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Did he offer to prove the statement to his employer though? 1 million different statistics should do the trick and safe his job




He certainly won't get a new job as a statistician even if he gives it 110% lol


I mean, as a statistician, I'd say especially then.


And now that he is unemployed his gf left him 45 minutes after, it just keeps on givingšŸ‘šŸ¼


Give this asshole two days to go from...I am.not racist, I have a black friend to doubling down because he is full of anger because of cancel culture.


He uses the "The only reason Daddy used that word is that he thought he would win money" gambit.


Please. Type out the million ways. I would like you to list out the reasons. It's like MTG who doesn't understand the magnitude of numbers.


Numbers arenā€™t real. They are a fabrication of the lying mainstream media.


Numbers are composed of *Arabic* numerals! That's how you know they can't be trusted! /s


Damn you, sir. You win.


And don't even get me started on math that uses LETTERS - the terrorists known as Al Gebra invented that shit.


You know what's weird though? In modern Arabic they came up with another set of numerals. So there is Arabic numerals, which most people use, and then "new Arabic", which are used in the Arabic-speaking world.


I have a suspicion this wasn't the comment that got him fired. A garbage opinion? Sure. But, I'd put money on this post being the tip of the iceberg.


I mean, heā€™s got time now that he took care of that pesky job.


No no, MTG is right! There's trillions of immigrants coming into to our borders every day! It's unsustainable!


itā€™s uninstallable!


Don't forget the Brazzilliins also coming in.


It is so frustrating. It's always "millions" and "billions" with her. She has no concept of how many zeros are behind her fabricated data.


Regardless of whether you agree with his opinion or not. Posting your political opinions (especially if they are provocative) on a social media account linked to your real identity is fucking stupid.


One of my political opinions is "racism is bad". I'm proud to post it with my real name attached.


Not that I'm directing anything against you. I'm just reminded of a concept: "People are taught that racism is bad, but not everyone knows what racism is." It feels insane, but it's a safe bet that the fired poster thinks he's 100% in the right. He might even think he's been championing for the cause, with all signs pointing to the contrary. Truly insane.


I always find it funny (in a bad way) how people being actively racist will complain when you call them racist, but not connect that their actions are racist. They don't hate x race, therefore they're not racist. It just doesn't compute that what they're doing *is* racist.


Nobody ever believes they are the bad guy. They just donā€™t. Itā€™s a feature, not a bug. Iā€™m pretty sure most racists these days think that because theyā€™re not out dragging people of color behind them from their car or lynching that theyā€™re not racist. These peoples propaganda machine is so strong. Iā€™m not surprised that he doesnā€™t realize the things heā€™s saying. This is the part that makes it so aggravating. Heā€™s listening to news that is painting Black Lives Matter as some kind of violent terrorist organization. They then go on to point out a few people and extrapolate that they all must be like this. They are very good at creating an us versus them mentality for their people. Itā€™s evidently clear when they have no idea why we are upset about the things. We are upset about. The whole Colin Kaepernick thing. Everyone just thought he was going out of his way to disrespect America. Nobody ever once listened. And when youā€™re taught not to think critically or for yourself Then thatā€™s exactly what they see. ā€œWhy is this person not standing during the anthem? Whatā€™s his problem? Does he not like Americaā€œ? Very stupid basic questions these people are asking and very stupid basic conclusions they are arriving at. This is by design. They donā€™t like smart people and thatā€™s why college is vilified to them. Learning is the devil to them. But they canā€™t think for themselves so they donā€™t see the real reason why their politicians donā€™t want them to open the liberal Pandoraā€™s box to knowledge. If every Republican could actually see the laws that their own politicians are striking down There would never be a republican politician in office ever again.


No, because to them theyā€™re just ā€œtelling it like it isā€.


My aunt keeps posting anti-trans bullshit on Facebook. Then got angry at me and demanded my mother make me apologize to her (I'm an adult so she refused) for calling her a bigot.


My mother, under the same breath - ā€œyes I think Muslims should be on a list, just canā€™t be too sure. And I have Muslim friends! And yeah I donā€™t think the gays should be able to get married. Did you know ā€˜x neighborā€™ is gay? Who knew?ā€


It is possible for people who have different life experiences to not understand how some things may be racist or racially driven, it may not have directly impacted them so it could be something they legitimately havenā€™t given consideration. The issue comes when they are shown and told by those it impacts that itā€™s racist and they put their foot down and call it bullshit. Thatā€™s when they become a piece of shit.


