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$5.9 million to cull some deer... Based on other completed culls, I imagine the same outcome at ≈ $25,000 - $50,000 a head... I'd gladly pay the government $100 for the opportunity to enter the deer cull, and with the money we are saving an RCMP officer could accompany each hunter like me to ensure compliance. What a completely unreasonable government idea. It's beyond incompetent. It's robbing Canadians of our natural resources.


NL Parks Canada had a raffle to get hunters out into the national park to cull moose. You could even win a helicopter flight into the most remote parts of the park to shoot a moose and it would get flown out for you (so that the cull was spread out correctly over the park). Not sure why BC can't do that.


Gotta get me moose b’y


It has done that! At least one year there was an LEH draw for a couple of slots at hunting the Fallow Deer. 3 deer for 1 tag. February hunt so the park is closed. My dad got drawn. He harvested 2 fallow deer. This was 21 or 22 years ago


There were two hunts locally right before this government run cull. I tried to join it but it was already fully subscribed. They've been doing organized culls every year and it's helped bring down the population but not eradicate them. There's also no bag limit on the fallow deer. Anyone can go there and take as many as they'd like but it's very difficult because of all the private property. I bow hunt and theoretically could shoot one on a friend's property, no tag required. Anyways, It's extremely hard to eradicate them even if the island was uninhabited, but half of it is private property. You need to get every last one otherwise they'll pop back up in numbers.


Because it doesn't line the pockets of your friends deer cull business in the USA.


Incompetence implies that they don't know what they're doing. They know exactly what they're doing. Padding the pockets of a few wealthy beneficiaries and lobbyists like they're paid off to do. This is malicious corruption. And to make matters worse 1/4 of the deer weren't even the ones they were supposed to be culling. Why? Because how can you fucking tell from a moving helicopter. And even stupider they're using a fucking moving helicopter but putting suppressors on the firearms. You know what? Maybe this is incompetence.


They also don't want to legitimize gun ownership in the face of Bill C21 (the huge gun ban). Instead, they're hiring an American company to use banned guns, which they claim have no use in hunting, to hunt deer at exorbitant prices. So not only are they wasting huge amount of money on it, but they're also spending the money OUTSIDE of Canada.


>They also don't want to legitimize gun ownership in the face of Bill C21 (the huge gun ban). Ahhhh yes. This guy gets it.


> they're hiring an American company to use banned guns It's one thing to do the cull through a legitimate company.. but for it to be American when this could be done by Canadians is pretty nuts.


That’s how foreign aid works. A lot easier to get a kickback outside your own legal system


[Join the CCFR even if you're not a gun owner. ](https://firearmrights.ca/)


I'm a gun owner (RPAL, with restricted firearms). I don't support any organization that wants people walking around strapped. The idea is great on the surface, but then I think about all the idiots with (legal) guns that I've met. If they dropped their support for concealed carry I would support them.


I've met some pretty brutal people with Pals, but I trust them more than the guys carrying guns without a PAL


That’s the point. The majority of people wanting to use firearms for malicious intent won’t take a course and wait a year.


That's nice. I've met more people who are ignorant of how guns work and want to ban them because they hurt their feelings. Or somehow think that the US is a very unsafe gun country, when the exact opposite is true the moment you remove gang related gun crime - making it safer than Canada.


I live in the american midwest. Everyone here is strapped and oddly enough violent crime is very low.


Exactly this. The gun related crime statistics (mostly gang related) paint a completely distorted picture of law abiding gun owners in the U.S. I believe it's intentional.


of course it is intentional. take awayvthe top six metros (all cities ran by democrats) and gun crime in america drops to central europe leveld


It's a matter of when canada will take all your guns


It's incompetence, insofar as they don't expect people to notice they are being excruciatingly subversive. They literally burned $225 million to put alcohol in corner stores (a year earlier than they could have for NO cost) while they just signed a motherfucking HOUSING deal with the Feds for $357 million. Apparently, burning money on booze for literally no reason other than to benefit private business is worth 63% of what they want to begrudgingly agree to for producing low income housing...


