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I would definitely go 1440p. Try to find one with freesync. 27" max. HDR is a joke unless it's oled or mini led (ie $$$$$). It should not be a selling point for you whatsoever.


There is a difference between a monitor that can play HDR content and a HDR monitor


Which sounds ridiculous.


Oh that's ok, I'm only going to look at it anyways 


Windows seemingly will label any monitor as "HDR compatible" in the settings when it's far from the truth, which makes it even worse.


Agreed. Also going higher refresh  rate rn would benefit u later on 


I have two HDR monitors and I rarely use HDR. They're just good 27" QHD IPS panels, and I barely see a difference between HDR and non-HDR on these displays. HDR doesn't really work without good blacks.


> I barely see a difference between HDR and non-HDR on these displays they must be hdr 400 nits or something. It's a night and day difference on mine hdr 650, I can't stand the look of sdr anymore, way too saturated in comparison.


Might be. I must also note that I do not really consume any HDR videocontent on these displays. So far I have only experienced games with HDR support. So I should probably try some good HDR videocontent before writing it off.


It also helps to properly calibrate with the hdr calibration tool in windows 11, I found hdr to be terrible before hand and a friend told me about it and it just fixed all the washed out look and set the brightness well. colours just pop now without being overbearing or look like it colour graded too much. hope it works out for you.


so thats de reason why my VA panel(that has very good blacls) looks a lot better when I turn HDR on?


My LG UltraGear GR83Q has been amazing for me with HDR, really depends on each model


My LG has a peak brightness of 400 nits, which is the minimum to be considered HDR, and HDR looks terrible on it. So you can’t buy a monitor by just the HDR label, you have to also look at the brightness.


HDR is a nice to have imo, makes games that support it look better on my ips screen. Needs windows 11 IMO though as it has a better HDR calibration tool than 10 did and auto HDR so none HDR content doesn’t look washed out like it always did on 10.


I didn't even considered HDR when I bough my 32GP850-B but it has better color reproduction in HDR mode, so I use it, while it doesn't help much with brightness, it does help with colors, so there's something to consider even if is the most basic trash HDR.




They specified OLED being an exception


There’s a really good budget HDR monitor if OP wanted one. I can link it if anyone is interested.


> HDR is a joke unless it's oled or mini led Nah once you get something that's not bottom of the barrel hdr >500 nits then its a no contest just straight up better than sdr. Don't forget you need to calibrate them in windows too. It's pretty hard to get a panel these days that doesn't have good HDR anyways when you're looking at gaming monitors. Couple of years ago the market wasn't great for it.


>It's pretty hard to get a panel these days that doesn't have good HDR LOL What?! Literally 97% of monitors have no HDR hardware AT ALL. You can't get true HDR on monitors that don't have any local dimming.


Yeah for single player 100hz is solid and will look very fluid, and the overall picture at 1440p is going to be better.


I have to say, on my nano IPS alienware monitor I have hdr 600. Definitely is nice and actually feels like it gives me in advantage in warzone


If i also opt for curved screen. Is good or wastinng the money


When I got my HDR capable VA monitor the image looked like ass out of the box. It had the lowest contrast I have ever seen on a monitor and everything was washed out which was weird because I knew VA monitors suppose to have very high contrast. It was the HDR, as soon as I disabled it in Windows it got too vibrant to look at then I decreased the contrast and got a perfect image. idk how HDR works on monitors but it seems like a scam considering it stands for High Dynamic Range but decreases the DYNAMIC RANGE when you enable it, reverse of what the same thing does on cameras.


The KTC M27T20 is a budget friendly, 1440P, FreeSync, MiniLED, 1000nit, true HDR monitor. Cooler Master sells it for a bundle of cash more.


27” 1440p with anything above 60hz is a very comfortable setup up imo. You’ll notice the increased resolution more than the increased refresh rate.


I went from a 1080 to a 1440 160htz it was like I had a whole new computer it’s an amazing upgrade


27" 1440p is a huge improvement over 1080p 24". 1440p is a gamechanger. 75hz is quite an improvement over 60hz. It's nice and smooth and pretty pleasant. 144hz is a huge improvement over 60hz. To the average gamer who only knows 60hz, 144hz is an incredible buttery smooth gamechanger.


for me 90hz vs 120hz = little improvement 60hz vs 90hz = ultra improvement


I agree 1440p 27" is the sweet spot. I got initially a 32" and was too large plus low pixel density. One thing to keep in mind is GPU. The requirements are much higher if you go from 1080 to 1440. When I got my new screen I upgraded my GPU 1 month later.


