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My GPU can sing in Maltese, for all I care.


I fully recognise this is a hugely whingey problem to have, but here goes... I built my dream rig and finally put a coolant block on a 4090 Strix OC and slapped it in a custom loop along with a 14900K to game with all of the beauties, and highest of the frames. What I didn't know is that coil whine in the 40 series, is BAD. I don't just mean slightly audible either I mean very, very noticeable and annoying, at the best of times. Combined with a GPU block for a coolant loop I have effectively crammed a Mandrake from Harry Potter into my PC. Downclocking the thing to 2500Mhz helps; its like squeezing the Mandrake. It lowers the pitch, but not the volume. I legitimately cannot game without headphones now it's absolutely RIDICULOUS the amount of noise coming from that card. In short, I would much prefer it sang in Maltese.


Getting tinitus helped me a lot, have you tried that? Now I hear a whine in my ear 24/7 so the sound from my pc is way less noticeable.


Haha, i guess thats a benifit we have. I have a 4070ti and i dont have a coil whine. But i have tinitus so maybe i just cant hear it


Came here to say this too. I have tinnitus, total silence eludes me.


You have to choose your card carefully so it perfectly matches your tinnitus and cancels it out.


As someone that always hears a high pitch buzz when there is silence I feel your frustration. For me it was way too many rock concerts combined with heavy manufacturing along with a side serving of not wearing hearing protection. Annoyingly I need to have some level of noise. It's really bad at night when trying to sleep.


Have you tried applying a power limit to the card through MSI Afterburner? I believe even at 85%, you still get about 98% of the performance.


Yeah mate I have sadly all the way down to 70% I've tried it all. The quietest it gets is around 2500Mhz at 950mv and it's... almost tolerable. Almost. The problem is I want to enjoy high refresh on my G9 and unfortunately the higher the frame rate, the worse the whine.


I have a 4090. No coil whine apparent. Weird.


Congrats, and fuck you. Haha. I'm really glad that you got a good sample card but you are definitely an outlier. I don't know anyone who hasn't had issues. I just seem to have the worst of the bad ones I reckon.


Had a coil whine with my 4090 supreme x and msi took it back. Gave me another that works flawlessly. Not that I would rlly check on it since I have it in the other room


No way I might have to send mine in.


Ah, that's a shame. The only other thing I can think of, apart from moving your PC further away, is a case with sound deadening panels in it. I had that with my previous case, a Corsair one (the precise name eludes me). The down side to that, of course, is that the air flow is more restricted.


What brand do you have? For all the horror stories of Gigabyte, their cards seem to have very little to no coil whine this generation.


Considered replacing it with a model from another manufacturer? Worst case scenario, could apply some epoxy to the coils to dampen the vibrations, assuming it doesn't already have any.


My 4080 has virtually no coil whine whatsoever. All of this is anecdotal, of course. Just saying there are plenty of people on both sides of this fence just like every other generation. Between my aio and case, I have 8 D30 phantek fans. I dont even hear my fans until 65c. With all that said, I'm sorry. Coil whine sucks I would have returned and taken a chance with a 2nd one.


I have the Inno Chill RTX 4090 OC and the coil whine is not that bad sometimes, sometimes very bad. I always game with my headphones on. Can I somehow make this b#$ch shut the f up without significantly dropping performance?


You try a different PSU? Has worked for me more than once.


every comment or thread that mentions whine gets shut down asap here, I wish it was more well known. I went from an 8 year old build that the only noise was aio pump. To a build that whistles and chirps.


Get 5090 with aio, noted. Thanks


No, doesn't bother me. My brain just tunes it out.


I have to tinnitus, so my PC fans and the ringing in my ears battle to sound louder. Usually it's the ringing.


I have a bigger pc case then needed and it helped alot with the sound issue + have 140mm fans their bigger and make less sound on lower rpm for same air intake cm3/h


Same, I'd actually prefer a louder PC as mine is so quiet I just hear the ringing in my head


Yes. So I set my own fan curve with lower speeds. Try that and if the temperatures get too high, lower the power limit.


