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Sounds like they should honor the winnings and learn from their mistakes.


Maybe go back to physically rolling up rims again and not rely on that garbage app that might reward you 5 points once in a rare while.


Such a pointless “contest” now. So disappointing






Add contests to the list of shit that's worse than it was a generation ago. Tim Hortons and mcdonalds and shit had awesome contests. Now it's just "download the app please."


Download the app and please don’t be surprised if your private data and associated credentials are leaked in a hack as has been the case with McD’s on multiple occasions in the past few years.


I woke up the day after a wedding to $300 in McDs charges from a different province. They wouldn't do anything and I had to initiate a chargeback through my credit card.


Thats why i dont add my credit card number to these apps


This. I remember when the app was new, people were getting signed into _other people's accounts_ by default.


That made me realize how many apps have my cc info on them Removed all of that just now. Entering the info is a hassle but better than worry about it


That wedding must have been wild! Glad you made it home.


Also had my Mcds app basically immediately compromised, but the charges were minimal I think less than 30 bucks. Deleted my account asap. I later re-downloaded it for the coupons, but I would NEVER give them my cc info again. Shite tier app with no security.


You catered your wedding with McDonald's? /s


A quarter century ago, I was the unquestioned, undisputed king of the Barq's root beer under the lid contest, back when it was all physical and the odds were 1 in 6. These were Cal Ripken streaks, people. I was terrorizing the local Shell.


It's weird you never see root beer being advertised but it's probably one of the favourite sodas in Canada. I guess everyone knows already.


No money in the budget for ads. They're still recovering from /u/Penta-Says ironman streak.


I actually like how McDonalds does it with monopoly. They still have the physical pieces, but you get extra chances on the app.


I remember when McDonalds had that big scandal with monopoly, where all the big prizes were cherry picked by an employee and given to family/friends.


its a documentary "McMillions"


They do this for the "Game day" giveaways now too. Like McDonalds will give a free large fry if the raptors score 11 3pointers or somthing. used to be able to take your ticket in and get it, now you need the app.


Radio contests too. They used to be call in and win, now it’s call in and be entered into a draw.


Well I can tell you I don't go anymore. The first year when the app came out I excitedly rolled up and ordered my large black coffee.. Didn't have the roll up cup.. Asked about it and was told. I required an app. I have yet to return for roll up the rim.


I decided to quit them about 14 years ago when the coffee became weaker than dishwater and they outsourced the donuts at most locations, bringing them in frozen. Just a garbage restaurant now.


They’re trying to do too much too. Coffee, donuts, soups, breakfast (with new shitty eggs), sandwiches, wraps, etc. They need to go back to basics. Good coffee and fresh donuts.


> I know for sure I used to go a bit more when the contest was on back then. I can't be the only one. Yeah, you'd at least get a few free coffees out of it. Too much hassle to bother now, I'd just get coffee elsewhere


tim hortons is beyond losing the plot at this point. they are selling pizza now for christ sake


Someone figured it was more viable than honey mustard sauce lol


They can’t collect and sell your information that way though.


A corporation learning from mistakes ?


They have, now they make bank off of selling your data. Who cares if they sell a few less donuts?


It was crazy. Last year if you "lost" they'd give you a token 5 points. Now, after the points are worthless? Nah. You get entered into a fake draw.


I hate that it’s their way to force you to get their stupid app. Then when you try to roll the rim, the app purposefully doesn’t let you move past their Mastercard page. Piece of shit corporate greed


But without that app how could they collect your data and resell it for tons of money?


Yeah because minimum wage employees love handling saliva soaked pieces of cardboard.


Very unsanitary


They didn't last year when they messed up... what makes you think they'll do it now? 2023 screw-up: https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/03/08/tim-hortons-roll-up-to-win-error-prizes-canada/


I wonder if a judge will see one time as a mistake, 2 years in a row is just negligence. They need to figure it out and honoring their emails might be the only way they learn


Think maybe some class action lawsuits would be in order. They set up a contest tell you that you won and then go oh sorry we decided to not pay out and it was just a technical error. Would like to see the list of actual winners who actually got a prize of more than a cup of coffee just really wonder if they exist. I think this is just another corporate scam.


just stop going there, its fucking garbage service. They've done nothing to keep their tried and true customers. they are more concerned with making pizza and rice wraps then having a proper service.