Giving tax money to your business friends and telling everybody you are helping the country is basically just politics at this point. I'm sure at some point in history with a lower population and a more involved political climate, stuff like this would be used by other politicians to advance their careers and torch the perpetrator. Nowadays they just all collude and act corrupt together. And anyone with a brain just has to sit there and watch because the average person doesn't want to care about corruption. They think corruption is a funny joke.


I'd say they are too used to corruption to think it's worth fighting against at this point. When you force people to focus on how unaffordable the cost of living is, it makes it really easy to do whatever you want at the cost of the people. I'm planning my exit strategy from this country as we speak.


What’s a good country to move to?


Depends on your life circumstances.


Parks Canada has nothing to do with the Ontario government.


That is provincial, this is federal. Blame the right people.


Parks Canada is Federal though isn't it? Agree on the points about Ford though.


Hmm, I think you are confused. This is the federal government and Ford has nothing to do with it.


https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/190_84_02 It is open to hunters for free. You don't have to pay a cent! In fact it has been open and encouraged for the last 50 years. Obviously it wasn't enough, in that the environment has not rebounded, and all deer are required to be culled. This figure is also wildly misrepresented. * 3 million is employee salaries and benefits over 5 to 8 years. * 1.4 million is studies and environmental impact analysis, also over 5 years * 1 million is earmarked for indigenous participation (ie. local hunters) The actual cost of the extermination itself is ~4 million including into next year. Obviously still high but not what is quoted. Could this have been done better? Absolutely. But the situation is not simply 'let hunters hunt' when that hasn't worked for 50 years, like easy sound bites loves to gloss over. And for a large cull you can't have hundreds of individual hunters on an island working separately without risk of injury or death, as well as having the cull done in a reasonable time frame as oppose to daily when you have a solid amount of private citizens living on the island part time. So it merits working with a company that can be coordinated with. That they went with a non Canadian company is pretty awful though.


And just to point out, a lot of those are for employees and costs which will exist whether or not an outside service is brought in. The actual line-item for the eradication service is 4.1 million over six years. Of that, contingency budgeting ("just in case" money set aside but not necessarily spent) is 1.3 million.


Not to mention that all the salvageable meat would be eaten, helping to offset the high cost of groceries!


It's not incompetent. It's openly hostile.


and yet we all sit back and go "oh well".


Compliance isn't an issue if done right. I do sharptail hunting at waynwright military base once a year. It's always packed, they give limits with check ins and check outs each day it's on. Big fines and bans for people who don't follow rules


Fallow deer have no closed season and no bag limit. https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/190_84_02 So obviously the local hunters are wrong when they say they can do it, because they already can but don't.


Fallow deer are on small islands that are mostly private and it’s challenging to get to unless you have your own boat or pay a lot for a water taxi.


But they're only found on private land or in a National Park. Landowners aren't giving permission.


last time I mentioned that I ended up in a huge and pointless back and forth with people saying the whole "hunters can already hunt there". while there's no bag limit of fallow deer you can't hunt on in private land without permission, the landowners don't want to give permission, and you can't hunt in national parks, making the whole argument about hunters not hunting moot.


They could award $ per head like any good MMORPG.


I think the point is that the government could pay a bounty to local Canadian hunters to incentivise the hunt of fallow deer. This would mean that the money spent would be going to Canadian hunters rather than foreign hunters.


The island is 2km wide in the largest stretch, with 111 different pieces of private property on the land, including many houses. Many of the homes are in wooded portions of the island that are no more than 600m from shoreline to shoreline. Would you be keen on flooding a space that small, with that many homes, with amateur hunters? One of the chief objections from the islanders is already the safety of engaging in a large-scale cull *at all*.


Government handouts to ~~people~~ hunters: bad Government ~~handouts~~ spending to another country: that's free trade baby 😎


Thanks for the added info! Do you agree with me that $25,000+ a head for the cull is too much? Surely a Canadian citizen would jump in for much less than Americans in helicopters?


Reasonable, minus having an RCMP officer accompany you. Compliance would be difficult, this would likely be the biggest barrier.