Newb here. If you lower the power limit, wouldn't that reduce the maximum performance of the card?


yup, thats kinda the entire purpose of it. lower its potential so it runs cooler, and then quieter


Some people are willing to sacrifice ~5% performance for less noise


Either way with the loss of 5% you save way more power.


Usually, you can turn down the power limit quite a bit without any significant power loss. Depends on the card, but my 4070 can run at 80% power limit with 95% of performance. Im just not doing it cause the card is efficient either way


It does, with both GPUs and CPUs, but they're both becoming so much more optimised for running in these lower power states, that losing that highest peak of performance, runs them overall a lot more efficiently. Silent cards (ones that turn off their fans) especially, can often run without ever spinning up, and your main concern will then be any potential for coil whine.


No I'm used to it. Also live in a busy city so noise is the norm Funny thing is we never considered mouse clicking or keyboard typing a problem since we got so used to it. But pc noise became more of a thing after systems got more powerful Fun fact you can see your nose through your eyes but that doesn't really bother us since we are just used to it. It's basically part of our vision.


>Fun fact you can see your nose through your eyes  Well I can *now*! Thanks a lot! ;)


At first I read it as you can see noise and I thought, "I want some of what this guy's on!"


Happy to share. :)


You can also notice yourself breathing, it's such a drain on CPU.


I had just stopped staring at my own nose and you go and do *this* to me?


You blink automatically until you don't


Same with walking, try not walking weird in front of someone and you go full manual and look like a baby deer




mouse clicks are noises created by you so your brain anticipates them, and the click itself is very satisfying. That is why mechanical keyboards are so popular I guess. I challenge you to find a sound generator that plays mouse-click sounds at random times. You will go crazy after a few minutes. If your fan fins are in a setup where they are too close to a mesh, that can create turbulence and a whine that is really hard to ignore. However, a good setup will have the fans generate white noise which is totally fine.


Can confirm mouse clicks are annoying when you're not the one clicking. I gave my kid my g502 and set up an auto clicker macro because I got sick of the clicking lol


2nd pc with girlfriend playing “cookyclicker”![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)




Same. I spent hours looking for quiet parts because I knew fan noise drives me nuts. 


I put a custom fan curve on my GPU and CPU. No undervolting or anything. Have open back headphones but the noise is no problem ever


Yeah same I use HD650 and I have no issue with my fans cranked.


I just got a sennheiser hd650 myself, came in the mail yesterday 🙂


Ayyy HD650 Gang assemble! These beasts are indestructible! Dropped them from my table countless times. Rollled over the wire while sitting in my chair hundreds of times, never a single issue. Best 400 Euros I have ever spent


That wire is insane lol. I've done the same to mine and not even a mark on it.


Yeah mine broke after like 2 or 3 years and it wasn't even where I was running over it, it broke at the junction where the wire splits into 2 lol


I've been using an HD660S for quite a few years now and i love em as well. I eventually bought a custom cable from aliexpress cause the stock cable was way too long lol, but they sound amazing.


I wear a headset while I game. The damn thing could be a jet engine for all I care just give me frames.


my 4080 gets up to 66C max on stock settings under full load so the fan never gets high enough to even know it's running, my case fans are louder.


My 3080 is about the same way. It’s nice how quiet everything is.


No, I put my PC under the desk. It makes HUGE difference when it's 30cm from my head vs tower being under 3cm of wood.


Yes, I have a custom fan curve and slight underclock that rides the line between not too loud and not too hot.


My PC is next to me on the desk, i have all fans running at 77% + gpu fans at 50%, there is no noise.


Yeah so I aim for silence. At idle I’m VERY close to absolute silence. While gaming it is still pretty quiet. 


A bit


It does bother me sometimes because i started to fear my 6700xt would just explode given how loud it could get even tough the bloody thing never has and still never got above 68°C Got around to change the fan speed curve which was just overcompensating and bought myself noise canceling headphones which definitely helps


I wear headphones, so I don't really mind


No, I use an extremely aggressive fan curve. Although I have an aio for my cpu so that probably helps some.