Same. I got a 1080p 27 inch. Honestly I kinda hated it. It somehow managed to feel "too big" while also feeling "too cramped". And I would notice the jaggy pixels all. the. time. Then I got a 1440p 27 inch as my main, plus a 1080p 24 inch as my secondary. Soo, so much better.


never buy any 1080 27 or 1440 32 , your monitor will help you censored LOL


42" 3840x1920 is the perfect view! But takes a bit getting used to. 4k is just insane at that size in your face. Awesome thing is you can pick up a super low hour LG c2 or something for as low as $300 and have a better setup than these $1000 plus new "monitors"


32" is just way too big for 1440p. Density is actually more important than resolution in terms of clarity, and 32 is pushing it too far.


Agreed I prefer 120Hz because 24/30/60fps content all goes in with neat math for film/tv/gaming but yeah. When I went to 144/120Hz on my laptop it was soooo noticeable!


I went from 28" 4K 60Hz TN to 27" 1440p 165Hz IPS and it made me realise how much more important a good panel is than just pure resolution. I am never going back to inferior panel technologies.


never save budget on display and psu , both are just too critical for everything.


Well, will you be watching movies? Will you edit files, like Word?, Will je read articles? Will you watch shows? Gaming pc is such a dumb term. I mean most people use the "gaming" pc for everything and so if you are not using it as just a gaming console, 1440P is a more enjoyable experience. That "HDR" certification does not mean anything as the monitor probably is not even above 350 nits.


your point is like what happened with me before , i was like only focus on gaming mindset and go with 1080p 240hz , but then after 1 year i realised i watch movies more than gaming damn 1440p 27" indeed a game changer


I’ll never understand 1080p high refresh rate over 1440p mid refresh rate or better. 1080p just ain’t gonna cut it anymore


1080 high refresh rate is more for the competitive gamer who wants every frame possible and is basically min maxing their settings to get the best performance. They don’t really care as much about higher resolution.


>Well, will you be watching movies? Will you edit files, like Word?, Will je read articles? Will you watch shows? Gaming pc is such a dumb term. I don't really agree - gaming PC is making the distinction that the PC will _also_ be used for gaming, not _exclusively_. But I'm not sure what your point is about doing those other things. The only thing I can think of is that you're pushing harder for resolution... But that makes at least as big of an impact on gaming as it does those other things. It's not like reading articles benefits more from higher res than a game does. 1080p is just ancient and outdated for literally everything you would do on a PC.


i think if u arent gonna play any competitive games go for 1440p


I would go 1440p. Your gpu won't max it out in all games, but it will play them fine. Once I went 1440p, I'll never go back to 1080. It's a night and day difference


How close do you sit to your monitor? If like me you have a shallow desk that's only 45-50cm(or 19.6 inches) deep, i would suggest 1080p 24". If you have a regular depth desk that's greater than 60cm(or 23 inches) deep, I would say go with the 27" 1440p. At 100hz it's good enough to not be too blurry on fast action scenes so wouldn't worry about that and will pair nicely with your 6700xt as it would get about 100fps on high anyways.


Hdr at this price point really won’t mean much. Since you’re not playing fps I would go with the 1440 if it were me. I would guess the 1440 has freesynch as well because almost every monitor has it since AMD I believe does not charge for it like nividia does for theirs.


The 1080p monitor for sure. Higher refresh rate, and you'll get more FPS. HDR is a plus as well. Sounds like you wanna play mostly single-player games. HDR is great for those!


This, if he plays anything pvp or competitive games. The other choice if not...


I've been asking the same questions OP has been asking, except about 4k and 1440p, and I was told *relatively* the same thing. I was told that if you if you take a 27" 1440p monitor and a 27" 4k monitor, that you can't notice the difference between the two, unless the 4k monitor is 32" or bigger. Was also told 1440p is more for if you play competitive online PvP games and 4k would be good for people that play single player games mostly if I got a 32" monitor, but unfortunately the size of my desk doesn't allow for a 27", 32", and my PC on top of it all at once so two 27" monitors it is


Yeah definitely, no one plays competitive/multi player games at 4K lol You want the max frames possible, that's not something you do in 4K or even 1440p, you are gimping yourself. But if you have the gpu power, 1440p is a nice middle if you can get 100+ frames and you aren't not so serious about having the most advantages.


