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Rx 6700/6750XT is still a very viable 1440p card, especially with 12gb of VRAM.


I agree. I bought mine 6700xt Hellhound for 400 euros. It's perfect!


I got a used 6900XT for 450. Would do again.


I originally bought a new 6700 xt for about $330 USD w/ tax. Ended up upgrading to a used 6900 xt for $400. Love the thing


Got a 7800XT for $408. Would definitely do again.


Used is the way to go. Fot a 3080fe for under 300. Crushes 3440x1440


Indeed. I never buy new. It's double nice. I am very unlucky with new and dead on arrivial. So many problems. Used is cheaper and works.


paid 320 for mine on amazon


I got almost the same card (6950xt) used for about 500 usd xD. It's a wonderful deal in my country! 


Bought mine XFX 6700XT for 200 euros 😄


400 euros? for a 6700 xt, yikes, that nearly 600 CAD I paid 498 CAD for my 6750 xt 560$ plus taxes


Apologies for stealing op’s thread here for a quick question, I hope you don’t mind either, but is the 6600xt 8gb hellhound a “good” gpu? I’m currently rocking an ancient Gtx 1060 6gb and have a chance got get the 6600 for ~$100. Worth the upgrade or go bigger?


Very good deal if legit


Ok! Well it’s an auction so it’ll go higher, but the demand for the amd cards seems weirdly low, 5 very similar cards available at the same time, same seller, all with receipts, from a verified (Swedish) auction website. Several of the cards have no bids atm.


Max you should pay is 210


Three cards have bids at less than $50 right now so I hope to snag one way lower than 210 but thanks for the reference point. I’m guessing your reasoning is at 210 or above a better card with more vram might be a possibility?


Yea atleast in the uk 210£ is max i would pay so in dolars about 230


So I take it $100 would be a steal then. Exactly what I wanted to hear, thanks!


6650xt is $230 new and 6600 is $200 new so definitely max I’d pay is $120


For that price, I'd definitely make the upgrade. Though keep in mind 8gb really ain't enough for 1440p any more. It's serviceable if you turn down settings, but give it a couple more years and it won't cut it at that resolution. I would recommend if you are already planning on upgrading anyways to get a 12gb card at least


Thanks for replying! A bit more info, I’m more than happy to stay in 1080p area, I basically only play helldivers 2 and I’d like to get more than my ~30 fps (yes sometimes lower than that). I do realise I may need more upgrades, so that’s next, but if a good deal falls in my lap I don’t want to miss out.


Yeah again if you can get it for so cheap it'd be stupid not to grab it honestly. But if you can't get a good deal on it I'd save up a bit more for a 12gb card


I will see what the financials (the wife) can live with! Thanks a lot for the helpful advice, it is much appreciated!


I had a 6600 until I switched to a 4060. Virtually no difference. At that price, if its legit, definitely a steal. If possible, you'd want to aim for 12gb or higher, but for 1080p that card's solid.


I upgraded from a rx 580 8gb to rx 7600. Very noticeable leap in performance.


Absolutely amazing deal if legit that card is great for 1080p


Yup I have the XFX QICK 6750 XT, really good 1440p card, you can't do any better for £300. 6800 non XT is good too if you wanna spend a bit more, around £360. The price/performance scales more or less perfectly so the 6750 XT and 6800 non XT are both great value options, just get whichever suits your budget and you really can't go wrong.


I have a 3070 (kinda similar used pricing), and 8GB VRAM is showing its age already. Wife has a 6700XT and it's great.


Yup, I think AMDs decision to enable AFMF for it will keep that card relevant for a long time its just a really good value for the hardware included, and its only set to get better as overtime with software updates.


I used an extra 5600x I had lying around to build a budget rig for my buddy to play Helldivers 2 and I stuck a used 6700XT in it. That thing cooks.


Came to say this


Why not go 6800 non xt? 16gb of vram. A 10% performance upgrade from both. It's not that more expensive


OP’s budget is $300. Used and new 6800’s are going for $350+.


i have one, it can even do 1440p with something as low as a 12400f


\*\* first of all, it has to have more than 8gb of VRAM, like 10 or more specific 12 is better, a RTX 4080 is desirable but a 4070 super/ti/ ti super will do the job okish, on AMD part I don't know much about their line-up


Fuck are you talking about? A 4070 non-super gets 120+ in AAA titles at 1440p.


