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There was no will they or won't they. Not even Spuffies thought they'd hook up until S6.


I swear some people were watching a different show


What, you didn't see the version of Buffy where she was desperately longing to be with Spike since season season 3, but cruel fate just kept getting in their way? Me neither.


It was a WB show. Do they have will they/ wont they? Everyone hooks up with everyone on a long enough series.


Buffy/Spike only becomes ‘will they/won’t they’ from S5 though and even S5 is entirely on Spike’s side I think long running will they/won’t they are definitely still possible but possibly more frustrating in the streaming era of binge watching and there being longer gaps between seasons these days.


It’s been 25 years of will they won’t they for stabler and benson(law and order SVU






No, because that implies a show is going to last at least three seasons.💀


I'd call that a radical interpretation of the text.




Will they/wont they is a troupe long before Buffy and long after. Pam/Jim, Sam/Diane, Nick/Jess, Mulder/Scully, Booth/Brennan and of course Ross/Rachel. So yes, it can still happen today. I don't watch a lot of current dramas. Anyone waiting for a hookup on Grey's Anatomy still?


I was going to say if you're looking for a will they won't they just check out bones! I love booth and Brennan. I love David boreanez as Booth more than angel 🙈


Nick & Jess was such a good will they won’t they


We're on several years of will they/won't they with Hughie/Butcher ;)






Open the schools. They weren’t a will they won’t they and certainly not from School Hard.


Never watched Friends, huh? Or X-Files? Or literally any other show with male/female characters?


I disagree that Spuffy was a four year long will they won't they? But I do think that in broader terms, streaming services have fundamentally changed the way we get TV shows now. Shorter series are becoming popular, instead of 20+ episode seasons. Shows often get cancelled after 2 or 3 seasons now, even if they're mid-level popular, if they're not driving massive numbers. So in this landscape, long-term will they won't they is harder to do, because the ability to pace a show is very different.


I, personally, did not feel any romantic tension between the two of them until Season 7. The first three seasons they shared, they hated each other. In the 5th season he was literally stalking her. In the sixth season they were in a toxic sexual relationship because Buffy was traumatized, but I don’t find that romantic. Season 7, once he has a soul, is when actual romance starts to happen. I could *maybe* see the argument that the kiss in OMWF is the start of a romantic arc, but I can’t see that moment as the culmination of one started seasons prior. The text just doesn’t bear the weight, especially not if you watched as it aired.


Spuffy could never happen at all on modern TV. The Buffybot would have killed it dead immediately. But slow burns are still popular, so from that angle yes.