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For the games you play 75hz is probably ok, but once you experience the smoothness of a high refresh rate monitor you would likely think otherwise. Anything lower feels jerky and stuttery in comparison. There are movable arm mounts that could mount the monitor above the others and you could move it down in front of them to play games.


>Once you experience the smoothness of a high refresh rate monitor you would likely think otherwise.  That's what I've heard too :/. I already have a VESA mount for my dual setup. I was thinking of getting a triple VESA but the good ones seem rather expensive, unless I decide to leave my gaming monitor in the centre, but then I'd have to get a really good gaming monitor to match my work monitors colors.


It’s kind of like when phones went to 120hz. You couldn’t tell a difference… but when you go back after a while it makes you feel sick. 4070 with 144hz 1440p has been fine with me personally. You hit 100fps+ on a lot of games even pretty heavy ones. I’ve noticed that colors will never quite match even the same models.


Some people notice immediately, others never notice at all. My sisters don't notice higher refresh displays, but I'm very sensitive to them. Seems to be a coin flip.


Great comment,, my son 24 yrs old can totally tell and my 54 yr old welders eyes im happy if I can read the text on my 75 in sony


Same here, just can tell a giant difference between 75 and 144


1440p is the perfect middle ground imo


Most of the time yes. I’m personally torn between a very fast 1080 with 80k contrast, over a slightly slower 1440 with 10k contrast. Looking at them side by side, I think I’m willing to give up pixels for better image quality and frame rate.


What game do u play on 1440p , what settings like ultra or high and how many frames?


You don't need to replace a double mount with a triple. Just add another single mount


Hey I’m kind of in a similar situation. I found some on Amazon that have pretty consistent reviews for ~$90 USD. I’m getting an OLED soon, and don’t want to use it for office work, so I plan on putting it on the far left/right, and my current main monitor in the middle. That way I can use the monitor In the center when I work, and shift over to the oled+ main when I game. But yes, I’d argue that a 4070 is wasted on anything less than 1440p 144hz (coming from a 3080 owner)


It really isn't, a card that works below it's max capacity is going to run cooler and queieter, which also potentially extends its lifespan and will be better able to handle games that come out years from now. If your funds are tight then yes, spend that money on something else, but if spending a bit more money isn't a problem then there's no real downsides to get a card that's a tier higher than what your minimum requirements are


As others have said you don't need a triple mount. I just added a single tall mount from Amazon for like $35 to my desk and mounted one of my monitors directly over my center monitor.


Higher refresh rate id great but i also wouldnt go back to 1080p.


I thought the real jump was from 60hz to 75hz


120Hz is the real jump here. 60 to 75Hz was alright but to 120Hz is much more noticeable.


Not even remotely true for me. Getting up to 75-90ish was THE jump. I can't tell any difference in 85 and 144. But then there's people on here that swear 144 was a huge jump from 75. Not everyone's eyes/mind respond the same.


I was going to argue and then I realized I went 60 to 144 so I really have no idea what it would be like with a smaller gap. I mean I can tell when the fps is not hitting 144, I think around 120 it's quite noticeable. But with all the variables like frame time I'm likely not noticing the difference in actual rate, or at least not *only* that


Yeah, I went from 60hz to 144hz and I can tell the difference between 144 and 120 fps like it’s night and day


I went 60>75(OC)>144>240>170(1440P) I'm sorry, but guy is kinda wild saying 60 to 75 is the biggest jump, it's not even close unless your brain is somehow wired to see a 15hz increase much easier than a 60-180 difference. 60 to 120/144 is way bigger, and if you went straight to 240 from 60 you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between 60 and 75. I remember originally starting up the 75 and it was great because higher = better, but the novelty of having higher refresh rate than I should, without spending more money, didn't outweigh the obvious visual differences in actual high refresh rate monitors. I guess if you play top downs, turn based etc it might not be noticeable, but I'd really love anyone who plays FPS games or games that react well to high frames to confirm that 60>75 was their biggest jump


Depends on the game. For anything top down or most 3rd person that don't need fast spins you won't see unless you pretty much compare side by side. As long as you have freesync/gsync or vsync matching fps it's smooth. It's the first person fast spins that gets you to see the frames.


So, it could be that you are the minority here when most gamers are at least using 120-144Hz. Also, for you to play in 75-90FPS, you need at least 120Hz display anyway.