So here's what I do and it keeps my computer mostly quiet. Set your case fans at a fixed RPM, toy around with the settings until you find the sweet spot, which imo is just before they are audible. In my rig they are running at about 800 RPM. Then set both your CPU and GPU on a fan curve, and it should be a bit better for you.


When I'm gaming I have the sound pretty high and I'm focused so don't really notice the noise, but my PC has to be silent when browsing or doing light tasks, fancontrol.exe is a godsend Having said that, my main rig has 3 x 360mm rads in a custom loop so my fans never go above 800rpm


CPU noise is killing me rn. A new AiO is ordered. GPU.. actually it's the same. You can buy a new cooling solution or a silent case or both, if the noise really bothers you. Buying a new GPU if you have one of the current gen is.... yeah, unnecessary. I have a 3080 and have to stop myself when I start looking up the current ones. Because it's big money for a really small benefit. Better efficiency but mostly same performance with a 4070 or lots of money for small benefits (4070 ti, 4080) or just insane amounts of money (4090).


Only excessive noise bothers me, like fans at 100% speed. Fan hum at certain speeds definitely drive me insane though.


Not with headphones. I can imagine it being somewhat of an issue if you have speakers. I run a 7600x with a PS120, and a Sapphire Pulse RX 7900XTX. My PC has 6 TL-C12C case fans and 3 Thermaltake fans that came with the case.


What gpu model is this?


With headphones on I wouldn't hear it. The only fan I sometimes hear is my air cooler, not the fans on my 4070.


A little, but after a while I don't notice it. And I have them almost at the maximum.


Nope. Got the 7800xt nitro mainly for the thermals so i wouldnt need to worry about noise. My phantom spirit keeps the cpu noise down. Only issue for me would be the glass in my case being hot towards the rear of the which is normal.


Only noise that annoys me is when I use my hdd and it makes my desk shake


My 4090 has a tad whine to it but tbh I have a system in my gaming room. So I turn it up


to be honest when I had a loud pc I thought it was normal. never bothered me. until I used a quiet pc. and when went back I realized it bothers me.


It's very important to me. I don't like to play with a headset, so my surrounding has to be silent. My case is a Bequiet 500DX and I got a 4070Ti super TUF and a Dark Rock 4 for my 7800X3D. I completed the case by buying another fan and bought noctua anti-vibration mounts for all of them to reduce the noise. All I can hear is a pleasant wind. I was lucky to not have coil whine on my GPU either


I recently got 7950X3D and Deepcool LT720 AIO and by default its 3 fans were running 60-80% up to 100% based on CPU temp, and it was pretty loud. Basically I constantly had the noise increase when I open some program or put any load on CPU. I haven't even thought about the AIO fans noise until I realized I can just make them run fixed at 35%. Now in CPU stress tests I get 85° instead of 80 maybe. In games I get 65-70° max and it's very quiet. When I don't game I don't hear any fans at all, only the slight pump noise. And most important, fixed fans speed means they stay quiet when there is a CPU load. To be honest I was surprised that I can run AIO fans at fixed 35% and it makes such little difference for temperatures, I guess it's because of the radiator size and the fact that 7950X3D isn't difficult to cool.