Yeah, I ain't too worried about having the most advantages, lol My build, for now, is gonna run a 3080, and if the 50 series are any good, then I'll go to the 50 series if I end wanting to play in 4k, but I got my PS5 for that so tbh it might just be a waste of money for me to do that


1440p looks so much better. Go for that. It's not tough to get a PC to do that now


I would suggest 1440p


grab the 1440p one. higher resolution is always better. plus, 1440p looks so much better on a 27in monitor.


6700xt can definitely do 1080p max on any game but you’ll have to do medium on a lot of games 1440p


to be fair in a lot of games, difference between ultra and high is 30 fps while looking the same lol


Honestly it Highs most 1440p games


6700XT definitely can do High in most games barring the unopt ones


27” 1440p. Costco has good sales and Amazon also has good sales. Prime day is in a few days. I suggest trying to get a 144hz monitor if possible. LG, Dell, and gigabyte all have some great options.


sure! u can always use fsr/dlss if u lack fps, and will be future proof as well :)


1440p monitor with that card. I have a rx6750 and can easily run 1440p games at 144+ fps, simply play with the settings and enjoy your game.


1440p 144hz is soooo much better than 1080p. Looks so much better . Do it


What country and what's the budget for the monitor?


I'd say the 1440p. Unless you're a big fps gamer, I doubt you could tell the difference between 180fps and 100. But you could tell the difference between 1080p and 1440p. With that said, the 6700xt is going to have it's work cut out for it at 1440p. Most titles I doubt you would hit 100fps. At least at high settings. Free sync / adaptive sync is pretty important. Shouldn't be hard to find a 1440p one with it. Don't worry about hdr. It's pointless unless you're spending big money on a monitor.


1080p should do just fine, esp with those specs


go 1440p, can't go wrong with 1440p


Depends do you think you’ll enjoy more fps and a smoother gameplay or enjoy more visuals of the game ?


1440p. That 1080p monitor would be more for competitive shooter type games. Bigger, sharper picture for making the games look nicer and feel more immersive, which is more of the games you listed.


Do you plan on upgrading in the future?


Obviously 1440p imo. Especially if you spend time on your PC besides gaming, 1440p is so much better. Even just browsing or writing a text document is significantly better on 1440p.


I think this depends on your choice between quality and performance. Rx6700xt is a good card for 144+FPS FHD and 60+FPS QHD. So it is a choice between refresh rate and resolution.


Go with 1440p I been using 1080p 240hz forever. I play competitive fps games. I got a 1440p 180hz monitor and the visual clarity was outstanding upgrade.


Honestly, i've been using 1080 60hz for years already and i have not find any reason to upgrade.


Go 1440p. Monitors outlast PCs. Also, do not look at hdr on cheap monitors. It’s a lie. HDR only truly exists with oled or miniled monitors. -expensive.


Having freesync/gsync is very nice. At 1080p that build should hold nicely at 60+FPS for a while though at max settings is questionable. 180hz just does not look good IMO, as the monitors are unable to output good quality visuals in the process. At 1440p you may have to downscale your resolution at times and it will not look as nice. 24 inch at 1080p will be pretty nice. 27 inch 1440p gets a roughly equivalent pixel density.


The only times you'd need to downscale is if you enable heavy RT effects, the 6700XT can handle 1440p fine, worst case you'll need to drop to high settings to hit 60fps.


I'd go for the 1080p with HDR and Freesync with that card.


For sure 1440p - 32" or 27".


dont u have some options for 2k 144hz maybe 24 inch?


Is 2k referring to 1080p (correct) or 1440p (incorrect)? Either way is fine tbh. OP should just get a cheap 120+Hz 24" 1080p monitor or that [Koorui 24" 1440p monitor](https://www.amazon.com/KOORUI-Adjustment-DisplayPort-Compatible-GP01/dp/B0CL7CR43N)


1440p just looks better but 1080p 27" is the sweet spot for that size. 1080p looks pixelated at 32".


Unless you play fps games you should be good with 2k display This 27" has just 20% more area than 24 inch but you get almost double pixels in 2k so pic looks much better in 2k. For fps games get 1080@180hz everything else get 1440p@100hz..


