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Seems like happy singing to me, and some angry screeching. The white bird seems to be mad at the yellow bird (screeching, wing lifting and lunging at the yellow bird) but other than that the happy singing and head bobbing is normal budgie behavior. My budgie has also been making new happy sounds as she grows and starting to headbob more often, these are just normal sounds they can develop. EDIT: Rewatching the video, they're happy for most of it, then they have a little skirmish seemingly over the white bird not wanting to be touched by the yellow one at that time, and calm down after you distract them with the kissy noises. That's what I'm seeing.


She (I think it's a she) also learned some song or game noise. It's rhythmical at some point. So cute!! But yea they seem very content and happy to start their day, with a couple of indignant screeches mixed in🤣🤣🤣 Head bobbing indicates playfulness and a good mood. My baby wakes up like me: grumpy, snappish and wanting to go back to sleep🤣🤣🤣


Happy singing and morning squawks. 


White shoes affection for Yellow. Yellow doesn't want it, and moves away. White is a little upset about getting rejected. White then goes back to being happy (and will try the same again soon).


It means they're cuties


My 3 budgies all sing like that. Thats the sound of a happy bird.


Mine do this when they wake up! They’re just happy to be awake, and sometimes my girl does a little angry screech bc she’s still waking up


The happy song we have always called "chirbling" (chirping/burbling). The other is scolding.


My 2 bonded budgies do this. One of them wants to feed the other & the other is not interested. When mine are about to feed their budgie bestie, they start bobbing their head(in excitement and then to regurgitate food), and then he will try to feed his friend. When they do accept the food, one makes an unusual high pitched chirping noise . When they don't want to be fed or bothered,they make that Loyd noise that yours just made, and their body language is similar. It looks like yellow doesn't want to be bothered.


Happy budgie chatter


just hen noises towards her cagemate. probably telling him to back up, but nothing too serious. she's just a chatty little baby.


Happy budgie sounds always make me happy too. They're so incredibly cute.


Those are happy birb sounds. It means you are doing a great job with them and giving them both their best birb life! ❤️


Mine does the same thing. I love the head bobbing. I read somewhere that it means they are happy


Totally normal. Also sounds like you might be on the kitchen. Hopefully you don’t have a Teflon pots or anything with Teflon if this is where their cage is. Very toxic and harmful


That's a good thing they are comfortable enough to make happy noises