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Lol I can see someone just living with it on their windshield for the free data


or, just remove the sim card.


Don't imagine the sim card works on your phone from another device


You can pop any SIM card into your device, as long as the device is unlocked.


Not quite any, not all SIM cards are the same size


You can literally cut them to size unless some actual have different sized chips


https://www.amazon.ca/MMOBIEL-Universal-Standard-Smartphones-Adapters/dp/B01MDNZ1PV Universal 3 in 1 / Standard / Micro / Nano Sim Card Cutter incl 3 SIM Adapters + 1 Eject Pin


lol wow. Tell us all about it Steve Jobs.


That's wonderful, and entirely unrelated to what I said, and what I was replying to lol


I might’ve misunderstood you, but at least I was trying to be helpful, instead of just trying to be a dick. 👍


How so, seems very relevant LMAO


So the comment I replied to said, "Lol I can see someone just living with it on their windshield for the free data", and I replied that the sim card won't work in your phone while its in another device. Reading comprehension can be hard, don't worry


You sound lovely


"Don't imagine the sim card works on your phone from another device" Their comprehension is fine.


Yes, from the other device, while the barnacle is stuck on the windshield. Context clues


I understand what you were trying to say, but it's not what you said.


Defeated 4 years ago, surprised this company still exists, and that they continue to get customers.


Sure but most people probably don't go through the hassle of defeating it and just pay their fines.


I don't know why it's celebrated to break the law and then weasel your way out of consequences. Unless I'm misunderstanding, these are put on cars that have fines or are illegally parked? Yup, I was right. Entitled babies that don't want consequences for their actions


If you read the article, it was University students who initially defeated it, as they were upset that even though the pay an exorbitant amount to attend university, they have to pay for parking as well.


And? That's life, sometimes it doesn't seem fair. Just because you don't like a law doesn't mean you get to ignore the consequences if you're caught breaking it. Of course entitled kids or man children online disagree with this lol


Oh shut up. Tired of you people and your internet arguments.


LOL *I can't argue against what you're saying, so I'll just tell you to shut up* Grow up kid. Maybe don't park illegally if you don't want a fine


Holy shit this guy just fucking loves paying for parking


I don't like paying taxes, but I do that too. Grow up. Seriously


Maybe you should actually pay your way for a change, instead of using your views to push society towards low-trust.


Unless it's a carbon tax, amirite?


> And? That's life, sometimes it doesn't seem fair. Just because you don't like a law doesn't mean you get to ignore the consequences if you're caught breaking it. I want to agree with you, but the evidence says that you absolutely CAN if you're a politician, decently wealthy, a cop, etc.


The articles states it's only used if you've accumulated over $199 of unpaid fines. A parking fine is usually $50-$75 so that's quite a few unpaid tickets.


So yeah, this is a consequence for bad decisions. Why are we supposed to be happy that people are finding out how to "beat" this?


Well I have to imagine that anybody who follows the rules isn't happy about it.


If it costs more to deploy the thing than the fees it collects, AND it's easy to defeat, I'd almost call it morally correct to defeat it. It's an insecure, non cost-effective product. They should go back to the drawing board.


Because extorting students for parking fees is ghoulish. If you make a lock to prevent poor people from using their vehicles, they will break them, and good on them. Hack everything.


You aren't entitled to free parking


And you aren't entitled to clamping a disabling device to anyone's car. The courts have made this pretty clear.


Then call the cops. See who they agree with


Do you own the company? You seem very invested


Nah, just an adult that understands that actions have consequences


Is there any chance of this turning a stone chip into a full on crack in your windshield?


As a former autoglass tech, yes there is a very real chance of that happening.


They say no but with the force this thing is using there is no way they aren't further damaging cracked windshields.


Good question!


I’d be super pissed if they broke my windshield. 😡


Wrong market and wrong use. Anti Theft device is more like it once you make sure it can not be easily defeated electronically. If I was going to steal a car from a driveway I would bypass the one with the big yellow thing stuck to the windshield that will take time and effort to remove while sounding a audible alarm and does not depend on the vehicle manufactures shitty anti theft systems that are easily bypassed.


Even if they could be defeated easily, still a deterrent when choosing Car A vs Car B. Good take.


That's a good point, I would probably buy it for myself.