Tv and monitor size should be based on distance from your eyes to the monitor. My own experiences back up the recommendation of chat GPT. Here's what it says For a 24-inch Monitor:1080p (Full HD) Resolution:Optimal viewing distance: 3.2 to 4 feet (approximately 1 to 1.2 meters).1440p (QHD) Resolution:Optimal viewing distance: 2.3 to 3.2 feet (approximately 0.7 to 1 meter). For a 27-inch Monitor:1080p (Full HD) Resolution:Optimal viewing distance: 3.4 to 3.9 feet (approximately 1 to 1.2 meters).1440p (QHD) Resolution:Optimal viewing distance: 2.6 to 3.4 feet (approximately 0.8 to 1 meter). For a 32-inch Monitor:1080p (Full HD) Resolution:Optimal viewing distance: 4.3 to 4.9 feet (approximately 1.3 to 1.5 meters).1440p (QHD) Resolution:Optimal viewing distance: 3.2 to 4.3 feet (approximately 1 to 1.3 meters).4K (Ultra HD) Resolution:Optimal viewing distance: 2.6 to 3.2 feet (approximately 0.8 to 1 meter).


Would go for 1440p any day!


I should have specified that I am not in the US, so Costco or Amazon is not really a choice, and there are not a lot of monitor models to choose from (my budget is 200 in US dollars). Thank you all for your suggestions though. I think I'll grab the 1440p, and see if I can get a 24" @144hz.




Size is happiness.


At 27 in 1080p vs 1440p is a night and day difference, while 1440p vs 4k is not very noticeable imo. Go for 1440p


1440p It's not as game changing as anyone would say but I've had 1080p since it first came out and honestly if I knew how nice it looked I would have gotten it way back then.


You PC should be capable enough for 1440p 60fps. So i would definitely go for 1440p monitor.


Just got a 24.5 MSI..when sat at the desk not far from it it's more than enough size wise..


You should check if the 27" has freesync or it could have Nvidia GSync.There's not much difference them and you can use both even if you have an AMD card.But you should go for the 27" 1440p and not buy something like 27" 1080p,which is even worse than a 24" 1080p as the pixels will be expanded with low resolution.Don't worry about the 180hz refresh rate,you'll never touch 180 fps if you play heavy-modded Skyrim.A 165hz or 144hz monitor is still ok.At 1440p higher texture Skyrim mods will look even better.


I had the same confusion. And went with 1440p, it was totally worth it!


Ar this point in time. It really makes no sence to have a 1080 setup. Most games (mods included) will be optimized for 1440 or even 4k. So to answer your question. The 1440p option should have your attention.


27" 1440p definitely a good option, the pixel density is almost the same as 24, but 27 inch gives you more space and comfort


Going against most people here, but defo go 1080p - easier to run higher settings - headroom for future games - cheaper to upgrade for future (GPU mostly) - 6700xt is in my opinion a starter 1440p GPU, you will not get 100 fps on most games with high settings, let alone max.. edit: source: got 1440p monitors about 10 years ago and don't care what other people say, you need 7800xt/4070 ti super and above to properly do 1440p on the newer, shinier games


Aesthetically 1440 competitively 1080


I have mostly the same setup and I went with 1440p 27" Freesync. You'll already have a 1440p monitor for the future if you update your setup and the 6700XT works pretty well in that resolution. There's some games that won't always hit 60fps+ such as Jedi Survivor but with technologies such as FSR2/3 or Lossless Scaling the GPU will definetly last.


I will say that I saw an immediate and noticeable difference the day I upgraded from 1080p to a 1440p monitor with freesync. 1440 looks very nice and doesn't have the compromises that 4K requires to maintain performance on most machines.


Once you go 1440p you'll never go back to 1080p


Get a 4K they are not that much more expensive, but when you‘re not playing high performance games you will be able to enjoy a better resolution.


Gigabyte M27Q Rev. 2. That's all I have to say. Don't cheap out on your monitor. Bonus with that monitor is the USB station. 2 type A ports and one type C port. I plug my keyboard and mouse into it and use the type C to plug my phone into. For real though you won't be disappointed with it. I used an MSI 24 inch 1080p 144hz panel before and it's night and day. This is ESPECIALLY important for particular games. I played a lot of DayZ, arma and Squad. View distance and pixel hunting in these games (especially squad) is a huge deal and my ability improved massively with 1440p over 1080.