You do know that the refresh rate of monitors doesn't jump right from 60-120 right?


Monitors usually come in 60Hz, 75Hz, 120Hz, 144Hz. So what is the point of debating whether 75-95 or 120/144 is the bigger jump since you would need 120/144Hz monitor anyway to even play at 75-95Hz. In the, it is obvious that 120/144Hz monitor will be required over 75Hz monitor for gaming if you want that smoothness. I use two OLEDs (4k 120Hz) with VRR that I know what I am talking about.


100hz monitors do exist. You might know a little but you don't know it all. 120hz isn't required for 75-90hz as 100hz monitors are available. "I use two expensive monitors so I know what I'm talking about" lol


Most common monitors out there are 120-144Hz. Haven't seen much 100Hz, which isn't common for a gaming monitor. Not sure why we are still having this useless debate lol.


Because you refuse to accept that you're wrong. Lol bozo


Nah man u see 164 165 hurts I just got a 240hrts and I love it but I would have payed more and gotten a nicer one I ended up getting a samsung


4060 owner here I’ve been gaming at 60hz on a 1080p monitor for at least 6 months seen someone else using a 2k monitor and was sold on it literally upgrading to 1440p 165hz monitor in a few hours can’t do the blurry hd anymore when my build is capable of 4K


75hz is totally fine for AAA games, IMO.


It is, and also indie games like Stardew Valley. I mean come on. However OP should seriously consider getting a new OLED monitor for better colors and blacks. Whether 4k120, 1440 240 oled, etc... its worth it.


Not really. It just means that you can keep this PC and play on it for ***much*** longer.


Thanks for the comment!


Sorry if this is a stupid question but what gives the PC longevity in this case? Does running at lower FPS slow down the degradation of hardware over time?


Meaning OP can enjoy High GPS and smooth PC experience for longer. OP's PC will be showing low FPS 6-8 years from now on that configuration at 1080p 75/60Hz. Meaning, OP does not have to spend money on the upgrade for much longer.


Can you have 1 monitor for work & 1 for play?


Sadly, no. I am used to having two monitors in my workflow, and these work monitors were expensive. It would be tough to match them with a gaming monitor color-wise.


Eh, if you don't play FPS types games then just crank the ray tracing and enjoy the eye candy. The only game I really feel like my 240hz matters for is overwatch. But it strongly matters there.


Thank you for the reply! And no, I never was a FPS guy.


Dont listen to the nay-sayers. For the slow games you describe, 75 or 100 hz is plenty smooth enough imho. I wouldn’t want to play on 60hz anymore. Did on my tv for a while, but didn’t like it. My 1440p also has 75hz and it’s already way better. Just got a decent ultrawide with 100hz and it’s pretty perfect. I have a second gaming rig on a 1440p 165hz but honestly, in games like BG3 I don’t see that much difference. If I look for it and push around windows tabs like crazy, sure. But while gaming? Nope. Not really. Those games have so many static screens and the movement is usually pretty slow, so it’s not that big of an issue. Anyway it’s not a waste per se, anyway. Few triple aaa games can reach a stable 120 or even 144 fps unless your reducing fidelity and it’s a fast shooter. I’d rather play with a locked 75 hz then a fluctuating 120hz, even with freesync etc.


Never thought I'd be on this side of history but going from my 144hz monitor to my 60hz monitor is not a huge deal for me. The difference is noticeable on switching but I immediately adjust. Not like 30fps where there's nothing that'll get me to ignore the stutter


Then your best option might be to just add a 3rd monitor if your desk is sturdy enough to have 1-3 monitor arms where you can have the gaming monitor pushed up and or back out of the way when working and push the other 2 to the side when gaming.


How much were these monitors? Are they better than OLEDs?


You never know how good heroin is until you try it.. and then you're hooked. This is kinda the same thing. I played on 60Hz capped for my whole gaming existence. For me, smooth gameplay is more important than more FPS. Always has been, always will be. Recently, I picked up (free) some 75Hz from an office closure. Admittedly, it was quite the difference... but that is 25% more frames my rig needs to produce..... so you have to feed that with more power... and now I'm "used" to 75, but it's not TOO far from the 60 I still run into when playing elsewhere. Maybe best to not try the heroin.


>Maybe best to not try the heroin. My wallet certainly agrees.


