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rx580.. still good for high settings 1080p 60fps


Yep I literally just upgraded from a rx580 8gb a month ago; was doing fine enough still at 1080p I just wanted to move up to recent AAA games at max settings and 1440p so I got something new finally. But my point is, the RX580 still punches well can do most any new game 1080p at medium settings at a decent framerate. For example, when Elden Ring was released, I played it on high-medium settings 1080p at a range of about 60-80 fps, on the rx580 with an i7 7700k. So, ran the game better than a PS4 could, but shy of a PS5 basically.


I upgraded from a RX580 also. Amazing caed for its time IMO. It was paired with a FX 6300 Black ed. Ran RDR2 fairly decent. The FX chip was holding her back. Now its just a spare part.


thanks seems like a good option.


Make sure to get the 8GB version and not the 2048SP or 4GB version, but if budget is seriously a concern then you can consider those




Solid advice here


That man is scamming you lol. I reccomend getting a 3060 and minimum so that your set for future and wont need to keep buying things.


The 3060 alone can't fit in OP's budget.


That'll take 3/4 of OPs budget


Don’t overlook the 5600xt and 5500xt, feel like those are forgotten low end monsters, both can be found under $100 with the 5500xt performing similar to the 580, and the 5600xt being quite a lot better


seem like a good option


True.... I recently got an 1660super but what i really wanted was the rx 5600xt... That baby is faster than 1660 super by some points( its a 2060 competitor) . They both were priced the same but i couldnt find 5600xt in my area...... A shame ... But i get nvidia Shadow so im & good.... Id definitely get the 6700xt next time...


Just beware it has no more driver support good for already released titles but not for new.


ah, good point!


At that point you should use an iGPU on a modern chip (AMD G CPUs). Will be more powerful and much more reliable, as well as efficient. 


Shitty outdated discrete GPU “usually” still bears modern iGPU, especially from the dedicated GPU RAM it carries


well, the integrated graphics found in the 8700g for example is quite a bit faster than the GTX 760 and GTX 660 in this case (It's around as fast as an RX 580!)


Okay but that CPU alone is $300. So I’m really not sure why Nobis suggested this route in the first place. For $200 you are not building a good iGPU system.


I'd imagine it'd be cheaper to buy a CPU a gen or two behind then get both a CPU and GPU.


Your best option at that budget is to find an old optiplex and shove the fastest GPU you can fit in there




If possible try to get the Mini Tower instead of SFF or else you'll be limited in terms of GPU choice since they can only use low profile GPU Not to mention about the PSU


What about the power supply? They don't really have power headroom for GPU expansion and one can't realdiy upgrade the PSU since they use proprietary connections to the motherboard.


At $200 maybe look at buying a used PS5?


A used ps5 for $200 would be the score of the century


More liable to catch a series x for 200, it's been posted on woot several times refurbished for 220ish.


I saw some on ebay although idk how legitimate. But for $300 you can for sure find one


A used 1060 doesn't cost much now and would be way better


Got one for 50 recently, and a 3600 with board and ram for 110


They aren't even supported by drivers anymore. Also very low on vram, some new games won't even launch. For watching YT yeah, but an igpu can do that as well.


A lot of people in this thread didn't quite understand, OPs max budget for the GPU isn't $200, it's $200 for the ENTIRE system including GPU, that's why he is asking for budget options. In that case I'm sorry to tell you that for $200 the best route would be a refurbished laptop / office pc, everything else will be painfully slow or outdated. If you can please try to save your money unless you ABSOLUTELY need a computer right now.


That wouldn't be the best route. Best route would be some cheap 240GB SSD, cheap AM4 motherboard with cheap AM4 CPU with cheap DDR4 16GB RAM. Case bottom of the barrel, and not garbo PSU. Than he can get 50$ RX570/580 and play any game released today. Refurbished laptop are hot garbage, as are refurbished office PCs. He can later upgrade CPU with 5800X3D, Ram with anything faster, SSD, any GPU as 5800x3D is fast enough...


They are good for games if that era. But not for modern games. I have a old GTX970 I keep around for a spare GPU and when I replaced it it could still do 1080p low to medium settings on a few newer games. Looks like you can get a used GTX1080 for like $110ish on eBay and it's still a great 1080p card.


Thanks will look into that


Not for new games They'll probably run old games more or less fine though. But they're old cards either way . . . Like a 970 will still do a lot of games just fine. I was using a 4gb 960 recently, and I was getting like 60 ish fps in helldivers 2, but at like upscaled 720p min $200 is not a lot to get a pc together. I wish you best of luck


i would mow some lawns first to get up some income, then buy a used at least 1050 or above.




good for seeing if your motherboard without integrated graphics will still boot or not, sure.


They're good as paper weight and as wall decoration for an enthusiast.


Always go to the Toms Hardware GPU hierarchy chart and by the one closest to the top you can afford. These are old cards that aren't worth it anymore. You can do better for the price.