With your specs and budget, a nice 1080p monitor may actually end up looking better than a budget 1440p with crap display tech. But if a nice IPS 1440p monitor is available, then that would be my pick. Look up reveiws for both monitors and go from there. Unfortunately, HDR support shouldn't be a consideration at all unless you're looking at Oled, mini LED or at least something with lots of dimming zones, all of which are out of budget. Hardware/Monitors unboxed does regular roundup videos for various price points and resolutions and should be worth checking out; but their recommendations may not be available locally depending on country.


my desk is only 20 inches wide, so I went for a 1080p (25") also considering price difference (wanted more fps) and the fact that I don't think I've ever seen a 1440 or 4k screen irl. You won't miss anything if 1080p is what you're used to. I don't regret it.


this is a no brainer, 1400p and more than 60hz. I've had 60hz 1080p, 60hz 120hz, and 1440p 144hz, would never ever go back to neither 60hz or 1080p.


If you have the money, 1440p will give you more pixels. If not, 1080p is probably good enough.


For $250, Philips 275m8rz For $300, Aoc Q27G4 Both are 1440p and 180hz and with FRC 10 bit colors


With a 6700XT go for 1440p, you'll be able to play pretty much every game with high to ultra settings hitting those 100FPS, some AAA titles will need some tweaking but will be able to push over 60FPS anyway, talking by experience (5700X3D, 32GB RAM 3733MT/s and a 6700XT). I also have a 1440p 165Hz monitor and on games like FH5 I can put everything on high and some stuff on ultra and never dip below 100FPS with an average of 120 FPS and some spikes at even 140FPS. That's a really capable GPU and you'll probably be fine for at least another 4/5 years as long as you don't mind playing on medium settings.


Okay, so I recently went from 24 1080p to the 27 1440p and that's awesome. Awesome at the level I was regretting I haven't done it sooner


With your current specs I doubt there would be a lot of AAA games that would work (comfortably) at 1440p with desirable frame rate (above 90) but I would still prefer the 1440p 😇


with that card I suggest 1080p


1440p for three reasons. First and obvious one, they are the best value these days. You can buy 27 ihch 1440p 180hz for under 200$. Second reason is, again, obvious one, visual fidelity. PPI is greater and resolution is almost 2x greater than 1080p. Also I noticed that they implement a better matte coating which has significabtly less grain than that found on 1080p monitors, simply because text is smaller and you need a finer grain, I tell you, I put my old 24 1080p monitor beside my new 1440p one and the difference in text clarity is insane (not just the resolution, but the actual amount of grain is clearly visible on 1080p screen even on gigantic text). The third reason is simple, too. 1440p puts less stress on the cpu, so you should lean to upgrading only GPU in the future.


1440. The difference is night and day if you play games that are graphics intensive. 1080p if you solely want performance


1440p for the eye candy


Just an idea, why limit to a tiny screen. What about 4k 65". I'm a big screen player and chase resolution over frames, it has its own bag of problems on pc since smooth 4k on pc is harder to reach than 4k on console. However my rx570 was able to play sea of thieves in 4k at avg 60fps smooth. But no man's sky had a lot of dropped frames. Moved to a rx6600 and dawn of War 3 was able to hit 50fps in 4k in the test with mostly ultra settings (on just high settings it would reach higher peak fps but had more dropped frames). I've been trying to figure out how to get my PC to game in 4:2:2 subchroma sampling so that it can run 4k easier like consoles do but haven't found it yet. When it comes to emersion of environment a surround system and sitting 4 feet away from a big tv has been better than every time I've tried vr.


Go with 1080p, it has better refresh rate and 24 1080p/ 27 1440p are pretty much same quality, just a bit bigger.


1440p 27" 100Hz+


2 years ago I was willing to go 32" 4k 144hz but then I got a 32" 1440p 240hz 😑


I would go 1440p, cards are pretty enough for that resolution


going above 720p is waste


For **NOW**, get a 1440p high-refresh monitor that supports VRR and Freesync Premium, or whatever-the-tier-after-"plain"-Freesync-is. The reason is that "plain" Freesync might (supposedly) not play nice with Nvidia cards, and you never know what your next GPU will be. It'd be a shame not to be able to take advantage of everything your new monitor will be able to offer because "you upgraded to the wrong brand of GPU". That said, right before your next GPU upgrade, you'll probably be hitting yourself on the head you went for the 1440p option instead of a 1080p monitor. To state the obvious: As games progressively become harder to run, you'll have to turn down their settings to run them at a high refresh rate on a 1440p monitor. After a while, you'll have to turn the settings even lower, maybe to GameBoy levels, and also start thinking about dropping the resolution to something "more manageable". "More manageable" like 1080p. And that is the point where you'll wonder WTF you got a 1440p monitor, and will start seeking a new GPU. **IF** you can afford it. And **THEN**, your spanking new GPU will be powerful enough to play games at 4K, or 666Hz, and your monitor will look "meh". Rinse, repeat.