This is the real problem. You can't always have real empathy with people, because there is a massive spectrum of human experience and anything too far removed from your own is going to be some degree of incomprehensible. The choice is whether you will choose to accept that fact, or triple down on your own narrow experience as if it's the only thing going. For example, I am a white dude born in the USA and raised culturally Christian. I am *never* going to understand systemic racism on a personal level. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate that it happens and want to take whatever steps I can to prevent its perpetuation, but I'm just not really going to "get" it no matter how hard I try. I will never be able to fully empathize with it...but that doesn't mean it isn't real.


I've definitely grown and learned a lot through my life, that opened my mind, eyes, or changed my opinion entirely. I'm always open to learning why something i might've been raised learning is wrong. If I was never exposed, or introduced to something, how could I make a full opinion? Then again I'm empathetic, open minded, and willing to be shown I'm wrong.




Why do you get in discussions with people about transphobia on twitter?


I maintain that people are taught to be racist, and the natural state of being is not to be racist.


The problem is that how people are taught to be racist isnā€™t always obvious, and it can be a thousand small things here and there that seem harmless on their own, but when combined do actually contribute to teaching someone to be racist. Iā€™d even argue that all those many little ways that teach people to people racist can actually be more harmful than parents or mentors overtly teaching kids to be racist.


We are one race. The human race. So yes; I agree. My parents never talked about politics or race, growing up in Cherry Hill NJ, all my friends were Jewish, African American and Italian Americans--and never thought they were different as a person-- as a child. Then children would be racist among others, and that is when you understand what is up.


He probably actually thinks heā€™s 1000% in the right.


but that could still get you fired from some jobs like kkk-secretary or police officer(USA).


Blacklisted from any possible position of power too, ā€œnot her, sheā€™ll definitely rock the boatā€


It's odd how when your views are based on sanity and kindness, you don't need to create a burner account.




3 racists in a trenchcoat


Doubt Fox News or the GOP will hire you now


Mad lad


I would think that being a racist piece of shit is also pretty stupid. Sure it would be smarter to hide it, but these people voted for Trumpā€¦ they are fucking stupid.


Especially if you have your job listed on your profile.


"I ThOuGhT iT WaS mY *personal* AcCoUnT! YoU cAnT FiRe ME fOR ThAT!"


this is just "both sides the same-ism" his political "opinion" is equating a civil rights movement to a terrorist organization a false and racist "opinion" that deserves to get fired over


I agree with you, I do, but when did racism become a provocative political opinion?




I agree completely, particularly with your second paragraph... Im not sure if you were contesting what I said or if you were just commenting in continuation of what I said but if it was because you disagreed, and even though I thought I was clear, let me try again. All I was really saying is that "racism" is not a legitimate political perspective. Yes, I agree that race issues and demographics have been hot button issues. I was speaking specifically to racism. Cheers. Happy Sunday.


Hasn't being a bigot always been pretty proactive? (Maybe less so in the past, it probably depends on where you live too)


I wouldn't necessarily say, "less so in the past". It was just more widely supported and more difficult for opponents to feel like they could speak out, but I guess it also depends on how you see it. In any case, I wasn't saying racism wasn't provocative. I was saying it wasnt a provocative political opinion. It might have been better and more clear if instead I had said something to the effect of "racism isn't a political opinion, provocative or otherwise." Look bro, I do get what you're saying and I don't really have any disagreement. But I also don't think I'm just splitting hairs here and that it's a worthwhile point. I think it's also possible that if I had said it better then I might not have put you on the defensive and you might even agree with me. Anyways, enjoy the rest of your weekend, truly.


Or at minimum, if they're not demanding it, maybe don't add your boss on facebook. If you really struggle to never post any politics ever, a good first step is to lock all posts friends only and don't have coworkers on there.


If theyā€™re DEMANDING it, fucking quit.


Honestly I encourage people to post their most fringe beliefs on LinkedIn. When I was hiring last year it was super helpful for me šŸ˜‚


That's why I post all of my radical opinions on Reddit! Here's your hot take for the day: I'm not racist or anything but I think pineapple on pizza is fucking delicious.