Yes, it does. The loudness itself, as in literally how loud it gets, the SPL, isn't the whole problem, as the nature of the sound also matters. This is similar to how Noctua allegedly manage to make their fans not silent per se, although they are very quiet, but not annoying when you do hear them. What is or is not annoying is, of course, largely subjective, especially to people with selective sound sensitivity, such as myself. In my case, the problem isn't really that something is loud, it's two things: (1) coarseness, vibration, high pitch and other qualitative problems; (2) hearing something stupid that doesn't have a right to be there and (3) deconcentrates me. Many 70-80mm double fans, like from those older GPUs, are capable of not annoying me too much when I hear them, because of the quality of the sound. But a three-fan cooling system typically gets annoying by the time I hear it, though not always. I still manage to convince myself to buy three-fan units. What I pay attention to while buying a GPU these days is how easy it would be to deshroud it and zip-tie my own fans to the heatsink. This is easier with coolers that embed the fans in the shroud rather than in the heatsink itself, and have the connectors out in the open with no monkey business. In that case, the ex-factory cooler really is similar to how a Morpheus or some other aftermarket cooler works, so you don't have to buy that in order to be able to use your own fans. And when you can use your own fans, the problem is mostly solved, though you may need to reprogram the curve, which is sometimes a pain. The need to reprogram arises when the program tries to hit specifically 2000 or 3000 rpm (with your replacement 12cm fan as opposed to the original 70–90mm…), as opposed to using a percentage. So that's more work to do, but it's doable. So don't sell your 4070ti to buy another, just look into swapping the fans without losing the warranty. If you can zip-tie a pair of P12 or Fluctus fans (or whatever is acceptable without breaking the bank) to the heatsink, you're golden. Also look into possibilities such as using more fans inside the case or redirecting them or coming up with some ways of assisting the GPU cooling so that the fans don't have to ramp up so high. There's always undervolting too, though I would read up on that before trying it.


Doesn't bother me, when i have headset on i almost don't hear it. When im using speakers the volume of game is higher than sound of gpu. Using a 1660ti msi ventus 2x btw.


Custom fan curve on gpu software and repaste gpu sorted that out for my 2080ti. Bit of thermal grizzly kryonaut and it went from 85c under load to 65c so much quieter


I have a gaming laptop, so the answer is no. Amazingly my series s runs silent like a dead fly. But with a desktop and enough fans you shouldn't have that much noise.


No. I use Skullcandy Crusher ANC 2 headphones so I can’t even hear it. Can’t hear anything if you’re playing a game


Yes so I'm running a 7800x3d because that thing is super efficient. Noise also played a big part in me choosing the 4080 instead of 4090. It has the exact same cooler as the 4090 but runs much cooler quieter + I'm not so concerned about the melting cable.


When you’ve got a headset on, you can’t hear it 😅


Not really. I always wear headphones.


It did when I had noisy HDD-s and cheap/old fans in it. Today, it's just a really low humm, and I actually like it. Altho I spend a much higher % of the total cost on cooling nowdays, compared to early days.


Yeah I've actually moved my pc into the room next door to the TV I actually play it on partially for this reason lol. It doesn't get unreasonably loud but I get irrationally anxious/paranoid when I hear the fans ramping up because it reminds me of how hot the components are getting (even though my temps are completely fine)


Short answer: Yes, my PC noise bothers me. But I also used PC noise to not be bothered by it. :) Longer: I went through a lot of trouble to make my PC as quiet as possible. Turns out there's a bunch of low but audible noise I can't do anything about in a reasonable way, and those noises drove me crazy so I turned up my fans a bit so they mask out the disturbing noises and now I don't even notice my PC anymore.


Nope because i always have my sound proof headphones on. Annoys my fiance tho


No, I used to play on a gaming laptop which sounded like a jet engine whenever you played a game.


