting as it never used to be. Pizza seemed to be the one we got delivered (on their bikes) but a Chinese and an Indian the done thing was to get it. Even at a gathering one person would nip out to collect. Fish and chips still is most of the time. McDonalds and the like was unthinkable until Covid times, and is now the norm for many. I don't know, it just seems to now be more hassle and problematic (as well as the cost) to sit at home and order, wait for cold food to arrive than just get it, it has gone full circle.


The whole point of takeaway is it's available for you to takeaway and not eat in. It's literally in the name.


The meaning has transcended the word


It really hasn't. Other than some ghost kitchens, literally all takeaways allow you to takeaway. The vast majority have no area for eating in.


Ordering a takeout by phoning is always an option. If you can only order from them via Uber eats, that doesn't mean yo uhave to order f on them. If you're complaining about that being expensive then that's like complaining that Hawksmoor is a bit dear for a steak. Well yeh, I'd you will go for a premium products it will be dear. There's enough that I'd you want to order an Indian, you can order it without Uber eats. Or a chiensem or a kebab. Or a burger, fried chicken, pizza.. or, you know, what were talking about. _a takeout_.


That's because, at least in my experience, most places that aren't a Chinese (which have easy to call out numbers for every item on the menu) are terrible at handling phone orders and screw it up more often than not. I'll happily order from a website, but phone orders are more trouble than they're worth 99% of the time, particularly for someone who has a stammer or isn't neurotypical.


So they offer a service, one that is a luxury and charges accordingly


Seriously. How stupid are people to not know this.


Yeah exactly. £12 more on ubereats and probably £12 more on just eat than in person.


> and probably £12 more on just eat than in person Not likely, [Just Eat do a price promise](https://www.just-eat.co.uk/help/article/204298552/whats-the-just-eat-price-promise-all-about), and if you get overcharged compared to ordering in-store, they'll give you double the difference back.


The fact that UE still exists is because people still use it. Fuck UE.


Them firing out emails with 30% off keeps people coming back too.


I literally only use it when there's a decent discount on and the prices become cheaper than ordering direct, otherwise it's just phoning the bloody place. Some of them around me even take card payments at your door with a square reader.


uber eats isn't even allowed to operate in my area (a side effect of uber failing to get taxi licensing here), deliveroo is ok sometimes but if I need a delivery just eat is my go-to.


I find if I order from the chip shop up the road from me, the prices are around £3 more for the same item on UE. So mini fish and chips is about £3.95/£4.00 in person. It’s £7.00 on UE. That’s without any delivery fees, admin fees or just general fees that they add on at the end. It’s ridiculous how expensive UE is nowadays.


Uber takes 25% of any order, so it's likely the prices are jacked up at least 30% to compensate.


I sell craft supplies & handmade gifts, charms etc. on eBay but also now have my own little website. When someone orders on ebay, I enclose a little flyer saying they can save on the website, a note of how much the same order is on the website V eBay, and a 10% off voucher for their first order on the site. A few times I've now had customers asking if they can have partial refunds on eBay because it's so much cheaper on my site. I've tried explaining that eBay takes on average between 32.5% and 35% in fees depending on the item, but they're not happy because they could have got it cheaper. One customer initiated a refund, said the items weren't as described (so that I'd have to pay the return postage), returned the items, then a week later tried to order the same on the website. Fuck no, you just cost me over £9 in returns, P&P and listing fees. You don't get to lie and say it's the wrong item just so you can buy it again £6 cheaper.


It might be too late, or maybe you already know, but if you report the buyer for a false returns claim eBay will credit your postage label. If you go to your closed returns and open the Return Detail page you'll see "Report a Problem" linked near the top. It appears you can file at least 3 months later. HTH.


You're also not allowed to advertise selling outside of eBay though...


Hey, what is your website? Christmas is just around the corner. (:


[**Shinies!**](https://charmsgaloreuk.com/) =)


Thank you and good luck! 👍


Thank you! You too =)


Where do they hide the 30%+ charges? It isn't listed as a final value fee option for any category for business sellers. The largest from any category is is 12.9%.