At some point around the Facebook era, social media users began chasing the "influencer" lifestyle, aspiring to become influential. New web 2.0 users willingly chased platform after platform and mindlessly agreed to the various login methods that all traced back to Facebook (or Google/Apple single sign ins.) Emerging/maturing young people also sped past the prior decade(s) warnings about exposing your IRL identity online in favor of chasing visibility for content creation and aspiring to go viral and leverage that into financial gain or celebrity status. All the while, Jor Average users - who mindlessly ignored endless professional a d academic warnings - amplified/boosted by news and Op/Ed media - that recklessness with privacy has dire consequences from Identity Theft to Stalking and more. So now, we have a sea of millions of social media users who are just ripe for the pickings because they self-doxxed over the years and never scrubbed their bad decisions. So when they gleefully barf their unprofessional and hateful views online, they're all traced to their identity and critics and activist/hacktivists (and trolls) will follow the shortest possible route and raise awareness of an individual's online behavior to embarrass and sanction them. So when IRL persons with the ability to hold others accountable, these long-apathetic users suddenly express shock and surprise when their publicly visible comments and media produce unwanted accountability. And it's just pure schadenfreude extract watching it happen over and over again.


Itā€™s even simpler than that, just donā€™t have your posts set to Public (the little globe icon on his racist post). I havenā€™t been on Facebook in years, but the only times I set anything to public was when I was advertising a show, otherwise it was limited to just friends (and usually not *all* my friends; I had a friend list of people I didnā€™t care for but was still ā€œfriendsā€ with for networking/politeness reasons, and by my default post settings, they couldnā€™t see jack shit).


It's probably just better not to bother with social media. Something about it really messes with people's minds.


It blows my mind what I see on LinkedIn. Even if I was independently wealthy I wouldn't share some of that shit. You're not going to fight fascists effectively by torching your own career. You cause them pain anyway you legally can, quietly. Make it hurt to be a traitor. But setting yourself on fire isn't going to help that cause at all.


Maybe he should have said opinion instead of 1000% fact. Id sack him for bad arithmetic šŸ˜€


It wasn't for the posts it was for the stupidity required to make those posts.


I just cannot, for the life of me, understand why people don't realize that not every fucking thought in their head *needs* to be posted online.


Most people don't have thoughts. Literally. They just have collections of things they have heard and they repeat when appropriate. 90% of them are parrots. Really.


A lot of people are boring, narcissistic, dumb assholes. Getting 6 likes from other douchebags is apparently enough dopamine that you'd risk your job for it. Edit: hey guys, can I get some updoots for this post?


Why donā€™t people just buy their dopamine at the store like me?


I'd like to buy your dopamine supply please! šŸ™Œ


Pro-tip: Get a dog and then you have a constant supply of dopamine. Youā€™ll never have to pay for anyone elseā€™s supply again!


I wish! Can't have dogs where I live or I'll get kicked out šŸ„ŗšŸ˜ž


Oh. That sucks! I wish you all the dopamine alternatives in your future.


Thank you šŸ˜Š




That is the quality content social media should aspire to!


Itā€™s my general complaint, the internet has given everyone a voice, but not everyone deserves that ability. Tongue in cheek, because equality is paramount, but without the flattening offered by a global network and platforms, we wouldnā€™t be exposed to lots of crazy.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from social consequences. It means the *government* cannot punish you.


You can repeat that a thousand times and the rightwankers will still screw their faces up like angry babies and whine BUH MUH FREEEEDUMZ all over again. They don't care about truth; they're peddling outrage. ["It doesn't have to be true, it just has to go viral."](https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/brenden-dilley-it-doesnt-have-to-be-true-it-just-has-to-go-viral/) \-- Brenden Dilley, MAGA dirt clod, giving the game away *all the way back in 2019*


I guess he didnā€™t do a risk assessment on his social media posts.


It's extra delicious that this guy used to work in insurance.... enjoy now getting fucked in the ass by the vile industry you helped maintain.