I would get a 6800/7700XT to enter into 1440p.


what about nvidia options for things such as dlss, or is it not worth?


In your budget there is no nVidia option unless you grab a used 3070. But at that point I’d rather get a brand new RX 6750XT for $310.


Just bought a 6750XT and it's a brilliant GPU, handled everything I've thrown at it.


Same this thing is a beast compared to my 1660ti




Still coasting along with my 1660s just fine, but the only game released after 2020 I'm playing is cs2 😅


I've been dipping me toes into upgrading from my 1660ti for the last couple years and haven't pulled the trigger yet. I think this is a sign to say fuck it and finally move up lol. Are there any NVIDIA features you miss / hope you had on the card (i.e., improved ray tracing)?


Ray tracing would be cool but honestly its such a huge upgrade to be able to run everything ultra/very high on 1440p that im perfectly happy with my upgrade to the 6750xt. Also i upgraded from a laptop to pc and holy shit the no fan on zero load is so quite that i think its worth it just for that.


I've had one for about a year and it is great


What is his budget? It’s not even in the post atm.


It’s in another comment. $300 plus maybe $20 over MAX.


Not even close to worth it. The only option in this range is the 4060, which is awful for price to performance, and wont really o RT at 1440. Just too weak. Maybe a used 3080, but thats kinda it


My 3060 12gb still handles 1440p pretty decently. It's not very future proof but definitely doable.


Unless you can snag a used RTX 3070 for $250 or RTX 3070 Ti for $300 ish. But then again you can get a RX 6800 used for $300 ish as well which performs better than both.


Upscaling is nice but its better to get a GPU that doesnt need upscaling to begin with. You can get a 6800 non xt for cheaper than a 4060ti 16gb and it will out perform it in every game. When the time comes and you need to use upscaling to deliver the performance you want, the weaker GPU will be gasping for air even if the feature set is technically superior. Sub $500 Nvidia does not have enticing offerings for 1440p compared to the options you have with AMD.


4070 is a nicer 1440p


If you really want to get Nvidia get a 4070 Super, may require some extra savings but it'll get you into 1440p and you'll get DLSS to boost frames. If you can't, then the other advice is very solid.


To get the latest DLSS you have to pay for the newest GPUs. It’s not worth it for what you can get at $300 which I think is just a measly 4060. Latest DLSS is only available for the 4000 GPUs, so Nvidia told me with a 3080 to go fuck myself because it’s already outdated lol. On the other hand, AMD’s FSR is software based so it won’t be hardware locked. Pretty much any GPU can take advantage of it, including Nvidia. It will only continue to get better as time goes on. So I like to make the argument if you get an AMD GPU now, at least you’ll most likely always be able to use the latest version of FSR. If you get an Nvidia GPU now, who’s to say the latest version of DLSS in the future is only limited to the 5000 gpus?


DLSS is definitely the highest quality software aid that you can get, but you can just use RSR/FSR and AFMF on AMD's cards for similar effects.


If you are looking to buy Nvidia, then the 4070super is the best option.


If you're looking for a budget 1440p or 4k build, DLSS is objectively superior to FSR, if only due to having significantly greater availability for titles. People turn away from older cards, and it makes them cheaper. You can find perfectly good 2080 TIs for under 400 that were left in the dust despite being manufactured not long before the 3080 release. My FTW3 Ultra sits in a box now because I paid 1200 for it a month before the 30xx series specs dropped. If I tried to sell it now, I'd probably get 400-450 for it. I just keep it as a backup in case something dies or a friend in need comes along.


RTX 4070 just the regular one


If the games you play can use DLSS , that would absolutely be better. In those cases a 4070/ti would be ideal.