You can defeat these by using your defroster to heat up the window, and sliding a thin piece of plastic under the edge to break the seal. YMMV.


Damn, I always just drive in reverse.


I just Ace Ventura https://media1.giphy.com/media/40M8MH9x9lDxaHA51d/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952tl4j61k6d7ipsqakt2xodba5h4pxxavmxivcmrps&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


That’s illegal.


Bet you're fun at parties


You think he gets invited to parties?


Dental floss and some WD40 / Crisco works as well. Also; remember to take the SIM card out of it and then chuck the barnacle somewhere else. The barnacles are worth $$$$, and the SIM card inside is used to track them.


Won't they come to you asking what happened to the unremovable device they attached to your car?


If it's a private parking company, I'd leave with it. But if it's parking enforcement of a city, I'm sure it could lead to some troubles to have an unpaid fine.


Depends where you are. In some cities the private parking companies can issue provincial/municipal tickets so they end up on your registration regardless of who issues them 


I didn't know that. It's certainly not the case in Quebec at least.


Calgary has City and private parking. You can usually just ignore the private company tickets lol.


Ontario allows it, it's up to the municipality whether they enact it or not. 


Ofc ontario would allow that sort of crap


Sorry, there was nothing attached to my car. Wish I could help!


Anything "permanently" attached to my car... is mine. Have a good day modern privateer. Sorry about your luck.


Just play dumb


"sorry never saw it, when i got back to my car there was nothing"




The trick is to not damage it. Damaging it will likely end up with civil penalties


Only if they can recover it lol




Your mileage may vary




Sorry, fixed.


Vour Mileage May Vary


Your mom's mini van?


And if you spent that time initially finding a proper parking spot you wouldn’t need to waste time defrosting your windows


Well that’s not true winter still exists


If only authorities applied such ingenuity in preventing cars from being exported through the one port that everybody knows about. But no we get Barnacles instead.


You give them too much credit. This wasn't their ingenuity either.


How does this differ from tire boots which have been ruled [illegal to use in Alberta](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5036174)?


A bit i found interesting from the article you posted. Canadian law is funny sometimes >MacDonald decided that since Cantwell honestly believed that booting a car in Alberta was legal he should be acquitted on the mischief charge. >But the judge also found that "the booting of a trespassing motor vehicle by a private property owner [is] illegal in Alberta" under provincial legislation.


Seems it’s [not a one off either](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/4cwgax/booting_of_vehicles_in_edmonton/). Not sure where this is currently at but seems in Alberta the options for being a property owner with a parking problem are: 1) live with it 2) call a tow truck to remove the vehicle 3) call the police to deal with it And very clearly don’t deal with it yourself.


Booting is not really dealing with it.


What other options are needed?


Well... leaving something behind on some other persons private property does somewhat entail the idea you don't want it anymore. So, how about the finders keepers option? Sure, some might disagree, but I would be curious as to where they tend to park their vehicle. Perhaps... it might be the case they would be the ones losing said vehicle. In which case, my fucks to give are below zero.


I get told in Alberta that finders keepers is thing. I wonder if that will stay true for keeping automobiles left on private property.


You left out the paragraph above it where the RCMP told him it was a civil matter. I haven’t read the reasons for judgment but it sounds like he used the defence of officially induced error. If you ask a police officer about the law they’re supposed to be enforcing and their answer turns out to be wrong, why should you be held responsible for that?


I mean that probably depends on the laws in Saskatchewan


School’s lucky a rich kid didn’t collect the sims and go globe trotting while data roaming.


They likely have a limit We use cell modems to send signals for automation and they are limited to 5mb a month


You can also just ace ventura it up worst case 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


Defroster on max for a few mins then slip a card under it.


#lifehacks ;p


Or you could have spent the few minutes initially finding a proper parking spot and then you wouldn’t have to do that


What happens when you pay? It sends someone to remove it? Or they unstuck from the windshield and the driver just gets to put it wherever they like? How does this device differ from a wheel clamp?


Once you pay, youre supposed to be given a code on your phone to unlock the device and then bring it to some drop-off point. To make sure you do this, you pay a deposit that you get back when they confirm that you dropped it off


So they expect students to have the money to pay a fine + a deposit?


