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>she also says when she returned to school, she was advised to use the teachers’ private washroom for her own safety, not to walk alone and to stay inside the building between classes. If they feel the need to put those kinds of restrictions on the victim, the attacker can't be allowed back in the school. Hate crime or not.


Yep. I do not understand why the approach is to effectively force that poor child to live with it rather than making an example out of the other kids. Suspended. Instantly. Pending expulsion if it turns out to be a hate crime. Zero tolerance for bullying is what’s needed.


As someone who was formerly bullied in elementary school, a zero tolerance policy doesn't always work. As the elementary school, I went too "enforced it." I would always tell teachers, and nothing happened, so I fought against my bully, and it stopped.


>so I fought against my bully, and it stopped. This seems to be the best solution, provided of course the fighting back is proportionate and in self defence. The concept of fighting back against bullies throws school admin into a tizzy and it goes against the current toxic positivity no-violence-ever fad. Well, too fucking bad. My kid knows I will back him up 100% if he fights back against bullies as a last resort.


I also went to a zero tolerance school in jr high. At one point a bully sucker punched me and I fell to the ground and got a concussion. We were both suspended for a week because of it


This is New Brunswick. It is more common that the victim would need to change schools than the bully. Many years ago, my daughter’s mother was attacked in the middle of gym class by a group of kids. Her collarbone was broken. This was one of a series of assaults. The best the school offered her was changing high schools. That’s pretty typical. My sister-in-law was likewise battered by a girl on the walk home. Bullied at high school. Had to withdraw and be home schooled. A middle schooler I know had to spend a night at the hospital last week. Another assault on her by the same person. The school just gives the other girl warning after warning.




And I'll bet it didnt stop after school ...




Usually the hate starts at home, from the parents and whatever flavor of outside is the bad guy through media. Some of my best friends in school were jewish and we were just normal teenagers doing teenager things. Some of the other jewish kids were atrocious. Like any other ethnicity.


This is disgusting. The school administration should be shamed and fired.


secretive direction smoggy special liquid wasteful piquant rain far-flung straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They have a zero tolerance policy for victims. Like the criminal justice system our school system backs the criminal. 


When they're from certain countries at least...




Not just that school. Any school. Take them home to their parents, tell them to enroll the dipshit into homeschooling, and remind them that they are raising a waste of skin if they don't smarten that kid up right away. They only get to go back to any form of public education of any level, after they prove they have learned to control their opinions and emotions. They might not change their opinions, and that's a shame. But so long as they don't enact them, they technically have every right to have them, kept to themselves that is. And if they act up again, at all, the consequences get exponentiated, not just doubled down. Make them regret it. And before anyone says this is too mean... I am still being nice.


It’s really easy for the adults in this situation to enforce things too. Schools and school yards are not large places. Only a small number of kids are a problem. There are many many teachers, principal, vice principal, and staff.  They just don’t want to. Where have all the adult teachers gone?


The entire Israel fiasco has exposed the left as a cesspool of vile racist hypocrites that care nothing for 'justice'. Imagine the outrage if this had happened to an Indigenous or Black student?


I think thr implication is that many people will be targeting that student.


At the end of the day, we all know that the public supports the terrorists not Israel so of course they're going to blame the victim


If it turns out to be a hate crime throw the book at the students that took part. All of them. Absolutely disgusting if it proves factual


In Canada, the book is more like two loose leaf pages stapled together. 


That staple could hurt somebody. Better use a paper clip.


I don't think so friend, that may hurt too. You know what, let's just release them I am sure experiencing nothing has taught them a firm lesson.


I think you don't understand that their behavior is actually our fault for not building a society to nurture and guide our criminal element properly. It's not like ALL OF HUMANITY has a history of deviants and violent anti-social individuals.


Actually better switch it over to an oval of paper too just in case.


“Throw the Hilroy scribbler at ‘em!”


paper cuts aren't a laughing matter


Throw the pamphlet at them.


Don’t forget the Gladue considerations prior to sentencing


Yeah. But it’s foolscap.


Here's the video of it https://www.instagram.com/p/C7ANqg2v7B8/?igsh=MTBwYnZtemMwajNzeg==


Who the fuck is the asshole adult who just stood there watching, then berated the victim? What the fuck? How the fuck can that asshole even live with himself?


They're under 18 so nothing will happen . In Canada, you can get away with most crimes if you're under 18


Bold of you to assume that high-schools in Fredericton have books.


I remember the teacher handing out the stone slabs in class. We had to share since there wasn't enough for everyone. Not Fredericton though, that was Carleton Place.