I like 4k way too much to care about greater than 60hz. My wallet cannot handle 4k 144hz or 4k 240hz


TLDR it's fine but sort of a bummer because 144hz is a amazing sweet spot and it makes using the whole computer feel better.


Yeah according to r/buildapcmonitor going from 1080p 75hz to 1080p 144hz is the first ascension. The next one is going to 1440p 144hz. And then after that, it's going OLED or ultrawide depending on your needs.


yes it is wasted on a 75 hz monitor, go for 120 or 144.


The games you play, it's fine but you are wasting what you can do from the tech itself.


I know you already got a lot of comments and edited your post. But I just wanted to add that I game on a 155hz monitor and a 120hz TV. In single player games, I will often cap the frame rate at like 60-90fps anyway. It keeps the GPU fans from spinning up, less noise and less heat output into my room. When I play Rocket League, 155hz feels fantastic. But I never bother with >120hz otherwise. I think your plan to stick with your current monitors for the time being is the right decision!


Even if you’re barely playing games the difference between 75hz and 144hz is pretty noticeable, even when just doing design work. However, as you mentioned, the color accuracy is probably way more important to you, so I’d rock with it.


Once you go 144 or 240hz you can’t really go back. There’s definitely a difference between that and 70hz. Idk what games you play but with those specs you could definitely get more than 75fps


he already specified his games in his post


I would absolutely get a higher refresh rate monitor. I've got a 180hz 1440p .5ms monitor and when you can play a game at 140+ fps with maxed out settings it'll blow you away. Super smooth consistent frames with no screen tearing or anything. It'll ruin you on anything less.




wasted? eh not really, just means you can cranks settings higher and still meet your framerate target. There's certainly something to be said about higher framerates especially for competitive games, but for the kind of stuff you're playing the only real benefit is that it will look "smoother". Just play and enjoy what you have. It's only "wasteful" if you think so.


It is wasted


Competitive gaming or not, more Hz the better - always. 75 Hz is smoother than 60 Hz, but you really want a high refresh rate monitor with at least 144 Hz, preferably higher. 240 Hz monitor idea sounds fantastic, work towards that! :)


If your PC is going to be used mostly for work, prioritize those needs. After all, you gotta work to get the money to upgrade. 75Hz is perfectly playable.


75hz is okay if you haven't "felt" 144hz or higher before. But with that rig you could easily push fps alot higher then that. Once I built my new system and could take advantage of my 170hz monitor, it's like night and day compared to sub 100fps.


I wish I never upgraded mine. Now I can't play anything at less than 100fps. I'm being genuine here, I seriously regret going to 144.


While you're not ruining your experience with a 75 hz monitor, you are definitely leaving a lot of performance on the table.


Kinda, it's like going to a nice restaurant and getting great food served on paper plates, plastic utensils and red cups. Still good but it's just not the same.


Its better than 60hz but if you're running a flagship GPU you're wasting it's potential


75hz is fine for story telling, none competitive games. As for the spec of your pc and what it can do vs the limits of your monitor.. it’s like buying a Lamborghini and only driving it to 45mph. You paid a lot of money for something fast and then don’t utilize all of it.


90hz is the sweet spot IMO... It's smooth and doesn't work the GPU as hard which means it stays cooler/uses a little less power.


I also use a 75hz monitor mostly for work and I play games on it and I also have a pretty powerful build (Ryzen 7900X and a Radeon 7900 XT) Your system can push the pixels no problem. However, high refresh rates, while they are quite nice, isn't everything. 75hz is perfectly playable 99.9% of the time for the games I play on it and given that every game console plays at 60 FPS max, the idea that 75hz being "unplayable" is elitist nonsense. 75Hz is plenty. You'll be fine.


>the idea that 75hz being "unplayable" is elitist nonsense. >75Hz is plenty. You'll be fine. If you actually read OP question, description and most of the comments here, it's not about this It's more about if it is wasted OP's PC spec just to stuck at 75Hz. It's like buying a sports car but only used to do groceries run 10 minutes from home (not the best analogy but you get what I meant)


Imo 120fps is a good goal for a high end.