Right? It’s ‘honour’.


Yeah this kinda sounds like a lawsuit, right? How can you have a system that is specifically rigged so people have a 0% chance of winning a prize. As in, if they actually win the prize it's just an error.


People forget the last one with amex 10k.... company is a fucking joke.


$55K? That's almost two minimum wages FOR A WHOLE YEAR! How will the TDL corporation recover from such a loss?


They probably sent it to thousands of people.


This only happens in America, there is a netflix documentry about it.


Happened at my work today. Poor guy thought he won a boat and everything… few minutes later two other people got the same notice and showed him lol


FFS. I thought this was regarding their last "contest", as this has already happened once before with people getting false $10k-win notifications. [https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/03/08/tim-hortons-roll-up-to-win-error-prizes-canada/](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/03/08/tim-hortons-roll-up-to-win-error-prizes-canada/) At some point this needs to be considered less of a technical error and just negligence.


Almost everything Tim Hortons does could be classified as negligence


Including their coffee


Especially their coffee. I've downgraded them below gas station coffee in my travel preferences.


That particular instance was why I have my own personal boycott against Tim Hortons. I used to be a regular, no longer. At the time I thought there were something like 15 or 16 recipients of that false "Winner" status? If that were the case, why not part with the $150,000 in winnings and call it advertising budget. Nope, had to cheap out and lose me (and hopefully others) as a customer.


https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2022/nov/18/pepsi-wheres-my-jet-review-the-oddly-dull-tale-of-a-man-who-sued-a-soft-drink-for-a-weaponised-plane There is precedence of similar error from Pepsi. I would happily sue Tim Hortons!!


That's not the same thing at all. Pepsi put out an ad saying if you collected so a million Pepsi points you win the Harrier Jet. They didn't actually think anyone would drink that much Pepsi, and thought it more of a joke. They also didn't think to put any fine print in the ad saying that However, the terms of the promotion said that you could buy the remainder of the Pepsi points for a certain amount of money. The guy did the math and realized that he could essentially just buy the Harrier that way, for well under what a Harrier Jet was actually worth Once he gave then the money and filled out the forms Pepsi went back and changed the ad so it had fine print saying you couldn't actually get the Harrier This lawsuit is a false advertising law suit. What happen with Tim Horton's is not false advertising.


>Once he gave then the money and filled out the forms Pepsi went back and changed the ad so it had fine print saying you couldn't actually get the Harrier Pepsi never cashed the cheque he sent, so they weren't obligated to give him anything apparently but you are right they added the disclaimers afterwards. Regardless, the courts sided with Pepsi that it was obviously not intended to be serious and afaik the guy never got anything.


Only now do I realize why my aunt from the UK gave everyone Hoover vacuums for Christmas in 1992...


The courts sided with Pepsi in that case so I'm not sure it's the win you seem to think it is.


The Pepsi case is widely regarded as a poor ruling by the court. Of course nothing has changed despite it being a bad call.


>The Pepsi case is widely regarded as a poor ruling by the court. I would agree personally, but the person I was responding to insinuated that the precedent (false advertising) was set by Pepsi in that case, but that wouldn't be true as Pepsi won. As far as I remember I believe the person appealed the loss and that failed as well.


That's not a similar error at all and also Pepsi won that lawsuit. You gotta read to the bottom of articles before you link them.


You are in Canada Inc. here , not USA


Wow, 3 boats at the office! Day on the lake for everyone!




In most lotteries / contests, you'll see a byline of the accounting firm that was involved.  There's always a third party to ensure that a company worth $10M isn't giving out $11M in prizes.   This is a 100% technical glitch.  Build took 3 weeks more than expected, and QA's timeline went from 5 weeks to 2.    Some idiot exec said "we need to get creative with the QA timelines", and after working 21 days straight, they got this.   100% fuck 'em. 