Hahaha wtf I’m dead


Even if it wasn't a hate crime if a bunch of kids attacked another they should all be expelled period.


Disgusting regardless.  Assault is unacceptable behavior regardless of the motivation.


Agreed. The parents are saying this was driven by anti-semitism and that police are ignoring it; I feel like if there is video evidence of the beating (which the article indicates, it was filmed by other students) there would probably be a pretty good indication that is the case. If the cops aren't acting on that, there's either a big problem with their investigation, or they aren't acting on it because it wasn't a factor. This site reporting on it is the Canadian Jewish News and even they aren't asserting it was a hate crime, just that the parents claim it was without saying specifically why. edit: The video is posted below, at least from the video, this doesn't obviously appear to be a hate crime. There's no slurs thrown around or justification given for the attack really at least from what I could hear/see. I would imagine that the police probably aren't pursuing the hate crime angle here because there's no proof or indication it was from the video evidence. I couldn't make out a lot of what is being said between the two girls, but some people are saying it sounds like the Israeli girl ripped off the Muslim girl's head covering before this video happened.


Here's the video - https://twitter.com/Mark_Goldberg/status/1790777611351622045


Is the adult a teacher or a parent? Possibly of the assaulting student?


I'm not sure, but they're acting weird. I think a teacher would be a bit more pro-active?


He actually starts by blaming the Victim, which is really fucking weird.


I think we're missing something, he looks a bit apathetic to this whole thing. Very slow to react.


I would hope so.


> I think a teacher would be a bit more pro-active I don't think any male teacher really wants to test what "reasonable force" is under section 43 of the criminal code, in a fight between two female students. You know, in addition to the potential threat of lawsuits and headlines reading "male teacher assaults female student"


What the everliving frac? The adult was giving the kid on the ground shit! The other kid should be charged with assault as a juvenile, the adult should be charged as accessory to a crime as an adult


The video is out there. She gets attacked and everyone sits there watching including an adult who proceeds to yell at the girl who was attacked.




It's on X. A bunch of Canadian Journalists have posted it.


Thank you.




It almost looks like a setup. Why were they filming to start, and what's up with the boy she was walking with? His behavior is off. Why does the older man start chastising her after watching the attack and doing nothing?


Well that blows major ass.


They'll suspend them for 2 extra days, after which the assailant will be back at school bullying this poor girl.


Does anyone ever read the article they’re commenting on here?


If it turns out to be a Hate Crime.. ? Any form of Violence directed towards her..should be a crime .... Beating her up ? It should involve proper authorities...


So someone who kicked the shit out of a victim but it was NOT a 'hate crime' should get less? Yes convict to the fullest extent. But this notion of "hate crime" is two-tiered justice system.


The logical justification for why 'hate' is an aggravating factor in an offense is because the whole point of doing a hate crime is to victimize an entire group by proxy of attacking one or some given individual member(s) of that group. Therefore a hate crime is more severe because it has way more victims. If you kick my ass because I insulted your no doubt wonderful mother, that's not a hate crime because nobody else who did not insult your mother is victimized by that assault, and anyone else who did insult your mother isn't protected by being a member of that hopefully tiny group. On the other hand if you kicked my ass because I'm a Jewish high school girl, everyone who is Jewish is angered and threatened by my ass kicking, because they think it could have been them, or their daughter or sister. Since you have now victimized a whole group of people even though you only physically assaulted one, your crime is justifiably considered more severe. It should be noted that Jewish people understand this well and pay the price for it. Despite the fact that Jews are a tiny minority, they are the victims of over 50% of hate crimes, and as a result they have to pay more for insurance for things like synagogues and Jewish community centers. This is a real and significant price people unjustly have to pay because of what they were born as. That is why people like the above commenter, and me for that matter, are in favor of throwing the book, such as it is in Canada, at hate criminals.


I think hate based on immutable characteristics should be treated differently than hate based on, say, someone being an asshole. You disagree?


Why is beating on someone because they are short different than beating on them because they are right wing? Political affiliation or belief being one of the protected characteristics I'm sure you'd see the second as a hate crime then?


Unfortunately, the victim was the oppressor and the attacker was the oppressed. Any colonizer (aka Canadian) opinion about this matter is null and void. This is where we are. Smh.


> throw the book at the students that took part. All of them. The YCJA protects young offenders. They can be charged, of course, but their punishment will likely be no more than probation.


Turns out? How can there be any doubt?


The assailant has been arrested as of this evening.


What’s the source on this? I’ve looked, but can’t see anything.




