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Fuckin hell. Sorry to hear this :( idk how that's even possible man, through the bars? That poor baby šŸ˜«šŸ˜­


I suspected that it was mice getting into the tray at the bottom for spilled seeds and pellets. But, yeah his little wing was pulled through and half torn off.


Find that rat and make sure it absolutely gets it or i will find it


Imma get them all.


I'm so sorry that happened, that's just awful. I didn't even know rats had that much strength??


Rats are quite strong for their size, and aren't afraid to go after prey as large as themselves.


We've got big rats around here.


Iā€™m sorry this happened. That must have been so scary and sad :( Thank you for posting about it. I have a rodent problem too. Mice thank god but still. I live in an old apartment building and as best I can do for my apartment the building will always have mice. Every time I go away they take the opportunity to find a new way in to my home. And then it takes a good couple months to get them out again. And theyā€™re smart! I have video of them jumping over traps. I hope the pest control service gets rid of them for good.


Thanks for your kind words. I was wrecked. Punkin kept trying to get up, and I was hoping that I wouldn't have to help him cross the bridge, but he passed on his own. I've never had to actually need a drink to calm myself down, but I drank a small bourbon in the middle of the night.


Well, that's a fear I didn't have 5 minutes ago. I'm so sorry this happened, go get your revenge!


I had a lot of success with rat zapper traps when I had rats. Great for mice, too. I havenā€™t seen any evidence that they suffer. If you have cats or dogs, make sure that electric traps are somewhere where paws canā€™t get stuck into them. SEED is what Iā€™ve found attracts rats. How are you disposing of your seed? I have a hand vac in my indoor aviary that I use to vacuum up any stray seed every day, and they only eat in their cage and inside something with a splash guard. You can make a cheap splash guard for the bottom of the cage with some zip ties, plastic sheets (or cloth, whatever), and a hole punch if your birds are particularly messy. I dispose of my seed husks in a dedicated container with a sealed top. I empty it maybe once a month on trash day. I would also recommend giving the floor/floorboards/walls/windows/etc a wash in the area where theyā€™re kept. Seed particles are good at sticking around. Poison is probably what pest control will offer you, and if you can possibly do without, please do! Secondhand poisoning is one of the top reasons raptors are euthanized at the wildlife rehab I work at. It also becomes dangerous for any household pets who might find a dead/dying rat in the basement somewhere. Pest control is still helpful for doing things like finding any entry points and closing up any holes/etc.


This is very good advice! I have a red shouldered hawk that visits once in a while and my neighborhood is rife with owls. The seed husks go out in the trash, but I am sure that I have been a little negligent in cleaning as well as I should. My only remaining birb is Loki, my harlequin macaw. I'm not sure if a rat could get to him, or hurt him. He's a big boy. I'm still worried though.


And you'd be right to be concerned. Rats can do a hell of a lot of damage in a short amount of time. I doubt he'd try to kill your macaw, but the rat could fuck him up severely. The tradeoff is most macaws have beaks strong and sharp enough to shear off human fingers. He bites the rat and it could literally be cut in half or smaller sections, esp. if he grasps it with his foot and keeps biting. Still, you do NOT want rats anywhere near your birds. Fleas, ticks, and mites love any warm blooded animals, and birds are no exception. Fleas in particular are a bitch to get rid of if you have them. Good luck and my sincerest condolences for your loss.


Thank you. I'll be taking care of it in short order


Poor sweet budgie, So verry sorry for your loss.


Stuff like this is why I hate rodents. Poor budgie.


