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It’s beautiful, make sure flowers used are edible, not all flowers are edible. Lily pollen is toxic to humans.


And gypsophelia is toxic as well.


Technically toxic, yes. I used an edible spray glaze to make it safe.


I've never heard of such a product. I'm from the UK though our cake decorating supplies aren't all that different. How does an edible spray glaze protect someone from munching down on a flower head? Also, did you use posy picks or just stick the stems straight into the cake. Finally, unless you used organic flowers, they will be covered with pesticides which are not for human consumption.


No one ate the flowers, and why would they even think of eating them if they are informed that they weren’t made of sugar; and they are real? Flowers should NEVER be eaten, regardless if they are actually an edible variety. My goodness, you are all jumping to conclusions. The edible spray/glaze (called PME Edible Glaze Spray) DOES protect the outer buttercream from the "toxic" effects of the flowers (I didn’t mean that you could eat the damn flowers with the glaze on ‘em, jeez.). I bought them from a florist, no pesticides were used on the flowers; the flowers were not commercially grown like other products. I also did use some picks, but they weren’t not really necessary. PS. I’m no professional, but I’ve been baking cakes since I was 12.


What about the stems? Sap/liquid leaches out of the cut stems into the cake. So spraying them with glaze does nothing. This is very dangerous. Whilst most people may be ok with mild toxicity it just takes one person to be more sensitive to those flowers to have a serious or deadly reaction. It is very dangerous to put fresh flowers on a cake unless you are a professional and know what you are doing.


The stems are valid, lol. No one had any problems, even after eating the whole cake. And again, I don't really care that you guys have a problem with "mild intoxication" at all. I only used the flowers for decoration and took them off when we ate, they were only on the buttercream for a couple hours. The glaze actually does stop atleast the pollen from contaminating the flowers even though I already had washed the flowers carefully. Edit: I do admit I should’ve used posy picks. I didn’t really want to fuck with them though after wasting like 5 hours on the whole cake. Chill


LOL Sorry “Chill” is not something I can do. Maybe you didn’t know any better at the time and did your best but you are being offered solid advice now for the future and instead of graciously accepting that knowledge along with the praise for the cake, you are trying to justify your actions. This is why you are being downvoted. People are trying to help you. I too have been making cakes since I was at least 12 (that means over 40 years). Then actually went to culinary school and professionally trained as a Chef, hold all my health department licenses and certifications, and have been professionally making cakes for 24 years. I now own a bakery specializing in high end Wedding Cakes. My work has been featured in many publications and I also teach cake decorating classes to both novices and other professionals. You can downplay it all you like but what you did was dangerous and irresponsible. You got away with it this time but next time you might not be as lucky. It’s not just one or two flowers on the cake that are toxic… it’s every flower on the cake and there are lots of them! Poison someone and get sued then maybe you will listen to the advice that has been kindly offered.


Well 12 for me was not 40 years ago, lol, good for you. I'm 18 and I've made at least 4 cakes with various homemade flowers, either from my garden or a friend's. No complaints, no deaths.


Once again you are completely missing the point and ignoring knowledge being freely offered. I give up trying to help and educate you. You obviously think you know better with your 4 years of baking and 4 cakes. I wish your victims luck.


And suddenly, it all makes sense…!


"No complaints, no deaths." Yet


PME edible glaze spray does not protect the cake from flowers. It just makes the cake shiny. Florists buy commercially grown flowers and pesticides are used unless grown organically. Next time buy food safe flowers from a specialist florist.


I literally just wrote that the florist I bought the flowers from was a friend of mine and they grew them in their garden WITHOUT using any pesticides. What’s so hard to understand?


You never mentioned that the flowers were grown by your friend.


I said they weren’t commercially grown (but I guess you can’t read very well). I don’t need to write that a friend of my own’s the shop I bought it from lol


Honestly.. If your friend owns a shop I would very much doubt that all of the flowers that she sells are home grown. If it's a plant nursery then maybe. What astounds me is that had your friend been aware that you were sticking real flowers into a cake then she would surely have advised you otherwise. When you grow your own plants you are generally aware of which flowers are poisonous etc. Flowers that haven't been in contact with pesticides usually have insects amongst the petals. I know the flowers in my garden do.