I snagged an XFX 7700XT for $380. Total beast of a card for that price, and does 1440p very well. It actually bottlenecks my i5 11th Gen at 1440p in most titles. I wanted a 7900gre but for $380 I figured the 7700xt was a good choice. Out performs the 6800 (non xt) in pretty much everything, and has way better ready tracing performance (though it's still not good enough that I would wanna use it much). Rdna 3 should have much better staying power too since it works way better with unreal engine 5's Lumen. Only downside it is has a bit less vram though


That is indeed a very good price. Genuinely , the 7700XT performs similar to an RTX 4070 with the CPU you've got.


What about 6700?


I would not buy the vanilla 6700, but both the 6700XT and 6750XT are great budget entry level 1440p cards


u also cant really find the non xt 6700


Sold out and not worth it anyways.


3060ti has treated me fine


Some newer games 3060ti struggles at 1080p


I mean only games ive had issues on is jedi survivor, and like tarkov


Yah just saying if buying a new GPU today looking to move to 1440p, probably not a good idea to get 3060ti


I really think itd be fine unless they plan on playing exclusively brand new games that are hard to run, bc my 3060ti hasnt had issues with anything ive thrown at it, at 1440 so if OP can find a deal on one it’s definitely worth grabbing


Might be fine now, but I think what everyone is saying is that it’s not a good investment moving forward.


You’re issue with tarkov is 99% gonna be the cpu. I run a 3060ti at 1440 and get 100+ frames on high, no FSR. My frames doubled going from a ryzen 3600 to a 5800x3d


Im pretty sure its my ram actually, its the only thing in my system thats like WAAAY old, i have a ryzen 7 5700x but only 16g of ddr 4 but its slow, cant remember the exact speed


Could be that too. I’ve only ever had 32GB but people say 16 isn’t great for it


I was thinking of doing this exact same CPU upgrade, but am wondering if I would need to upgrade my ram as well. Right now I have 4 sticks of 8GB at 3200mhz as I was told that was the best pairing for the 3600 or does this not really matter? Mobo is on latest bios


Need? No. You’d go to 2x16GB 3600 I assume. The difference would be hardly noticeable. But if you could sell old parts and make it cheap then sure. But hardly something you’d notice.


Isn't Tarkov a more CPU focused game?


Lol why is this comment with upvotes? Theres not a single game 3060ti cant run at 1080p.


Because its reddit and for some reason people become GPU experts even if they really dont know what they talking about. I had a 3060ti and it was great, but i would be told i couldnt do certain things or have certain setting on certain games... even though i was already doing it lol


Its crazy man lol. Even on 1440p you can have 100fps on games like tarkov(high settings). I was achieving that and i dont have a super CPU


bro what? i'm running a 3060ti @ 1080p 144hz and there has not been a single game this thing can't handle on max graphics


Well original commenter was trying to say 3060 Ti is fine for 1440p, which is absolutely false in 2024. 3060Ti is fine for 90% of games at 1080p. But more and more games require more than 8GB VRAM even at 1080p. And then even if it plays, you're getting 50-60fps which is not ideal for a lot of people. Then also forget turning on RT.


Not true at all, I get 120+ fps in every game at 1440p. When I played on 1080p I’d still get 180-200fps in games like cyberpunk 2077 and ghost of Tsushima.


Anyone can get 120+ fps if you turn down enough settings. Gamers outside of competitive esports generally dont want to play less than high settings


My 3060ti hasn’t struggled in any game at 1440p with a 5800x3d


My 2060 handling 1440 ultra wide pretty good 😂


I think 2060 won't even run 60fps in RDR2 on ultra, and that's a game without raytracing. I agree with you, it's a nice card and handles a lot of stuff nicely, but unfortunately it's also pretty outdated already and not something worth recommending today.


Definitely not recommended, but for the 200-300 bucks when it was new, it’s decent. Especially if on a budget cause not sure what other current cards are even close to that these days


I have rtx 3060ti and it still rocks at 1440p. It has nearly the same performance as rtx 3070. With 8 gb vram I have to lower details to high settings, medium in newer games. But gpu is still plenty for 1440p/60.


7800xt is what I just purchased and it’s outperformed my needs.


