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I think she's basically separating herself from the "weak" version of Willow to cope with the grief.


She's also inconsistent with it, which further backs this up.


This makes sense. Just finished watching it and was wondering others thoughts on it.


plus I'm pretty sure she's suicidal and kind of talking in the past tense because as far as she's concerned she's already dead, she's just trying to finish things so she can lie down, Also I think some of the terrible things said are at least partly spite for her friends getting in her way


I agree that it's the same Willow, we've seen snippets of Willow consumed by magic before, like when she fought Glory. She wasn't possessed.


That's what always got me. I guess the point is going down a dark path can totally change you. I know grief can change a person so maybe that's the point. If you let it then it will consume you.


I saw it as lashing out because she was in pain and pushing them away to stop them from doing exactly what Xander did. Making her focus on the grief she’s desperately trying to avoid. Her vengeance quest and giving into magic provided a distraction from her grief and she may have thought she could ease her pain by having justice for Tara, and they wanted to take that away from her. She may also blame them for “taking Warren’s side” or not caring enough about Tara to help her.


I can see that point of view tbh. This is why I wrote the thread to get others perspectives.


yeah, I would say she definitely feels betrayed by that


*Spoilers* I wouldn't completely dismiss Vamp Willow as a different version. I think Vamp Willow is actually what "our" Willow could potentially have become if her dark side had been allowed to take over. Consider that when Dark Willow killed Warren she said, "Bored now." That was a line originally said by Vamp Willow. And in season 7 when Willow was attacked by the spider demon thing a bit of Dark Willow resurfaced.  I think that while generally a good person, Willow had potential for great evil.


I do love the bored now line. Always took that as the nod to vamp willow. Thanks for your perspective


What, you didn't like her delivery of "And now... Willow's a junkie."


No that line was accurate but it was the talking about her as a 3rd person view. But mainly the horrible things she said to Buffy, Dawn and even xander. The more I think on it it's definitely a jekyll and Hyde situation.


Grief but also very dark magics that mimics (is a euphemism for) drug addiction. Addicts do and say things because that dependency takes control. The magics are dark and powerful enough that they took control of her, like addiction. I’m not saying she’s innocent of her actions, but she’s not in control of them. Like she said ‘Willow doesn’t live here anymore’ and she was right. But Willow did still ‘visit’ and that’s how Xander broke through after Giles juiced her enough to keep the darkness (drugs) at bay long enough to reach the real her, not impacted by the drug of dark magic. It’s a very clever and layered series.


That's what my impression always was that they were using magic to show how drug addiction worked. It is one of the things I love most about Buffy they used fiction things to help deal with real life things.


Well it's not Willow. Willow, Dark Willow and Vampire Willow are three different people. It's like DW is a persona, a split personality.


Disagree. Dark Willow has shown up before, like when Tara got mind sucked, just never to the full veiny extent we see when Tara dies


Yeah that and when Dawn got hurt because she crashed the car because she became addicted to it. The darkness is in her and apart of her just like white willow. So I definitely don't think they are fully separated as then Xander wouldn't have been able to get through to her.