>I bought them from a florist, no pesticides were used on the flowers It's crazy that you think that. But you also think using "only mildly toxic" babies' breath on food is ok, so...


It’s can literally only cause incredibly mild problems (like an upset stomach) and only IF ingested. None of the flowers were eaten.


The sap can cause the same problems as eating the flowers directly, so can the tiny hairs you get on some flower stems. So any cake that was next to a stem could potentially cause harm. Vomiting, diarrhea, swelling of the mouth, and difficulty swallowing can all occur.


It's never happened before; and I don't have the time or inclination to make a cake that has already cost me a lot of supplies (and money) to make the flowers out of sugar or put unnecessary flower picks on them. I'd rather make a cake that tastes good and looks good than a 120% safe one with ugly flowers like dandelions or something.


There are plenty of beautiful flowers that are food contact safe without resorting to weeds. I’ve never heard anyone say a rose was ugly! I’d offer you a list to reference for future cakes but you seem to think you know better than everyone here.


These are alstroemeria, not lilies. Still important advice, though!


Still toxic.


Deadly to cats.


Yes, like, "even if you only brushed against the stamen then go pet your cat" deadly.


I had no idea that lillies were that toxic to cats. Thank you for the heads up!


The best cake for that friend you hate.


Last birthday


And their family, too!


So pretty and great first attempt, tiered cakes are so tough! In the future be careful about using real baby’s breath, it’s highly toxic!


I believe it is only mildly toxic and only poses a real health risk if consumed in large quantities. Thank you, though. You’re all very sweet.


It's only 'Mildly Toxic' ???, The cake itself looks great! But please do not take any risks even if it's just 'Mildly toxic', A risk is still a risk.


"Yes. It's like the rainbow cake. The red and the blue were made with rat poison, but it's only mildly toxic to adults. What did you expect? Sprinkles? I couldn't be bothered to go to the store 1 mile away without a car just to buy red and blue sprinkles, so I had to use what I had,Rat poison! And nobody died! Duh! They were only hospitalized but I still think it's the side effects of the vaccine" /Joke, obviously!


I’d ask for some of this girls confidence but she’s probably poison me by mistake.


It probably comes in a Stupidity bundle...


Avoiding hyperbole is very important when making statements about health though.


idk what that means


If you exaggerate important facts, then you risk making people not take other important facts seriously. E.g., if you say that Baby’s breath is highly toxic, and say that oleander is highly toxic, if a listener learns later that baby’s breath is only mildly toxic, the you risk the person dismissing oleander as probably not that bad either.


OP themselves said that Baby breath was Mildly toxic, Which is why i said it


In general, mildly toxic might mean irritation and discomfort. The point is that if you call mildly toxic substances highly toxic, people may expect that highly toxic plants will just be a bit uncomfortable to eat. 


How many people got sick?


According to OP, none, surprisingly


OP didn't bother telling people that the cake had toxic flowers, so anyone that got sick wouldn't bother to tell her.


Well yeah, dead people can’t complain


Fair point


I don’t know what any of these flowers are or the toxic levels. But realistically what are the expected side effects if you ate one of the flower blooms or whatever? What symptoms are the most likely to happen?


Was this cake for a funeral? For the people who ate it? Because toxic flowers on your cake may cause some serious consequences.


Looks delicious, and great job on your layers!


It was delicious, haha. Thanks!




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Gorgeous! I love the colors


I like it


You can use real flowers as long as you dip the ends in wax so their chemicals and such dont seep into the cake :) tip from my baker friends


You can play Russian Roulette with blanks. Brandon Lee, Halyna Hutchins and Alec Baldwin are just whiny libs /s




Oooooh, looks good inside and out!


Oh I absolutely love this!!! That texture!!!