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The fucking bloc is polling higher than the NDP right now


The NDP threw away their entire political principal and voters to be corporate shills and champagne socialists lol. I remember when they were a working class party. Now they’re literally the opposite. Pathetic.


jack layton would be disappointed at the state of the ndp today


What about the NDP platform has changed in the last 13 years to make you say this? Be specific, and cite the Policy or Platform you disagree with that is different than the NDP of old.


It's really odd that you're putting a 13 year requirement on it. Like you know that 14 years ago there was a big change that would completely invalidate your argument.


It is not odd if you think for 5 seconds and remember what happened 13 years ago regarding the NDP, their platform, and the history making election win. It is not odd to ask what has changed about the platform between that win, 13 years ago, and now when someone claims the NDP "threw their entire political principle and voters to be shills and champagne socialists" even though the Platform has remained consistent. It is also not odd that you chose to point out the time frame without answering the question. Like you know the answer doesn't benefit whatever narrative it is that you are trying to support so you attempt to cast doubt on my argument instead of challenging my very valid point. Funny how their isn't actually anything "odd" happening when one takes the time to think critically.


I got no skin in the game, I'm just pointing out the odd artificial time limit you seem to need to put on your challenge.


I don't know, when did they embrace globalism, mass immigration and racial/gender identity politics? I remember the anti-globalization protests of the early 2000's and there were a ton of NDP supporters and union workers there, and for good reason.


>I don't know Then why did you comment?


Don't know the year but they stopped being a working class party when they did those things.


"Be specific, and cite the Policy or Platform you disagree with that is different than the NDP of old." One more chance.


NDP hates the working class. I'm glad people finally woke up to see how shit of a party they are. They are the reason Trudeaus is still in power. Edit: Check this out. This is the non sense that comes from the NDP. https://youtu.be/eYIXQ_xfGf4?si=A0BHl6TcoPSO_w-c


Don't feel too bad, they hate Jews as well.


The NDP always hated the Jews.




If even the NDP (that i voted for last time) isnt worth voting for... then whose is?


I haven’t voted cons since 2011 but will be this time. Voted Liberals every time since. My hope is it causes changes in leadership for both Liberals and NDP and there is hope again for the 2029 elections


I’m in the same boat unfortunately


Well, Canadian politics suck and all parties are quite bad, but the CPC is the only chance we really have going forward. Unless we want more Trudeau or Jagmeet which is just a no go for me.


At this point, I'm just picking single issues that know will change or at least not get worse under the conservatives. I don't expect any party to fix anything magically. As many have said, we're voting the liberal/ndp out, I haven't seen much cult of personality for pierre. I'm sure there are some die-hard people, but look at these polls. I think there's just a lot of people who don't like our current government and its roster.


If there was a potato leading the conservatives it would beat Trudeau in the polls. Everyone is fed up with this shit.


Exactly, those drastic numbers in the polls are made up of a lot of people who are tired of the government and its leadership.


People vote for logos, not personalities. CPC may as well be called the Toronto Maple Leafs Party for all anyone cares. People just like the colours or something. Too bad people aren't smarter than that.


Yeah, don't get me wrong, it's going to be a shitshow in Canada no matter what. The budget isn't supposed to be balanced until 2035, and even then, it may even take longer depending on new government spending. But the only way out of this mess is by ditching the people responsible. https://youtu.be/PWXFJDBWYMw?si=E4CvLyFWoNB68iS9


A Conservative government would be a lot more palatable to most if they would just drop the social issues. I’m worried what they will do and promise to stave off losing part of their base.


As a conservative voter, it's always annoyed me. The base has no one else to vote for but the conservative (maybe the ppc) like abortion, gay marriage, or whatever shouldn't even be a whisper, because the people who have a problem with that stuff have no other option. It hurts the conservative party every election. I want to go back to the pre-2020 gunlaws, lol. Maybe buy a house one day, and I want a more fiscal conservative government. I don't want to see anyone else's life suppressed by government interference and social bullshit. Buy a gun, smoke weed, marry whoever you want, and do whatever you want with your body. Mostly, I want to see a government that works with everyone, for everyone regardless of their political stance, and not just the elected parties voter base. There's a reason Finland is ranked the happiest country on earth year after year. It would also be nice to see some accountability for where the money goes.