Could be a hate crime. I read this article and it provided no context other than she was jumped from behind by an older Muslim student. Was there personal beef between these two that had nothing to do with their respective religions/ethnicities? Was the student who jumped her responding to something that was said to her/about her? Was there no prior interaction between them, but the assaulter would be aware of the victim's religion? Was there a history of verbal abuse towards the victim based on her religion? If it is a hate crime, the student who committed the assault should be prosecuted for a hate crime. If there's no evidence to support this beyond Jewish/Muslim, the standard legal code will do.


>Was there personal beef between these two that had nothing to do with their respective religions/ethnicities? from the video: man: why you assaulted her ? victim: you gave her permission to fight me ?!!! man: why did you give yourself permission to take her (illegible) off ? obviously this a continuation to a previous quarrel


It almost sounds like Israeli Girl took off the other girl's head covering, when he says "why did you give yourself permission to (illegible) off" in the video tbh. Now I'm disappointed that one girl beat up another, but it definitely seems like there was "beef" before this. This isn't a one sided hate crime. Its High School drama.


> This isn't a one sided hate crime. Its High School drama. Kids learning hatred and violence from their parents, friends, and social media is not new. But it is a worthwhile reminder that there are repercussions to the increasingly extremist political discourse going on. When kids hear people blame "the other side" for horrible things all day long -- what could be worse than genocide? terrorism? murder? rape? -- don't be *shocked pikachu face* when the kids start seeing "the other side" as less than human or deserving of mistreatment.


becoming a default response. 2 different races fight, for some reason its racism for the loosing side. Yes I know its a thing, one can't just say its because of racism or anything else without knowing the facts first.


The video shows that irregardless who did what, the father took his older daughter to jump another student. Thats minimum assault, with most likely some hate as an aggravating circumstance, making it hard not to be tried as an adult and have your father tried as an accessory too. And it’s on video. Who tf drives their child to fight or watches and condones them assaulting another person. And you pat yourself on the back because of course, you’re not racist everyone else is. Silly.






That’s disgusting and disturbing. Kids should not have to worry about their safety anywhere. I truly hope she gets better soon


Omfg. How in the world does someone think beating up a fellow student is going to help Palestine? This shit has gone too far.


It was never about helping Palestine.


They just hate Jews 


That's because it's nothing about helping Palestine. It's about hating Jews and using Palestine as an excuse.


It's not even about that. It's about bullying. The anti-semitism part of this is a trendy way for bullies to act like they are somehow moral in their bullying. Shame on our Government agencies, our colleges and now our high schools for allowing anti-semitism to fester. We can't really stop bullying, kids will be kids; but we can at least stop bullies from pretending they are somehow justified.


100% and we all know this stuff is coming from the home as well like most bullies.


This is the most sane, and probably correct, take I’ve seen on Reddit in weeks.


I don’t get how they have such close ties. And I mean all of them. I don’t have a small social circle and none of them are practicing Jewish people and one is a practicing Muslim. That’s out of a ton of people. I’ve never even been exposed to antisemitism in real life. I know it happens but it seems like younger people are going out of their way to be hateful. Not what Canada is supposed to be in my opinion. We should melt together and become better for it. My life is better for all the different cultures in it. Indian weddings are always a blast. Cultural food makes life more enjoyable. And learning about new stuff and ways to think is fun. I’d be poor and hateful if I subscribed to racist ideologies.


Well said brother. I can't stand the hate we are seeing on our streets. My grandad put his life on the line to stop this shit and here we are in 2024 when we should know better. Indian wedding are the best. I even had one as my wife is Indian and my kids are mixed.


tbh i think it's just like trendy hipster shit. being pro gaza is like a liberal thing it's part of the identity you're expected to do it to fit in.


Don’t forget about being and remaining woefully ignorant of the history of the region and conflict because Tik Tok told ya so.


This on sooooo many levels. It's not taught at school, but both sides of this fight have been dicks to each other since before our grandparents were even a sponge in their dad's nutsack. It pretty fucked up that any country in the western world is taking any side at all in this.


Even if it's 100% right, that's not a reason to hit that child.


It was always like that... I remembered a bunch of my Muslim HS classmates got beat up after 911. And this was in Canada, not even the US. Just mob mentality... Sad thing really...


On the flip side of this coin, I remember some Muslim people I went to high-school with celebrating the 911 attacks. People are fucked.


Adults I went to high school with celebrated on oct 7th and posted about it on instagram.


Man, 100%.


I knew a few non Muslims who thought 9/11 was pretty great also.... Ya people are fucked... doesn't matter the religion...


It's not about helping Palestine, it's about hating Jews.