7800xt here as well but I don't think that qualifies as entry level 1440p. But, and op edited it in, for 1440p 165hz I would probably say 7800xt For 1440p 60hz you can probably go lower


Currently best Bang/Buck 1440p Card would be rx 6800 if we are talking new. The 6750 is also very auitsble still and was on sale in my region for 300€ last weekend. I dunno what your prices are currently or how the used market is, but I think rx6800, rx 6750xt would be great. Nvidia only makes sense used for yourbudget. Here you are looking at mby a rtx 3080 (used about the same than an rx6800 new in my region).


5600x 3090 1440p user here, upgrade your cpu if you’d like more then 80-100 fps on rust, and 60~ when there’s a ton of stuff loading at once. This game needs a good gpu but honestly cpu is more important, and bottlenecking(even if some people here misconstrue a condemnation of bottleneck calculators as a condemnation of the concept of bottlenecking itself)causes some very noticeable lag spikes and microstutters If you’re comfortable around that 80-100 mark then just buy a 3070 or 6700/6750xt, def look into upgrading your cpu though if you’d like 144+ fps.


how much fps do u get in populated areas like outpost with the 5600x? I am planning to get a used 3080, but for cpu I’m planning for 5600 or 12400f..


7900GRE shall be the sweet spot.


7900gre is definitely not an " Entry level 1440p card" I'd consider that a high end 1440p/ entry 4k card


That's what I got as "entry level 4k vr", with fsr enabled and synchronous spacewarp, the 7900 gre can absolutely decimate a heavily modded Skyrim VR at 120fps at quests 4k resolution.


Just bought it myself building the setup on Saturday lmao


I agree its the sweet spot. I got the 7900GRE a month ago and its great for its price, although I only play in 1080p. It easily demolishes in 1080p so I'd assume its great in 1440p.


If you want pure performance probably a 7800 XT, if you care about Ray Tracing and DLSS go for the 4070.


I upgraded from a 1070 to a 4070s and OMG is the Ray Tracing and DLSS witchcraft


Yeah, 4070 is awesome for 1080p. Probably a bit worse for 1440p but still alright.


I run 1440p @ 144hz absolutely perfect with the 4070Super. Can't say for the base 4070 though.


4070 is very good for 1440p


The 7900gre is a 1440p powerhouse it'll play any game in Max graphics settings in 100+ fps


No RT though. On some games, gimme the 4070 super with RT and DLSS


I know I don't🙏🏻😭


The 4070 super also costs $100 more... also known as the same price gap between the 4070 super and 7900 xt.


7900 gre is like $550, 4070 super can be had for $580. Why you capping bro?


7900 gre has been dipping to $500 fairly regularly now. You can get a 7900 gre at this moment for $530. A $70 difference is still fairly big.


Not even $70. Galax 4070 Super on Amazon $575. $100 yeah I can see going with the 7900 GRE. But under $50? Give me the better tech. The 4070 Super also uses much less power. With my high power bill, I would probably save atleast $25/year owning a 4070 Super over the 7900 GRE, which in a couple years will pay the difference


What's your kWh price?


4070S or 7900GRE




3070 has been good to me at 1440p even with 8gb of ram. Got it for $250 a year ago


My 3070 has been chugging along fine since launch at 3440x1440. I keep wanting to upgrade just because but I haven’t had performance issues in anything yet to justify it. Didn’t even have issues with Jedi Survivor when all the top dawg gpus were shitting the bed


I actually upgraded from a 3070 to the 7900GRE recently and was a little disappointed with the performance in Jedi Survivor cause I only went from ~75fps average to a little over 100. Then I booted up modded Skyrim and went from 60fps to 140 lmao Turns out Jedi Survivor is just an incredibly poorly optimized pos. Basically that game runs at the same frame rate no matter what settings you use. Low + performance upscaling is a 10 fps difference compared to Epic + native.


Classic EA giving zero fucks about anything consumer-friendly like optimization.


RX 6800 for 390€


I'm playing 1440p on an rtx2060 laptop. 3060 is absolutely enough.




i have a rx 6800xt and its doing well in 1440p


7800XT are now sub-500$ cards and great at 1440p.


