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If this is Real Property Management Sterling then they had us pay for that too. I had my own insurance so I don't know about that but the rewards shit is bs. You get points each month and can redeem them for stuff but the money would be better. The stuff isn't great or needs like 2 years of points. The cost was also per person.


"hey, that extra money you want to spend on your stuff? Give it to us and maybe in two years you can have something worthless that we give you as a reward!" They're just asking your permission to steal from you.


I would be asking for a refund if every person was paying it. I live with roommates and the 35.95 is a flat fee for all of us.


Renters insurance is reasonable but goddamn, this is stealing in broad daylight.


My renters insurance costs like 150$ a year, building credit by paying your rent is free you just have to know how to do it (I can't remember the process) and the rewards program sounds like bullshit.


Sounds like they are going to report you this lease payment to the credit bureaus for you.


Not worth anywhere near what they're asking. 10$ a year max


RPM Sterling is a leech.


It’s real property management, you have to pay it. Their whole company is a pyramid scheme. I got calls in Texas about internet. I’m like “nah i think i can figure it out and not outsource it to some random cable company”.


This seems awful. Who is this?


My previous apartment stipulated I had to have renters insurance. You should be able to source your own company. I bundled mine with my auto insurance and had my insurance company send the landlord proof of insurance. I don’t know for certain but you can probably do the same. Your rental agent is probably incentivized to push their insurance company. $36 a month is too high. The credit building is an additional way to monetize your data. ask your agent if you can source your own insurance company and don’t let them gaslight you.


I would want to see a copy of the insurance policy with me listed as an interested party. If they are taking out an insurance policy on your apartment using YOUR money, if the place burns down then they can collect and not give you a cent.




It used to be illegal for a landlord to require you to buy insurance they chose, pretty sure it still is: https://www.goodcover.com/blog/know-your-rights-choosing-your-renters-insurance/ I’d contact the VT tenants rights hotline for them to confirm: (802) 864-0099 or [email protected]


Go somewhere else that's bullshit 


If only it was that easy


This "renters insurance" wouldn't cover shit


I pay about $40 a month for renters insurance


$40 a month? That's insanely high. It's usually <$200/year


Yeah I was looking for apartments recently and just ignored every post with this bullshit in it. That’s just straight up theft. Don’t know how it’s legal. Huge red flag. Not renting from that kind of person/company. Not that any other landlord is much better… but at least I’ll keep my $35.


What a bunch of bullshit.


Just wanted to chime in and say that for a 2 bedroom single family home I’m only paying around $9 per month for insurance. I do have it bundled with my car insurance so that does get me a slight discount. “Credit building” is super vague and I would absolutely want to know what the even entailed before I agreed to pay for it. You can easily build your credit for free so I’m not sure this would even be worth it. Also “rewards program” is super vague too and if it were me I’d be asking for documentation as far as what that means/what it includes. Like is the reward just the landlord fixing things when they’re supposed to be fixed? Or do you get one month of free rent after paying X number of months on time? (Highly doubtful based on what landlords have been like in my experience around here). At a glance, this appears kinda scammy….


I would treat this as a rent cost—it’s likely bogus and is probably useless to you but a way for the management company to pad their bottom line. It’s shitty and shady, but unlikely to be illegal. If this is your only real housing option I would ask for a copy of the insurance policy and still get my own separate coverage.


If it’s legit Renter’s insurance I would totally opt in. Mine was 45 a month in 2008 (last time I rented)


If they are reporting your rent to help your credit, this is an easy way to jump points!