They're saying that even IF a RCMP officer was assigned to each hunter to ensure 100% compliance, it would save the province money in comparison to what they're proposing


Oh I see, seems fair then. I imagine then the only issue would be having enough RCMP or local police available to do this.


We could hire temporary compliance staff then lol. For $5.9 million, we could hire 500 + compliance people and pay them $10,000 each for a month to watch hunters. Then the money stays in Canada and hunters get an opportunity at our natural resources.


Compliance shouldn't be too difficult. This took place on a small island that's a few square kilometres big. Station a conservation officer or two in a hut over the cull, have hunters check in and check out through their office. There's only one public dock, so easy to monitor


Seems a lot more reasonable than hiring *helicopters* and *sharpshooters*. I suppose that's why it wouldn't work 🤪.


Sharpshooters sounds too glamourous. I imagine it will just be a guy hanging out of a Helicopter firing a machine gun that was used last week to cull wild pig


Because we dont have a hunting season every year involving compliance? I think there is only 1 maybe 2 months a year where there is no hunting season. I don't see how this would be any different than any other regular hunting season with regs to follow and abide by. 


They're saying that even IF a RCMP officer was assigned to each hunter to ensure 100% compliance, it would save the province money in comparison to what they're proposing


Corruption in broad daylight. Most, if not all of that money will go straight into private bank accounts of government officials. Open season theft of citizen money is rampant these days.


Not only did our government pay an exorbitant amount for a service Canadian hunters have been performing for free, they [also paid for the cull to be conducted in a manner that we would never allow for Canadian hunters](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/semi-automatic-assault-style-rifles-to-be-used-for-sidney-island-deer-kill): > Conservation and its contractor, White Buffalo, will use restricted semi-automatic assault style rifles to dispatch the deer. And they will be equipped with suppressors, or silencers, using .223-calibre ammunition with extended magazines holding up to 30 rounds, he said. > Parks Canada said the temporary permits to use restricted semi-automatic weapons and light utility helicopters for shooting the deer from the air have been approved by the RCMP and Transport Canada, respectively. > Lalonde said the shooters won’t be using scopes on the rifles in helicopters because of vibrations in the aircraft. > “The idea is to pepper a lot of shots in a hurry in (a deer’s) direction,” said Lalonde. As a result of that approach, nearly a quarter of their kills were the wrong species of deer. > As well, Parks Canada confirmed a little under a quarter of the culled animals weren’t actually invasive deer, but species native to Sidney Island.


The rifles they used have not been in the ‘restricted’ class since May 1st, 2020. They were (and still are) in the ‘prohibited’ classification when this happened.  One of the justification to prohibit them was that they said they served absolutely no purpose for hunting, which they couldn’t be used for before because they were restricted anyways, which makes this even more rich. 


Well from the looks of this, it didn't turn out to be very good at hunting apparently, haha.


what. the. fuck. you can't make this shit up lol.


25% of the kills were the wrong species. Hahahahahhaa 😆


Wtf. This isn't Vietnam in 1968 you morons. Go roleplay Full Metal Jacket somewhere else. If they want a cull open it up to the hunters for free. Hell, pay some local butchers to cover the cost of processing and it would still be cheaper, inject money into the economy and feed families for free! This solution is disgusting.


A solution so stupid only a committee could take it.


You can actually pay to do that in America as a recreation activity. In Texas they fly you in a helicopter and give you a FULLY AUTOMATIC machine gun and night vision goggles to mow down invasive feral pigs. https://www.helibacon.com


I once saw a video of a dude using a bloody *gatling gun* mounted on a jeep on hordes feral pigs. If I had the money, I would absolutely pay to do shit like that.


They don’t want you to have access to free or cheap meat, how will loblaws and the slaughterhouses survive?


