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Hot take. Give it a whirl in your backyard before you try the real thing.


I actually really love this! We were apartment bound for most of my sons childhood but we finally moved up to a house with a yard this last year. A great way to test drive everything!


My husband and I are doing that this summer with our 1.5 year old. It's great advice! Better to find out if it's gonna work when you're a few yards from the house instead of miles away in the woods.


My son, medically complex and disabled, went camping for his first time at 9mo. He's almost 2 1/2yo and we're about to head out on his 6th trip. 2nd father son trip, 5 days, no mom. I have an amazing set of friends who bought him a 12v fridge when he first came home from the hospital at 4mo. Because of his medical conditions/ medications/dietary needs it wouldn't be possible to go without one. So I'm packing up the wheelchair, his oxygen, medication, and medical devices and hitting the road to go spend time in the trees! No excuses.


This is so inspiring to hear, thank you for sharing, and all the best to you and your son.


The friends I regularly camp with all have kids. Most started bringing them during the 5-6 month age. Before that the moms usually wanted a break and just stayed home alone with the newborn and didn't have to worry about the rest of their family for a few days. It's actually easier when they don't walk or crawl because they stay where you put them down and don't try to climb into the fire. It's when they start walking that it becomes more effort to keep track of them. Last time we went camping my buddy's tent gave up to the rain and they ended up packing up and going home a night early. He said his two year old cried all the way home because he still wanted to be camping.


Excellent points about the mobility. Love hearing how the two year old is already a committed little camper.


He was told he'd get to camp for two nights and he was not happy he only got one.


>No excuses I love it!!! Have an awesome trip!!


You're a great parent! Glad you get to make memories with your little one.


Our older one was just over a year old for her first trip, our younger one was 6 months for his.   We've camped before, we've been taking care of the baby, it's not too hard to put the two together.


I never underststand these posts. All that stuff you do with your baby at home? Do it, except now in a tent in the woods.


that’s fair, but it doesn’t hurt to be more welcoming to those of us who aren’t as comfortable camping. i went once as an adult and none of us knew what we were doing lol gotta start somewhere


Then add please and thank you to my post. My words stand, what ever U do at home. Do it within 100ft of a tent. Done. Hugs and Kisses, Thoughts and Prayers.


Yeah but their home is not with them while they are camping so it's a little different. Do you get that or no?


They must not have kids. lol




Do you eat, shower, sleep and do other things differently when you are camping versus at home? Or do you dO EvEryThIng thE SaMe JuST CloSe tO A TeNt??


the problem is, i don’t know how to take care of my own self in a tent lmao appreciate the advice though


Except when your four month old won’t sleep for more than eight hours straight and is a cranky mess because there’s too much to look at and hear. Then you wait a while.


Not always. Our three month old out-slept us all on her first camping trip.


Oh sure. Every kid is different. Kid2 would have been fine.


You'd never know that humans lived in the woods for hundreds of thousands of years, judging by some of these ridiculous posts lol


Wait... So you're saying neanderthals didn't drive their RV to the KOA a few times a year? 😯. Mind.... Blown....😲


Until your one year old has a night terror in a tent, in a state park campground at 2am and have to haul ass back home in the middle of the night.


You can just hold the kid in the car till they cry themselves out and fall back asleep even harder? I swear people just make shit up to have a reason why it's so hard to do things with kids!


Well it’s not made up and you should know that a car doesn’t keep out the loud screams of a child, so if you want to not be an asshole to the campers around you at 2am, you have to leave. Kids are unpredictable and when they are that young, you have to prepare to drop everything and go


Uh ... roll up the windows? So yeah, crazy thing is, cars are designed to keep road noise out. Which, in turn, keeps noises in. You're making stuff up. Just say you personally don't want to camp with your baby, it's cool. But lets not pretend every happy healthy baby is going to suddenly have "night terrors" because ya went camping, K? Ha! But now I'm curious. Your "baby", that's "real". Exactly how long did the "night terror" last on that camping trip? And, how was packing up at 3am and leaving the better option, than holding "your baby" in the car? How long did you silently break down an entire camp, in pitch dark, and load up? All the camping gear, all the additional baby gear. All, while soothing your "definitely real baby" who is for some reason suddenly having "night terrors"? Logistically, I'm confused?