I am so sorry for your loss, that is brutal and traumatic. I struggle with the topic of rodents though, as they are also just trying to survive and doing what rodents are supposed to do, and not acting out of any pre-meditated malice. It is so strange to me how we decide that some animals are worth keeping alive, and we cater to their every single need. And then others we decide are a menace, despite the fact that humans and our lifestyle is what invaded THEIR homes and theyā€™re just making do. And we hate and kill those animals. Us humans are just soā€¦.so strange. However, I do understand that they do cause some major problems for us sometimes and letting them just run amok as they please is a health and safety concern, and they can do a lot of damage as well. I live in a basement apartment on a small farm so mice infestations happen a few times a year. Not only do they manage to get in my bird cages and eat food overnight but they dig major burrows in my potted house plants and it hurts the roots. One chewed through the plastic pot at the bottom too so it had a nice exit at ground level as well as the top. They get into the ceiling and run across (I just have the gross tiled ceilings and they get in from above in my landlordā€™s pantry) and it wakes me up at night because itā€™ll be over my bed and they sometimes fight. Or they dig in the plants behind my bed when Iā€™m trying to sleep. They scare the birds at night as well. Even so, I LOATHE having to resort to killing them. Sometimes the humane trap and release traps work and I can take them miles down the road to a local park and dump them near a dumpster and wish them luck. But sometimes only the traps that kill them will work. I feel so guilty and hypocritical every time. But they severely disrupt my life, destroy things and scare the birds so I have to get rid of them. I still feel really odd about choosing one animal to cater to and love and another one just doing what it needs to to survive, I kill. Iā€™m always dreading one will be caught by a leg or something in a trap and wonā€™t be dead. Because you know what will happen? Guilt will make it so I have a new pet mouse šŸ˜­


I'm really glad there are people like yourself who are conscientious and caring for the animals that some people don't care for. Truth be told it makes it easier for people like myself who don't have that problem with guilt over killing vermin. This sounds snarky and mean, but I am really glad for you. Thanks for your kind words.


I hope you didnā€™t take my comment as saying you are in the wrong in any way, or downplaying your loss. Not my intention at all. I just am thinking out loud about just how strange we are as a species. Iā€™ve been in your shoes and Iā€™ve had to kill rodents as well. But it still is such an oddity to me and I do feel very badly for killing animals that are just doing their thing. Especially since these animals are only a ā€œproblemā€ because we took over all of their space and theyā€™re just adapting. Itā€™s a conundrum for sure. But I would also be setting rat traps and be on a mission to eradicate them from my home any way possible if they killed one of my birds. Iā€™d justā€¦.feel really uneasy about doing so. Thatā€™s all.


Not at all. Thanks for asking, thoughā¤ļø


That is so sad, Iā€™m so sorryā€¦Iā€™ve got three pet rats and luckily they like the birds but a wild one breaking in never crossed my mind at all, I live in Florida and there are wild roof rats everywhere in my neighborhood so new fear unlocked for meā€¦Iā€™m really sorry this happened to you, and little Punkin. šŸ’š


Thank you very much for your kind words. It's really my fault... I knew they were getting in the house, but I didn't think they'd go after a bird in a cage.


It is 100% not your fault, theyā€™re called accidents for a reason there is no way you could have fathomed this happening. Please donā€™t beat yourself up over this.


Hm. Maybe... This little guy was one of my first birbs after my ex moved out. I had rescued three prior to that, and rehomed two. One died in surgery. I really try to give them the best. I make their chop fresh and give them the best pellets and seed mix available.


That's horrible, I'm so sorry for your loss. The shitty "weekender" we live in had 2 rats. They spooked our flock but didn't touch them or any food. Only thing one ate was half a spam sammich my husband left on his computer desk. I baited both times, both assholes died in the walls, no clue where they were coming from. I hope we don't have any more, rodents and roaches mess with my ocd


Glue trap time šŸ˜ˆ (Don't do this the rat can't help being a rat do it the humane way.)


Ohh I could never use one of those. The best thing I could do is make it quick.


Get some rat traps while u wait for the exterminator. They're rlly smart tho so traps dont always work poison is sometimes needed.


I think I still have some around here somewhere.




šŸ’€šŸ’€ u got me hella worried never to leave my budgies alone even during the day.


Rat genocide time