Won't someone think of the Weston's?? 😭


They have done many open culls and there's no bag limit on fallow deer on that island . I bow hunt and have taken some from other island. Issue isnt with allowing hunters it's land access to private property that make it extremely difficult to eradicate the entire population


https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/190_84_02 It is open to hunters for free. In fact it has been open and encouraged for the last 50 years. Obviously it wasn't enough, in that the environment has not rebounded, and all deer are required to be culled. This figure is also wildly misrepresented. * 3 million is employee salaries and benefits over 5 to 8 years. * 1.4 million is studies and environmental impact analysis, also over 5 years * 1 million is earmarked for indigenous participation (ie. local hunters) The actual cost of the extermination itself is ~4 million including into next year. Obviously still high but not what is quoted. Could this have been done better? Absolutely. But the situation is not simply 'let hunters hunt' when that hasn't worked for 50 years, like easy sound bites loves to gloss over. And for a large cull you can't have hundreds of hunters on an island working separately without risk of injury or death, as well as having the cull done in a reasonable time frame as oppose to daily when you have a solid amount of private citizens living on the island part time. So it merits working with a company that can be coordinated with. That they went with a non Canadian company is pretty awful though.


Sidney Island isn't open for hunting.  Half of it is a private strata and the other half is a national park that you need to be in the know in who to talk to and be incredibly lucky to get permission to hunt it.  Source: am Hunter, and my house is 3km from the island in question, been trying to figure out how to legally hunt there via bow or otherwise for years


We don't deal in simple solutions and common sense here.


Somebody else in this thread pointed out that there's already [no closed season for fallow deer for local hunters.](https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/190_84_02) Apart from that, I agree with you.


Access is the issue. Sidney Island isn't open for hunting.  Half of it is a private strata and the other half is a national park that works with the local native bands. you need to be in the know in who to talk to and be incredibly lucky to get permission to hunt it. Everyone here tries to figure it out when they first get their licence and read the regs. The area of region 1 the fallow deer are in is limited to Sidney Island, Mayne island, and possibly a couple other smaller islands. Theyre not on the Saanich Peninsula or most of the other islands.  (With high residential populations and municipal bylaws not allowing the discharge or bows or firearms its a moot point anyways. Source: am Hunter, and my house is 3km from the island in question, been trying to figure out how to legally hunt there via bow or otherwise for years




Every aspect of the shooting part is prohibited for any licensed individual from the rifle (prohibited via oic), surpressor (prohibited since forever) and shooting from a chopper (another big Nono) worst part is that a lot of money was spent for very poor of little success…


And monumentally less humane to the deer. I aim for one shot, one kill when I hunt, and drop it where it stands. 223 ammo will do the job... Under the right circumstances. Like broadside at 100 yards. But how many times did they have to shoot each deer to kill it when you're in a helicopter?? Or how many just ran off and slowly bled to death?


This was my big take away. Well one of them. Just pepper them with rounds? Wtf. The other thing that stood out to me was the use of suppressors. In a HELICOPTER!


A helicopter flying overhead at 100ft is 70 decibels. A single .223 round is 155 decibels. Amplitude doubles every 6 decibels. Take the sound of a vacuum cleaner, double it 11 times in a row, and that's a .223. Hearing protection rated for a helicopter won't help you when firing a high calibre rifle in a semi-enclosed space, and the sound will carry *much* further. That's the actual purpose of using suppressors.


In before .223 is just a .22 caliber, and that's not a "high caliber" round


~~What the actual fuck. This is outrageous, imagine getting in trouble for poaching a deer in BC after the government does *this*?? Like, why can't they hold *themselves* accountable~~ ~~Edit: come to think of it, sounds like a bit more poaching in BC might save us some tax dollars!~~ Edit 2: this is mostly the wrong take, see below.


https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/190_84_02 Fallow deer have no closed season and no bag limit, so it's impossible to poach them. The local hunters who'd do it for free' are already allowed to, but arent.


>The local hunters who'd do it for free' are already allowed to, but arent. This is not an honest framing of the situation. Local hunters shot almost the same number of deer last year as this program killed, and others would be happy to if they were allowed access to private land. Others still would participate if the government just paid for a boat ride over there. No reason for it to cost this much or require helicopters with sharpshooters brought in from other countries and licenced at an incredible cost. The final stages with fencing and dogs I can see being justified, but some of this is ridiculous overspending.