I wouldn't be to worried about it, I'm currently using my tv my display is set 60 hz even tho I could set it to 75.. I've played on a 120hz monitor honestly didn't like it. I play some fps games and 60hz isn't too bad. 75hz would be just fine


If you’d have to physically replace the monitor each time you’d like to use it, it’s definitely not worth it. Your monitor will output 75hz so just max out every visual setting and enjoy. If you played FPS it would be different but honestly it’s not worth it


Sometimes you can squeeze out an extra few Hz from a monitor. I've had this cause monitor instability (it's an overclock), but never any damage. You could look up a monitor overclocking guide and give it a shot. I wouldn't be surprised if you get up to 80 or 85 Hz.


If you enjoy the gaming experience you get on the monitors you have, there's no waste. You could take advantage of a better monitor, but I wouldn't see it as necessary if you're already haveling a good experience.


75Hz is fine for the time being, especially for singleplayer/non-competitive multiplayer games. With a 14900KF and a 4070, you could play RDR2 on max settings at 1440p, and still hit 75Hz. Once you go to higher refresh rates, it becomes hard to go back down the ladder. If you ever plan to upgrade your monitors, 1440p@165Hz is about the maximum that you'd need. Anything above that is either for bragging rights or for legitimate esports players. From the sounds of it, you don't need that, so your wallet can breath easy.


I think it's ok, and there are always going to be people nitpicking on others' setups. If you reallllly feel like you could use higher refresh rate, might as well go with an OLED screen or TV too. I have a 120hz 4k OLED tv I use for my 4090 set up (both for work and games). There have been many telling me how I should get a 240hz one or whatever, and I just don't feel the need to. Seems like you don't feel the strong need to either, might as well keep it that way


Going from 75hz to 240hz was life changing in a gaming aspect,but if you can find a 240hz oled 1440p ,you’d be very statistics




I'ma disagree with almost everyone here and just tell you that if you upgrade to 144 you will never go back. It will be easier on your eyes and nicer to look at. Your rig definitely justifies the upgrade. Do it.


Had 60>144>240 now. I can feel difference even when browsing. Sweetspot for triple A/story games should be at least 90hz imo. 60 is so outdated, 75 is better but still choppy. For comp games 240. If you will buy that rig i think you should at least get 144hz - 165hz 1440p since your not playing comp games so no reason for 240.


For 1440p I wouldn't say it's wasted if you play heavy AAA stuff where you'd get 80-100 fps in ultra. For competitive potato games, yes wasted but who cares...


Sounds like me- 7800x3d 7900xt Samsung syncmaster 2233 main monitor But also play games like someone leaking classified military information


If you do a lot of work, I probably wouldn't get an OLED, but definitely recommend an IPS screen. Of course most of the new OLEDs have a 3 year burn-in warranty, and that would give you the best picture.


I personally think 60hz/60 fps is sufficent in sp games (may be a matter of taste). When it comes to competitional multiplayer, more might me better - but the games you play... i would rather invest in a better gpu to max out every graphic setting with dlaa or at least quality dlss without frame generation at stable 60 fps and 1440p res.


wasted? not really 144hz is nice but as a casual game it is perfectly fine to have lower. the only time you have to have it is when you play competitive games. and even then i wouldn't go higher than 144hz unless you play them very serious and main them. if you don't just stick to 144hz or even 60hz. that's perfectly fine.


>wouldn't go higher than 144hz unless The price for 144Hz and 165Hz is usually almost the same so there's no reason not going for 165Hz


yes youre correct. i was more referring to 60, 144, 240, 360 and 500 144 or 165 is the same for me. 165 is just overdrive of 144


Time for triple monitors, middle one is 1440 165hz, others remain


Just use the 75hz monitor now, then later on upgrade. I got my current gigabyte 2k GQ32 my monitor at around $350 about 5-6 years ago. Which runs at 144hz (I run it on 120hz to increase life expectancy) and 165hz over clocked, and has the bare minimum specs for Vesa certification (400 cniks) which is capable of HDR. There's also a bargain company on amazon that gives you high specs for a lower price, but the plastic they use is weak and your screen will start to bulge/dismantle. My solution was to wrap the screen in electric tape so it wouldn't fall out. I used it for 2 years prior to getting my current gigabyte 2k GQ32. Later on, It only broke because I tried to clean a dead bug inside it and I dropped the glass screen.