Why do they even exist as a company anymore. Just utter garbage stop going to this place.  Go to a local cafe, support actual Canadian business instead of this scam.


Literally. Tim Hortons is the worst fast food place in North America. They had a good thing going. Coffee. Tea, doughnuts with a few sandwiches and soups at lunch. Now it's an utter mess with a menu of low quality food that's all over the place. And now they're trying " pizza"? Good greif


I just want the Chicken Stew in a bread bowl back. Also how they used to make donuts in house and everything was served in actual ceramic dishes and real cutlery


> used to make donuts in house AKA unionized bakers. You know how that went once MegaCorp got involved.


I just want to get a coffee and muffin in under eight minutes after submitting my order.


Tim Hortons was the canary in Canada's coal mine 


Seriously, you can get drip coffee anywhere and just as cheap.


Mickey D makes better coffee WTF


And so does A&W.


and with flavor instead of warm brown water


You can’t think of it as coffee, it’s just a brown drink


why people do this to themselves?! tsk tsk tsk


You can make it yourself for pennies on the dollar in the same time it takes you to wait in the drivethrough


*make if in way less time than waiting in the drive through. Yesterday I was in a drive threw for 15 minutes


If someone opened a coffee shop with food that tasted like 1990s Tim Hortons I'd absolutely go there. They bought a company and changed everything that it was known for. If Doug Gilmour opened it I definitely would. I don't even watch hockey.


To hire temporary foreign workers.


I would but I just paid $16 for a cappuccino and a blueberry scone at my local coffee shop this Tuesday. Like damn. ~$5 gets me a DD and a bagel with cream cheese at Tims. AND they don't ask for a tip either.


Convenience, along with their backing to advertise from being so big. I totally agree with you on local, although at the same time, I get it, I haven't seen a local cafe cheaper than Tims/Dons.


> Convenience, along with their backing to advertise from being so big. back when I used to commute, there were 3 Timmies on my route to work. Also a couple of 7-11, 2 McDonalds and an A&W. Admittedly there was also a local coffee shop on my route, but they didn't open until 10:00 AM on weekdays...


Stopped going to Timmies 15 years ago. Same with all fast food places. Instantly felt better, healthier, and saved money. Whatever you can buy at those places you could make at home with better ingredients, and for cheaper, a lot cheaper.


Because all the local places in my area cost twice as much for a drip black coffee and ask for tips. Timmies has its place for certain people.


drip coffee in local coffee shop costs $3. i dont care if you think your beans comes from Unicorns ass in South america but i aint paying that. i dont go to Timmies but going to local isnt an option either. i've found making coffee at home at fraction of the cost more tastier as a coffee addict.


a noticeable issue with your comment, at least along my 30 minute commute to work, is there are only 3, maybe 4, joints that serve coffee before 7am: - Tim Hortons - McDonalds - Starbucks - A&W The vast majority of coffee shops don't open until 7 or 8am. There are a lot of people in many different kind of roles who have to be at work for 7am or earlier. Of my list above, the Starbucks locations open at 6am which possibly rules them out as well for many working citizens (and Starbucks isn't even that good for coffee)


McDonald’s is unironically miles better than Tim Hortons when it comes to coffee.


Make your own, save money, make better coffee, don't have to wait in line etc etc.


Yeah I rather not. It's always overpriced and no drive tru


Their bagels are still pretty tasty. 


dolls distinct special rob compare wide pen offbeat follow deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Technically it is Canadian. RBI the parent company is based in Toronto. That means that even Burger King is Canadian. The common retort is that it's Brazilian owned. They have the biggest block of shares but not the majority. The majority of shares are owned by individual Canadian retirement funds and various Canadian mutual funds and ETFs. So technically, the majority of the company is Canadian owned. The headquarters is located in Toronto, run by people that live in Toronto.


You know what doesn't have glitches? Physical rims


Might have fraud though. It certainly happened with McDonalds and their [Monopoly](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/07/how-mcmillions-scam-rigged-the-mcdonalds-monopoly-game.html) game I feel like the whole big-chain-contest (which IMO really feels like gambling) thing should be better regulated and audited.