Im starting to think you don’t have kids. Kids scream and cry loud. A car with rolled up windows is not soundproof, I shouldn’t have to explain this basic concept to you. Yes kids have night terrors (once again making me think you don’t have much experience with children outside of your possibly real children). Literally google child night terrors. You know campsites are like 20ft apart in some state parks and it’s very quiet at night away from civilization. You would for sure hear it and wake up a lot of people. I didn’t pack up. The night terror started fiercely, , jumped in the car. She cried for an hour on the drive home. Slept soundly in her bed. Went back an hour at dawn and packed the site up and returned home. I’m sorry that you don’t understand that camping with children is mostly a good experience, but you would be a fool to tell anyone it will go perfectly every time.


Huh. I’ve wished that I could hear my kid cry in the car while putting groceries away, just so I would know when he woke up from the nap he started on the car ride home. But I couldn’t hear him, so I didn’t put groceries away while he was still sleeping. He’s pretty loud, and my car is pretty standard. I couldn’t hear him until I was really close to the car. I forget why I didn’t open the car windows… probably too cold. Or is was too tired to think of opening the windows. Not saying your car is the same. Just saying that at least some cars are pretty soundproof.


Why didn't you take your bairn for a walk at 3am for an hour to sleep soundly in the tent after?


Are you asking why I didn’t take a screaming baby for a walk around a dead quiet tent campground at 2am?


You said your car could not muffle the screams, so why did you not try walking outside? That would have placated them far more than shoving them into a hot sweaty car, strapping them screaming into place, with an angry driver behind the wheel.


I don't have to google night terrors, as our 3 year old had them. Which is why I know for a fact, it's super rare for a 1 year old to have them! Really, really rare. And, 20-40 minutes is the average length. Virtually always pass within 45 minutes. If it's over 45 minutes, head to the ER to make sure the kid isn't in paid from a medical episode. And, after it passes? Deepest sleep and the kid thankfully wakes up fine with no memory of it. And yeah, guess where we camped most of the time when we had a baby? In PA State Parks! So preeeeettttty familiar with the layouts. It's weird your state park didn't have a long, secluded access road 10 minutes away from the campsites? Me? I'da pulled over there and chilled. Instead of panicing because camping with kids is hard. Ha! You make my point. Camping with babies/kids is easy. IF life isn't too difficult for you. Kids are currently 17 and 22. Both camp now without some times. So we did OK, eh? Ha!


Baby was born in March and we were camping in July. So four months? Also, do you really need your pediatrician to clear a baby for camping lol


I laughed at that part too. It’s rare to think for yourself anymore


We took our son camping at 4.5 months old. He wasn't a cranky baby and slept thru the night each time. The 2 year olds camping next to us made more noise than our infant! It all depends on the baby!


We took our daughter camping at 3 months old, but it was too much for us. We were just coming out of the newborn haze and not confident parents yet. It felt hard. We decided to wait until the following summer. The next trip she was 11 months and crawling. We had a much better time, although containing her and preventing her from constantly shoving rocks into her mouth was a challenge. By the next trip, she was walking. That was its own level of insanity. Ultimately it's whatever you're comfortable with. We found our daughter was pretty adaptable and content as long as she was with us.


I went camping for the first time at four years old. I am 33 now and still go camping.


Same, basically. My parents lived outdoors on the weekends, I am pretty sure I was camping at like 1-2yrs onward... I need to camp at least a couple times a year or I get depressed and I think these things are related lol


My youngest was 4 months old. I remember that because I took him camping this weekend, and a "memory" popped up from 10 years ago with him and his sisters. I think I brought the little bassinet that sits right on a bed and laid it next to my sleeping bag. We were tent camping and he was exclusively breastfed, so it was really easier than you would think.


We took our daughter at 5 months old. It just seemed natural since I come from a big family of campers! We’ve all had babies, at various ages, enjoy camping. And since camping should be enjoyable for those around us, crying babies at night are usually taken for a ride. 😊


I'm almost 50...I was camping in diapers. My oldest boy has been camping with us since he was 5 months old. My youngest 3 months old. We primarily disperse camp, so no neighbors to worry about.


8 weeks at a primitive site with not a lot of people around.


Since when did children need their doctors clearance to go camping? 😂😂😂


I have friends that starting camping with their babies when they were just a month or two old. <3


My first and second were 2 and 4 yrs old, my third was 8 mo old. I’ve seen newborns while camping, however I don’t think that would be enjoyable imo


I took them camping on the beach in Baja when they were babies.


Shortly after he started crawling. We made a little crib out of one of those under the bed storage totes (minus the lid) so he could sleep safely without risk of smothering him. I think he was only like 7 or 8 months old or so. Definitely during the first fall season of his life.


