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I think the students should be more aware of the people who they don’t know at the events. Maybe the masked guy acting really scary and aggressive isn’t the kind of person to be hanging out with.


More often than not, those masked guys acting real scary are cops. Look at what happened last night in UCLA


No, the students should be aware that regardless of who is there, they’re getting close to having a criminal record. And good. If our money is going towards funding these schools and they’re putting up with these protests, I hope they get a criminal record and take responsibility for their civil disobedience.


Then why do these schools use these funds to invest in Israeli settlements and companies that support the apartheid project? Students pay tuition and have a right to protest where their money is going.


>and have a right to protest There is absolutely NO right to protest on private property in this country. None.


Remember that it is the student body, faculty, and staff that are what make the university run, NOT the administration. It is entirely within their right to push for change when their institution uses money generated from their efforts to fund companies complicit in genocide.


Legally sure. Morally they have a right to protest it. You understand the difference right?


legally too.. universitys have Student Societys which advocate for the students.. if the student society supports divestment then admin cannot block demands this is why admin conjour up 'safety' concerns


Publicly funded universities are not private property.


there is no obligation, the students can spend their tuition money elsewhere edit:clarity


Students should protest whatever they feel the need to protest. HOW you protest, is what matters. The pro-palestinians are protesting like a bunch of fucking assholes.


If it is true that universities are supporting Israeli settlements, then no, students don’t have a right to say what their money is doing. Students are _choosing_ to give their money in exchange for education, which they’re receiving. Think about how idiotic that is for just a minute. If I bought a vehicle from Honda, I don’t get to demand that Honda uses the money I gave them how I see fit. That’s absolutely insane. Students chose to go to the school for an education, and that’s what a university provides. In no other area of life except for public institutions do you get a “say” in what someone does with your finances after a transaction occurs. Students pay tuition because they’re freely choosing to. They can find a school that doesn’t support Israel and go there instead, but man you’re just so insanely backwards on this it’s just silly.


Don’t play these games with the settlement bullshit. I’m against settlements, but their list of companies they feel support the settlements (at least in the US), includes Coca Cola and Starbucks. There isn’t even a Starbucks in Israel, and the Israeli Coca Cola factory is in the tel aviv vicinity. The game they’re playing is trying to convince you they’re against settlements, then flipping that into being against anything and everything Israeli, then eventually everything that’s owned by Jews (like Starbucks, who, again, do not operate in Israel at all, settlement or no settlement). If these guys were against settlements they’d protest against Bibi and in favour of the political left parties in Israel. Instead, the game is to say many words but works towards total BDS horseshit. If you strip away the rhetoric, the behaviour will speak for itself.


What list of companies are you looking at? Neither Coca Cola nor Starbucks are on the BDS list. The reason some people are boycotting Starbucks is because the union wanted to support Palestinians and Starbucks shut that down, but they aren't one of the companies being boycott by the BDS movement. People are protesting where they have a voice and can actually have an impact. How is a Canadian with no ties to Israel supposed to boycott Bibi, and do you have anything to support that the protesters aren't in favour of the political left parties in Israel? They're protesting the Canadian involvement in Israel's apartheid.


you are conflating the 'general boycott' that people around the world are doing with the short list of companies university endowment funds are invested in here is a UBC groups document from a couple years ago outlining it.. a new document is right now being made https://www.ams.ubc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/397-22-AMS_Palestine-presentation.pdf note at the bottom the main companies are listed and reasons why.. like Hewlett Packard for instance that runs their software systems at checkpoints & jails.. and the main bank funding illegal settlements being built


They pay tuition and their right to protest is to not pay tuition and go elsewhere. Its pretty simple


Palestine aside, at this point an encampmemt is the only way students can afford to live in Toronto.


I’m surprised we haven’t had student tent cities on campuses before now tbh


Would prefer camping over debt




Please tell me this did not happen, I can’t tell anymore


They did try, I don't think they succeeded


That's as cringe as renaming french fries to freedom fries because France didn't want to join into the Coalition of the Willing to bomb Iraq in 2003.