No idea. Personally i see this as no different than the boot, which is illegal in Canada, i believe, which should make this also illegal. I am 100% for using any means to taking this thing off if you get it attached. Absolutely predatory


I didn’t know that was illegal, but yeah it’s basically the same, if one is illegal the other should be too.


Maybe don't park illegally?


Don't put your shit on my car?


You know how to avoid the shit on your car? By not parking illegally. Do you get mad when you get wet from going out in the rain?


Considering one is a force of nature and the other is you literally illegally mounting something to my vehicle, your comparison falls pretty flat.


Cause, meet effect. Park illegally, you're going to get a ticket. Go out in the rain, you're getting wet


Mount something to my car, I'm going to remove it. Action, reaction.


They release and the app gives you an address to safely drop it off, on your own time, to be used to extort the next student


If someone gave me a free barnacle I'm not about to go and return it


I'd be frisbeeing that fucking thing


Lmaoooo. Toronto drivers will just drive with this on their windshields anyways. Not gonna work at all!


Toronto drivers already drive like they have this on their windshields




The same idiots who don't clean the snow off their windshields and drive nevertheless.


Drill hole, add water.


What about people who don't have a phone that can scan QR codes? Their promo materials say it's not "overly punitive" but that's exactly what it is. This is absolutely absurd to use, and as someone else has mentioned (confirmed after a brief youtube search - easily defeatable) Now they're out money for their device instead of the cost of a piece of paper.


I would bet there is a backup option, like a phone number to call


Is there a significant portion of the population that doesn’t use phones with qr scanners built in?


There are some people who don’t even own a smartphone. I personally know two in their 30’s. It was three but one of them finally got one and asked me to download some games. I doubt he’d know what to do with a QR code.


Is that a significant portion of the population though?  20 years ago, this would be a huge imposition, but at this point, the vast majority of people who don’t have smartphones have intentionally chosen not to keep up with the rest of society.  I see homeless people with smartphones.


I don’t know what the percentage could be, but even if it is by choice, they still need a different option.


I’ve asked repeatedly elsewhere, but just get downvoted, is the QR code the only option or just the most convenient option?  I’m willing to bet it’s the latter and a lack of media literacy is what is really upsetting people.


You’re probably right. The article doesn’t make it clear, but I’m assuming if you saw one of those on your vehicle you could go to an office and pay that way as well. It’s a fine, they want their money, I doubt they care how they get it. The last municipal parking ticket I got, I went to the office to pay(by debit) and there was an elderly lady paying hers with change. Like actual rolls of coins. lol So I doubt they’re gonna tell anyone they’re screwed if they didn’t use the QR code, that’s likely just for convenience.


Exactly.  Everyone is assuming it’s the only way and they’re making it inconvenient for the very few who are technologically illiterate or refuse to use it.  That’s like complaining that we can pay online currently but not everyone has internet.  There are options that just aren’t as convenient as a QR code.


I've got a 34 year old friend that went back to a flip phone. My grandma would never be able to figure out how to work it...


I personally don’t know anyone without a smartphone and have relatives in their 70’s and 80’s who can use them just fine. Regardless, everyone is up in arms over this, but I have an important question.  Is the QR code the only way to pay, or just the most convenient?


Does it matter what portion of the population has it? We shouldn't have systems in place that make it impossible for those people.


Is online payment the only way to deal with this or just the most convenient?  


My phone won't scan QR codes because my lens has a chip in it. Really only annoying at certain restaurants 


Fair, but do you think QR codes are the only option to pay parking fines or is a lack of critical thought what’s really upsetting people?


I think it's more that this sort of thing exclusively exists to oppress the poor. A rich person will just shrug and pay a parking ticket without it having any meaningful impact on their life. For someone living paycheck to paycheck it could be the difference between them eating that week or not.   Then if they need to take a payday loan to get rid of something like this it can begin the spiral into homelessness. Fixed dollar fines are some of the worst, most regressive aspects of society 


So is allowing online payments oppressive to the poor?  That’s all this is.  If you get a parking ticket now, you can pay online or go to an office to pay it.  Is that oppressive to people who don’t have computers or can’t have credit cards?  You’re also arguing a different point altogether.  Poor people are already at risk of parking fines.  This doesn’t really change things for them.




Do you think the only way to pay the ticket is online, or do you think people will still be able to go pay in person or mail their fines in just like they can now?