We are frequent campers and took or first born tent camping at 7 months since he was born in autumn, but with a summer baby a few kids later we were camping at 3 weeks old.


My oldest was an infant less than six months old if I remember correctly. My middle daughter was couple weeks old. And my youngest was less than six months also.


We were in Iceland and took the boys camping, they were 4 and 2. They loved it, especially waking up to the snow, in August..


Check the site for a crawler or even toddler for anything like cigarette butts and glass. Also have a thermometer and well a little first aid kit of course.


Great point, didn’t think of that!


Also consider bugs and mosquitos. Infants toddlers etc haven’t built up any immunity to their bites so they get quite swollen sometimes while still having an awesome time. I started my daughter’s car camping around 6 months because both were born in December. They were canoe tripping at 6 and 8 years old


Ah, great point. Definitely don’t want a newborn getting a tick-borne illness.


You can keep an easy eye on them. Sadly most of the baby safe mosquito repellents don’t work very well. Bug jackets are also an option


My son was 4 months when we first brought him camping, small babies are quite portable and I just brought him everywhere I went! He's 10 now and has his own set up, he pitches his own tent and packs his own bags, it's great! He's always been an outdoorsy kid, he'd go walk barefoot into the woods to forage for blueberries, as long as he is in "Marco Polo" distance we let him.


Really, any age that you think they are ready. I will agree with what others have said. It is best to wait until they can consistently sleep through the night without crying. I've had camping neighbors who had a baby crying on and off all night. I'm sure its frustrating for them, but I'd rather listen to other peoples music or a generator over being randomly woke up by a baby. If you have a camper, go for it. But tent camping, I'd recommend waiting a few years. Just for the consideration of others.


Excellent point, thank you. I definitely don’t want to be “that camper.”


2 month old infants and up. Get them in the woods. ASAP. It’s where we belong as humans.


I have 3 kids.


Ours was about 1 month old on our first trip.   We go about once a month from April thru August (ish). We used to tent camp, went one time with him in a tent and bought a camper. There was just too much stuff and we knew we wouldn't go as much as we wanted if we had to tent camp. He is 5 now.


About three months. In the quiet off-season in a camper, so we didn't bother the rest of the campground.


A few months but only waited that long because it was summer and my wife did not want to be miserable in the heat. First started boating at 5 weeks since we more easily controlled how long that lasted. Start em early, what do you think is going to happen?


Many people camp with infants. I personally waited until my youngest was out of diapers and old enough that I did not have to hover to make sure they did not eat dirt or explore the poison ivy.


3 but very close to turning 4. It went very well. Grant it was 3 days 2 nights. Perfect amount of time.


Both of our boys were camping by two weeks old. Eldest attended a Jewel concert and camped at 3 weeks.


I don't remember how many months old the first child was, but I know she was able to sit in a camping high chair. We took her regularly both summer and winter. We even took her backpacking when she started to walk. The second just went on his first camping trip at 6 weeks and then again at 3 months. My tip: There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes/gear.


One month old and he’s been in love with the great outdoors ever since. 🥰 🏕️


So heartening to hear! We are due in December and are looking forward to summer 2025!


Side note, no one wants to hear a crying baby after quiet hours, so avoid smaller more crampt campgrounds. I have indeed been 20 feet away with only thin brush between me and a tent with a crying baby and it's one of the worst nights of sleep I've had outdoors.


I'd rather hear a crying baby all night than barking dogs all day. And, I rarely hear a baby cry all night. Play with them during the day, and they sleep in the fresh air all night. My kids best sleeps ever have been in a tent.


This wasn't a toddler that they could wear out during the day with playtime. It was basically a screaming infant. Great assumptions from everyone responding though, very reddit.


Guess we're the weirdo's that played with out infants? Ha! We also fed them when they got hungry. But OK, I'll agree. If your baby screams it's head off at home. Don't take it camping.


I've had neighbors who camped with babies and they were the quiet neighbors. It was the drunks with domestic violence issues at 3 am that were the problem.


I mean, the flip side of this is that if you can’t put in earplugs or just grin and bear it, then don’t go to a crowded public campground where there might be, gasp, families! I don’t even have kids but honestly _camping_ is the place where crying babies and rowdy preteens bother me the least. I’ll save my gripes for restaurants, the movies, and planes. 😂 If you really want peace and quiet then go somewhere you have to walk into the site, I can count on one finger the number of times I saw any child under 10 at a backpacking site.