My trainer at the gym, he’s more conservative and I’m more liberal. We’ve had great conversations about fiscal politics, role of government, rise of corporations. We can agree to disagree on those points, try to share and understand another viewpoint. Social conservatives there is no agree to disagree, there’s very little room for compromise. The left annoys me at times, they can get fixated on using the wrong words, or vilifying people over accepted cultural norms at times, but the social conservatives seem to want to hurt others, they make comments that are cruel for the sake of making someone else upset.


I don't disagree. But I think their are a lot of people on the left who have little disregard for people they don't politically align with. It's more subtle or unintentional, but a lot of right-wing people, especially in rural and western Canada, feel like the left is against them. A lot of blue-collar people feel like they are taxed unfairly, receive very little from the government, and that there isn't any accountability for where the money goes. They see our country going into debt, and they know it only means more taxes and taxes for their kids. Working more hours to buy a house or retire. I think a lot of the cruelty you see is frustrated people lashing out at what they perceive as the people who support and benefit from this government and system. I'm not justifying the behavior, but I think a lot of people's anger is misplaced. (Don't get me wrong, the anger/cruelty is often manipulated).


Why is this so hard? This would be a utopia! I miss the Canada where everyone was equal.


That has never happened. It's always been a class system.


I dare you to go on the Canada_sub and insult Pierre Poilievre. You will meet the strong cult he controls.


Hahah I won't disagree. But I still think it's more of a strong hatred of Trudeau. Lol, any criticism of him is somehow a compliment of Trudeau.


Funny twist. If you insult Pierre Poilievre's physical appearance, you get bonus attention. Or, where those who hated him long ago gave almost full attention, Trudeau's appearance. They are fashion police. Bahahaha


They are the brown shirts for him.


Spoil your ballot. If everyone who didn't know who to vote for did this it would mean something more than it does now. I'm dreaming of the next election where the spoiled vote count is the popular vote, and all parties must dissolve because of it.


Wiarton Willy unfortunately.


At least he's right 50% of the time


They still are. Don't let these reddit astroturfing accounts convince you of the inverse.


I press x to doubt


But they’re also the only reason CPC isn’t in power. No party cares for the working class


NDP is the party of non-sense. Just check this out. https://youtu.be/eYIXQ_xfGf4?si=A0BHl6TcoPSO_w-c


So do I since the “fuck Trudeau” phase.


That was the norm for a very long time. The bloq got too pushy on separatism and the voters left. The new bloq dropped separatism and the voters returned.


Which poll was this? I know they are leading in Quebec, but I don't imagine that translates to them polling higher nationally than the NDP


Can anyone post the whole article since it's blocked by a paywall? Lol




Thank you 😊


Soon to be postcarious.


Won't happen until the pensions are locked down lol.  They're changing the election law to ensure it. 


Conservative should be fighting this election day change or request it a week earlier. It shouldn't cost Canadians millions in pensions because that date happens to be a holiday for some.


A week earlier is Thanksgiving.


They are the most benefiting party of all for the change. They won’t fight it


But they will all get re elected. Can't say that about the others.


Yes, and a lot of them will get far more money as Ministers when they form government. CPC would certainly much rather have an election now.


An election is never 100%. They know that this they want to ensure their pension regardless of the election outcome. 30+ mps on the conservative side are benefiting from this that’s nearly double any other party.


Do you agree that any mp who's pension is in the balance should recuse themselves?


Yes, the motion would still pass but yes.


None of them are at risk of losing their seats. Think hard on this one.


As I said to the other person. No election is 100%. All the MPs know this and thus they would rather move it back.


There are more conservative mp that benefit so they can retire


There won't be many conservatives at risk of losing their seats. The liberals and NDP want one more week for their newest MP's, including Singh, to qualify for their pensions before being voted out of office. They only care about themselves, constituents be damned.


I personally find it normal that people who worked for 99% of the required time get their pensions. It would be ridiculous to cut it because they are short of a few days.


Most people work a few decades for their pensions, not a few years.


Find any other employer that provides a full pension after only 6 years of service. I hope they all get their asses handed to them at 5 years and 51 weeks; if not sooner.


They don't get a full pension after 6 years though 


That’s a risk you take when you take a job as an MP.


We should seize their assets, repeal their pensions, and imprison them for life; for their open treason. 😉 In a perfect world...


Like 16 months. Not that soon unfortunately. Not that I think L'il PeePee will be any better.


>L'il PeePee Weird.


I have a mocking moniker for all of our HR reps.