Absolutely. There's nothing stopping them from misleading the shit out of everybody by claiming they have all these amazing prizes while rigging the "game" to pay out as little as possible, if at all for the top prizes.


The funniest part of the McDonalds Monopoly scandal was that it was rigged twice. The guy who was cheating and McDonalds corp making sure no big prize was ever sent to Canada. It's probably the same fucking thing with Tim Horton you only win the big prize if they like your location for marketing purpose otherwise it's "glitching."


Yeah. Also these "fill out the survey and give your contact info to win a prize, $500 gift card draws weekly" that stores have on the backs of receipts etc.  I've NEVER heard of a single person actually winning one of these


I fill those out when I'm bored sometimes, my logic was basically that nobody ever fills these out and therefore my chances of winning are increased lol. Can confirm I haven't won.


Yeah, with physical rims you don't need prior knowledge you need an online account to even participate.


100% the reason I don't participate in roll up, before I could roll at my leisure when I'm done, now I have e to scan the app at checkout. I don't want the app, i dont need the app, and I guess I don't need roll up anymore, but it was nice to win a free muffin or coffee once and awhile


So it’s a mistake if you win. But it’s 100% certain you lost fair ? Na there’s some fuckery going on.




😂 every year has an error whenever someone wins. Go back to rolling up the actual rim


Old school timmies needs to come back. Baked fresh. Better coffee. Open all night. An American conglomerate takes over and it's dog shit. When they went digital for roll-up the rim I bailed. All they wanted was the data scrape fuck that I want the heroin high of finding a free coffee and turning it into a week of free coffees. I wonder how badly their sales dipped after they went digital. McDonald's coffee is better and cheaper.


Brazilian Conglomerate. RBI is owned by 3G Capitol.


Sounds to me like the headline should be, "Tim Horton's rips off customers in fraudulent roll up to win promotion contest"


The Boeing of donut shops.


Bring back the paper rims FFS


I prefer rim jobs.




I was one of these victims 🤣🤦‍♂️😔


The error was that someone won anything more than coffee or a donut


I stopped going to Timmies years ago for this type of crap. Someone wins something, it's always a glitch and they don't wanna give prizes away. Trash coffee and trash company.


Listen up arseholes, just bring back the bread bowel and stop putting random shit on your menu, you are not a burger or pizza joint




A winner is a winner. It’s not fair this rich company gets to technically backtrack. Agree with another opinion, bring back the rim. I don’t trust “their systems.”


Yet another reason to avoid a non-Canadian business


Tell me when the last "technical error" occurred when they had physical rollups 🤣


This year was such a scam, I had like 20 rolls not a single win. I know a few people who also had no wins


Man that never happened with the cups…. tims has become a laughing stock of Canada imo they dogshit in all categories now who ever owns it has bodied it completely. Getting rid of the rim rolling and turning it digital was a complete mistake and lost them many customers


How are you ever suppose to believe them than ? Oops Srry you didn’t win technical error digital draws and lotteries are bull


Go back to the actual rim on the cup. It was fun in a dark world! FML. All the good shit gets cancelled. Maybe they will after this debacle.


I have no idea why people still go here.


Own your mistakes or f*** o** Tim !


I hope those people do sue Tim Hortons. This isn't the first time they've weaseled out of honouring winnings claiming the app fucked up.


This online/app shit is a scam. Put stickers on the side on your cups if the rims were too gross.


"Hey boss, someone won!" "Technical error." "But..." "I said, technical error..."


Didn't this happen a few years ago as well? The worst thing to happen in the last decade is that every company needs a fucking app for everything. Roll Up the Rim was simple. You could see if you won or not. No rolling up a virtual rim and hoping they don't rescind your prize due to an error. Just because you serve literal dog food to people doesn't mean your app needs to share the same quality.


wow fuck them, a judge should be making them buy each 'winner' the boat... also I would like a boat. Tim Horton's fall from grace has been epic.


I’d sue the shit out of this garbage brand.