A lot of people hate kids and think that they’re somehow not humans that have every right to exist in public places. These tend to be the same sort that get mad you don’t want to sit next to their dog in a restaurant.


Or maybe just follow campgrounds rules and be quiet during quiet hours? Is reddit defending inconsiderate campers who brought an infant camping in the summer? The baby was probably miserable, poor thing. Love it hahaha you're such hypocrites. You get SOOO upset when someone plays music out of a Bluetooth speaker or even mentions have a speaker while camping or hiking.




>I can assure you they aren’t deliberately letting their kids cry loudly for personal enjoyment how ridiculous. These responses are absolutely insane. You MUST be assholes to think so little of people.


I can't even begin to tell you how hard I'm rolling my eyes at being told to wild/dispersed camp instead when I was there to teach, it was a group camping event. The babies screams were louder than my earplugs could stop. Earplugs aren't meant for all sound, just loud sound. You can easily talk while wearing them, for example. Wonderful assumptions though, great reddit'ing.


I think the thread is meant to be about what age people took their kid camping and not our opinions on how we feel about babies/kids at camp sites. No offense, it’s a question for helpful for helpful advice from other parents.


That sounds like a nightmare. I can't figure out why anyone would want to take their infant. But I go camping to escape daily life and relax. I couldn't imagine holding a baby only for the campfire smoke to drift over. =X


How big and heavy do you think babies are? Ours were really portable! When the smoke shifted, really easy to move.


Hey! To each each to own, I just feel that camping with babies (had 3) would've defeated the "relaxation" aspect for me. =D


Well most parents have to be around their kids most of the time, so there’s no “relaxation” to be had anywhere. Are they supposed to stay locked in the house until their kids are grown?


Exactly my point. It's a good idea for the parents to get out and spend time with each other alone sometimes. It's actually pretty healthy for their relationship.


Yeah but it’s pretty impossible for lots of people. There’s no one who could watch my child overnight


Again, just how big/bulky/difficult were your babies? Ours all fit in carriers. We set them on the ground, and I sipped beer snd looked at the fire. You feed them, they poop, then sleep. Maybe you got bad ones? I dunno?


Mine cried, especially when they woke up at night. As the other poster pointed out, no one wants to hear that in a campground. Secondly as a parent of three I liked to get a break from the kids now and then. So camping was a nice escape from my daily routine. If you enjoyed caring for your infants while camping that's great.


For healthy kids, I don't think there is a minimum age. Babies' need are pretty basic - keep them warm, safe, and fed and they are good. Toddlers can be a bit more challenging because they are mobile. If a kid has medical issues, then you've got to accommodate those - depending on the issues, it could be easy or involved. I'm curious though - what criteria would a pediatrician use to clear a baby for camping?


I first went camping (overnight in the BWCA) at 3, by 5 I was doing a week and by 12 2 weeks. Now at 17, I have spent over 3.5 weeks in the Canadian wilderness 


Oldest was 6 months, youngest was 4 months. That was based on weather. I camped in Wisconsin and wanted to make sure it was warm enough. Human new born babies have been sleeping in tents and makeshift shelters for millenia. Modern tents and campers are far superior to what they had. I brought a screen tent and a pack-and-play to keep them as bug and dirt free as possible while not being cooped up in the tent all day. Be prepared ro leave early if it's not working that day


We waited until they could walk pretty decently. I think both were around 18 months.


We took our daughter camping for the first time when she was 3. She was so excited, she practically vibrated the entire 45 minute car ride to the camp site. She was happy despite setting up the tents in the rain. So it was easy at that age from the perspective of her being able to know what's going on, be excited, help out, talk to people and make acquaintances, etc. On the other hand, she had just started therapy for selective eating, and finding camp food we could feed her that she'd actually eat and would just be 2 days of crackers.... that was hard. That's based on your individual kid though, and mostly an us problem. At campgrounds we've been next to families with wee babies, and honestly they were better neighbors and quieter than some of the other neighbors.... I wish I'd felt brave enough to do it when she was younger (though there was a pandemic at the time, so maybe it wouldn't have mattered). FWIW, my parents took me camping when I was 2 months old. They took my recently widowed grandfather (my grandma died a month before I was born), so it was 3 adults and one baby, and my parents camped yearly after that so it must not have been horrible. At one point my mom insisted on a camper, because tent camping with two young kids was not sustainable/tolerable to her. Do it and have fun!


6 months, technically still 5 months


We took our son when he was 6 weeks old. Just for the night. We camp in dispersed areas, so no neighbors nearby. It went really well! We brought a Rubbermaid container for him to sleep in. He spit up all over my down sleeping bag. He’s almost 5 now and loves camping!