Nowadays, PC noise bothers me quite a bit. To an almost unreasonable degree. My old computer from 2013 was a budget box iBuyPower pre-built from Newegg. That thing was super loud, had an obnoxious blue light with an ugly clear plastic side panel, and a mildly non-boxy shape that meant I could never put anything on top of it. I hated everything about it, but the noise really started to bother me around 6 years in. I had that computer for 8 years; those last two years the sound damn near drove me out of my mind. I built my own in 2021 to replace it, and I over-corrected on all three of those points to my great and undying satisfaction. For the case I went with a Fractal Define 7 Compact, which has a solid side panel and noise dampening insulation. Plus it's a perfect rectangular box with the top being a wonderfully useful table top for any devices I plug into it like an external backup drive or my phone. I also replaced the fractal case fans with bequiet Silent Wings 3: 2x140mm intake in the front, 1x120mm rear exhaust. I care so much about noise that I deliberately gimped the machine to be as low power as it was possible to buy while still being a modern system. I've got a 10400 with a Dark Rock Slim cooling it, plus a crappy EVGA 3050 XC Black I bought at MSRP shortly after the 3050s came out. I power limited the 3050 to the minimum, and then greatly adjusted the fan curve on it to be very low. I also customized the fan curve for the case fans. This thing is utterly silent. While gaming, the loudest it ever gets is barely audible, but most of the time even while gaming it remains inaudible. I live in a very quiet location. It is not at all unusual for my gaming room to be truly silent when gaming late at night provided there is no sound from cars on the road, wind or rain, or any HVAC system currently running. During those times I can hear the faint ticking of a desk clock that you wouldn't normally think makes any noise at all. What I cannot hear is my gaming PC. I only care about 1080p gaming, and generally don't care about performance, but even I feel the 3050 is underwhelming. I have my eye on a 4070 for a potential upgrade because of its low power draw. Specifically the Gigabyte Gaming OC, which is one of the quieter A Tier 4070s you can buy. I don't see myself ever again having a gaming PC that makes noise. Silence for life.


Ditto on several points. My last box was the big, noisy, lit-up-blue gaming case that was popular years ago. My new rebuild: as quiet as possible, no LEDS, quiet, dark. quiet, dark. Even the slightest bit of fan noise or coil whine bugs me now. I don't know how I ever lived with that noisy bright box before.


Yes, hence custom water cooling.


Yes, it really bothers me.


Yeah a bit , i used to have an rx580 that sounded like a jet engine on heavy games but now i after i upgraded gpu even on heavy games the noise is low so im happy .


Yes, noise was a consideration when I built my pc as it's in our main room. Noctua cpu cooler, sapphire nitro 7800xt (very quiet card, don't think I've heard it much) now I just need to replace my shitty Corsair Icue fans as they neglected to mention you need to buy the more expensive fan controller node thing to allow you to control fan speed. Can't even use 3rd party software. Plus the fans suck and become unbalanced and loud as fuck.


It does not bother me because i am not a person who wants total silence or concentration or wants to live In a world where there is no sound


Normally can’t hear it over either the sound of the game I’m playing, the TV or the 3D printer.  Would only be an issue if it was turned on and was sleeping in the same room. 


Most of the time it's just the air moving, some coil whine under heavy load or the PSU fan roars a bit as it's a bit old now but I only hear it if the speakers are off or I don't wear headphones, it isn't an issue for me.


Unless it’s abnormally loud I don’t see why it would bother anyone who isn’t autistic.


Only thing that bothered me was one of my case fans coming a bit loose and making a whining noise. I’ve since replaced it. Other than that, I’ve never been able to hear it with my headphones on


Not the noise level, but the type of noise. It's one additional reason why I'd rather pay extra for a better cooler than use one with a shitty fan. I had a 2080 Super for a little while which was a blower model because it was cheap on eBay. nice card, but man the sound was ridiculous - a single, tiny fan that has to speed up *a lot* to cool the GPU. Even with headphones on, I'd hear it. I set a custom fan curve but for even just relatively intensive games there was no way to keep it quiet without it overheating It's also why I got a Fractal Torrent, the 180mm fans are wonderful.


At first yes but I get used to it


Yes, undervolt everything. Custom fab curves and closed headphones. I even put my PC under the table now


I think there are cases that reduce the sound by quite a bit.


Mine was a jet engine at first, so i found out that by reducing the cpu powerlimit from 140 to 80W i lost 2-3% performance. Also tweaked the fan curves. Now it is basically dead silent.