Person claims to have statistics, and also says "1000%". Sounds legit


When someone exaggerate the percentage like 110%, 200% or in this case 1000%, I already assume itā€™s bullshit. The max is 100%, and if you need to overdo it it probably is because you need to compensate for the fact you are not actually sure. Iā€™d much rather believe someone saying they are 90% sure than 110%.


You are 1000% right šŸ˜Ž




When people spend enough time in echo chambers with other people who already agree with them, they start to believe that their extremely bad takes are accepted by society as the norm.


he should also be fired for his inability to do basic fucking math. i hear knowing how to count and estimate is useful in the insurance industry


I'll take everything as a conspiracy because I don't understand how complicated the world is for $500 please Bob!


Hey I say give him a fair hearing. Letā€™s hear about these million different ways in which he can prove BLM is terrorist.


Or an organisation


He deserved it, not just for the racism, but also for the complete lack of understanding of percentages.


Not to mention itā€™s likely he couldnā€™t have proven even one thing in even one way


My thoughts exactly. Probably shouldnā€™t work in insurance if you canā€™t understand the concept of percentages.


He deserved it for choosing Telus as a service provider.


Didn't know I was a terrorist because I want police brutality to end.


I donā€™t remember the specifics, but wasnā€™t the organization different than the movement? Like the organization was pocketing the money instead of actually helping the movement. Iā€™m sure others would know better than me, but I thought something like that came out.


The movement and the organization are completely different and leaders of 501(c) 3 organizations, especially those that manage millions of dollars on a national level, have salaries as well as their staff. It's also not free to provide the services they do. Over 14,000 people were arrested during BLM protest and many families were provided with low cost to free legal representation. Because many of their donations are collected from private donors they do not have to be identified. I have worked with these organizations over 20 years. Sometimes we got paid a lot and sometimes not at all because you only get a percentage to use as payroll. They received much, much more at that time because of what was happening. I find it amusing ppl have an issue with them but not Salvation Army who are literally profiting from poverty.




The schadenfreude is strong with this story. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Never list your employer on your social media.


I wonder how many black ppl he fucked over in thise 11 years šŸ¤”


1 million for $500, Alex!


God good point šŸ˜©


Racist, bigoted screeds online are like sticking a gun into the mouth of your career and clicking ā€œpostā€.


Funny how he sees himself as a victim when he was the one who did it to himself


šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ obvs couldn't prove it in one way one time.


Icing on the cake is they're posting it in a anti COVID group. Get that recognition from your echo chamber!


Iā€™m also very anti-COVID. Thatā€™s why I got multi-vaccinated.


If you're racist and you're fired it's your fault! *Clap clap*


I like the sad face at the end šŸ˜‚ :( poor me


Hopefully he wasn't one of those actuaries. Because he clearly didn't actually calculate how likely a statement like that was likely to kill his job.


and you just became another statistic for being an idiot online




Well you know. Fuck around, find out


I'm guessing that insight is as elusive to him as logic and balance


Blue lives matters is a terrorist organization. It is specifically created out of spite to derail black lives matters which wants to prevent black people from getting murdered by police. Blue lives matters was also created to protect racist murderers, assaulters, those that plant evidence and make false accusations and those that ā€œturn off cameras or erase cam footageā€. When cops start arresting cops on a regular basis instead of covering for them, then weā€™ll talk.




Terrorists blew up his job.


How you gonna get fired on your day off?


I bet he has evidence that trump won the election too


Wanna bet that he got fired not for that facebook post but another one which was a lot more racist?


cAnCeL cUlTuRe Is OuT oF cOnTrOl!


i think the million key was stuck down too.




Free speech strikes again!!!


I mean terrorist organization was a stretch but if he just said they were scammers stealing money it would have actually aged pretty wellā€¦


He knows not to post his 2nd post on his main timeline. Heā€™s get ripped apart.


They probably fired him for his lack of understanding of statistics


People who use their image to say stupid shit online, when making a fake account to be hateful is so easy


Looks like the dumbass now has 1M and 1 reasons.


Don't worry bro, Hush Money Trump and the GOP will pay your bills. lolololol


Why post anything like that on a public forum where you can be identified? All companies expect you to hold yourself to a certain standard, even outside of work. If youā€™re going around saying all this shit in public with your profile saying you work for so and so, expect repercussions. They donā€™t play when it comes to protecting their company.


