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I feel like better support to flying towers and a lower xp scaling so she gets levels faster would be acceptable


The 100% most important change that needs to happen to Rosalia is for her "synergy" to actually be worth something. she isn't supposed to be a full damage hero, but with the discount not being worth much (anti bloon being completely useless 99% of the time) and the "heli/ace buff" for flight speed, its pretty much not a thing. even if some QoL changes/slight buffs to her were added, she still would have no strong niche to pick her over other heroes. they need to define this niche with a strong effect. Speaking of her niche, is it heli's/aces, or general towers? the anti bloon(is like a "techie" tower, but theres bionic boomer and others as well), and and her title is tinkerer(in contrast to brickell whose title is naval commander), so if they wanted they could just do a rework and make her provide buffs to all towers. Or double dip on flying towers (I would personally include aircraft carrier/carrier flagship too) is fine too. besides that, polishing the movement would be nice. As for why they didn't just make her function like a heli pilot, idk. I dont mind the current movement... but only past level 7. The level 7 passive, which makes moving her faster/can be placed anywhere feels fine to move, and on certain maps is a unique advantage she has. but only getting it at level 7 makes early game even harder, and once you get level 7, the active ability is good enough to where you dont really have to move her. Whereas before level 7 it feels really bad, so movement wise id just make her level 7 passive her default movement. And make it so when flying back from level 7 being active she can still shoot and movement would be fine. damage wise, I think her damage is fine for a support hero, and she provides utility. her moab pushback is pretty decent combined with other slows. if anything id pump up her utility. her level 3 ability is good for bloon damage and stuns them, and later on is useless. maybe could make it stun moabs past a certain level, and then it would be good. only thing is, the enhanced lazer is just 100% better than enhanced grenades. so id probably add some effect to enhanced grenades too so theres options. maybe make it so she can do both enhanced attacks during level 7 too? 2 last things is that her range is p tiny at base, feels fine with village though. and her lvl 10 is kinda just a meme xd


Its weird for her to be a “tech discounts” hero and do absolutely nothing to tacks or spike factories. I would definitely buff her support role, maybe she would also make spack and tack t5s cheaper at level 20.


It is kinda the opposite. Her main attack is fine (like Brickell has even worse main attack) but her abilities are absolutely trash