My daughter was 3.5 months old and she LOVED IT! She was sleeping through the night at that point so that was helpful, but as soon as you are ready they are ready. I also breast fed so that made it much easier not having to worry about bottles and formula, I can see that being a pain trying to either bring enough to not have to wash or going somewhere with sink access and cleaning.


My daughter was 1. She loved it then & has loved it ever since. She's now 18 & we still camp together


I took my wee baby camping when he was about 9 months old. He had a blast.


Six weeks old. My dad brought a generator and a Mr. Coffee. It was hilarious. My friends held the baby when I wasn’t nursing him. It was great!


We took our little one camping at 6 weeks, but he’s a preemie that was 6 weeks early so we went on his intended due date. He slept better camping than he ever does at home!


Not a parent but my mom first brought me camping when I was four. I loved it.


I went on long day hikes with my daughter when she was 4 months old. (And that was mostly because _I_ wasn’t able to before that). But her first time sleeping in a tent was when she was 5. Which is a bit late, I’ve seen people go camping with their kids _way_ earlier, but she has her fathers genes in that she gets sick quickly. So I wanted to wait until she was old enough to properly assess herself and her body and articulate any problems she might be having.


There is no hard and fast rule. It really depends on you, your child and the camping trip. Car camping where you can easily bring all of your camping gear plus everything for the baby (my god we carried a bunch of stuff everywhere when ours was little) and the ability to bail and get back to civilization in the case of an emergency is doable. A 30 mile wilderness circuit with a baby would be much harder. If you guys are experienced campers and really enjoy camping, your little one will too. Just make sure you take the extra time to plan for the little one.


6mo old. Baby did great but we were underprepared for mom. She was regularly pumping but we figured we could go direct feed for the weekend. Baby was too busy to eat much so mom was miserable. It was nighttime temps of 38degrees so miserable for a half dressed mom.


That didn’t even occur to me about breastfeeding mama in the cold. Thanks for pointing that out!


Just went with our 10 month old for his first time!


When you are ready, and when the child is not dependent on services that won't be available. That could be weeks after birth, or not until they are adults. Every situation is different. I regularly took my daughter for very short day hikes starting when she was a year old (I am not her biological father, so this was not long after I met her). I think we "camped" for the first time for her second birthday, but that was in one of the tiny cabins at a KOA. The first tent camping trip was probably 6 months later. Her mother's allergies prevented us from backpacking or otherwise going far out into the wilderness, away from roads. Not sure if her allergies are going to end up just as bad, but she is enjoying mountain biking, so I am hopeful that I might get one or two short backpacking trips in before I get too old to carry the weight any distance, but I don't think I will be able to make the 5 to 7 day hikes with her that I used to enjoy, and I also doubt she will enjoy those.


As soon as I got enough sleep to drive to camp safely and my wife wasn't afraid of middle of the night bathroom problems. My first child it was around 1 and my second was about 6 months.


My oldest was less than a year (I brought his playpen so he could have a play area and give me my arms a break once in awhile.) my youngest was 2 and I had just started potty training so had to bring his little potty into the woods 😂


3 months. I'm not sure why a pediatrician would need to clear an infant for camping...


That was my thought too. I mentioned it to my pediatrician and she just said we were “brave” hahaha


First camping trip for me was when i was 2 weeks old. A 4 day trip!


We only car camp with the kids, so it's not particularly rigorous. I think our oldest was 4mo, kids #2 was 3mo and kid #3 is 4mo, but we haven't taken her camping yet and probably won't until the fall since we missed the chance to take her before it got hot. I should mote that we cosleep and all our kiddos sleep pretty well. I wouldn't not have taken a colicky baby out camping since that would have been too much for me to handle.


My folks took me camping when I had first learned to walk. They said I tripped over every twig, rock, and branch. Some of my best memories are of camping with family and friends from a very young age.


4 months ish. Camping and in the canoe. A large Walmart 3 room tent and the pack n play were very good ideas. Looking back I would never want to do it in a 4 person tent I couldn’t stand up in. $100 spent on the tent easily paid for itself in sanity. First two things out last two things packed. As they get older don’t forget a basket/bucket for berry picking. My (6) kid loves everything about camping.


Three months. Pediatricians clear kids for camping?


Our son was 6 months. I don't see why you couldn't bring an infant. The hardest thing was warming up water on the camp stove and that wasn't too bad. Honestly I think it was easier with a 7 month old than 1.5 year old, less mobile. Our baby is a pretty decent sleeper, though. We used a pack n play.