I went with a 7900xt for my recent build. It has been an amazing card so far. Paired with 7800x3d.


Stock 6800 is good for 1440p. Runs most of the graphic intensive games at 60+ fps and competitive games at 160+ fps. I overclocked and undervolted mine to run at 2600 and it's doing the graphics intensive games at 80 fps now. With FSR2 and frame gen, it gets it up to 120ish to max out my monitor


if you can afford it, go with the 6800 (xt version is more expensive than non xt because of small stock) i’ve been doing my research for weeks and am getting at 5600x with the 6800 for 1440p games!! it has 16 gb so it will last a good while






If you have the budget for like a $370 rx6800, that is what I'd get. Rx6700xt/6750xt are pretty good options when they're close to $300 Nvidia doesn't really have many good new card options below a 4070 super imo right now


RX 6800


A used RTX 3080 could be a good deal


2080ti for about 200 6800xt or 3080 for about 300


I have a 6800xt and I bought for £420 last year, I'm not sure what the prices are where you are but maybe 6800/xt might now be around your budget! This would be the way I would go, but you do you


I recently upgraded my monitor from 1080 to 1440 and my 6750xt is performing quite well, but I have had to turn a couple of settings down a little from ultra to high to get reasonable frames per second (100+). I bought my 6750xt last year for just under £300 which I feel is excellent value for money.


4070 Super or 7900 GRE if you want current gen. I could see arguments for the 7700xt or 7800xt but, and this is UK prices, you can get the 7700xt for £380, 7800xt for 470 and the 7900 GRE for 511. So a total of £130 difference between the bottom and top end of that range. Not an insignificant amount of money but certainly not a canyon. So, in my mind, the 7900 GRE is basically AMD's entry level current gen card. Anything below it, you may as well go higher spec of the previous gen for comparable or cheaper money. The 4070 Super on the NVIDIA side is a fantastic card slightly let down by its 12gb VRAM. That being said, at 1440p I personally feel the VRAM issue is largely overblown. The examples I've been given of AAA title hitting that buffer have been the likes of Alan Wake 2...in native 4k. Something you would never try and use a 4070 Super for in the first place. Idk maybe I'll be wrong and in a year or two there'll be a complete spike and 16gb will be the minimum but I'm just not seeing it. Not an excuse for NVIDIA, they should have just gone with 16, I just don't think it's as problematic as some make it out to be. That's my two cents. TLDR if you want current gen NVIDIA go 4070 Super if you want current gen AMD go 7900 GRE. If you don't care about current gen then go with the several very good suggestions of last gen cards already in these comments.


Literally the only game where vram has been at all relevant for me has been modded Skyrim with hundreds of 2k and 4k texture mods.




I got a 4060 with like £200 off during black Friday and is amazing for gaming and streaming at 1440p I'd reccomemd that but imo


Hey, i just built my first pc 2 months ago and Im very pleased with my 4070 super , palit oc something 🫡 i play warzone in 2k with a 240hz lg ultragear monitor and its awesome


Go back in time, buy a 5700xt before Covid hits, and then trade it 1 for 1 for a 6700xt to a bitcoin miner 2 years later


>What GPU to get for entry level 1440p gaming in 2024? What is your budget? >What GPU should I buy to pair with the 5600x? Still depends on your budget.


7800 xt goes on sale quite often..


I have a 4070 Super, but I wish I had gotten the Super Ti for the extra 4gb of vram


I don't think it would change anything. This card is designed for specific performance level and the extra VRAM is unlikely to affect it. Core and memory clocks will bottleneck whatever VRAM advantage a Super Ti would have.


CSGO2 uses like 9 GB of my VRAM


Rx 6750xt


Ah.. I had to re-read that.. Ok.. So you will need either: AMD 6700XT+ without ray tracing + Frame gen 3080 12gb+ with SOME ray tracing but no frame gen (or use AMD frame gen) 4070 Super+ for ray tracing + Frame gen. Also FYI - Any of these 3 won't hit 165fps at 1440p unless you drop settings pretty low. Basically you are looking for a 4090 to hit that.