But he probably can’t be worse


He can totally be worse. Even though the liberals enriched themselves their policy is beneficial to most, the cons policy will enrich themselves and corporate interests.


Thought that in Ontario with Wynne/McGuinty Liberals, and holy shit is Doug Ford proving that wrong. Be careful what you wish for. I don't think anyone is turning us around at this point, the best we can possibly hope for is a slower acceleration of the downhill slide we are on, and even that, I quite frankly, don't see on the Federal Ballot. Not for us plebs anyway.


He yes he will, do you even know what conservatives stand for? Pretty much everything the Liberals are being blamed for, but they do so shamelessly and publicly instead of being the scene.


There's a great sense of betrayal in the populace from Trudeau taking upon himself to massively increase the immigration rate when there was clearly no mandate to do so and never campaigned on the issue and because of his mass immigration policy the working class in this country are seeing skyrocketing rents and plummeting wages.


This right here. Why the fuck would you just throw it out for your corporate overlords?? Canada is one of those countries where immigration isn't an issue unless you purposely try to fuck it up. This is horrible for everyone involved including the TFW you let in here.


There's a lot more to it than just that. If any politician would actually focus on housing maybe I'll be able to get a house by the time I'm 50. Seems like this should be a no brainer for Pollievre




I guess the immigration numbers don't match around here. I'm in construction, and there's not a lot of housing being built.


Ya but immigration started exploding 2 years ago and the housing crisis has been going on a lot longer than that. So rather than saying it's all immigration let's solve the beaurocracy, permits in limbo, zoning issues, lack of skilled trades, treating housing like the stockmarket...first


Rents have tripled in a span of three years while wages have gone down and you're trying to tell me this has nothing to do with immigration more than quadrupling? Finding a reasonably priced rental was difficult but manageable before but now it's next to impossible. Only 2 percent of the people we're bringing in are in the construction trade and the same boomers who are voting for the Liberals because they like seeing their house prices go up aren't going to take kindly to seeing their house prices go down nor to any type of rezoning in their neighborhoods. Good for you that you have a secure dwelling and have the luxury to take the long view but unfortunately most working class people don't have the luxury of waiting twenty years. Oh and why didn't the federal government make a concerted effort to get local and provincial governments on board with all your suggestions before bringing in all these people? Because raising house prices while lowering labor costs was the plan all along. Seriously none of your suggestions are gonna happen any time soon and you're living in a dream world if you think they are.


3 years ago...hmm, wasn't there a big pandemic or something? No way that would have affected supply chains, interest rates or the economy. It must be the immigrants solely. I love that you've gone the route of assumptions and insults, that's usually how a conversation goes with someone who gets all their information from right wing media. Have a good night bud


The pandemic didn’t import millions of people in a short period of time you’ll let them get away with using pandemic as cover for their dogshit policies


The corporate boards of BlackRock, Tim Hortons, Uber Eats and Walmart thank you for your dedicated service!


How thick are you?


Not true the main issue is students and short term rental. In Vancouver one of the international college corporation has about 2000 rentals just in Vancouver. And short term pays 3x more.


Just how brain-dead is Trudeau, no one wants him, he will single handily destroy his own party


We need to get rid of the LPC and NDP before they qualify for pensions.


Ye m8, but its hard as them two parties are enough to hold onto this parliament till election time comes ... Sadly! They will pay dearly at the time though ...


Or 1 week after the legal election time. So they can qualify for 6 years service and big (over 55k/yr) pensions.


Pssst it's actually mostly conservative MPs who get their pensions locked in by the election date move




we need a snap election


How do you propose to make that happen?


Everybody lie to the pollsters and say you will vote ndp.


Hahahahahhaha, I love that. I feel like it would backfire, and people would jump on the pretend band wagon lol.


That's why they back the Libs, so they can qualify for pensions when the Libs move the election date. There is no way they are going with a vote of no confidence.


Why would they want an election?  They can influence policy and while they have some disagreements with the Liberals, they  disagree with the Conservative a lot more. They are better off running out the clock and seeing what next year brings.  The only party who wants an election right now are the Conservatives.


One of the only sensible posts and I'll stop scrolling. NDP are the smartest party right now leveraging their confidence agreement to get shit passed on their agenda, why the hell would they force an election. Ya got Trudeau will bring Trudeau. PP just spewing catch phrases and basically no real plan for economy...Then you got the NDP leveraging their power to actually pass shit that they campaigned on.


