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The human body is markedly resistant to the shit we put it through. In order for you to receive any actual long-term damage on your heart, you'd need to do something like this consistently. You are fine. You just need to wait it out.


I would not do that again. I’m 17 and had 600 and I could barely function the next couple days. Your heart is probably going to hurt from that amount but it should stop, I notice I will get chest pains on occasion. If your pains continue any longer please go see a doctor.


This is the beginning of this subs arc back to its intended purpose


yeah I want to just make this sub back how it was but a lot of weirdos would be pissed and probably try and track me down


I hope nobody tries to track you down, that’s fucked up. I doubt anyone would, most people are just idiot shitposters


i wish that were true but the amount of shit people have dug up on my reddit profile to bring up is creepy


I’m kinda wondering How it got crazy in the first place, like did a bunch of them just show up one day?


r/ drugscirclejerk users decided to brigade this sub (I'm not allowed to link other subs because users here tend to brigade)


Ohh that makes sense now.


Your welcome guy


That would be great. Ive never seen anything derail so drastically


It’s gone, but i just wanted to know if it would did any harm


You are probably okay now, just defiantly don’t do it again


im 18 and have taken in 400 mg caffeine a day for abt a year now, and i took 2000 once in one sitting a lil while ago and it fucked me up but i survived, youll be ok


Yea i also take 200-400mg a day. Been doing this for 2 years and i can’t stop. Gym got me big but gave me caffiene addiction 😭


i had 7 shots of espresso today, not nearly as much as that but still, more than my usual (2-4 shots), so i’m in a similar boat to you (also 16)


Yea i had a lot of chest pain but it’s gone


Unfortunately the permanent damage is done. You will now have PTSD for life each time you smell coffee, redbull.


I drink up to 1000mg of caffeine on a nearly daily basis. My day starts with about 500mg at least. Easily 400-600 in drinks and another 250-500 in shots. My life is in shambles


damn 😭 good luck fixing that addiction


Thanks I'm not trying very hard to fix it. I try to lay off on the weekends but gotta get rid of the headache in the mornings


yea bro it sucks ik im not as bad as you but when i stopped for a week it was terrible. Went to school off almsot 0 sleep and was at peak caffiene withdrawal


For future caffeine questions please go to caffeine_use subreddit


this is real bro i been there but wit a slightly lower amount an i thought i was gona die. i know its one day later but still be careful and rest up🖤


Go to the doctor if the heart thing doesnt go away soon


it’s gone but i was just concerned


You're 16 so this one time probably won't be that bad especially since it was over the course of an entire day. You'll probably sleep like shit for a night but otherwise you'll be fine