Get a 6800 non XT over a 6750XT if it's only $30 more or so. Uses less power by a decent amount and a decent amount faster.


I got a 4070 and it does fantastic


6750xt at $300 or 6800 at $360.


Perhaps a 6800? You could probably find one for a little over $300


RX 7700 XT/7800 XT or RTX 4070/4070S would be reslly good imo


If you are ok with buying on the used market, you could go for something like the 6800 for somewhere around 330ish


I have had my 3060TI for 3 years now and been playing almost everything at 1440p.


6650,6700,3060 and 4060 are the first few cards that come to mind. What's the budget ?


if you really mean the "2024" part such as intensive games like Alan Wake 2 and Hogwarts Legacy then you need at least a 4070Ti for native 1440p 60 , if you don't mind DLSS then you could go lower for a 4070 , their AMD equivalent are 7900GRE/7700XT


3080 or a 3080ti. Both of those cards are fantastic. Could pick them up from facebook marketplace for $300-450.


I mean.. I'm still using a 2800 and I'm struggling to justify an upgrade. I'd *like* to.. but it's tough with just how astoundingly underwhelming recent offerings have been. I feel like Nvidia has all its attention on industrial-scale AI infrastructure and has zero shits left for the consumer market, and AMD is quite happy to not have to play catch-up so hard for a bit.


Not sure I'd call this "entry level", but I built a system a couple months ago with an rx6800 that we got new for \~£350 I spent some time searching and I really couldn't find anything better for the money!


RX 6700/6750XT, RTX 3070


RX 6700XT/6750XT or in the best case, RX 7700XT just simply perfectly for 1440p gaming


I'd say entry level 1440p starts with the 4060Ti and 6700XT. The sweetspot card is probably the 4070 Super. 


6750xt is a good choice for super budget but if you can I’d suggest getting the 6800xt it’s only a little more and is a stellar 1440p card


Rx 6800 for 360


rx6800 16 gb


At least RX 6700XT I myself using RTX 3060 12GB for 1440p and while it's capable enough, it's totally dependent on the particular game that you play


If u r ok with buying a used card, i’d say a 3080, it is like 300-400 dollars in where i live


I got a 7700 XT on sale and if I don't max out graphics settings in games I can push 120 to 180 FPS depending on the game. You can get a long way in terms of FPS if you just sit down for a bit and dial in your graphics settings. I remember the shadow quality setting in The Witcher 3 looked the same (to me, at least) in low as it did in ultra, but it tanked FPS in ultra. There are a lot of settings in games that make pretty much no visual difference and you can tweak them to get wayyyyy more FPS and keep the game looking quite good.


It sucks that afmf isn’t available for the 5000 series, for reference i have a 6600 and that is perfectly acceptable at 1440p on a 165hz monitor. Something like a 6700xt or 6750xt will be a massive upgrade, and you will be able to take advantage of afmf frame generation in the driver. Don’t forget to undervolt it!


Found a Powercolor Hellhound Spectral RX 7800XT for $400 on Facebook marketplace.


Honestly any of the higher-end RDNA2 cards from RX 6800 - RX 6950XT will have you set for years on 1440P. The 6950/6900 traded blows with even 3090's at 1440P


I have 5600x with 3070 for more than a year now and so far so good. But if you looking for upgrade noe id probably wait till new nvidia gpu to move the market


Depends on the game entirely but with a sufficient cpu, I love my 4070 Super, in most games I get 165Hz. Triple A titles or just very demanding ones can dip, but as long as they stay above 144 its fine to my eye.


If you play rust then I would look at the 5800x3d, you might get more performance there than upgrading to 6700xt, search comparison videos on YouTube between those two cpus 5600x and 5800x3d. Rust is cpu intensive game and benefits a lot from the 3dvcache


If u only want better rust performance, get 5600X3D. I get 60-70fps with 1650 in laptop in 1440p, so u should be good with 5600xt, cpu upgrade will help u a lot here


but if u need 60ish fps in games like cyberpunk with RT on in 1440p - used 3080


It really depends on your budget. But buy something with at least 12GB VRAM


I have r5 5600x 32gb ram and rtx 3090 fe and i am very happy with the performance at 1440p i hope this keeps up a few more years


It's a little above entry level but my 6800XT has been fantastic


A used rtx 3080


3080, I definitely had great time with it, I use it on my ultrawide 3440x1440p and it's been fantastic! I don't feel rushed to grab a 4090.