It's not about helping Palestine, it was never about that. Hitting a Canadian immigrant kid because she is from Israel is fucked up, and these actions are being normalized more and more with each and every day. What started as painting on stores and houses moved to occupying private properties to hitting people and we'll have our first death by end of 2024. It's anti Jews, was always anti Jews.


It's driven by hate, not to help. This is the result of our country letting pro-Palestinian propaganda poison the minds of young people with hate.


They don't care, they just need a scapegoat to release their anger on


I would be interested to see the reddit reaction if the same story came out but it was a Jewish student randomly attacking a Muslim student from behind.. So many "this might not be race or religion based, maybe they had other disagreements, etc" comments.. makes ya wonder if you'd get the same comments with the scenario flipped. People always find a way to cope on this sub lol.


Probably explains why CBC isn't covering it, this is usually right up their alley. Edit: Y'all can stop trying to hand wave away they don't focus on racially motivated stories, no one is buying it. Calm down and put your faded CBC t-shirt back on.


Does the CBC commonly report on school yard brawls?


CBC would need more information than “Jewish kid brutally assaulted, parents say it’s a hate crime” the end, no evidence or context for why they believe this. It’s a nothing burger article designed to grow more of the division they are claiming caused this poor girls injuries. Obviously the girl deserve sympathy. She did nothing wrong, but this is a schoolyard fight with this info, it isn’t really news.


Maybe… just maybe we should wait for more than the victims family’s opinion before we jump to conclusions that’s all I’m saying.


> I would be interested to see the reddit reaction if the same story came out but it was a Jewish student randomly attacking a Muslim student from behind.. This sub would enthusiastically be in favor of it.


This crosses the line in every way. Bully beating on smaller kid, hate crime, etc. If it's because this idiot hates Jewish people, yes, punish them to the harshest extent.


Time for legal action. This is undoubtedly a hate crime. Ridiculous leniency on the part of school administration. And no, I'm not Jewish, just someone to whom this situation is intolerable.


An interesting post from the Fredericton sub less than a couple of weeks ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/fredericton/s/dXcu2OFnlY Edit: and a post about their temple getting attacked on international Holocaust Remembrance Day: https://www.reddit.com/r/fredericton/s/74jV4Tt9ii


School seems to be lacking on their duty of care for this one student. Singled out by creed, by another minority. One week suspension seems light handed for a targeted hate crime. Islam, the religion of peace they preach.


A girl was assaulted because of her place of birth/religion, and people are wondering if it's a hate crime? If this was any other group other than Jewish (or European), every politician would be posting Instagram stories about how this is unacceptable. But because it was done by a Moslem, I guess Jews don't matter.




First post-national country — Trudeau 


Gross, hate to see this


The kids these days think hating the jews is something new. They actually think they are original They really do not seem to understand that the overwhelming vast majority of them want their own homeland because this has been happening for a literal milinna


More like 3500 years.


Let's see what the investigation says.


It's definitely a hate crime, which was also caught on camera. Throw the book at the moron who did it and punish the bystanders who are recording it.


I saw fights happen weekly over all types of shit, including racially motivated fights. However, adults nor police back in the day never really asserted themselves into those fights for the main part. Guess I grew up in a rough city? Even though my high-school experience was pretty on par with how they partied in America Pie, just a suburban town with not much going on but Friday night house parties. With maybe a fight or 7 breaking out at some point in the evening.


Here is the video: https://twitter.com/Mark_Goldberg/status/1790777611351622045


Violence breeds violence. Real shame as nothing good comes of it. Time to evolve.




Imagine if someone did this to a Muslim student. There would obviously be a massive outcry of racism. We are quickly becoming a society without principles. No one can ever be accountable for their actions if they have been anointed as “oppressed”. The abusive bully has the “oppressed” privilege and the expectation of civil decorum is a much lower.




How and why would a school pursue criminal charges? I agree there should be consequences but I think you’re misunderstanding how the justice system works.


You’re misunderstanding my comment. The school can call the police to inform them a crime was committed, similar to if they catch a student with drugs. Or they could tell the parents they “handled it” with just a week suspension and gently imply no further action is needed by the parents. I’ve seen the second option happen countless times for crimes even more serious than this tbh.


Disgusting. Hope the assailant is charged with a hate crime and expelled


Disgusting. This is a direct result of the encampments across Canada and the US , Universities encouraging hatred of Jews. Led by Hamas and ISIS sympathizers. Google Mohammed Assadi , a well known Iranian Revolutionary Guard sympathizer living in Canada to learn more. These people have been heard chanting "long live Oct 7" You should be ashamed to support these people...


I'm routinely surprised at people's ability to expand the group of individuals they're upset at.