Is there a link on this?




It’s simple- u of t should release a statement. You start an encampment on school property, you’re expelled from the university. Case closed


I don't think you appreciate the financial pain in the ass this would represent


School year's about to end. It's not like they're going to give them a refund.


There's pretty much zero chance that would hold up in court


I don’t think rich international students are the ones at these protests so their bottom line should be fine




Yep. Like the left always likes to say -- you can do what you want, but it's not without consequence.


Another quote they always said but seem to conveniently forget now is "If there is a nazi at the table with 10 people then you have 11 nazis at the table".


That's a saying put together by a pure idiot who doesn't understand exponential growth, everyone in the world is a Nazi according to them. Themselves included.  Nazism would spread exponentially since everyone at the first table gets converted to Nazis, then their families/friends, then the entire city/country/world. 


It's not a pyramid scheme, it's not contagious. The saying is more about who you socialize and interact with and if you are sharing a table with a person who has vile beliefs, you are legitimizing them. Like if a there was a table full of NAMBLA members, you could say you're not a member but why were you sitting with them, chumming arounfd?


You sound like a Nazi


If there’s a Nazi in the comment section with 10 other people then you have 11 Nazis. 


People in this country need to learn how to protest. Convoy? Definitely not how you do it. Taking over campuses? Yea not like that either. Both groups should have faced bigger consequences. In Ottawa we get a ton of protests etc. one of the biggest one is the march of life. While I couldn’t disagree more with their message, they protest great. They register their route with local law enforcements and come for the day and fuck right off after. 10 / 10


Yet abortion remains legal. Not exactly an effective protest, their alleged good behaviour notwithstanding. 


>Not exactly an effective protest "Protesting" in these instances (anti-abortionists and divestment from corporations that deal with Israel) are more about spreading your message than they are about actually stopping anything. With regards to the anti-abortion crew, the vast majority (nearly 80%) of Canadians support abortion in some form ([link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Canada#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DA_majority_of_Canadians_%2853%2Ca_woman_has_been_raped.?wprov=sfla1)), no amount of protesting will change that any time soon.


They could start burning down buildings and I highly doubt the issue would ever be reopened. The majority of Canadians are happy the way it is


They could. But they won’t. Because they aren’t terrorists.


If the implication is that you can resort to illegal activities and hatred or violence when you don’t get what you want politically, then that’s just terrorism with extra steps. The anti abortion people voice their dissent and spread their message. That’s what a protest is. Once you say “and since you didn’t change the law I’m going to start breaking laws”, your in the very least a criminal, and in the case of the extreme justification (antisemitism and violence are ok because muh Palestine), it’s literal terrorism - the use of terror against civilians to attain a political goal. I’m all for abortion, but the pro life folks truly do it the right way. Though I would argue that protesting outside of hospitals is in poor taste and should probably be stopped by legal means (might require legislation since they still follow the law when they do that).


Can you provide me an example of a passive protest like that somewhere in the world that made change? “Please! Pretty please, government and corporations! Be nice to us and give us what it says on our posters. In return, we’ll march down the main road and then fuck off home. Deal?”


A passive protest by the TAs at York university near 20 years ago resulted in wage increases for TAs at York university. They did not throw stones or Molotov cocktails. Nobody was shot. No building was damaged. No encampments were built on private property. They refused to do their jobs and stood at the entrance to the university. If you wanted in they’d let you in but you had to stand in line and it was slow. Nobody was chanting against Jews. Nobody thought it would be a good idea to wear masks and hide their faces. Nobody was threatened with death. Nobody had to hide their religious affiliation, nationality, or sex. No businesses were defaced. No conflict with police occurred. There were no smoke bombs. Nobody climbed a hospital. Nobody shot at a Jewish school. No synagogues were burnt down. No hate symbols were put anywhere. You wanted one example - enjoy. I didn’t even have to google that one. I just remember it, because I’m older than 15 and have been to protests before.