No, since speakers


I wear headphones most off the time so i dont care


I have an issue with my GPU fans ramping up to 150% until it drops below 80c, then at 79c it slows down to 80% fan speed, goes up 1 degree and is back at 80c and ramps up to 150% fan speed again. My GPU fans are way louder than the rest of my fans when it does this, but when it is sitting at a lower temperature, my case fans are a lot louder


Only when i wake up in a hangover even the slightest fan noice while its on desktop makes me wanna turn it off but usually i cant get out of bed to turn it off as some of my computers do not go to sleep at all some do tho.


I never have understood the fan noise problem. I keep my system on turbo at all times. I guess some people just have different pet peeves eh


Unless it sounds like a jet engine, no I kinda like the low humming noise


I don’t know in my case since I don’t know if my GPU makes noises or not because my PC is on the floor I take 2 bricks, cover them with newspaper and then lay it on the floor, place my desktop on it at the side and wire it to the monitor


Reddit wants to remind you that your PC will never threaten to stab you and in fact cannot speak. *In the event that the PC does speak, Reddit urges you to disregard its advice*


Not really. Gaming with headphones helps. When it's idle my setup is pretty quiet. The fan in the room is louder.


Nah, i cannot hear with my headphones on so if rather have cool temps with more fan noise than not. If i used speakers i probably would care though


I bought a good pair of In Ear and a good DAC exactly for that purpose: not hear my GPU whine.


4080 with 7800x3d in sff dan case. Silent af boiii. But always game with headset.


Yes. I have an arctic freezer II aio with i7 13700k and RTX 4080 and it’s noisy as hell. Not sure if it is the gpu or aio or the case fans. But even with headphones I hear it even on idle. So annoying.


It depends on the noise and why it is making it. Before my most recent build, I had a fan that I had pried off of an old liquid cooling system set up as a regular fan and it was super loud. That drove the crap out of me, because I knew it wasn't supposed to be that loud. Now, the only sound is a gentle whirring and that's just nice background noise.


My mechanical keyboard with blue switches is louder than my PC, no it doesn’t bother me


I can't hear mine. I have good airflow.


I kind of like the fan noise, lol. It only annoys me when I'm recording something and I can hear it in the background, lol.


Yes, but I don't have to run heat in my office in the winter time so it's a tradeoff


Yeah, I put so much effort into making it whisper quiet but then I launch a game and the aliens from the Andromeda galaxy can hear my GPU whining. Such an annoying sound too, and I have never had one which doesn't do it.


With the stock fan curve on the gpu it has never been too loud for me with headphones on. If i crank it up manually it gets way too loud but i don't actually use it that way lol. As for my case fans, even at max speed they don't bother me much (although when gaming i don't think they even go max speed), and i just have standard 120mm fans.


well I use headphones so no not really


No, it sounds like the inside of a space ship. 




Can rarely even hear it, and completely covered if there's in game music or my music on


No. In fact, I turned up the fans just to keep it at the optimal temperature.


I adjusted the fan curve to make the fan spin at 100% earlier faster to get more performance, so no. It has a nice noise as well compare to other fan I have. I have an "emergency" fan that only start when my cpu gets to more than 80 degree and that thing sounds like a plane taking off. 0.75amp fan. That one bother me.


You mean my PC's AHTMARS (automated hardware temperature monitoring and audio reporting system)?


Coil whine on gpu makes me mad, but my fans are really quiet.


I don't hear it through my headphones so no


i have tinnitus so the noise is very soothing


Yes it does. I have an almost overkill cooling setup together with a custom fan curve and an undervolt to keep noise and temperatures down.


Put it in a separate room and use Parsec or Moonlight/Sunshine to stream to a thin client Or undervolt the GPU and tune the fan curve to let it run hotter but quieter


I got some pretty good quality studio headphones, my 3070 is loud as hell when gaming and I can't hear it at all. So maybe you can get one of those instead of a new GPU.


I had a 1070 where the fan started making a loud scratching noise every few minutes. That was enough for me to get a 3080 - luckily got it during a Newegg drop during the drought.


Yes, because I stream and so it's very audible there.


