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If it's for general usage (web surfing, movies, light gaming (like LoL, CS:GO), some office work), it is still useful with an SSD upgrade. But if you're looking to do any serious modern gaming with it, it's not worth it. CPU is way too outdated and any decent modern GPU will be bottlenecked hard. 560 Ti doesn't even work with any serious modern games due to 1 GB VRAM. So if you were looking to do any modern gaming with it, it's time to build a new PC.




Yep, then the system is still good, just give it one more stick of RAM and a SSD. :)




If you were really intending to play LoL, they recently forced usage of their anti cheat system Vanguard. This thing requires secure boot, which may or may not be available on your motherboard. Without it, you won't be able to play LoL.


Also would make nice streaming box, since it only need to hold the files for other to access via network.


You could have some fun with it if you’re happy playing older games for a year before upgrading properly. You could overclock the processor as far as it will go - Assuming you have a Z68 or Z77 chipset motherboard and a decent cooler. Get a 1TB SSD, upgrade to 16GB RAM minimum ( you can pick up good ddr3 1866, or 2133 MHz quite cheaply), and throw a second hand GeForce 1660 Super or 2060 Super in there. This is just for fun - it makes more sense to go with a newer setup.


I still use my old 2600k rig as a workbench PC in the garage. It's still very capable. I originally built it for gaming in 2012 with same spec as yours. In 2017 I added a 512GB SSD, 16GB Ram and an RX 580 8GB. Was excellent for 1080p gaming, still is if I want to load up older titles. You could probably do the same upgrades I did for $60. Would be well worth it.


For day-to-day use and some light gaming, it would be perfectly fine. And yeah, getting more RAM and an SSD would be a good idea.


I have an i7 2600 PC paired with a GTX 980 that still gets about 70 fps in Warhammer Vermintide II, plays ARK, the HALO MCC, and several other titles besides-it still has life in it. Id reckon with a budget GPU upgrade to something newer you could still get some gaming in before it becomes totally obsolete. Maybe like a GTX 1060 or something.


i7-2600K is worth $25 - thats how much they are going for on ebay. The config would be fine with simple or old games, just dont expect it to run modern heavy titles at playable framerate.




so LoL may not be playable on it as recently LoL added its anticheat which requires certain Bios aspects on the motherboard to be turned on and supported. a motherboard that old is extremely unlikely to support it at all.


search youtube for 560Ti and LOL


No, impossible


What games you're planning to play on it? If it is some eSports game or old AAA games (something like Fallout New Vegas) it's fine. Games post 2015 going to be hard If you're going from scratch, what is your maximum budget?




League should run on potato so that's fine >$1000 Bruh, if you can spend up to this you gonna get a nice midrange PC already Example https://pcpartpicker.com/list/fg8LQP Tbh for League and many other games [this $670 build](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/JbnZYN)is more than enough especially at 1080p (and even 1440p) You can spend the rest on monitor and peripherals


> I'm wondering if it's still got some life left in it Depends on what you want to use it for. I would start from scratch if you want a build to play recent games or do something intensive, but for some basic browsing and light gaming it could be enough.




For browsing and LoL I'd say an SSD and an extra 8GB RAM stick would be good enough. Not so sure for those office apps.


probably make a great work pc or media centre. maybe some retro games but your going to struggle on it with anything more modern game wise.


Make it a retro station! It's always a nice solution for an old ass setup.