Or they could just park legally to begin with and they wouldn’t have a problem


If you own a car and not a phone in todays world, you probably have enough cash to pay for parking, or have no business being where you parked long enough to get one put on your car. And as above points out, just crank the defrosters and get out a credit/idk car and pop it off


>no business being where you parked long enough to get one put on your car. The majority are university students parking at the university they pay to attend


I don't get this argument. Parking isn't free to build and maintain. Why should students who don't drive (probably the vast majority) effectively pay for student that do? Spaces can also be limited. How would you fairly divy them up?


And they should have a parking tag or some other means to exempt them from fines while attending classes. If the university doesn’t do that, they are a shitty university that preys on young people trying to start life. Also how many uni students DONT have a phone/know what to do with a QR code? You’re making a lot of straw men here for something that’s not even an issue considering the premise of your arguement.


>You’re making a lot of straw men here Absolutely not in any way did I even remotely do such a thing


\>pulls out drill Not so fast nerds


1000lbs of suction, you say? Not if my 1/8" drill bit has anything to say about it


Time to put a thin layer of silicone spray on the windshield, so nothing sticks


Or you could not park like an asshole


So the solution for people not to park like an asshole is to lock them in the parking spot until they pay a fine.


If it means they will think twice about doing it yes. They are called scoff laws for a reason, unless the attitude changes they will continue to be ignored


Not paying some cunts to put my vehicle somewhere ≠ parking like an asshole.


isn't the "ear piercing alarm" a noise violation that the company that put it on can be charged with?


Drill a small hole in it and it comes off easily


Drive with your head out the window take it you're garage and drill holes in the cups problem solved


Anything being stuck to a vehicle could be seen as vandalism. Also if I ever encounter one it's going to get destroyed.


Do it.


i don't see any problem removing this.


Its plastic... I dont see how this can work... Anything could remove it quite easily. Drill into it, cut it, and thats assuming there is nothing that you can squeeze below to mess with it


Cool, set them up outside every convenient place that doordashers park and leave their hazards on.


What if you don't have a phone on you?


Once you remove this abomination from your car, find the parking enforcement officer and stick it on their windshield (or yeet it through their windshield).


Another punishment for the crime of being poor. The rich don't give a fuck about parking tickets and have no problem paying them 


The title created an image of lobsters in my mind. 


# Students defeat new 'Barnacle' parking clamp, skip fines and get free internet Parking at University of Oklahoma without paying was about to get a lot more expensive before these kids defeated the school's high-tech boot with a low-effort solution [https://driving.ca/auto-news/news/students-defeat-new-barnacle-parking-boot-skip-fines-and-get-free-internet](https://driving.ca/auto-news/news/students-defeat-new-barnacle-parking-boot-skip-fines-and-get-free-internet)


Looks like the kind of thing we should be keeping Hydroflouric acid for. That eats the plastic, but leaves the glass untouched.


Honestly, if the amount of time and effort that the responses in this post was spent on finding a legal parking spot to begin with there wouldn’t be the need for these devices.


The majority are university students parking at the university they are paying to attend Universities have 20,000 students and 1,200 parking spots. So they park on the grass to attend their exams and get barnacled I've been ticketed for doing exactly this after commuting 50 minutes to school. Maybe if you attended post secondary education, this wouldn't be so confusing for you


Thank you for your kind words. You might think that those privileged enough to be able to attend university might be smart enough to plan ahead not get into this situation or does university not teach common sense?


There could be a separate discussion on parking fees and the appropriateness of the cost, but most people feel entitled to free parking anywhere they feel like.  Not like it costs money to maintain a parking lot in good condition, or using the cost of parking to nudge people to use alternative methods of transport or even alternative parking lots to reduce overcrowding.


Here's a thought. Activate your wipers and then shut your car off while the wipers are still in the middle of the windshield. They'd have to take your entire wiper arms off (not just the blades) and sometimes this involves removing other panels on the back of the hood.


[How ever will they get around that little trick, I wonder?](https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1209315086/photo/precautionary-raised-windshield-wipers-on-parked-car-during-snow-blizzard.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=52Y3EdxBAAo-xw1-cqfaWBu8KH2xOMLsubJPbHlDa4g=)


Good I hope they fix the defrosting issue tho




That typically requires a time machine