They prob have situations like this covered in the "terms and conditions"


How much of me not winning every time i roll are “technical errors” as well? Shits rigged and they should pay out all those people that won!




“Where’s my spy camera?”


What a fucking mess, you should Honor their winnings because of your mistake. This is what happens when you get rid of real prizes from the cups


this was the first roll up contest where i didn't change my habits... I think i may have gotten 10 rolls total...and won 1 coffee. This contest provides no value any longer...and from what i saw at my local Tims...other people agree...


You bought in good faith and they reneged after a noticing a mistake of their own making. "Roll Up To Win" sells coffee. I know people who complain about Tim Horton's coffee, but buy anyway just to play. I hope this results in a class action suit - this was easily prevented.


> "We apologize for the frustration this has caused and for not living up to our high standards of providing an exceptional guest experience," When did this start? I haven’t had a good guest experience at Tim’s since the mid-90’s. They need to be sued for this. They owe some people some boats and unfortunately they won’t be held to account for it. This destroys any remaining faith people had in these contests.


“Technical error” lol sure. I’ve never heard anyone ever win anything worth from this stupid thing. Just like the McDonald’s thing they did


So it was not technical error when I didn't win anything?


Timmies, Where's my boat? Tonight on CBC, right after little Mosque on the Prairie.




Didn't something similar happen last year with a cash prize?


correct me if i'm wrong, but this isn't the first time they backtrack on prizes because of "technical errors?" starting to think this whole thing is a scam. i actually have never heard of anyone winning anything significant.


Out of all the places that have these types of giveaway, is anyone really surprised it’s Tim Hortons that fuck their contests up?


Just bring back the fucking paper rim why does everything have to happen digitally now it's so dumb


Didn’t this happen last year? Similar situation? 🤷‍♂️ Go back to the real roll up cups…. Just saying…. 😳


Tim Horton needs to fire its developers the app is hot garbage. 


I think they should put this roll up the rim to rest. It’s not the same now that it’s on the app. They always have mess ups.


Corps still use “technical errors” in lieu of “our bad we outsourced it all to shed cost and improve the stock price, so quality of work had to be compromised”


Didn't this shit happen last year. Once is an accident, but twice? They should definitely be held accountable and have to honor all these "glitches".


Why does this happens every year?


Has anyone actually seen a picture of someone winning a car or anything big from roll up the rim ?


Tim Hortons sucks in every way. Food trash. Coffee absolute trash. If there is one thing that could entice me, it’s roll up the rim. Now that is trash. No idea why people line up every morning for this garbage.


“Sorry about that… you didn’t actually win a boat. But wait, don’t give up on us just yet, because… we now have pizza.”


If I thought I'd won a boat from Roll-up-the-rim-to-win and didn't get it I'd burn down every Tim Hortons in the country. Fortunately all I ever won was "sorry, try again" before realizing that 3 months worth of Tim Hortons is like, a Moccamaster, a Peugot, an Aeropress and the finest artisan freshly roasted beans available in this country.


Cant people sue for that?


Just give them the damn boat instead of further tarnishing your reputation...


This is just so so wrong to do to people n I'm one of them


I may be mistaken, but it seems like anytime anybody wins a big prize in their annual contest, they claim technical errors. Before they went digital, they used to sometimes deny prizes because people had torn the winning section off of the cup - a practice they accepted willingly for minor prizes like free coffees and donuts. Has anybody ever actually received the top prize?


No backsies! Pay up Timmy.


Am I crazy or does this kinda shit happen with them EVERY YEAR?


I personally would be glad to find out I didn’t win a boat. Never own your own boat but always have a friend who does.


How do you become a millionaire? Start off as a billionaire and then buy a boat!


you can just take the cash.


"If it flies, floats or fucks, cheaper to rent it" Socrates I think . Lol


Simple solution...go back to paper roll up rims. The online version sucks horribly.


I'm apart of this . -_-


Give em their boats.


Didn't they have a similar issue last year? Why does anyone care about roll up the rim anymore, Win something and they'll say nope you never.