You literally just described a strike in which case the leverage is the business/school in this case doesn’t function when the workers stop showing up. When you’re pushing a political narrative there is no leverage short of disruption of the day to day activities of the ones that rely on the system being unobstructed. Peaceful protests don’t work and people who think they do are drinking cool aid


A strike is a form of peaceful protest. Barring Jews from going into a place for being Jewish, screaming antisemitic nonsense at them, intimidating them, and discriminating against them is not peaceful protest.


Thanks for the backup. Appreciated!


You are describing a strike — a legal form of labour negotiation between employer and employee. That’s not a protest. It’s a labour action. Please try again.


You heard of the Cold War?


What does that have to do with “peaceful protests” being effective or not?


Look up the peaceful revolution…


Yes. It involved civil disobedience, which is exactly what we are talking about. The original comment was from someone saying you can just show up and march down the street in a passive manner to induce change. That’s not how it works. That does nothing to challenge power structures. Power must be threatened by impacting material conditions. Communism didn’t fall in East Germany because people walked around with posters.


Ok, gonna call it here. If you think the Monday protests among other non-violent forms of demonstration had zero effect on the fall of the Berlin Wall, you’re clearly arguing in bad faith in which case there’s no point in continuing the discussion.


I just agreed with you. Civil disobedience can be non-violent.




"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war with bees in their mouth."


Alas, it's much better in the original Klingon.


Smithers, release the robotic Richard Simmons. 


Smithers, it’s out of control!






Why? What’ve we got to do with it lol


All the free speech warriors in the comments when something they don't like gets mentioned.  Yeah I know we don't have it, and unis are private.. but they get federal funding and provincial funding 


What does building an encampment have to do with speech?


we dont have a freedom of speech, we have freedom of expression, though the two get muddied in everyday canadian conversations. encampents for a purpose are obviously a form of expression. defined as: "the process of making known one's thoughts or feelings".


Encampments aren't protected expression. Speech is expression by the way. Don't be obtuse. 


Protest = speech = s 2 freedom of expression 


Encampments aren't protected expression, obviously. 


People in subsidized housing get federal and provincial funding. Are we allowed to enter their homes and harass them? Your argument is stupid


We are all subject to the human condition. We do not, however, get a carte blanche when we hide behind the purview of free speech. We are not exempt from the provisions of *insert legislation here* because we hold a belief. Our drop in the bucket tax contribution give us no special rights or capacity (we also have a legislated duty to yield to police direction when they are acting in the lawful execution of their duty. This is all to say, public or private. It doesn’t matter. Protests have to comply with relevant legislation to be protected under S1 of the charter.


All the people in the comments saying we don't have free speech when freedom of expression is broader and includes speech... wild.


Ontario's universities are public -- but I imagine the property itself is private


If Trudeau was consistent, he’d freeze their bank account and have the media smear anybody who donated.


I'm sure those students are shaking at the though of having their "Super Saver Chequing Accounts" frozen.


You actually think these kids are poor? Most of these kids protesting are bored rich, white suburbanites looking for something to do.


Bored rich kids aren't poor but they also often don't have much in the way of money in a bank account so much as a credit card that money and daddy pay off for them every month.


Their parents accounts.


Yes, target the legally innocent parents' accounts...that makes total sense. These students are adults. They make their own decisions. Also, they're not setting up a blockade in the streets or borders. So techncially not public distrubance. Street protestors are actually legally disturbing the peace when it impedes an emergency situation. Aka why we are allowed to protest without much disturbance. Freedom is nice. Campuses are also private property, so really, it's up to private institutions to enact or request enforcement.


It's wild to see how quickly people want to trample over others rights and enact Authoritarian policies of collective punishment


Trudeau did this with the the truckers


He froze the truckers parents accounts?


And you want it to happen again?


These estudents are dependent minors. They're legally independent adults


Nah they have to occupy and shut down downtown Toronto for 3 and a half weeks first if he wants to be consistent.


And after Toronto police and OPP fail to act first.


Are they stopping people from getting to work/emergency vehicles from moving freely?