OP, it's not really entry level per say but the 7800xt will crush 1440p. I got the 7800xt XFX QICK for $500 and it's a monster. Price for performance king.


Used the 3060ti with my 5600x still currently. Definitely above the "entry level 1440p" tag but smooth as butter if you can grab one cheap enough.


Used 3080's can go for like $400 these days if you don't mind secondhand.


Buy a used 3080, they can be had for $300 pretty consistently now. Also for Rust the GPU actually doesn't matter and you need a better CPU and at least 32gb running at least at 3200 maybe 3600.


RX 6750 XT or RX 6800 are both right around $290-320. The RX 6800 specifically runs 1440p amazingly well, but the only new ones still being sold are gigantic XFX SWFT cards. I just bought one and it is an absolute champion, but you gotta buy a separate GPU stand/bracket and have a roomy case because it's so freakin' huge. You can also buy a refurbished 2080 Ti with a 1 year warranty by Allstate for $300 from eBay. They're blower models but have been repasted and run nice and cool with an undervolt. My friend just bought one of these a week ago and it's been amazing for him. If you want to go even cheaper, Titan X Pascals are also pretty easy to find on eBay for about $180 and still handle 1440p VERY well. You can hardly tell that they're as old as they are. I have another friend who recently bought one specifically for VRChat since it was the cheapest GPU he could find that had 12GB of VRAM, and it's been hugely exceeding his expectations.


1050 for 720p integer scaled💀


New RX 6700xt/6750xt/6800 from AMD Used 3060ti/3070/3080 from Nvidia




30xx series - 3070/3080 40xx series - 4070 RX series: 6700xt/6850xt I'm using a 4080 16GB to push 1440p at 280hz on a 3440x1440p 34" ultrawide and it's butter smooth.


Used 3070? I have and it's still stunning q/p for this resolution


I don't keep up with prices, but I have a 5600x paired with a 6700xt and I really see zero reason to ever upgrade. Often I find super maxed settings don't even look better anyways. Usually run everything at a mix of high and ultra and easily get 170 fps in fps games with some tweaks. At 1440 of course.


Well it all boils down to your budget and how much your willing to spend but from my personal experience the rtx 4070 ti Super should be perfect Has 16 gigs of vram it’s essentially a 4080 with less cores and comes at a great price point for what you get However if you wanted to stay with an amd graphics card I’d look at a 7800xt or 7900xt


For a ryzen 5 5600x? isn’t that gonna bottleneck me like hell? i’m at like a $300 usd budget with like $20 wiggle room


He is talking total nonsense lol. If you can stretch your budget a tiny bit more, you can grab a 6800 for around 350. Very good 1440p card with 16GB of VRAM. And forget bottlenecking, not a real issue for 99% of people., Very overused


this the 6800,( i have one) is for 300-350 even used the best 1440p card budget wise, and draws 220( stock)- 250(oc) max. A 5600x will not bottle neck unless you run like 17 programs at the same time i backround. For 1440p 7700xt is also an option if you want new. Don't bother looking at nvidia unless you eant to spend 800+€ . At 600€ you have 7900GRE. I you manage to find a used 6800xt or 6900xt ( for 500~ish) you are set for the next 5-6 years maybe more sind fsr increase gpu lifespann insanely. People here still run 6 year old 20 series cards and are still fine. Dont buy into hype and consumerism. Old 4k cards means 1440p high- ultra or high fps. Just don't buy nvidia with how anti consumer there entire 40 series is. Literally nothing worth buying unless 4070 ti super or 4080. everything else gets hard smoked and under cut by amd.


Get a used amd 6000 series gpu, whatever is the biggest number in your budget on fb marketplace or ebay. Ebay has more protections. Fb marketplace might be cheaper, but you'd need to test it.