1440 with 100hz is better.


I still use 1080 and I'm fine but if I had the money to go 1440 without breaking the bank I probably would


Just don't do 1440p with 3060 12gb like me that shit can't push any modern game over 80fps without rtx




1440 higher refresh rate no doubt. You will be happyo


1440p zero question. That's absolutely the better choice for your hardware and those games, which will play just fine at 1440p with good framerates. The benefits are found everywhere - I wouldn't even think of getting 1080p in your situation honestly.


I think you should try to get a 1080p 144+hz monitor, if you get one with freesync your fps will be boosted even more so yeah, your build is for higher 1080p and medium 1440p, i still recommend getting the extra fps with the 1080p monitor


I just got a 1440p 165hz monitor, and it's honestly the BIGGEST improvement i've ever had, it's like day and night. Go for it (i have a RTX 3060ti and it runs everything i want)


based on your demands , i would go for 1440p for sure since you are not playing some competitive games that required thousands of fps so yea your parts will meet your demands.


I went with neither (or both?) and got a 2560x1080 ultrawide. Don’t regret it in the slightest


1440p, those games are visual and you should be well over 100 fps with a 12400&6700xt.


Switched to 1440p from 1080p its good upgrade 180hz ips ,,hdr,, 400


27' 1440p, without a doubt. As you play several single players, a point for you to take into consideration that people generally don't mention: color accuracy. A good monitor with good color accuracy is literally a game changer! Some games you are used to literally look like a "remake" with a monitor with good color accuracy. I have this [https://www.asus.com/br/displays-desktops/monitors/proart/proart-display-pa278qv/](https://www.asus.com/br/displays-desktops/monitors/proart/proart-display-pa278qv/) 27' 1440p, 75hz, freesync, the color range is very good and the best part: it's cheap .


1440p is amazing. I was never a graphics snob or anything like that, but I don't think I can ever go back to just 1080p anymore


In these games the difference isn't that important (although very noticeable). But 1440p gives a major advantage in games like Hell Let Loose, Squad, or War Thunder, where you need to see enemies at a distance.


Once you go 1440 or 4k it’s hard to go back to anything lower than 1440p


I wouldn't get a 1440p monitor if you plan to keep the 6700xt for long. I have a 6650xt and 1080p 144hz monitor and it can barely keep up with newer AAA games. I know, bad optimization yada yada, the fact is games are getting less and less optimized and it's not gonna get better. Also freesync is **really** good. Also also, if you're playing with kb+m on a regular sized desk, 27" might be too big.


Unless you are playing esport titles, go with 1440p. The only reason to go with 1080p now is for high refresh rate in esport titles. Personally, 240 refresh rate is important to me. But for anyone who plays a majority single player games or non competitive multiplayer games, is better served by higher resolution.


Depends but with that setup I'd recommend the 1440p monitor especially with the games you want to play. The 1080p monitor wouldn't be bad and it's a guarantee that your setup would have no problem running but you are already on a 1440p path and it is becoming the standard resolution pretty rapidly.


I can recommend the benQ mobiuz line, I have both the 24inch 1080p and the 27inch 1440p and absolutely love them. The 27 inch one hast THE best speakers you‘ll find on a monitor.


1440 is so easy to max and use stuff like ray tracing while getting high frame rates.


I’m rocking 67xt and recently trying out lossless scaling frame Gen and it’s been great. I’m playing Elden ring at 100 fps by doubling frames locked at 50, and I have about the first half of the settings at ultra and the next half at high. Every game I’ve played has been high/ultra with around 70-90 fps at 1440p. There are some games that will push you lower with high settings, but you can use LSFG now and get a much smoother experience without losing too much visually. Good luck :)


With that gpu? 1080p. Unless you are happy to play with low to medium graphics and at 60 ish fps.