They dont have any money to freeze


They don't but most of their parents do.


That’s not equivalence though, is it. Unless I missed the part where these people have defied orders to disperse, are blaring horns all day, and impeding traffic. Can you show me those photos?


Are border points being blocked?


Remind us when they hijack some mac trucks and plug up an entire city for three weeks.


But these students aren't interfering with the everyday lives of other people, which the "protesters" in Ottawa *were* doing.


He did not freeze their bank accounts because they were annoying people.


Explain why they were frozen, please.


Probably because Russian agents were feeding them money and encouraging them to cause unrest. Useful idiots moved from the left to the right.


ah yes the good ol russian hackers.


Oh right the old Russia interference intelligence lie.


And these protests probably needed by Chinese money, better freeze their accounts


The OPP is drooling to respond unlike in Ottawa...


They should freeze their osap! That might work


I hope the students will do a classic protest on public property. Like yeah we won’t encamp but there’s sure as hell a reason to protest.




Or- hot take here- the university could divest.


Rare W for the otherwise far left UofT.


When money is involved everything changes.


York probably buying extra tents rn


LOL that thought crossed my mind too; York seems to be fertile ground for stuff like this.


Nah those students have to drive into campus and even with York Campus police they’re not staying out after dark in that neighbourhood


UofT is probably the most centrist university in Ontario.


Fuck, does everything have to be left, right and center.  There's other ways to frame things. 


On the spectrum of far left university student bodies were nothing compared to york and ryerson, full blown commies over there


Gotta love free speech and free will to protest.


Encampments aren't speech. 


There’s no right to protest on private property.


Then expell all students involved.


That would be the ideal solution.


I'm not sure that's ideal, but it's an option if the universities really want to stop the protests.


Personally yes I do!


As do I. I don't support anyone or any institutions that are against it.


Where was the protest against China ?


You would tolerate the same type of protest which you are condemning here, just to be consistent?


I don't know I don't organize protests. What do you want to protest? I might be a supporter of it as long as it's valid.




​ >I have boycott Chinese products for over 30 years bruh, Reddit is owned by the Chinese company Tencent, also you probably want to throw out your phone and computer


I don't hate Jewish people, so don't put that accusation on me. That's your personal assumption. Good, if that's something you believe in and want to protest then keep doing it.


What in God's name is this sentence structure?? And "Tian amen square"? It's tiananmen square, or are you trying to get past your hometown censors or something?


Why aren't you organizing one?


Universities are the place for, thought, expression, debate, protest, and confrontation. This is how they help change the world we live in. This is what makes universities amazing valuable instutions.


I think if students want the war Gaza started to stop, they need to tell Gaza to surrender, and turn over the attackers and hostages.


Yes, how dare they ask for the stoppage of an ethnic cleansing and carpet bombing. Not to mention, the best mode of action is to definitely bomb the very place where the civilians are said to be held hostage.


Because Gaza declared war with the Oct 7th attack, and as such they do not get to dictate terms of cease fire when losing said war. Give back the hostages, turn over the Oct 7th attackers and masterminds. Both those conditions are reasonable to end the war. 


> The number of unlawful arrests by the IDF and Israeli government, both before and after Oct 7th is disproportionately higher than the number of hostages captured on, before or since October 7th > Carpet bombing 10s of thousands of civilians in the name of said hostages, while putting the same hostages at risk, while refusing to further negotiate, is the definition of war crime. If the US or Israel ever had to account for the number of people they've killed in the Middle East, in the name of retaliation, unfounded speculation and unlawful imposement, it wouldn't make any difference cause it's already been established that not all lives are equal. > Genocide can be given a 100 fancy names, phrases and justifications. It'll still remain a genocide, regardless. Might as well call it that at this point. > Thank you for establishing that it's justified to delay a ceasefire even if it leads to thousands more killed, as long as an apartheid state's requirements are met.






There’s been multiple protests for divestment in universities. I believe York had them ten years ago because they were investing through weapon manufacturing companies. Don’t believe there was ever a change from these protests.


