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CPU requirements are not a rigid thing. your CPU is not bad, so I'd give it a shot before writing it off


everything I wanna buy is on steam so I guess I could always just do refunds on the games that don’t play well




CPU requirements are an advice. Unless you run into instruction set problems (which is highly unlikely with any CPU you get than 10 years at least) you'll be fine. You might not get 60 fps but 58 on average, just lower a setting and you're good to go.


As n7 says, the 5600G is still a relatively relevant CPU. It's slightly in front of the 3600 and about level with the 5500, both of which are still used for super budget builds these days (yeah, not everyone is made of money). Very few game developers are harebrained enough to not support such CPUs. If you do want an upgrade, there's the 5700x3d. 


Oh I hate spending money I most definitely do not wanna upgrade if I don’t have too lol, but that body cam game looks like something id want to pick up and I’ve been thinking about getting a vr headset around Black Friday and I heard those are very taxing on cpu so wasn’t sure if it was getting to the point I need to upgrade


Other way around actually. More pixels = more strain on GPU.


You have an extremely capable CPU and GPU. People are playing on 4770Ks and 1060 GPUs. You may have to put stuff on medium or low, but you should be able to run any game on the market - even something silly like starfield. https://youtu.be/RJhh1JhKq4I If I said to you, “You have a 7200 CPU and a 4040”, would that be an issue? That’s essentially what you have.


I don't know any game that that CPU won't be more than enough.


Body cam was the main one but I remember seeing a couple others as well just don’t remember the names


What cpu requirements are you not meeting with a 5600g?


Honestly not sure I just know on can you run it, it was saying my cpu didn’t meet minimum requirements for some stuff


Oh boy…


>minimum requirements Other than Bodycam, which other games? Btw you need to keep in mind that minimum requirements is never hard pressed since you can definitely play with spec below any minimum requirements of any particular game, except at reduced performance You 5600G is more than capable of most if not all games available rn. I personally only using I3-10105F and playing something like Starfield which is below minimum requirements


This seems more than fine, at least for 1080p?


Either get 5700X3D or go to the top of AM4 with 5950X or 5900X - whichever fits your budget.


>5950X or 5900X Idk if there's any game that worth going for this. At most OP should get 5800X3D


On a EOL platform you go either with the best deal of the socket - or with the top parts. Skip the rest. How it always works. Then 5700X3D will be sufficient. However. OP will be keeping 5900X or 5950X for longer than any 8 core chip.


For gaming specifically (which OP aiming for) it doesn't work like that https://youtu.be/nwEo10uH8DA?si=gUtAnMy3spS-SFHs https://youtu.be/7hRa8XfB9TY?si=I1-Ldp9m10YsdTWD Just get a Ryzen 7 5800X3D