There's also additional transaction fees, since they stopped using Paypal to send out your income. For the final fee, they add a percentage for transaction plus a flat 20p per sale, which increases my own average final fee to 24%-25%. If you sell high value items, that's grand, but with low cost items it jacks it up dramatically. The additional on top of *that* comes from promoted listings. Without listings promoted, sales drop 98%. In November & December, from 439 sales, 6 have been from non-promoted items.   [**Here are breakdowns of fees for my four main categories (with screenshots)**](https://imgur.com/a/QBBxlz9): * **Handmade charms** - 24% fee + 15.8% promoted listing fee * **Seed beads** - 25.1% fee + 15.1% promoted listing fee * **Sequins** - 25.6% fee + 15.8% promoted listing fee * **Stringing materials** - 24.4% fee + 15.1% promoted listing fee   (Ignore the postage being first class; that's not usual - I always upgrade orders in the final few days before the end of Christmas post) Promoted listing fees are dynamic and change (I have a cap of 15.1% on most items and 15.8% for a few others), but the FVF remains the same. Right now, every promoted listing fee seems to be at the maximum cap I've set, which is a bit sus and pushes fees between 39%-41%. Happens every Christmas, who'da thunk it.   I'm trying to push customers towards my website, which is significantly cheaper thanks to much lower fees. A sale today that was £19 would have been just over £10 on my site, and I'd have taken home more on that £10 than on the £19 eBay.


It's worse, it would need to be increased by 33.33% to be able to break even if Uber charged 25% – and they now charge 30%, so to earn the same the take away needs to put up the price by 42.86% Deliveroo is about the same as Uber, 25-30% of what you pay goes to them, while Just Eat takes 14% (which requires a 16.28% increase for the take away to not lose money). And that's ignoring all the other fees that these vultures charge for joining, for menu changes etc.


I mean I'm not sure what I've missed in the world but surely you'd just walk up and get your good over paying a delivery fee?


I have MS unfortunately which means sometimes my legs just don’t work so I can’t make the trip up the road (if I don’t fancy cooking) so you just have to bite the bullet 😔


Was talking to the owner yesterday. He was saying he gets £1400 a week off orders but the value of the orders is about £2100 and he pays them £500 a week anyway. They’re making £200 off every Tiny store every week flat. Never mind McDonald’s and bigger chains


I find JustEat will try to make that difference up in fees at checkout.


I had a similar experience the other day but with a pizza place. Their prices were a full £5 more per pizza on just eat than their own website. No brainer


If you contact just eat about it, they'll give you double the difference back (if you make an order obvs). They have a price promise, restaurants aren't allowed to charge more on the app than on their website


Anyone who ordered from uber eats deserves to be ripped off....


And, coincidentally, Uber made their first profits recently. Could these two facts be connected ?


I echo others and always recommend contacting the takeaway direct. And from my experience, the tastiest ones aren't on ubereats/just eat/deliveroo. I've said it before but even uber eats discounts are rubbish too. A £10 discount will still cost more


About a year ago, I had an UberEats offer/voucher on email. It was a Saturday and we were travelling home from some event, so we decided to use the voucher and have some stuff waiting when we got home. I spent 15 minutes inputting our order into a near-useless website ordering system.... Only for the payment to crash. Tried again. payment crashed again. we abandoned uber eats and swung by the high street on the way home. Even taking the voucher into account, we still paid about 20-25% less, just by picking up our order, ourselves now ubereats is marked as spam email and I've never used a delivery app again


That is because companies like Just Eat take significant percentage of the bill, I believe it's 14% plus 50p for admin for Just Eat. Ubereats will be similar.. Many restaurants / take aways now use these companies to get noticed and then inform customers that they have their own website were you can order and pay less.


Never use Uber/Uber Eats.


Just eat is the best one imo. Can't bring myself to pay delivery though so I always go get it.


It will be even cheaper if you order through them directly!


It might be cheaper still if you go there in person


I attempted a chippy recommendation from a friend, it was a fiver cheaper in person. JustEat apparently had no drivers in the area. So I cancelled via JE and just drove there as it was somewhat local. Verdict: Decent chippy tbf but not as good as my usual.


I’m more confused by Indian takeaway ‘store’!


Because its a Con


Uber eats is a scam. It’s the same for every restaurant. Especially McDonalds.


I always, always see if a takeaway has their own page. My local chicken place is cheaper if you go direct AND has an extra 5% online discount.