I also have a 75” monitor that I use for work (Dell S2721D) and it’s fantastic. Not as high end as yours but I don’t really play games. I9-12900k, 32Gb, Arc A770 16gb


I have an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X with Nvidia RTX 3070 and I run a 1440p monitor at 170hz. The only game I've started to really chug along in is Red Dead Redemption 2. Cyberpunk, Apex, Hollow Knight, Terraria, Titanfall, etc. Honestly the only games where I average 60 FPS or below are CPU-bound games, like Rimworld or Dwarf Fortress or more recently, badly optimized AAA releases. Trust in the DLSS and you'll be delighted in what you find is possible for smoothness :) That being said... After 2-3 years I've ended up turning on DLSS no matter what while locking my game to non-vsync 120 FPS. IMHO 120 FPS lock is much better than 170 FPS that occasionally dips to 90 for a split second. also, nice job on going for color accuracy. I love my monitor but if I were to do it all over again I'd 100% go for color accuracy and even top-level HDR certs over 100+ hz refresh rate.


75hz is nice but in competitive game you will be at a disadvantage other thsn that while higher hz would be smoother 75 is still pretty good


How many inches is your monitor? Size counts.




unless you're gonna be looking for any and all competitive advantage in a competitive fps, 75 Hz is perfectly fine for non competitive use, 144 vs 60 is definitely noticeable but not to the point that everyone should buy a 144 Hz, the reason I say 144 Hz as my upper limit is because anything above 144 Hz vs 144 Hz is almost not noticeable.


Yes. That’s shit. Bigger upgrade than your gpu.


No, the human eye can't distinguish higher than 4 fps anyway


Red Dead and GTA 5 I know will look completely fine at 75hz, as long as you have it locked to 75hz and don’t dip lower. Many of those other games won’t benefit much from higher frame rate either. I don’t know about other games, but Terraria is actually locked to 60fps anyways.


No one should use less than 144hz in 2024, i dont care what the application is. Theres so many options out there for all budgets, it simply doesnt make sense to neuter yourself.


Unfortunately it’s up to you but i suggest getting what you can in your budget depending on what you’re looking for you might be able to get a decent price on a mini led monitor or look for something else im not the most knowledgeable but i used YouTube(hardware unboxed)videos and other resources to help me figure out what is best for me.


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Helllllll yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh


I’m an ex heroin user and there is no such thing as herion anymore it’s Fentanyl and it will kill you




1440p with 120 or 144hz is the sweet spot.


Main thing I'd recommend is that all screens thst are plugged in at once are all set to the same refresh rate. It makes a difference in graphics card performance


I'm using 144hz QHD. But for story-based, slowpaced games, 75Hz freesync with max. graphicsettings is the better option. No need for FOMO here


I would get a monitor that will let your nice GPU shine.


75 is alright, and if your monitor has a great panel and picture, the smoothness just comes to play but it will look crisp you dont need high refresh rate if you just want to play aaa games, and youre not into competitive games, especially fps


I’d say save up for an OLED 120hz or higher . I hear OLED could also be great for color accuracy.


Unless you play fast fps games I don't think it matters much


Why are you only hitting 50 fps on low settings something isn't right!


just wondering with the update how come with that setup it only manage 50fps on low settings? thought it could be more than that


You will want 144hz for league


Well,if you want to actually see more than 75 FPS,then yes.


I have a similar rig, it's absolutely wasted. Get a 144 Hz (or higher refresh rate) 1440p monitor. Thank me later, you won't be able to go back


I have a 12700kf+ 4070 with an 1440p 75hz LG screen, pretty satisfied with it, my brother has the same setup but with 144hz Ultragear monitor, not that much of a difference imo, in some cases 75hz feels more natural.


You can get high refresh rate displays great for professional work with 99% srgb coverage. HP even makes a 45” 32:9/DQHD one with 165hz. I’ve got one through work and it’s bloody awesome even for a VA panel.


Nah, keep that 75hz monitor and start investing for a good OLED monitor. And no, you don't really need anything more than 144hz for the games you mentioned. So don't go towards the 240hz, instead look for some good OLED 144hz displays. They will be a little costly but will offer great picture quality, higher refresh rate and lower latency than the current 75hz display.


Answer = yes.


Do you have the processor already? If not i would change to the 14900k, for integrated Graphics and intel quick sync support.


You are good mate. Those cinematic games are meant to be played with 60fps anyway.