Not certain, but we think we conceived one of ours on a camping trip. Does that count?


lol same


8 weeks old for both, 10 years later they both still love to camp


I took my son camping around 5 months. Everything was all good and great until he got a super high fever and we had to pack up and leave in the middle of the night. I felt too uneasy so far from our pediatrician, and I'm glad we headed back as it was his first ear infection.


My 6 year old had his first trip at 18 months, and has averaged 45 nights a year since then. Dirt, mud, bugs, etc… He loves camping!


Gosh, four months? And continually since then? It's a lot easier before they get mobile! The chaotic toddler years were pretty epic but we embraced the dirt and it was fun. Now I camp with my kids without hubby (when he is working) because my teen is tall enough to help with the tent and my daughter has learned to be helpful (bashing tent pegs with a mallet). When they were toddlers we all slept on a queen inflatable with the toddler between us (each in a sleeping bag) so we could monitor if they got too cold, and so they couldn't escape! (They never got too cold, and they haven't escaped... yet). Just be super cautious with a campfire. When we had a campfire we either kept the toddler in a booster-type high chair (on the ground) or circled all the chairs around the campfire so it was harder to get to.


Took my oldest camping while he was between 3-6months old. I’d say overpack for your baby, bring everything that will keep him/her satisfied to make it a more enjoyable trip for everyone. Definitely don’t forget a bottle warmer if your baby takes formula- I forgot it and had to keep a fire stoked throughout the night and morning for feedings. As someone else said, don’t take a newborn to a crowded campsite! Not a cool move lol.


At a few months old for one of my kiddos! I did not get clearance from any doctor. I don’t see why that would ever be necessary unless they are medically complex.


I took my kids hiking starting at one month. Lacking lactation equipment I brought bottles. Camping with a 10 month old was a different kind of camping. We couldn't put her on the ground, because she kicked up sticks and stuff to eat them. Having a good space for her to crawl around helped. I. Brought a swing, books, art supplies, stuffed animals, etc , all the normal daily living stuff. Holding a baby all the time needs to be OK if you are camping. Don't expect to do normal adult stuff. It's better to do stuff at a baby's pace. Morning in a campground can be a problem. I took the baby out right away when she woke up, so she wouldn't bother neighbors. We would go for a walk down to the beach, play with her animals, whatever, where noise didn't matter at 5 am.


Just 2 weeks ago we were camping at a camp ground for 2 nights and had different neighbors each night and both nights they had cranky/crying babies. If camping around others I would suggest at least old enough to sleep through the night with no problems. No exact age if you ask me. Parents get the say so if a child is ready or not. Me personally both of my kids got to go camping for the first time around age 6/7. I wanted them to be old enough that they could wander around and explore without me constantly have to keep eyes on them.


With our first, she was a year. It was ok. I think two is the more feasible age. Just be prepared that they won’t nap. We do a week long music festival and have always done one night there; then drive home for the next night for a good night sleep, then repeat. Works out well for everyone but limits how far from home you can go.


Weeks old in the desert


We took him at 9 months. Pack-n-play to sleep in and a walker to scoot around the campsite. I think he probably cut his first tooth on a rock...


Our older two were 3 and 1 the first time we went. We just had a tent back then. 3 year old slept on an air mattress and 1 year old in a pack n play. We added a third baby last year and his first camping trip was about 4 months old. We had upgraded to a popup so we just put a pack n play on the table cushions. I did end up cosleeping for a few hours in the early morning because it was so cold but otherwise baby did great! It's soooo easy when they are immobile.


It’s like all things parenting- it’s really dependent on the child. There is absolutely no way we could have taken my first camping when he was a baby. He was a crier and would cry sometimes for hours for no reason. we didn’t take him camping until he was almost 3. Our second is the chillest baby ever. Since the day he was born he’s been so chill, so calm, he just goes with the flow. We took him last year for the first time when he was 3 months old, and he’s been a bunch of times since. All with zero issues, no noise complaints, no crying. Just chill. Until he was mobile we always brought a carrier. When he could stand and one of those activity centers (we have the skip hop one) we brought that along and he loved it. This last trip we brought a pack n play to have a safe place for him to hang out when we were by the campfire or cooking or wherever. I will say this last trip was the hardest so far because he’s 14 months and crawling, but not walking yet. So he got frustrated he couldn’t do more. Two things we also used a lot all trips are a hammock- someone could hold him and relax while he napped (I would listen to audiobooks). And a rocking camp chair. We have the one from Costco, but there are lots of versions. Those were great for breastfeeding and getting him to relax by the fire at night