Wow okay well I guess I’m wrong then.


Good thing bullets are free.


I think the leaded gasoline of the pre-90's also messed with our politicians.


I think it had a much greater impact on the electorate.


Hence the "also".


84 Deer at 4 Million works out roughly to $47K+ per animal it cost the government last year to pay foreigners what locals can do for a fraction of that cost. That's sounds like the government all right.


Hell you could probably find a hitman to kill a person for that kind of money...


Anyone got Boeings number?




An actual hit costs WAY less. If you aren't targeting someone famous, you can get a hit for a couple grand. Like, $1k-10k-ish, depending on local conditions. Source: writers do a lot of research on weird topics for their works.


Didn't they pay a shit ton to bring in friends from the USA to be paid to kill deer from a helicopter with rifes that are illegal here?


What did you think I meant by "foreigners"?


Yep full autos, suppressors and 30k per head. God forbid citizens have suppressors and do the culling


Am I the only one who read the part where they said free? What’s all this “paying actual money” and “fraction of the cost” talk?


It still takes manpower to process deer tag requests and game wardens get paid but yes, other than the unavoidable costs, it would be relatively free.


> the government last year to pay foreigners what locals can do for a fraction of that cost Not only that, these American contractors were using firearms that have been rendered illegal by the same government, because these firearms were considered too dangerous for people to own, according to the governement. I thought it was a good representation of the hypocrisy of the Trudeau administration.


The method of hunting is also illegal. You literally couldn’t make this shit up.


This story just screams Canada. Unbelievably expensive when it doesn’t need to be, inefficient, and nonsensical.


Corruption, probably. How else could they be so obtuse?


My guess is they don't want to legitimize gun ownership. If gun owners started solving problems for the government then that would call in to question Bill C21. Can't have that. Better just pay Americans with illegal weapons $50k per head.


Yea the plan makes zero sense. Costly and ridiculous.


Screams incompetent Liberal government with the worst prime minister in our history.


This is on an island that is nearly entirely remote park with no public dock… There is an open season and no tag requirement for these deer. This article is garbage




Not only would they do it for free, hunters would pay for the tags. 50 bucks a tag to hunt and they'd sell out no problem.


But that means the people in government can't hand out free money to their friends under another guise.


There's already been a permanent open season on them for BC residents. How would charging people to do the thing they could already do for free but aren't solve the problem?




The issue is the private land being locked down by gatekeepers and their buddies. Can’t hunt anything without permission, and if you aren’t part of they click, and they don’t charge you through the most, then you’re SOL.


I'm just pointing out how silly it is they are paying people to hunt those deer when people would literally pay for the right to hunt those deer.   


Did you even read the comment you replying to?


My bad. I'm new at this reddit thing.... it's for the one above lol. 


There's no bag limit on these deer and it's free. Problem is the island is half private property and the other half a national park. I bow hunt and have taken deer on other gulf islands but with the lack of land access on Sidney is a bitch to even attempt. I have a friend with a small property but it's a game of hoping one comes to it or setting up a feed station I guess. Also hunting to the point of eradication is so so difficult in a location like this


Classic govt reasoning. Why do it for free when we can expense the cost to the Canadian taxpayers.


What a waste of taxpayers money and the meat.


Meat harvesting is mentioned as part of the budget.


Meat wasting has been reported by locals and there are reports of Non-target species also were shot. This should have been done with Canadian hunters at no cost or even as a revenue generation. Wasteful stands


Yeah. Hunters would for sure pay for deer tags.


"Fallow deer have always been open to BC residents with no bag limit or closed season. The only challenge has been access as you are not allowed to hunt in parks or on private property without permission. This group has been given permission to hunt in the parks by helicopter using night vision optics, which is not something BC resident hunters can do." From the BC thread a few days ago. If it was going to be done for free by locals, it would have been done already.


>If it was going to be done for free by locals, it would have been done already. Holy relevant context, Batman. I do think a little creativity could have gone a long way to cut that figure down from $12M (jfc), but it's infuriating to see our mainstream media continue to spin the news into ragebait.