Fps is lower on 1440p, 75hz is fine for those games, you probably would reach over 75 if you were allowed it though.


wasted coin on intel, 7950x much more viable


I have a high refresh 1440p monitor and sometimes regret buying it. High refresh monitors can be really expensive to take full advantage of. Also, 60 Hz on my high refresh monitor doesn't look as smooth or feel as responsive as my old native 60 Hz monitor.


Why are you getting a 14th gen i9 and pairing with a 4070 first of all? Nevermind… anyway, you should definitely consider a higher refresh rate monitor if you want to have a higher end gaming experience. For a build like this, a 100+ hz 1440p monitor would be optimal


Yeah kinda wasted. Moreover with 1440p 144/165Hz monitor is getting cheaper nowadays I myself using a 1440p 165Hz monitor with much weaker PC (10105F + 3060 12GB) and despite not getting more than 100++ FPS on many games I played (except older AAA or League itself), the fact that it really smooth outside of gaming and the price is not much different than 75Hz in my country make it a worthy purchase


I have a 75hz monitor, and noticed I changed from competitive games to story based ones or relaxing multiplayer ones (minecraft, plateup, and others). Just enjoy the games you play, and if you ever want to play more competitive games, then look at getting 144hz minimum


If you can, go up to 120hz. 165 is where I'd stop, because at that point, you're not gonna feel a difference. And LCD is just fine. I'm going to be honest, 120hz is where it's at. I'm on an S21 right now and that thing's 120hz display makes it so much more fun to use.


As everyone said, unless you are playing competitive shooters you don't need the Hz, honestly only benefit is how fluid everything feels but you don't need it


I got 75hz monitor HP 24f. My specs ain't great ryzen 5 2600 and gtx 1050ti with 16gb ram ddr4. For me it's okay but if I add a high end build then I'd get 120hz or higher. My phone is 120hz tho...


I game at 60FPS 4K with a 3080 Ti


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As long as the screens support a vrr equivalent you’re normally fine. Faster paced games will benefit from a higher refresh rate. I’m fine with 100hz , so I down clocked my 120hz for power and heat reduction.


I’m still using a 4k/60 TV, but since the 7800XT isn’t exactly blazing fast at 4k, no urgency. I did receive some good advice and it appears correct looking at display monitors. Faster response time 2ms or better is more important than frame rate above 160. Also try if you can to see different frame rates where you can find where you start to see reduced benefit. For me that was around 200. Also noting the 1ms with 175 looked smoother than the 3ms with 240.


75hz is a pretty big jump from 60hz. 4070 might be a bit overkill for it, especially at lower resolutions but just crank settings.


it is.


Maybe someone with more expertise can confirm this, but if your computer is going to be production only go for the i9, but if you will also use it for gaming (unless intel fixed it), there is an issue with the i9 where games crash and they didn't know why. Not sure how big the issue is or if its resolved, but something to think about.


75hz is garbage imo




Honestly 75 hz is fine especially at higher resolutions you aren't playing comp games where you need the extra hz. It will look smother if you buy a bigger hz one but it's not necessary especially if you are used to lower one. It's hard to got from a high jz to a low hz but if you are on a low one and it works fine I'd use the money for upgrades over a monitor


Since you have nice monitors image wise I think you’re good. Some of the games you mentioned don’t need high fps and others you will be able to make the most of the image quality while still hitting your refresh rate. It’s not like a 4070 is pushing 144 fps on the AAA eye candy games without concessions to image quality. You got the freesync so target 60-75 fps with all the bells and whistles and you will have a great time. Don’t sleep on 4K DLDSR!


If you do get another monitor, I suggest QD-OLED. The colors are just as amazing as my graphics tablet. Puts my Alienware 360hz ips and NeoG7 va panels to shame.




Don't feel pressured to buy more expensive monitors just because you feel like your setup is "wasted" That being said, your setup can definitely handle higher refresh rates and/or resolution, so I'd you have the extra cash and want to experience the nicer stuff then go right ahead


No. As I always have to explain to people. If your computer runs the latest explosive fps game at 62fps. When everything starts happening in screen, explosions, tanks driving by, planes flying by, dirt flying in the air from the grenade, smoke clouds, muzzle flashes, etc etc, it'll drop 12 frames, all the way down to 50. Wouldn't you rather it drop those 12 frames from 80fps to 68fps? If your monitors are 75hz, and you run games at say 100fps a average, that's perfectly fine. Also, don't get a 240hz, that's just a waste of money. 144 or 164 is all you need. Hell, even a 120 would be fine for the games you play


Yea. 75 hz monitor is really slow by todays standards if you’re going for med-high end builds. Hell you can get a 1080p 124hz monitor for under 150 now. 75 hz isnt worth using unless you dont have anything else and youre waiting for another screen


Just open up a frame rate counter. If it's higher than yeah it's wasted.