$300. https://www.ebay.com/itm/374970473277?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=FD6px4KaRcK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=FSYAmWzZT02&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Single channel memory(1 x 8gb) the iGPU Will be 30-40% lower compared to dual channel, so if you so get it, buy another 8gb using for like $20.


could be good.


If you can swing the extra money that's a solid system to start with that can be further upgraded in time and parts.


[Periphio Warp 5600G Hardware Specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G (4.6Ghz Turbo) iGPU: AMD Radeon Vega 7 (2GB) RAM: 16GB DDR4 Gaming RAM SSD: 1TB Ultra-Fast Solid State ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/226203730593?itmmeta=01J0VQ53HA5E1Y2H2SRPSA39MR&hash=item34aacb02a1:g:5OYAAOSw3vlmc~mK&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwDfY7GH6VPqj7ZxKymRG4C0aI662IuFbZeCmPH3skKDk4Y87hzyZAgQrN35tGG0hq1dVe1nMbf1Iyn2ifq3cYo8Lkz%2FLP%2FYoZOkxeCaEifo01W%2BMQv4ZidaaoOWG8F2cQM4lLIyoCq4s%2Btqf6%2FGc2YEDV3Aoqqw2p5XJx3gYeHSJcffaaGuF4fTByDMHuJiEwcYrohthHJq3s30qfwjKuLUNPKZX328yZo9pBG8c3WxE54DFZh1wFW7bVbR2NUUD2w%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-i4lPeGZA) for $200


[another 3400g pc for 170](https://www.ebay.com/itm/395466089964?itmmeta=01J0VQHPVZ4J5XBFGKP0M72244&hash=item5c139da5ec:g:~BAAAOSwc0lmag7k&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4FoKn%2B%2BvmBcb1tY2tTI33Te86CriSHDeTodQeeRxufJ7Q8f%2BFiyrZWNIIdqqvY7Zkz%2FD6sQWGSWJ%2FAy3EP7xTgQfHlTbqEIebmw3UYOXF8KJTfWGFWlp5TIoflCc8mzCc7TkOrdgTHZdF%2BRXaZ6UeiCGQfTP%2F06Bjt7l9BrUMbQBEdfqno66tpgoSs%2FKoFqm07ESY84T1RsXA3kMgr4qbQlQ4IEf32LC4nb7VloCGy9K78oTfJNbMr77Na6gquDYC5ZBzcqxqaCqeJh2ixCE%2FxQtacmSaR63fvKkjaU4GlrX%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5juxveGZA)


Says $270 on my end not a bad deal, but still could probably do better with a older cheaper office PC for $100, then get a used GPU for around $100 like a 5600xt


Get a used rx 580/570 if possible


At this price you can find a good used 1060/1070 or rx 580/590, which will be way better


I have an old rig I'm about to rebirth for my kids. 16gb ddr3 ripjaws, sabertooth x79mobo and a gtx670. It runs everything they play perfectly fine on high settings.. minecraft, world of tanks, fortnite, etc.


Best you will do is scour Offerup, FB Marketplace, Ebay to look for someone getting rid of an old PC. Compare benchmarks to value, be patient, and you will find somehing


Maybe buy a used Rog Ally Extreme or Steam Deck?


I do not advise this, but what I did when I was once long ago in the shows you now wear, was get an iGPU setup that is somewhat competent , and then down the line at some point upgrade the gpu eventually. Major problem with that is you will end with a weaker cpu. Sure only one problem, but it a massive problem considering there are no decent igpus around at the moment cept the 5600g, for an actual budget setup, and the 5600g is somewhat terrible all around when compared to it's cousin the 5600, both similarly priced in many used markets. Best advice I can provide you with, is wait. Build your budget, higher today than yesterday and bide your time. When you have some decent money, say 350 to 450, bite the bullet.


I'm still rocking a GTX 650 and loving all the retro stuff I throw at it.


You can get a GTX 1070 for used under 200 and it beats the rx 580 by a good margin. I still have a GTX 1070 in my system edit: I didn't see that you haven't built your PC yet forget what I said


Used 1070 go for like 60 bucks usd


Look into your local fb marketplace for complete builds people need money and you need a deal


The new RX 580 is the 6600 and the 6700


A prebuild used exists for $300ish but only 4GB of VRAM but a pretty decent CPU. https://www.ebay.com/itm/296206475015?itmmeta=01J0SYHBT31TD5CVMQ7ANH6QYQ&hash=item44f7481f07%3Ag%3AxZ0AAOSwf4BlwHWh&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwNdFMo3HotpbX4s356%2FFkRcm1Mxq3WAg2cMUU%2FyPM%2BhCiKprAmWsa5vAd1LlRw6DwPwHUzwbD78cz2%2F%2BWDeP2rX%2FzuoXOpZCkRWVlxSFvpt2dSbO2efM1BtfUL1hifORKI8lLXx38yNyVpNzwpYgafZohTbtlEO0ism6vpx3OnGTMknfAPKkdETc%2FTu6%2FbccMLcJT%2BpvBLrVa3V0NdD5S0hm9rOF6TKbJ9UK7O7HxpAFqCjDOi9Y7YkfX%2BXmpf0Q4A%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5C9xb6GZA&LH_BIN=1


My friend as someone who had a gtx 660 dont do this to yourself, i beg you. Save some more and buy a used gtx 970, thank me later.


yeah i thought about that i have seen some for pretty cheap on ebay


If you're in the US you definitely need to look for better GPU and try to save up even if it takes another month or two


Dawn old, that was my first graphic card. Only good if you can get it for free lol


https://www.ebay.com/itm/135107466505 $120 https://www.ebay.com/itm/126534326863 $79 1650 Super -- best bus powered GPU we can squeeze in. https://www.ebay.com/itm/305627748296 $16 Description said it had no SSD -- but the description could be wrong so check first, buy if it really doesn't. I sincerely doubt you could get more oomph for this sort of money.


