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So, Matcha has really had me thinking! From these photos, the white around the nostrils would indicate female. I scrolled through your post history and there was another photo where the cere appeared a tannish colour, which would also indicate female. HOWEVER, I continued scrolling and a lot of the older photos had a classic baby male cere with the pink! I’m not an expert, however I’ve only ever known female budgies to have tan, brown, white and blue pigments in their ceres. Males I’ve known to have blue, pink and purple pigments. So, maybe controversial, but I’m going against the grain and I’m actually going to say that Matcha is a male, and that the white around the nostrils may just be light reflecting in the photos, making them appear whiter than they are Edit: if you look at the colour of the cere in [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/budgies/s/ZOKxxn3rUg) posted by OP, this is a classic baby male cere


Matcha looks male to me. The white rings around the nares does not indicate female. Pied and Ino males can have more prominent white rings occasionally due to their mutation.


Mochi is definitely female, I'm 100% sure. Matcha is hard to determine. The white rings would suggest female, but the purple-ish colour would imply male. I would personally guess that Matcha is actually a male, but I could be wrong on this. It might become more obvious as they become older. They're both really adorable, you really have 2 very cute budgies.


To be honest, I said both females based on only those photos. As budgie cere colour can change drastically dependent on light angle, and there’s a lot of discussion and lack of unanimity on this one, maybe try taking multiple pictures in multiple angles of multiple different natural lights, and then present them all for a decision. If I have made a mistake I apologise :)


[Here are more photos of his or her cere!](https://www.reddit.com/r/budgies/s/GIMwcnRHKC) hope this can help some people determine Matcha’s sex better :)


aaaa what the heck?? you have such a confusing budgie!! the first about half of the pictures make them look male, but the last few look female!! it's so hard to tellll


Awwwww 😍😍😍


They both looked so shocked with you for the misgendering in the last two pictures 😅


Everyone here is concerned about the cere color to figure out if they are a male or female, while I'm still trying to figure out how the yellow bird gets named Matcha. Cute name for a budgie! My brain does not compute


I would say both female. I have hens that have already hatched and reared a clutch whose ceres would turn bluish with white rings after. Has to do with hormones. Anyway, just my guess.


That's funny. Glad you found out her proper sex.


I was told that pale/powdery pink/purplish/blue is female. My yellow male baby had a very very pink cere. Like almost bubblegum pink. Also in 3yrs his cere never went rough and brown. So my guess is yours, they are both females; if they happen to get a brown cere, if it's not iodine deficiency, they're females lol.


I was calling my bird a he then I learned he’s really a girl, but I decided to keep saying he anyway(I’m still causations about egg laying behavior and stuff but I don’t feel like giving my bird a more feminine name or using she/her pronouns).


The bird doesn't understand gender, English, or pronouns. Call them whatever you want :) It doesn't matter unless you make it


Yes they are girls..because they have white rings around their nose. When budgie girls are young they have light blue cere with white rings around their nose and then it turns brown.