Yes. But that’s why mine sits in a climate controlled closet. All cables are routed hidden to wall behind my desk. It can do whatever it wants. Everyone once in a while I crack door open and go “shhhhhhh, there there it’s alright” then close door.


No, have a custom fan curve, plus my PC is behind my TV, and I have a louder AC Fan in summer. Even when I do hear it, it's ambient noise.


I have an AIO fan and 3 fans from Corsair. 1 exhaust fan that was included with the case. The quiet mode helps but coming from Macs and gen 9 consoles, I was little disappointed by the noise they make. Is it possible to have near completely silent PC? What can I do?


nah gpu really doesn't bother me. my other fans did but turns out my old cooler had gunked up. swapped it out and all has been nice since then.


The noise really bothers me, that’s why made my custom RL, 36dB all the time. But all noises bothers me a bit, so maybe I’m not the impartial one.


Never had a problem with fan noise from the GPU - adjust the curves a little but I wouldn't say it's reason to change. If it annoys you, you not playing the right games.


It only annoys me when I'm using it at night mainly because of my parents sleeping, however during the day with any pair of headphones or a speaker even it'll be inaudible More on that your brain tunes it out honestly, after using it for a few weeks you'll only notice the noise after you turn it off


Yes. My 3080 sounds like a jet taking off. Thinking about doing a deshroud mod and strapping some Noctua’s to it…


I use custom fan curve. If she sings, we Have an issue.


>Does your pc noise bother you? Yes, that's why I have custom fan curves, box full of fans that didn't satisfy my needs, and changed 3 cases over past 3 years


Case ventilation is too important. Let it sing operas, and I'll enjoy my headphones.


If noise is a problem, go custom liquid cooling.


Ill take that 4070 Ti off you for 550$.


No, honestly, the fan doesn't bother me, and I don't get coil whine, unlike my PS5, lol


The way I see it I’m always gaming with a headset on so it doesn’t matter unless my wife complains 


So my cuz helped me build my pc, and only one single outward fan is an older one and it's the o of one that's loud as hell. And I want to replace it and I terrified to do it myself ahahah


Yes. I have sent back 3 gpus for being too loud and ended up downgrading (not that far to be fair) to avoid coil whine.


I live with coilwhine from my 6700xt. Just get used to it.


Nope. DeepCool makes super quiet air coolers and MSI makes pretty quiet GPUs.


Yes, it does. I watercooled my system to try and combat it, but in the end it made it worse because of my GPU coil whine coming through even stronger 🤦‍♂️


Yes, specifically coil whine, and fan noise does Just don't get a fishtank case, and don't put it on top of your desk -- mount it under with a heavy duty computer desk mount The carpet and bottom of your desk will take care of the rest


rather hear my pc fans 24/7 than hear this tinnitus


No because I use headphones, so i dont really hear my PC


It doesn't bother me since I converted my system to a custom water loop and even before that the only time my GPU fan is loud enough to be noticeable is when I manually ramp it to 100% otherwise it's barely audible since all GPU manufacturers set the max default fan speed to 50% even on full load that's why GPUs go as high as 90C.


No, because I find it amusing when all the fans rev up like a Italian sports car when i start the PC or after i launch a more demanding game. Also, headphones.


My PC noise only bothers me if it is erratic. I'll tune out constant noise, it is when it just rabdomly sounds like a jet turbine that I get annoyed, and that is more a tuning/spftware issue. For example, a lot of Dell PCs have this annoying thing where the PSU fan will pulse when the system is idling, ramping up to noisy and annoying RPMs for just a couple seconds, over and over again. I want to smash them. But my system has an overpowered 35mm 1.6A Delta fan on the AIO, and it doesn't bother me because it ramps up smoothly and only takes off like a missle when I am benchmarking or stress testing.


No, I kinda enjoy the white noise a bit too. It tunes out anybody outside of my room.


I had some pretty bad coil whine and unnecessary fan usage on my 3060 I recently bought, undervolted it and adjusted the fan curve and my PC is whisper quiet with little to no performance loss. I'm pretty happy!