No they are horrible


RX 5600 XT is the cheapest GPU I would consider You can occasionally find them for about $80 used and it's about 60% faster than the RX 580.


Gtx 660 - I’d say no. I have one and not that fun


Unfortunately, $200 is not going to get you a PC that will be enjoyable to play games on. I would either look for a used console or save longer if you're absolutely committed to building a PC.


I got an old computer with gtx 730(i think) i5 870 something has been a while thought it also has an ssd so yeah 16gb of ddr3 I think thats soild for 200 for an example wont be selling this


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zPPMkJ](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zPPMkJ) closest to your budget I got too


without scarfing performance


Just bought RX 580 as a replacement gpu. My RX 470 is going to my grandpa.


you can probably get a full tower of 1060-6gb or rx580 for \~USD200? no need to go 760s


GeForce now


Fro that budget you should be able to get Radeon Rx 580, a far superior option.


Try shopgoodwill.com. Limit yourself to components or desktops that have been verified to be working (in the description). At your budget, you can't afford to gamble with untested items. If it's current generation hardware or in the original box, the chances of it not working are significantly higher. There are a few people that will donate working items in the original box, but from experience, that is rare. I find partial AM4 systems on the site all the time. No, it's not a $350 CPU on a B550 board, but Zen 1 and 2 are quite common. If someone donated a 3080Ti, its very likely that its too good to be true unless it has been verified tested. Even then, I've bought some higher end GPUs that ended up throwing artifacts in different benchmarks. I have always been refunded all my money if a component didn't hold up to their claim. Keep an eye out for Dell/Lenovo/HP/etc desktops with solid hardware inside them. Sure, sometimes 90% of the components aren't of interest for building something custom, but a working i7-10700K can be hidden in a system going for $50. Prices below for auctions I paid for in the last 3 months **with** shipping: GTX1060 = $30. "Gaming" case with glass, 5 fans, and a 550W PSU = $60 (shipping is most of it). B450 Gaming X V2 w/Ryzen 5 3600 and 16GB DDR4 3200 = $70. HDD and SDDs show up all the time, and occasionally NVMe. I bought a lot of 7 SSD drives for $30. One was a Samsung EVO 870 1TB. So there you have it, $190.


It really depends on what games you are playing and what you consider to be good. Probably there are better used options in your area to consider instead.


Don't build a PC from scratch. Look for complete used build. I don't know where you live, but for $200 you can buy something playable. First thing that comes to mind is i5 4gen + GTX 970. Pretty common setup, balanced, nothing too powerful but enough for older games. If you spent some more time searching, you can probably find better deal.


Youd be better off with intergrated graphics


i dont really think a new motherboard will handle it


Not for playing anything modern in the slightest. Could probably do emulation of old titles, maybe indie games.


I have 3, 760s and cam confirm, you're not doing anything modern. It's purely a media pc now.


Why some MFs on r/PCMR & other major PC sub always thought like this; if it's not something RTX, you can only play indie/emulation lmao 660 can handle pre-2018 AAA just fine. Even 2020s game like Elden Ring. But don't expect 60 FPS


To my surprise you are correct. At 1080p low everything you can expect ~30fps with a GTX 660 in elden ring which is about the minimum to be playable but it is playable. And any eSports games like apex or valorant you'll get 60+fps.


A 760 could maybe be good if you have a huge case and PSU you don't want to throw away but for that just put a 980 at least, so no they're not good 👎


The 6400 performs about the same as the 980m unoverclocked, so that's a much better option for less than $100 category since you can fit it in a sff toaster with 180w PSU, I got one for like 90 on ebay but I think I paid like 7 or 8 more for a low profile bracket, idk but either way the 6400 is good to go with upscaling on any game in 1080p @60fps and up but the funny thing is the frame generation sucks using fsr with amd driver and it's amazing on 980m in games that have it 😅


I have a old 980m that even unoverclocked is over 50% faster than 760 and has 8gb VRAM, which is why I remember getting rid of that 760 a couple years ago cause the speed wasn't too bad but 2gb VRAM made it useless .


Just mentioned overclock cause 980m is most overclockable chip I've ever had and 760 is probably the least except for Rx 6400, which I haven't figured out how to overclock at all.


If you wanna play worms Armageddon they're fine


get Xbox Series S. $200 PC can't play new games or even 4 year old game.