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full uptime not permanent smh. unless u want it to be a toggle.


honestly i personally feel like a toggle would be a better option.


Make it a targeting option like the Helis


Full uptime is so stupid btw if i want something I want it 100% of the time but I shouldnt have to do something for it if its offered for free and of labor


If they do make it permanent version of her level 7, they better make it where it is an option


Permanent? Naw. Why not both? Have it as an option


I always imagined if they make it permanent, it's like a toggle. Like you use level 7 it's in permanent pursuit and if you use it again she goes back to her spot


Why not just make it a new targeting option to scroll through, no need to make it a button at that point.


Also valid. Thought my solution is simplest to implement considering it's an ability but either way it's just hypotheticals


If it’s toggleable than it’s really no different than heli’s pursuit.


the problem is why would you ever turn it off? she's SO much stronger in Flight Boost EDIT: based on the replies to this, ***none of you*** ***actually know how this character works*** when Flight Boost is up, sometimes she can get caught running door to door if you used it at a bad time but when Flight Boost is down ***\*\*\*she cannot hit other lanes\*\*\**** not only this, but while in Flight Boost she uses both of her guns instead of just one. her laser does MASSIVE knockback to everything but BADs, while her grenade launcher is basically Recursive Cluster, for those paying attention at home that means she has built in wave clumping and built in wave clear. when Flight Boost is down, she only gets one of them, massively slowing down her attack triggers and removing the combo of a her clump and clear.


Try a map with more than 1 active lane


The multiple lanes leaves normal Pursuit wishing they’d never been chasing Bloons awkwardly.


Getting stuck running back and forth trying to catch the ball while both sides keep passing the ball without throwing it at you sure is fun, isn't it?


i think it would be better if the weapons she has are duel wield permanent while the pursuit stays ability-locked


Not the ability of pursuing bloons. Just the hover part of the level 7.


Doesn’t she already gain that permanently?


She does


Yes but it should be baseline to bring her closer to the level of other heroes. There's literally no point in using her over the other heroes.


She has a unique property of being able to be placed directly on the track when she reaches level 7. Whether or not this is useful is up to debate, but it is unique.


Everyone is complaining but I honestly don’t see a problem. This is a much needed buff.


But she’d become useless if she auto-persuited… She already spazzes out whilst flying over a single lane, imagine on 2+


You could just set her to close in that case.


Which would defeat the purpose of persuit. It just needs to be toggle-able if they implement it and all is good


No it wouldn’t. Currently activating the level 7 ability makes it pursuit but be affected by targetting.


yes because setting her targeting to close instantly makes pursuit better because yes


So what are you actually saying? If persuit became permanent at lvl 7 and you can still target it, it’s fine?


Well now we're just removing her option to target anything apart from close


No, the pursuit option for level 7 literally follows the targeting option you’ve set. Test it in game yourself. While having a permanent pursuit option wouldn’t be perfect for multilane maps, the fact you can set the targeting makes it still an upgrade over what we have now.


Yeah, so you really wouldn't want her to be set on first, or last, even strong can be bad. Close with pursuit isn't that much different from just... close either, maybe if a few bloons are left sure but why would you ever sacrifice the control from positioning rosa for the funny pursuit that locks you to a single targeting.


And have full map coverage? Yes definitely.


Over just increasing her deploy radius


And having to wait 5 years to reposition and not shoot in the mean time. No thanks.


So you’d rather give her more(unlimited range) at the cost of locking her to a single targeting which is incredibly bad for her, since you want straight-lines for her enhanced shots which close will not do. Her enhanced laser shot comprises practically the entirety of her lategame potential so giving it terrible targeting is an overall nerf to rosalia. Close targeting isn't good, and you're still asking to just completely remove first, strong, and last as viable targeting options for rosalia, because you hate moving her a tiny bit. Just let her attack while repositioning.


erm wonder if this was directed at another post


You can’t destroy smth that does not exist to start with Rosy is only there for early game (before lvl 7) and a bit of r100 damage, so it does not affect anything


Rosa is like a weak version of Corvus


She should be able to use her weapons while switching location


Make it a targeting option


If she gets the option to always go on persuit then the option of stationary will be almost as useless as the respec all monkey knowledge.


If she’s always on pursuit she’s going to be terrible on multi lane maps because she’ll constantly try to fly back and forth between lanes instead of actually popping bloons


I don't think you get what the post is trying to say


Oh, what am I missing.


If she becomes perma pursuit then she performs \*worse\* on expert maps, which is what the post is trying to say. So it's not making stationary obsolete.


Imagine her on quad


I think a lot of people forget this but Pursuit Heli has the ability to target only one track


That is... patrol points.


patrol points with the pursuit upgrade is different than patrol points without it. go try it rn


Rosalia would not have patrol points either way


they could give her patrol points


The lvl 7 ability should be follow mouse


rosalia muddy puddles 😋


I'd gladly settle with "doesn't require her to fly back if you move her location, and can be reactivated while flying back after the skill ends" and I'd also be to trade her level 20 giving triple missiles to making Pursuit 3 times as long, just to reduce the need to fly back as often


heli in any map with multiple tracks:


Yeah, multilanes negate her hard.


Genuine question, does she even have viability on expert maps to begin with?


Wouldn't make sense for it to be permanent. Its a jetpack. Gotta recharge


as opposed to our planes, ships, subs, and helis that never run out of fuel, and all the monkeys that never run out of ammo


Yes. And the sun god that never runs out of sun :D