Too slim for 1440p.


144 Hz monitor for 1440 decent prices too


1440p is a game changer


Go 4k


I would definitely go with 27 1440p monitor. Bigger screen estate and higher resolution. I think you will apreciate it more with the games you play.


1440p monitor 27 inch 165hz life is cool


Ive gone through all the res and shape. Use to love 16:10, then most recently into ultrawides. Kept hearing how awesome was, but also loved OLED tv's and wanted to go oled. Saw people using 42" LG OLEDS as monitors, they have game mode, and do 3840x1920 at 120hz. Grabbed an open box for$350 and set it up. Thought well this is dumb, this is too huge at 1.5 feet from my face. But like anything thought you had to get used to it. Now my god, my work computer is a 34 ultrawide and I cant stand to work on it anymore! 42" Oled is just so immersive and perfect! Cant ever see going down or up now... True 4k resolution made an absolute world of difference! Those games you mentioned arent power hungry. I highly recommend 4k over 1440


1440p. I also was a 1080p enthusiast but now I will never go back. Especially with those titles, 1440p.


Resolution doesn't matter, pixel density does, the measure being pixels per inch (ppi). Pixel density of 27" 1440p is slightly higher than 24" 1080p, so both work and are close and the former is technically slightly better. The definitive answer depends on how far you are from your monitor, it gets to a point you don't notice the details, that's why phone and tablet screens are often much higher resolution than a computer monitor and why a TV screen is several times bigger than a computer monitor but will still only be 4K, you're also much farther. Not like you're going to buy a 1080p 27" monitor anyway so that's more of a detail, it doesn't matter for your case. Screen size depends on preference, generally people who play single player games that are more movie-like and are admiring everything around them will appreciate a bigger monitor, some 27", others even 32" or 38", Subnautica and Skyrim are games that are like that. The other end of the spectrum is online competitive games where if anything they prefer a more concentrated screen so they can see everything that's happening closer to their front-view than their peripherals, especially FPS games. I usually see them preferring 24" to 25". In your case I'd say the 27". As for Hz, 60 hz = 1/60 = 16.67 ms 75 hz = 13.33 ms 100 hz = 10.00 ms 120 hz = 8.33 ms 144 hz = 6.94 ms 240 hz = 4.167 ms So 60Hz vs 100hz vs 180Hz is the difference between 16,67 ms, 10 ms and 5,56ms, you should still see a noticeable improvement even with the 100Hz. As for Skyrim, I wouldn't use it as a benchmark for how well your computer runs since you're planning on using a lot of mods, not exactly the most stable of environments in terms of performance to use as a guide. As others have said, HDR means nothing, what matters if whether your monitors colors are 6+2 bits, 8 bits, 8+2 bits or 10 bits. 6+2 is what pretty much every monitor runs so you should be fine regardless, and everything beyond that starts getting pricey. I do question what two specific monitors you're looking at though, Freesync is pretty useful so I question if there aren't better alternatives that would not only have Freesync but would also be better in other ways I can imagine if it doesn't have that. I myself bought a 27" 1440p 180Hz recently for 200€ plus 20€ in shipping during a discount, in my case it's because I noticed how ass my first monitor is compared to an IPS so I upgraded and looked at the rest of the finer details like color, I'm glad I went with my choice but initially I didn't even feel the need to get a bigger size and thus resolution, it's just there isn't really a market for 24" monitors with better colors, contrast and whatnot.


Definitely 1440p. Even as someone who is still satisfied with 1080p, a lot of games nowadays heavily rely on stuff like DLSS, FSR as well as anti aliasing. It's really getting to the point where 1080p is falling behind in visual fidelity simply because games aren't designed with it in mind anymore. Not saying it's that prevalent of a problem yet, but i wouldn't be surprised if it just becomes worse and worse over the years. So yeah, i would def go for a 1440p monitor.


Buy a 1440p monitor I will also upgrade


Monitors are getting cheaper. You should be able to find a good brand 144hz 1440p 27in monitor for under $150.


Depending on where you are, you can get an IPS 27" 1440p 170-ish HZ monitor for like £200, Scan in the UK have a fairly decent Acer model for 180. I'd definitely say it's worth it to go for those kinds of specs over anything 1080p.


If you want to "future proof," go 1440p.