To me, deciding at what point I wanted to take my child camping was more of a question of whether or not I would enjoy camping while caring for a baby, or waiting until they were a little older, because with a baby, someone is going to have to be taking care of them most of the time when they aren’t sleeping. Kids are flexible and the more they travel, the more they get used to it. I took mine on the road often from an early age, and by the time he was a toddler, became a pretty seasoned traveler. Getting to that point wasn’t always easy, but it was definitely worth it. I think it all depends on the individual child and if you think you will enjoy camping while taking care of them, if that makes sense.


My youngest was 2 or 3 when he went on the first scout camping trip with his older brother.


i don't have kids but some of my own earliest memories are of backpacking and camping trips. 63 and still camping, though i don't do the backpacking part any more. thank my dad all the time for making me the camper i am today.


i was born in august. my parents started taking me camping that following april when camping season started 🤷‍♀️


My first child was a bit over a year old, if I remember right. My second child was about 3 months old. In both cases, it was car camping, close to town, mild weather.


Why is a doctor going to clear a bairn to go camping? Presume this is an American state of mind - but that is odd.


6 months


6 months. I put him in an old footed onesie and he scooted all over the campsite and chewed on sticks. Good memories! (He is now 30)


8 months 😅


6 months


Mine was 1.5 years and she did great, and my niece was 6 months old and did great too!


4 months.


My son was less than a year. However, a baby and three dogs made camping a lot more work than was worth it for me, personally, even though we are seasoned lifetime campers. So, we didn’t go crazy with regular camping until my kid was 6 and two of the dogs had died of old age :-) The multiple dogs were way more work than the baby, though, sans dogs we would have camped way more. 


We just took our 5mo camping 2 weekends ago and are now planning for a week camp trip in August! I was searching like crazy for tips and mostly came across recommended things to bring. Our little one LOVED camping and we are so excited to take him to the lake on our next trip. 🏕


We took our 4 month old tent camping then down the river on a raft about a month or so ago. Last weekend we took him camping in our new camp trailer. Pack and Plays and bouncy chairs come in handy to keep them out of the dirt when your hands are full.


8 months old. She loves the outdoors!


12 weeks old


We took our daughter camping at 7.5 weeks old with friends for a birthday. The weather man missed his mark by 15+ degrees the first night. So instead of a chilly 45, my wife was pumping in a tent at 30 degrees. We had proper gear, so everyone was fine. I’m an asshole.


Basically when my kid was old enough to sit up on his own so like 5 months I think? We made sure our tent would fit our two cots and his little pack n play, slept sooooo well and had a freaking blast. Upgraded to two babies and a camper and they love it.


I waited until 2 years old for each of mine, but a lot of that was they were nursing and my wife doesn't camp. You can certainly go earlier, a family I camp with took their 6 month old and had no real issues. Definitely depends on the kid though.


I run a local camping group for families with kids age 0-5 and we regularly host families with babies as young as 4-6 months. 4 months on the day is the youngest we've had join us so far. :)


We took our girl at 9 months old :) She did great. We brought a travel bassinet.


My parents took my little sister at 2 months. We’d been camping for a couple of years at that point. I was 8 and my brother was almost 5. My sister slept in her carriage. According to my mother, she slept well and doubled her food intake. I think it’s important to note that both my parents wanted to camp and were skilled at it. It’s important that babies not have a lot of stress, and they will feel the stress of their parents.


My husband took my oldest when he turned 2. I was not up for diapers in the tent so stayed home with my youngest. As long as they are not screamers and good sleepers camping is fine.


First child? He was like 3. My 5th child? 11 months.


We went to a beach campground nearish to homefor 2 nights with our 7 month old. She did a lot of crying that first night got used to it the second night.


My daughter was 2 years old and we lasted 22 hours before coming home having broken a canoe paddle, lost a fishing rod in a fight with a tree and broken a pair of glasses (directly related to the other two) Fast forward 5 years, and we took our 6 month old son tent camping in 90-degree weather. Of everyone, my wife was most miserable that weekend as little furnace boy was nursing constantly due to the heat.


Went camping with the wife and four kids. Youngest was about 18 months. He couldn’t sleep so he kept pointing up and saying “bed, bed!” His room was upstairs at home and wanted me to take him there! I ended up just driving around with him in the van and when he was asleep, I stayed in the van while he slept in his car seat!