Offer them an elephant!


they can afford the financial hit. Give the people their prizes, or class action


summer long berserk file direction afterthought insurance ossified party treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hi DeDustTO, Thank you for being a valued Tim Hortons guest. We’re reaching out to let you know that technical errors may have resulted in incorrect information about rolls or prizes being included in your Roll Up to Win recap email which you received today. Please disregard the content of that email. Unfortunately, some prizes that you did not win may have been included in the recap email you received. If this was the case, today’s email does not mean that you won those prizes. Any prizes you won in the contest would have been revealed instantly when you played Roll Up to Win and any large value prizes would have had a further verification process. The recap email may have also had incorrect information about the number of rolls you earned this year. We know that the millions of prizes won in our contest were distributed to winners accurately and as per our contest rules. The issue we are addressing in this email is solely related to the accuracy of the recap email from today, which in some cases may not have been correct. We apologize for the frustration this has caused and for not living up to our high standards of providing an exceptional guest experience. Once again, please disregard today’s Roll Up to Win recap email and thank you for being a Tim Hortons guest. Sincerely, Tim Hortons (Get Fucked) *I added the last part.


We apologize, here's a free double double and a Timbit of your choice for our mistake.  We know you'll just keep coming back because fuck you you mindless consumer. Keep eating our garbage and be Canadian eh


Roll up the RIM is still on? I’ve been boycotting this crappy company for years now and don’t miss them a bit. Never understood why so many are addicted to it. They must feel patriotic because it has some name of a hockey player and tons of Canadian references. They are so many better places to spend our money.


Boycott Tim Hortons. They suck.


I got that email saying I won the boat. Damn that would’ve been nice


C’mon people, what will it take to stop giving this company your money. They trade on their Canadiana but aren’t Canadian and don’t generally hire Canadians in urban centres. They don’t have proper kitchens on site any longer, something you might expect from a place that serves food. Their food is airline economy tier at best, easily the last place you should go to get a meal. And any given location has a fraction of the variety of donuts/tidbits they used to have. Just getting tricked by a business.


Yeah, the reality is nobody should have won the boat, it never actually existed.


Their donuts suck, so does the Brazilian company that owns them.


The old cups never lied


>After the last mishap, Hamed Aghakhani, associate professor of marketing at Dalhousie University's Rowe School of Business, [told CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/tims-roll-up-the-rim-mistake-prize-shediac-nb-1.6771968) the coffee chain's terms and conditions likely protect the company in case of an issue like this. >But he also said **if the issue remains unresolved, it would erode the public's confidence in the brand over time.** I dunno, I think Tim's is doing a pretty good job of that already.


All this digital bullshit. Faulty apps, hackers and threats of the sun knocking out the internet and yet they are corralling us to digital currency. I hate this new world.


Id sue them regardless.


Lol, too bad. They won the boat.


My coworker got this email and was showing me yesterday saying “did… did I win a boat???”


Every year they have a case like this where they refuse to honour their contest due to "technical error". You'd think, given the fact the promo hasn't changed since they went to the stupid app, that they'd at least hire someone to audit the fucking code that underpins the promotion.


My husband wanted to participate in roll up the rim this year. I told him dont bother last year, a couple of people won 10 grand, and they just called it a technical error. On this years roll, we have won another technical error !! Scam !


I think I can say this for literally every single person when I say the app is garbage and the roll up the room contest is useless and not at all joyful like it once was. Give us the printing on the rim, there’s no way it cost that much extra to print on the rim compared to the money it brought in, there’s just no way the digital is doing better.


Go back to the original roll up the rim.


Tim's sucks anyway from the coffee to the food.


The fail is strong with this company. Have you eaten there? Yikes! Canadians! What the hell is this crap?!


I was curious what was going to come of this. When I got the second email notification about the 'recap' I assumed someone out there would have seen an error and thought they somehow missed the win when they were doing their roll ups on the app. I do think they should have more info on that daily draw or whatever it was for 5k cards I think.


I am really surprised this hasn't become part of consumer rights law by now. What's to stop companies from just claiming glitches to reduce how much they pay out? Gambling/contest/loyalty companies need to be held responsible for 'false' wins.