I would never debate 1080 over 1440. The visual difference is huge. Nearly every monitor has free sync and g sync is dead and they just use free sync now. 27 is the perfect size and any monitor bigger than that will cause you to turn your head while gaming and you'll quickly realize how big of a mistake it was to go bigger


1440p absolutely. Buying 1080p in 2024 is such a waste of money imo, trust me you won't regret it.


Go with 1440p.. updated!


1440p ofc. I have same gpu and in sons of the forest on ultra 1440p around 70-80 fps


1440p for sure. For me, I just get 4k monitors as I plan to keep my monitor for many years and use it for more than just gaming. My current one is a 32" and I love it. I don't have HDR.


Heh... I'm running 5120x1440. I would like to upgrade to 7680x2160 lol. But I'm gonna wait for at least the RTX5XXX GPUs. Probably upgrade at the same time I buy an RTX6090 or something.


1440p, but save for a 27inch 144hz monitor. Game changer.


Depends on what you’re playing. If it’s competitive fps games like CS2 then go 1080p but if you just want things to look beautiful and don’t care about fps and latency then get the 1440p


With that build I’d go 1080p higher refresh I have a 4070ti and on some games 2k max graphics I only see like 100 fps. I had a 6700xt before and it wouldn’t hold well at 2k on some games


HDR is useless. Freesync is a must have.


1440p is the way


sorry if this is off topic, but ayyyyy subnautica! (altho the og is better than bz)




1440p is future proof, i mean 4k is better but its just too expensive and some games are poorly optimized, so 1440p


I went from 1080p, 144hz, 24inch to 1440p, 180hz, 27 inch very recently. The extra 40hz isn't noticable but holy fuck going from 1080p to 1440p is mental, the bigger screan and more pixels is immense, feels like a totally different PC. I'd personally prefer over 120hz on a monitor because 100hz isn't quite as big a leap over 60hz, but I'd take the 1440p 100hz option here.


I run gsync 1440p on a 4080. IPS panels are nice and vibrant




Hahahahahah. This was my EXACT build not more than a month ago. 1440p for sure. Never dropped below 90 fps on most single player games, and never below 200 fps on competitive game.


If it were me I'd 1440p with the 6700.


For me it’s 1080p 24 inch. I sit close to my monitor and like to be able to see the entire screen without turning my head. Its cheaper, more comfortable, and lower resolution is less demanding on the gpu.


1440p thats the modern gaming now.


Buy once cry once.


1440p you can always upgrade your pc. Things are moving forward and 1440p will eventually be the norm imo


1080p is the way , bro you won't notice the difference with a 24 inch monitor which is huge and your games with run better at 60+fps .I have 3060ti.


1440p but try to get at least 120hz panel


Story games = resolution FPS, TPS, or competitive = frame rate I have a 1080p 165hz, and it’s great for shooters and such, but I wish I had 1440p for my story games. I would honestly have chosen 1440p if I could


Do u play comp games? 1080p w/ higher refresh rate. Casual gamer? 1440p with atleast 165hz+


Since you're building a new one in 2024, I suggest in finding a 1440 with freesync. I think the 6700 xt could handle that. Hard to upgrade a monitor later on even giving them away is hard.


If you can get a 144hz 1440p 27" monitor I would go with that, 100hz seems too low but 24" also seems a bit too small to me personally but i think it would be fine at 1080p


I think I would go with the higher refresh rate. I went with a 1080p and upscale to 1440p. Works for me anyways I'm satisfied


1440p game changer, I had 2 27" 1080p w a i9-13900k, 64GB, and a 4080. Went 34" 1440 (240) and game changer


Do you want high refresh or higher res? Also does the 1440 have any type free sync?


24" in my opinion would be a bit small for my taste. I have 2 27" screens and it's just the correct size of monitors for a desk setup. hdr generally is just a gimmick, but occasionally could drastically improve an image. on the titles you mentioned though, I wouldn't expect that. Also for a smaller display why waste resources to generate the 1440p image? for 24" the 1080p would look as fine as the 1440p would. wouldn't make sense for me to get a 1440p 24"


Acer 27 inch 180hz 1440p monitor.. search on Amazon




1440p it changed my life


What is your budget? 100% get the 1440p, but if we know your budget we can look for one's within that range they have a higher refresh rate


most games under 1080p now has jagged edges so 1440p will be better . for example horizon forbidden west 1080p will give jagged edges unless ya turn on dlaa


100hz dont do that