Because he doesn't think he said anything wrong


I doubt it, this person does not seem smart enough to have a job in the first place. Besides, they love to be persecuted and complain about being 'censored', and will do this just to provoke outrage and grow their platform.


My last job made me take down my BLM banner that was on my LinkedIn profile because of how it could make the company look. Companies donā€™t care about opinions, they care about their image.


Dumbass should kept it anon and used reddit.




Oh no, my ignorance has consequences?


Well, now that he is unemployed and nothing to lose, im sure he will get right on proving that with his millions of facts... right?


Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions šŸ«Ø


There is a reason why you shouldnā€™t use social media if you have something you care about.


This has been happening for decades now and people are still surprised when they get fired?




It honestly baffles me how someone could seriously think that black peoples lives donā€™t matter. How do you come to that conclusion?


It may not be a terrorist organization but itā€™s definitely a scam. The only black people it helps are the founders it makes rich.


When you think Nazis are the good guys and BLM is a terrorist group, this might happen.


I think they are both bad groups. Obviously the Nazis were/are far worse, but being an organization claiming to support black lives and not giving a single dollar back to the communities they claim to represent is reprehensible. Black Lives Matter, obviously, but the organization is shit. The woman who runs the damn thing bought a couple multi million dollar mansions if I recall correctly.


Way too laughably bad at basic numbers to work in insurance!Insurance is mostly math,right?This guy canā€™t comprehend basic numbers concepts.


Well now they've the time to write a book with their million ways and million statistics.


No pity


Ive never heard of 11 Year insurance before


It's one louder, innit?


I guess he couldn't prove his assertion.


His way with numbers (ie, making them up or purposely exaggerating) may have had an effect, in addition to his racism.


Hahahaha dickhead.


My guy here might not have the best understanding of statistics if he thinks its possible for BLM to be any more than 100% a terrorist organization


womp womp


Holy shit actual people still use Facebook, I thought it was all just scammer bots trying to scam each other in some type of scammer hell scape, humph well there ya go, still full of assholes I see.


It still blows me away to this day that people still add coworkers to their facebook. Not only that, the majority of individuals make their posts public. When I still had facebook, every post I made was listed as friends only.


Many Canadians believe we aren't susceptible to the same problems happening south of the boarder but the sickness is spreading here too.




Why do people always have 100s of ways to prove something when all we need is the best one? Just state your best one.


Does anyone know a million things, that's a lot


Guess he couldn't prove it.


Are we all ignoring the fact that he threatened to prove it "with crimes"?


ha fucking ha, get fucked racist


Well well, if it isnā€™t the consequences of my own actions


For somebody who is supposed to know about risk, he shows a lack of application in his own life.


Now, just fire a million more if these dumb bastards and we should be on our way to a better future.


Is BLM still buying houses?


Has All Lives Matter ever protested or advocated for ANYONE getting abused or unjustly killed by the police?


Sounds like a you problem bro.


Found out.


Was it bc youā€™re really bad at math?


Probably just because of his shitty grasp of arithmetic.


So awesome.


I would fire him for being shitty at marshaling evidence and data to support an idea. And also the racism.


What rhymes with 1000%? Unemployment line. Hiyoooooooo!


@WompWomp @ThoughtsAndPrayers


Lmaoooo what an idiot


Lol should've thought about that before making the post.


This is why I have a stage name on Facebook.


This belongs on [r/mademesmile](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/)


What good has the organization done for regular black people? General question.


Citing the record for 'Blue Lives Matter' while attempting to call out 'Black Lives Matter'...




Someone doesnā€™t understand the notion that freedom of speech only applies to the government? Iā€™m shocked. SHOCKED I tell you!


Ah, because not associating yourself with a hate group should definitely be grounds for losing a job. What a society we live in


Imagine believing this is what happened


That idiot couldn't come up with 20 reasons.






It was a stupid post for sure but he shouldn't have been fired for it. That's fucked up. If you think it's also stupid that he posted under his own name. Yes, that's dumb too but again people should be fired for post dumb stuff.


ā€œWhen you do clownery, the clown comes back to bitešŸ¤”!ā€


reddit is hateful




Ah well.


Ahh, yes, the schadenfreude sustains me. Delicious.