If only there were some way to give permission to hunt in the parks to Canadian hunters instead of foreign contractors


Alright but how do they get the hunters there? They're using helicopters and shooting from the air, that sounds like places that aren't easy to ask hunters to please go and clear up.




So 5.9 million when people are offering to do it for free then, much better! /S


Hunters would likely even pay for deer tags. BC could make money here.


The deer are open season all year with no bag limit already. Why do you think the deer are still there then if locals are so willing to do it but just aren’t for some reason?


> Why do you think the deer are still there then if locals are so willing to do it but just aren’t for some reason? "The only challenge has been access as you are not allowed to hunt in parks or on private property without permission. This group has been given permission to hunt in the parks"


You can’t hunt in the national park. You actually can’t hunt Sidney Island at all.


Why the hell would they not issue permits and *make* money instead of this shit?


Show me money laundering for $5.9 Million!


Idk why this isn’t higher up lol, it’s so obvious this is just the government helping out their butt buddies & spending our tax payers hard earned money on absolute bull shit


Lmao helicopter fuel and suppressors for these hunters but normal people cant have it.


The main issue is access. Hunters already had a liberal season for these deer and made a decent accounting of them, however residents were divided on Parks Canada wanting to eliminate them and those with private land would not allow access for regular hunting which makes the cull goal unsolvable. What changed is now the government had increased the scope of the cull and out of abundance of caution the way the government always does things is spending all this money to get 'pros' to do the cull.  The government does not trust hunters to tromp over the whole island and as usual uses the most unweildy tool to meet their goal.


I wouldn’t say hunters had a liberal season with Fallow deer, mate. Maybe the private land owners, who I agree are one of the, if not the only, main issues with the deer getting out of control. I agree with the rest.


Canadian hunters are too drunk and slow for this. We need professionals in helicopters.....with a film crew......and fully automatic weapons...maybe lazers.


But if hunters do it for free how can the government consultants scalp their share?


Absolutely disgusting, but typical for the disdain and contempt this government holds for a subset of Canadians. “Assault style” rifles are too dangerous for Canadians to own, suppressors (which many countries treat as safety equipment) are too dangerous for Canadians to own, standard capacity mags are too dangerous for Canadians, shooting from a vehicle or boat is not allowed. But for non-Canadian contractors, shooting prohibited rifles from a helicopter using suppressors and standard capacity mags is ok. It’s even more than ok since they’ll get paid to blast as many shots at deer as possible from the sky since they feel they can’t use optics And before someone says the government has no say here, every single part of this would have needed federal government approval


What's even funnier is the guy they hired to fly around in a helicopter shooting deer last time was using, you guessed it, an AR-15 with a silencer. The gun that Trudeau's "only purpose is to "kill as many people as possible in the shortert time frame" (it's a 13 bullet semi-auto lmao)


And these guys get *extended 30 round mags*. We laughed at the 30-50 feral hog guy saying that's why he needed bigger mags and now we're giving 30 round mags to guys hunting like 80 total deer from helicopters.


Their strategy, believe it or not, is to pepper the deer with a large number of rounds because they can't aim properly from a helicopter. So you can add inhumane to the list of problems.


Yeah, the people holding these guns aren’t anything close to the “sharpshooters” the article claims. Which is all the more scary concerning how close they’re shooting to homes; try shooting within 25 yards of a home as a Canadian hunter or sport shooter and see how the agencies that approved this treat you


The government will expand to meet the needs of the government.


Huge L for Canada on this one. Hunting out of season + out of province?! Hunters would have PAID for that experience. I have no deer meat left, and would have done that in a heartbeat. We have insanely strict rules for hunting, so this would have been a huge W for hunters and a W for saving Canada a bit of money.


Whatever this government touches, it turns to crap 7 ways to sunday. And we end up paying the tab..


We need a law to make officials who wasted taxpayers money criminal. Their strength is wasting money, their weakness is delivering results.


The only way you'll ever get that law is if the people held politicians to higher standards in the first place, but that will never happen because we all accept a political class and do nothing but complain about them. You want better politicians? It starts with better voters.


