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>sticking a toothpick into your big toe and kicking a wall. oh god why did you have to say that. I almost felt physical pain from just reading it


If only this sub allowed images. Boy do i have pain for you


why did you have to repeat it i overread that


actual answer: fandom specifically makes it incredibly hard to move away from their website. They won't ever shut down fandom wiki sites, and their SEO means that no matter what you search you'll always see the fandom wiki first. hell google hides websites with "duplicate content" so if the new wiki's pages have the same text as the old one google will go "oh hey this new wiki page has the same text about rubber to gold as that good ol fandom site, we should just hide this new page and show them the fandom site". there's a bunch of other shit they do too. end result is moving off of fandom is incredibly hard and requires a coordinated community effort in a major way that just hasn't happened yet to bloons


Hell the fucking Terraria Wiki has the SEO problem, i still have to put GG after my search to get the actual one


ye even minecraft has their own wiki, not from wiki.gg straight up their own wiki, and that ranks below fandom...


At least the Minecraft one appears directly below the fandom wiki most of the time. There are some games, where the alternative wiki doesn't appear at all in the first page of search results.


For some reason almost every fandom suffers from this. The Fandom wiki really should be illegal. The ads aren’t just annoying.. they’re dangerous


I think [wiki.gg](http://wiki.gg) might work. I play Euro Truck Simulator and they made the switch a while ago too.


Yeah. Ace combat also have a wiki over there and its pretty good. A migration there sounds great


Terraria also migrated there. It's great.


you know its bad when our asses are getting beat by Euro Truck Simulator


fandom is a dogshit website that will make it hard for you to move away from it. whenever i try to look for the non fandom wiki for a specific game im playing, i always accidentally go to the fandom wiki and it pisses me off. fandom wikis cant be deleted and they always appear at the top of the search.


Simply put, there is no centralized effort for migrating the Bloons Wiki off Fandom. For BTD6, Battles 2, and BCS, there are alternative websites one can use (BTD6 Central, Battles 2 Popology and BCS Popology), but for anything else you are out of luck for avoiding the Fandom without relying on asking people questions on discord servers. u/polavux is working on an alternative, but his wiki hasn't been released yet, so I assume it is still being worked on.


finally, someone actually informing me about people who are working to move off of fandom. thank you.


Because Fandom gets referenced by Google too much. Even if you migrated to WikiGG which would be desirable, it'd be far below in the results when you search in Google


that's... uh... fandom wiki is not THAT bad but a better wiki would be better, sure no-one seems to be doing about it also did you like, use fandom's built-in search feature or something? pard, just search "rubber to gold bloons" in google and it'll be one of the first results, or something to that effect. worked for me just now.


your final challenge: use fandom on mobile, no adblock


hell naw, yo ass tweaking jigsaw


why would you use mobile in general


"Hold on, let me stop this train, to back home, turn on my computer, check something real quick then we can continue."


where'd this train come from what're you on about also, laptops exist, pal...


Yes, and are much more annoying to take out in a semi-crowded train where you're standing up (even when you're not tbh).


The game is actively supported on a mobile platform, and consoles, both of which would be harder to open the wiki on a pc. If im playing bloons on my ps5 sitting on my couch why would i get up and go to my pc to check if blooncineraror is worth it, instead of pulling my phone out of my pocket and typing it in.


why would you have a phone in the first place? *ewwww...* a laptop isn't hard to bring around


you've been in a coma for 10 years, Joel. please wake up, we need you back in touch with reality.


nuh uh


not everyone owns a computer . . .


people shouldn't get a phone *over* a computer... yuck


Phone can: - Fit in your pocket so you dont have to carry a whole backpack everywhere - Make calls using cell service (sure some laptops do this too but they aren't optimized for calls) - Easier and more intuitive to use. Wanna check the time just tap the screen. Unlocking take literal seconds, unlike laptops which will take you a lot of time. Need to snap a photo? A phone can do that very quickly.


ok pocket-haver. also you don't need a whole backpack just something that fits a laptop, silly. who needs to make calls smh have you ever TRIED tapping a screen on a phone? in comparison to using even a trackpack mouse? actual nightmare.


I PLEAD with you Joel please come back to us. every day you see to slip further away from the real world. I fear we'll lose you if you remain in this comatose state much longer.


Nono I'm not living the nightmare because I'm not on a phone, YOU are in the nightmare


jUsT gOoGlE iT


...yes? what is the problem here, you are *looking up information already*, why not just use google to do it




then tell me what your joke is, if i missed it lol


why i get downvote bombed silly silly reddit


bro it’s cus you’re dissing people for playing a mobile game on a phone instead of having like a whole computer setup for bloons


it's a computer game that has a functional mobile port you goof you don't need a "whole computer setup" i'm typing this on a laptop right now


it’s so much more convenient on a phone than on a laptop (sent from iphone)


L take ngl


BTD6 was not on PC until 7.0. And they never released Bloons Pop! or Red Reign on PC, so they're still a mobile focused company.


Ninja Kiwi didn't release the Bloons franchise on IOS until BTD4, and for all games until BTD6 they put it in Flash first. The fact that BTD6 wasn't on PC until 7.0 was far from a positive...


Again this?


Again this.