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I’ve been doing remote interviews for hiring.. I as the host usually hop on 5-10 min early to make sure my tech is working like my camera. If the candidate is there… now it’s an awkward “hey, how are ya, we’re not ready yet, hang tight” so that might be why OP is seeing this shift. For me, it’s no big deal, i just chitchat with them. Small talk, and a “hey, im going on mute for one second, we’ll start when everyone is on the call in a few minutes” but maybe other hosts aren’t good socially and so they let it be awkward???




Waiting for late arrivals is the bane of my existence. End your meetings at :55, or :27. Don't make the rest of us burn time.


Yup, I don’t want the additional responsibility of inane banter to fill in the gap while everyone else files in


We use zoom, so we just use the waiting room feature where as people log into the call they are not let into the meeting until the host lets them in. That way we get all the interviewers on the call, go over any housekeeping items and when we are ready let the candidate into the meeting. Do other softwares not have a similar feature? You can also chat with the candidate while they are in the waiting room so if one of the interviewers are running late you can let the candidate know what’s up.


I guess I’m aging myself, but being 15 or 20 minutes early for an interview or important meeting was usually standard across the board, to show the prospective employer/client that you respected their time and was prepared for meeting them. Although it seems like a total waste of time to do it virtually now, I still think it’s always better to be ready and prepared for a client/boss when they come on then to be joining right on the clock or even a minute late to the meeting. The worst is when someone is constantly joining a few minutes late and excusing it by saying their previous meeting ran over. I mean, what happened to giving yourself a buffer rather than scheduling everything back to back and causing yourself to be late to every meeting. Maybe I’m just a ranting curmudgeon on this, but it seems odd sometimes.


I work a government job, and tons of people end up with back to back meetings that others are setting up. People aren't just setting up 4 meetings in a row for themselves. The buffer goes away because of people who don't respect the time and keep the conversation going past the meeting's scheduled end time. I usually excuse myself at the meeting end if it seems like it's running over, and I need to jump to another call.


I think it’s more of a management issue, but yes, scheduling back to back meetings without 5 minutes in between is poor practice in my opinion.


You could argue that it's a management issue, but they're the ones such in n back to back meetings for most if the day, and I don't see them arguing against it. They might be better at wrapping things up early though. It's also much easier to make a 9-10 meeting then a 9-9:55 meeting, so I don't expect people to take that extra step. I've never seen someone make a 55 min meeting.


I recently went through interview and did the same thing as the interviewee. Getting early made sure that the link given was correct and worked. As well as double checking the camera and mike.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isnt each person placed in a lobby until the host admits them to the meeting room? If they are early, just leave them in the lobby until you are ready for them?


We’re you just sitting on the call? Depending on the app it will notify you the meeting has started. You may also join their room and they may be in a meeting. Additionally with more meetings held virtually you don’t need time to change rooms or gather more materials. Those are typically on your computer. Hope that helps.


I don’t mind sitting early, I just notice that I’m like the first person on every virtual meeting, and sometimes people have commented on how early I’m on the call, even if it’s only 5 minutes early.


as an introvert, I always jump on right as it starts so I don't have to chit chat 🙂


Even better when it’s on google meets and you can see who’s on before joining


I get it, as an ambivert sometimes I don’t mind the small talk and other times I just don’t feel like small talk.


There can be a problem with joining a call that isn't intended for you as well. If you dial in 10 min early, it could admit you to an interview for another candidate if the team has back-to-back calls. It certainly isn't your fault since savy users can admit each person individually or leave callers in a 'waiting room," but that could be a concern as well.


I get it, although at my company there’s a different zoom link for every meeting, so I doubt recruiters would risk scheduling multiple candidates on the same link in case one accidentally runs over or another candidate is super early.


Really good question, I’ve noticed this too. The only reason I can think of is that people may be scheduling things closer together or the 10 mins early advice is meant to just be a buffer for traffic and such. Just like any other form of social gatherings, there’s an unspoken etiquette to follow, this is just part of zoom etiquette.


I always give myself at least 5 minutes between meetings, in the off chance I need to decompress, take a bathroom break, or in case the meeting runs over, but I know a lot of people who schedule back to back meetings which makes no sense to me, but maybe I’m old school.


One thing, do not be late. I really hate sitting around waiting for the quorum to show up. There are many who don't try to get in until the exact time and then something happens and they can't get in the call right away.


My thoughts exactly. Every time I hear “sorry, the last meeting ran over time” I can’t help but think they didn’t allot enough buffer time to finish what they started and then move on to the current meeting. I don’t get people who literally schedule back to back meetings


(it's) better to be late than be dead on time. a day late and a dollar short. a little too late is much too late.


Being on time is always better than being early. Duh. Meeting rooms have other meetings in them.


Depending on how the call is set up, the host may use the same virtual room for all their meetings. So it's possible if you join 15 minutes early you may barge in on your interviewer and another interviewee lol


I’ve actually not run into this personally. I usually join in five minutes early for my meetings. This is probably because I’m in sales and don’t want my client to join first if it’s possible to avoid that.


I think sales is one of the few remaining industries where being online and ready to present (and not minding the small talk with early joiners) is a huge plus. Almost everywhere else, almost a third of people can excuse being 3 or even 4 minutes late and excusing it as a “last meeting ran over time”.


Generalizations don’t help. I’ve worked remote for 10 years. They’re more surprise that you’re not as lacking as the others. Not a bad thing. But refrain from generalizations. They just upset the generalized