Come to Saskatchewan. The prevailing opinion, especially on Social Media is that every person of European ancestry and every business and agency is run by a bunch of drunken racists. The brush is enormous!


Ouch! 🤕 Poor girl. ☹ Beating up people over their ethnicity is just awful!


Hey man, when I suggested we keep this old world 2000 year old dick measuring contest off our streets here in Canada, people just called me ignorant and an asshole. People moved here to escape this sort of stupid shit and live their lives, not be persecuted and harassed over some never ending dusty old crap.


It probably was a hate crime. Anti-semitism is always just bubbling below the surface waiting for its chance to come out.


Bring suspended isn’t enough for a hate crime. She shouldn’t be forced to go back and face these people and fear for her safety.




You’re wrong. You can be against genocide and still find causing harm to a child totally abhorrent. In fact I would be that the vast majority of people would find this totally unacceptable, regardless of their political views.


The problem is that too much of the pro-Palestinian narrative is about targeting Jews worldwide, globalize the intifada, anti-Western shit.




How could you possibly look at this horrible situation and think that being hateful about someone’s religion is the answer?




It’s starting again and we are all blind !


Anti semitism hate crime for sure


The article literally states that the beef between the two started before Oct 7th. People so badly want everything to be about this conflict and anti-semitism.


Where does it say that? Edit: it does not say that.


It can still be a hate crime if the "beef" started before the war. The arguments on Reddit are truly brain-dead sometimes


But the only way to know if it was a hate crime is what went on between them, particularly what words were said. That's what an investigation is for. (and yeah, if that's what the investigation shows up then make it a hate crime charge)


> On April 30, Shaked Tsurkan, a 14-year-old Israeli girl attending high school in New Brunswick, was followed and beaten up by an older student. It happened off school grounds during the lunch hour and other classmates gathered to watch—someone even filmed the whole thing on their phone, later posted to social media, where you can see Tsurkan getting jumped from behind, thrown to the ground and punched repeatedly. > According to Shaked, her assailant is an older female Muslim student who also attends her school, Leo Hayes High School, in Fredericton. It appears the physical assault came after months of being targeted for being Israeli after she started Grade 9 in September 2023, just weeks before the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack. > The altercation left Tsurkan with cuts, bruises and black eyes. While the school declined to share details about the incident to protect the privacy of its students, Tsurkan says her assailant was suspended from school for a week; she also says when she returned to school, she was advised to use the teachers’ private washroom for her own safety, not to walk alone and to stay inside the building between classes.


that was very helpful to share the article as text


Then let the investigation happen. This is based one of the story. Whoever beat this girl up deserves to whatever punishment is coming to her but it could simply be teenagers bullying. As they do. In Canada it’s hard to prove things are a hate crime.


Neither side is claiming this conflict began on Oct. 7th; that's an incredibly ignorant take.


Because Hamas didn't hate Jews before Oct 7...


So you’re saying this teenage girl is Hamas? Seriously?


A highschool fight which the family *believes* was a hate crime is approved in this sub, but posting about a synagogue member setting fire to a synagogue in Toronto and one person suffering injuries gets flagged as "unrelated to Canada" ... Does anyone want to explain how that works ? What narrative are we trying to push here ? https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-man-arrested-for-setting-fire-in-north-york-synagogue/article_af050dde-0b4a-11ef-89c2-87abfc24c08c.html


Idk. What narrative are YOU trying to push by posting something totally unrelated?


This is deplorable. Schools in Canada have not effectively dealt with bullying and so can’t be expected to do better with discrimination. This being said, the attitudes expressed in the responses shine a glaring light on the heart of the problem: a lack of empathy. There is a lot of excellent research on both bullying and racism and both have the same cause: a lack of empathy. Punishing the bully reduces empathy and only escalates the problem. Why did none of the student bystanders intervene? Instead they recorded it and laughed; demonstrating a deplorable lack of empathy. These kids are so desensitized to violence that they don’t recognize the danger. The kind of hate speech and rage farming that has been the staple of the CPC over the last 3 years. Coupled with the stress and trauma of living through a worldwide pandemic has thinned the veneer of civilized behaviour to the point that people easily fallback on brutishness and malice. The way to solve this problem is to teach empathy to our children, that our leaders model empathy rather than revenge and hatred. Look to the adults for the people responsible for this situation for they are who these children are learning from.


As a Middle Easterner, the idiocy by my own people saddens me. We used to have empires for thousands of years and all of it dissipated when we allowed desert nomads to impose their religion upon us. I hope she finds peace and the school suspends the idiot who hit her.


Time to hire a human rights lawyer