That's a pretty short sighted strategy. Sure, they may get a bone thrown their way for propping up the liberals, but come election time they'll be judged very harshly by voters for enabling a minority government hell bent on destroying very fabric of society.


Cons are never gonna vote for them. They know that. No point in trying to win them over. They may sway some liberals on the fence though, that refuse to vote for the conservatives. Not really short sighted at all. Get a couple things passed while they can, they have actually negotiated changes in liberal bills as well. Only people that see this as short sighted are conservatives who hate the liberals with a passion.


The NDP used to be the party of the blue collar working class. They've alienated their entire base to the point that many former new democrats are doing what was previously unthinkable and voting conservative.


You have any actual proof of this or just anonymous posts on Reddit? The NDP has claimed to be for the working class yes.. i.e. the anti scab legislation. They have always been for more socialist style policies such as the national pharmacare program. What have they done to alienate blue collar workers other than propping up the liberals to get their own things passed? I work in the trades, an electrician like yourself actually and I don't know anyone that would have ever voted NDP no matter what, not sure what your experience is. Look what happened in Alberta. Alberta NDP are nowhere near what people consider left. It would be foolish of the party to think they are going win anyone that would vote conservative. Not sure what your experience is. If they successfully use their confidence agreement to get through this anti scab legislation that is huuuuge for blue collar workers. But hey, just hate on them because they are using their position to get what they consider important policies passed.


I'll admit my own comments are pretty anecdotal, and I live in an area that's never ever elected any NDP MP's or MLA's since they were the CCF. One of the safest conservative seats in the country, which results in some pretty useless representatives. I belong to a union with a local that has nearly a thousand members, and while I obviously can't speak for all of them, most of the co-workers I'm comfortable talking politics with have zero support for the NDP, with a noticeable decline since the beginning of the coalition government. Rightly or wrongly, most people around here associate the NDP with economic stagnation and an antagonistic attitude towards business and entrepreneurship of any size. Another example is my father, who for whatever reason has always leaned much further to the left than the average rural boomer, says Tommy and Jack would be spinning in their graves if they could see how today's NDP enables such gross reckless incompetence from the Liberals. There is less and less differentiating the federal NDP from the federal liberals; they are just a slightly more populist auxiliary.


There's no love like conservatives hate


Deliver us from Trudeau




I was hoping to see them in power for at least 24 months to consolidate the job they set in front of themselves. Then win 4 more years minority with NDP support ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅


I wouldn't call a vote the leader of the opposition couldn't even make it to, or which lost by huge numbers to be precarious.


MPs can now vote remotely. If you watched you would notice that majority of LPC MPs were not in attendance and voted remotely as well. There was never any chance of a vote of non-confidence. More of a strategy move to use the voting record in future campaign efforts.


Ah but that doesn’t get clicks for The Star or the Trudeau haters in here frothing at the mouth. At best, The Star needs a new dictionary At worst they should be called out for flat out **lying** about the circumstances


see I think that this is actually a good thing, a government that has to compromise both internally and externally to keep from being toppled cannot ram through bills that benefit only itself, and must be accountable to problems with in each riding it was elected in, because a few MPs crossing the floor could topple it now if we could convince politicians to work on behalf of canadians not just themselves personally.


Poilievre didn't even bother to show up for his own vote. It was virtue signalling, nothing more.


Neither did Trudeau. The outcome of the votes was never really in question.


Exactly. Poilievre knew it didn't have a chance of passing.. It was entirely preformative, not substantive.... Virtue signalling to his base.


No it's only virtue signaling when the team I don't like does it. Otherwise it's called the team I don't like is losing power


I don’t think you know what virtue signalling means.


It was a useless gesture that was designed to signal to his base without actually being meant to achieve anything substantive. So unless you have invented your own definition for virtue signalling and expect the rest of the world to adopt your mistake, this was virtue signalling.






It was all for show


Why don't more people see that?


They don’t want to see that. Anything beyond “tRuDeAu BaD” is noise to them.


The guy is an idiot, so is Trudeau though. We have amazing leaders in this country


Get him out now if that were possible, fucking useless clown he's been. Worst part is, poilievre will be just like him if not worse. He won't solve the immigration problem. If only PPC could win the elections to clean this shit up


Id be worried about his grip on reality.


Ok, so let's get rid of him now. Why wait for him to do more damage?


He'll win again, don't you worry


Xi is that you? Shhh.


Why would Xi want that lol?