You can always upgrade later. No problem


Dude I was slamming modern warfare 2019 on a 60hz photo editing monitor and I did exactly what people here have said- crank up the settings and enjoy the visuals, as long as ur rocking a solid 60fps it’s fine for nearly anything. I was competitive at a high level too so yes it’s nice but doesn’t mean you won’t perform 🤣


I use a beautiful 4k 60hz Samsung monitor for most of my games bc as a film guy I’ll take visual fidelity over > 60 fps any day but I keep a small kind of crappy 144hz monitor for the rare games that really benefit from the higher refresh rate. Mostly when I play competitive modes or fighting games. It’s really about preference


I really don’t know all too much about refresh rates.. I just know when i was shopping for my iPhone 15 pro, which has a 120hz screen, I noticed how smooth it looked compared to the regular 15 with a 60hz screen.. don’t know if that was the screen or because it was the better chip.


I sold a 4k 60hz monitor for a 1440p 165hz monitor and it changed my gaming life for the better. The refresh rate is so noticeable I game on a PS5 and PC


The LG 27GP850-B is a monitor I can recommend with an amazing amount of settings, so you'll definitely be able to match your current monitors, and it offers great color accuracy. It has a USB hub in the back (I use it to plug my mouse and keyboard), 2x HDMI, DP, VESA 100 mount. It's very response, very low GtG time. It's an allround amazing monitor


It's not wasted. But whenever you feel like it or depending on budgetary reasons just get a 32inch curved 165hz 1440p monitor that should keep you happy.


Yes. 75hz and 5ms response time is trash.


Get another 144hz monitor and use it for games. Or get a ips 144hz


165hz 1440p upgrade would be worthwhile


If you're serious about graphic design, color accuracy should be your top concern since that's your source of income, the high refresh rate should just be a bonus. I have a 144 hz monitor hooked up to my 6800XT but I usually keep my games capped to 60fps because I don't play competitive games, and I'd rather have a smooth framerate and low temps than high but unsteady framerates. Also, an OLED monitor may be problematic for a work computer because you'll likely have static menus and toolboxes burning parts of your screen for most of the workday.


If you don’t play fps games, then you are fine.


Have a 4080 and was running 75hz for a while at 1440. Upgraded to a 34" ultrawide 280hz and idk how I ever stayed at 75hz. But for the most part you're good... for now :)


I mean yeah, you're probably correct in saying that things like the color accuracy are going to be better on your current monitor. That is it's intended purpose after all. Just like you'd pick an F250 to carry gravel instead of a GT3 RS. But, a nice OLED or some kind of high refresh rate gaming monitor is going to better for it's intended purpose too. In this case the gaming monitor is the GT3 RS. It's not going to be great at work but it's a lot of fun


What monitor model are they? For the types of games you play 75Hz is likely not a problem. I expect most gamers still use 60Hz or similar when you factor in consoles using TV’s and people using general or older monitors. However, an advertised response time of 5ms is really low although response times quoted by manufacturers are often meaningless as there is no industry standard on how to measure it. If there are good reviews of your monitor they may cover if this is a problem. In a gaming monitor slow/inaccurate pixel response leads to ghosting/inverse ghosting on moving objects.


sorry but a 4070 is not exactly high end lol


But it said high end gaming PC right there on the Kijiji listing.


Misleading ad. I would wonder what else they are misleading about


In case of whoosh, I am not the OP.


why not?


4070 is a mid range GPU. If you want high end, go for 4080 or if money is no problem a 4090


how about 3080?


That is last gen and probably overpriced


but 4070 works better than 3080, and priced accordingly, 3080 "was" considered high end, does that make it obsolete instantly?


Not really. Most people can't see above 60Hz, some can. Main reason for the higher refresh rates are to reduce input lag and response time.


I have a 240hz monitor. I have a 4080s - generally capable of hitting 240, certainly 144. I play at 60, because in anything besides twitch fps the difference is indiscernible.