There have been successful divestment movements in Canada. There was a fairly large protest movement calling for endowments to divest from fossil fuel companies and as far as I'm aware, several prominent universities did eventually capitulate after years of protest and they either fully or partially divested. I'm recalling it was UBC, UoT, Guelph, Laval, Victoria, SFU, and probably others.


The writer seems quite biased in this reporting. Seems to state some "facts" as facts which are not.... facts.


For example


Do you have any examples of which facts are not...facts? I hate useless comments like these.




Parachute over Iran


> The UofT Occupy for Palestine group has stated on social media that it is demanding that the university divest its endowment and pension plan from companies providing military goods or services to the Israeli government. Seems fair Edit: IT cells don't want to acknowledge the simple things in life.


The contrast between what conservatives want for these students demanding an end to bloodshed, versus Qonvoy nutters demanding to control the government... The Qonvoy established that you can occupy an area indefinitely with near zero consequences. Why should these people be treated any worse?


Public vs private property 


The Qonvoy was not limited to public space, and was less hygenic.


If it’s on private property then the owners should do with them as they please ;) 


u if t is a public, not private, university though. much like the land in front of parliament is “public”.


Not quite university and educational institutions fall into private. They are only public while access is allowed. Under duress they have the ability to remove people and hence they are considered private. You wouldn't want bad people hanging out on school ground creating unsafe or intimidating situation while affecting students. That’s why. My old job was campus security 


Camps are not tolerated... But we will do nothing to stop them...


Fuck around and find out.


At the UWashington encampment, they're smashing property and barricading themselves in buildings. Of course UofT doesn't want that.


Students have a choice of not going to these universities or not spending their money at these universities. You cannot tell the university what to do with the money once you have spent it. The university has a commitment to give you tuition, nothing more or less.


The only thing that bugs me is how in canada the investments universities make is very small and all this outrage should be put towards things we can control like houseing and cost of liveing -.- I get the cause but it screams privilege when most of us are nearing homelessness from this market


* in 1988, University of Toronto pledged to completely divest endowment funds from companies operating in South Africa during apartheid. * in 1992, the University rejected a call for divestment from tobacco industries, but eventually committed to divesting from them by 2007. * 2008, the group Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (STAND) called for divestment from companies backing military violence in Sudan U of T like Columbia U has a long history of Divestment from unethical investments. >The students say they are following similar protest methods that successfully pressured universities in North America to divest from a number of major companies that operated in apartheid South Africa, and are hoping the same will happen amid the war on Gaza. >**An online open letter to the university signed by nearly 2,000 alumni, staff and faculty members has also echoed the groups’ concerns.**


Yet nothing ever done about China That’s interesting ! 15,000 students from China And even our Canadian public pension fund has investments in china . So I assume yes they do Start making some signs and get protest Oh yeah we know you won’t


does the UofT invest Endowment Funds in Chinese corporations oppressing the Uyghur? real question


It’s a global market so yes probably Where is your iPhone made ? Huge ties ti China and Chinese money !


you find the companys, ill add them to the list.. thanks for your help


Find a company well basically everyone manufactures in China Good cop out


i dont think you have a handle on whats going on bro.. the UofT [and other] students arent asking for all sanctioning of all goods.. its more specific to companies that are a part of the problem for the israeli Divestment, the companys are like lockheed martain which builds fighter jets which are currently dropping bombs and hewlet packard which is running their jail system and Apartheid checkpoint software systems and Bank Hapoalim which is one of Israel’s largest banks, they **finance the construction projects in the illegal settlements.** its easy to make yourself feel good and brush it off by misrepresenting the situation but anyone who actually looked at it closely would know this already


Ngl but the history you cited basically shows that U of T will basically chose $$$ over any sort of diversification for whatever reason. 1 pledge from 40 years ago, it took 15 years to diversify from tobacco, and the other was just a call that wasn't answered.


A university with balls! McGill, take note.


Look at Colombia student protests from years back and look at r/canada. Racist cesspool of war crime sympathizers.