My 1st son was ~3.


We first took our son camping when he was 18 months old. His little brothers first camp out was at 6 months and our youngest daughter went camping at 6 months as well. For the early campouts we made sure that we were at parks with facilities and nothing too dangerous. With our youngest we primitive camped and hiked to Emerald Lake.


When they were about 1years old, maybe younger. Wife says don't do it when still breastfeeding, it's a nightmare.


8 months. Twins.


About two years old. I didn't wait that long for a specific reason, it was just the first opportunity. He loved it.


6-7 months. We usually car camp at a state beach.


depends on your camp location and your kid's age/attitude. if the campsite have lots of people and your kids tend to cry and have tantrum - its not gonna' be fun. a lot of camp arguments sparks from kids crying in the middle of the night and killing the vibe. if your kid is well behaved, a good sport - it will be a fun week for both of you.


Little babies are actually super easy to camp with assuming they’re generally chill babies that don’t scream frequently. They just sit around and don’t need much entertaining or containing! I myself went camping at 6 WEEKS old, we took my son when he was 4 months, and my twin girls will go on their first camping trip in a few weeks when they are 6 months


Having a newborn/infant can feel really nuts at times no matter where you’re sleeping for the night. As long as you have a safe spot like a pack n play for baby to sleep and play, go for it! You’re going to get really good at adjusting for baby’s needs on the fly as a parent. With some thoughtful planning ahead you can have a great time camping with baby. :)


1month old. Very easy when you don't need bottles and formulas.


Is your wife going to be breastfeeding? Wait until.thY phase has ended.




As soon as the belly buttons healed. My grandson started at 4 weeks


6 months old


Since birth. In the pack n play.


Older one at 5, plan to take in incoming one at <1 year


Youngest was a couple of months, June baby and we went camping in August or September. With the other two kids it was 10+ months.


Around 1yo, the biggest thing is to watch the temps if it's going to be really hot/sunny during the day or cold at night. And bugs, they obviously won't be able to tell you if they are getting bitten. We brought a lot of baby wearing carriers which helped. An outdoor blanket spread on the ground helps too, allows them to crawl around with being in the dirt.


My daughter was born July 7, we took her camping July 22, so she was 2 weeks old. lol! We were in a camper though, and it was miserable for me because I was trying to pump, still bleeding/sore downstairs, and I was really worried most of the time. The first time I ENJOYED camping with my daughter, she was 10 months old (following spring) and it was great!


Our daughter at 3 months, our son was 6 weeks old. Our kids are 8 yrs apart, so big sis was a great little helper. Both of them adapted really well to camping earlier. Now they are 28 and 20. I miss those days:)


2 years old! My boy is now 4 and we absolutely love it! Try to get out at least 2x a month for 2-4 days each time!


I (m24) grew up camping, first memory of it when I was 4 I think but my dad took me and my older sister shortly after I was walking, no idea when that was. That having been said, i'm so damn grateful my dad took us camping all the time while growing up. As an adult living in the big blazing hot city I grew up in, I've always needed some why to get away from it all and being out in nature anywhere north of here has always been a huge stress reliever. My dad passed almost 3 years ago come august and my appreciation for nature is the one gift I can never thank him enough for. SO, my point being... Take your kids camping at whatever age you as a parent believe you can handle, and please make sure you teach them to appreciate the peace that mother nature gives as they get older. 🙂


While still in the womb


6 months old.


My parents took me when I was 10 days old. And I do not get the prize for the youngest camper in my family. My grandpa took my uncle straight from the hospital. Grandma was kept for observation and he already had the other kids out at camp.


I took my kids when I was pregnant 😂 Then we moved to porta cribs in the tent and then to air mattresses. My husband and I camped a TON before kids and during their young years, but not as much as we would like because they are both teens and in sports these days. My kids LOVE camping now because of being raised doing it as babies/kids. Highly recommend!


We did it in our yard a few times and the kids decided that the toilet and a locked door was very very very important to them. So we never went. Glad I found out at home instead of by a river. One kid said, mom do you lock the doors at night? I said yes. She said, so now we are sleeping outside with the things you lock out? I said yes. She was like, nope nope nope.


Haha, this is so cute!


I had tried pretty hard too. Did a fire and hotdogs and s’mores…. Then the coyotes started howling and calling to each other. Then one yipped bc it made a kill. We just sat there listening. That’s when she said, mom do you lock our doors? 😂




It's not against the rules. There's nothing to mod. Go be cranky somewhere else.