My pc doesn’t sound that much, I’ve set a custom fan curve and temps are really good anyway? If your fans go 100% yea it will sound a lot




I get scared with mine, my mate wanted to play LOTRO again so i installed and loaded, and the whirring my gpu made at different pitches with different graphics settings was alarming i think its fine but its not comforting to hear


I over did it with the fans and cooling in mine plus have a large case so there's enough airflow that it will only ramp the fans up under the most extreme circumstances. Definitely a nice change of pace from some systems I've had that sounds like they're taking off


Not really but my Corsair A120s are also the only thing I really hear. Damn mfs loud as hell 😂


I just put on my headset


Yes it is really annoying to me, especially because I bought a very expensive bequiet case which does jack diddly to reduce noise. I think the key is setting up custom tdps. The lack of noise when I set the tdp low enough is one of the main appeals of the steam deck for me.


I'm used to running my old prebuilt computer's CPU fan speed 100% because or else it will overheat.


Its doesn't bother me cause my casing has good air flow and thus i dont need the gpu fans to spin at a higher rpm. I do put a limit on how fast it can go, as long the temps are in control


Mine is silent even under load, 4070 ti super


Nothing compares to the noise of old computers pre-2010, most hardware is pretty silent now.  I remember last, having to wait a few minutes after booting up, for the set of beeps and whirs to tell me that Windows Vista had finished stabilising.  Before that it was noisy hard drives, obnoxious dialup sounds, good fun.


Yes it does very much, that is why I have a BeQuiet 500dx with all silent wings fans and a dark rock 4 cooler. Luckily my 4070 has quiet bios that doesn't loose any performance and only runs 1 or 2 degrees hotter than OC Bios, also it has zero coil whine.


I have to not turn expo on for my pc cos if I do it coil whines the mobo/ram like a banshee. It still does it when I first try open a game, it screams for like 3 seconds. But when expo is enabled its awful.


people who say they don't, they probably didn't own an actually noisy pc (and I'm not talking about some broken defect pc, I'm talking as noisy as intended). Sure, I don't mind that much either especially with headphones on, but if you ever sit on a pc with cheap fans/cooler/gpu that are noisy above average all together, you might reconsider your tolerance... That been said, if I can spend a bit more to minimize it, I will. It's not like you can go wrong with a silent pc, unlike an even slightly noisy which can wake up your partner/baby who's sleeping nearby for example :D


My RAM says biggie smalls 3 times while facing the HDD every 47-51 mins.


Nope. That's why I bought a headset lol🤷‍♂️


4070 in my pc. Air cooled ryzen 7 5800x. Even under load I cant say I've ever noticed the noise. I guess when you had a ps4 pro everything else seems silent by comparison.


Set fan curve, set FPS limit, theres a lot of free things you can do.


Yep and i always wears headphones while game in it for that reason


I don't even hear mine beyond the slightest fan noise. I have a 3080FE in an ITX case with 4 fans, I don't even remember what I did to make it so quiet but it runs beautifully. I don't see myself upgrading for another 4-5 years, unless I get a huge influx of cash and I'm really, really, REALLY bored. My 3080 is like my baby, I can't bear to replace it too soon.


I did exactly this. My 3080 ran games like a champ without any issues performance-wise. What I was bothered by was how loud the fans were and how the card turned my computer into a space heater when it easily hit the upper temp limit on it of 83 degrees. So I upgraded to a 4080 Super and now have neither of those issues. Is it worth the money? Probably not, but I can now enjoy longer gaming sessions (without heating up my room until it’s uncomfortable) and the silence of my computer regardless of what I’m doing on it.


I did a deshroud. Since then my pc is quiet.


I just turn up the sound on the game or stick on some music.


if you have a lot of spare money r/watercooling awaits you


Not really. My laptop's noise, which has been suffocating for like 3 years, really bothers my boyfriend, though.


Bugs my gf when she's trying to sleep. And also I regret mechanical keyboard now because she can't sleep when I use it.