I’m sure the boys over at HeliBacon (or whatever other outfit like them in states they’re using) are fucking PUMPED for the paycheque (paycheck), but god damn this is a huge waste of money.


If they merely handout more tags for hunters to help control the population, how would they funnel tax payers money to their friends?


I like the hunter route. Also some of the locals could use some of that meat. Depending on location, I'm sure the folks in the northern territories of Canada wouldn't complain. Should hire some hunters and spend some money on packaging and delivery of the deer meat to redistribute within the population during these economic times.




One of my favorite exchanges between my husband and one of my coworkers when she found out he's a hunter... Her: "You hunt? That's disgusting. I only eat organic free-range meat." Him: "What the hell do you think hunting is exactly?"




Are Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken available?


One shot!


Couldn't the Indigenous peoples harvest the meat ? For free 🤷‍♂️


A bunch of non-indigenous hunters would also gladly harvest the deer for free. Hell, I bet they would even pay for deer tags.


Why would this government do anything to put a positive light on gun ownership? They’d rather throw away our money than look like their current stance on gun ownership might be wrong.


So Canadians are currently facing food insecurity and we can't hunt those deer for food? What will they do with the meat? Ontop of that fact we also have to pay out of our taxes for the privilege? Sounds like a stuffed shirt sitting behind a desk cooked this up.


This is beyond stupid


After that they’ll say “we’re don’t have enough money for xyz”


I would do it for free


Classic waste. No money for people though.


The government has made it clear - they do not trust Canadian citizens. So, they’ll continue to burn the tax money and botch every operation to reinforce just how much they think Canadians are incompetent and dangerous.


Remember when the government does outlandishly stupid shit like this it’s just a humiliation ritual to the public


This is insane. How do we put up with such wasteful spending.


Why is it that every time this government breathes, it costs $12 million dollars.


My understanding is the deer are open season on this island all year. Where have all these saviours been?


Just add this to the ArriveCan corruption pile. No way in hell someone in Ottawa wasn't getting kickbacks when hunters could do it for free.


Meanwhile here in Cranbrook we’ve just domesticated the deer.


I'm old enough to remember when expensive orange juice and **re-paying** misappropriated Government funds the wrong way was the peak of Government scandal.


Wow, our government is so stupid. Money means absolutely nothing to them.


this is why i hate paying taxes


The Canadian Federal Government…… ‘How to take a money making opportunity and turn it into an expense. 


Gvmt involved never means free


Lemme guess, they’re going to use AR15s to do it too? Just like last time? The same rifles the government says are never used to hunt, but only to kill humans?


typical government spending....keep raising the taxes though that should fix everything.


And they’re using AR 15’s. Our government is such joke


Hello antiguner's. Please explain why the government using AR-15's (and CZ bren 2s) to hunt deer from helicopters with standard capacity magazines and suppressors is ok here? I was told repeatedly that these firearms /features "serve no purpose" and "are designed to kill the most amount of people in the shorted amount of time" Why are you ok with the government allowing these "weapons of war" to be used by foreigners ? I expect no reasonable articulate response from any of you, because once again you'd be wrong.


It isn't OK, it is stupid, wasteful and hypocritical.  As many have pointed out, this problem could have been taken care of by local hunters using legal guns if Parks Canada just opened a hunting season in the park.


This is similar to ArriveCAN; no one can make money from volunteer work done for free, but by outsourcing the work, many people can profit from it , and of cause steal from tax payers. This is also why the this gouvernment is so keen on using third-party consulting.


Government even makes money by selling hunting permits. Parks Canada is not very smart


This is on an island that is almost entirely remote park. There are a few private residences but not even a public marina. So this isn’t the kind of thing you uncle Andy can just drive his old hunting drug down to.


Why the f is it $25-$50k per deer?


They should auction off the deer tags for fundraising. 


If they allow hunting in National Parks that this will open up a huge problem with treaty rights. If they keep hunting closed then it can remain closed but the second they open it up to hunting then treaty hunting will be allowed, and this will be very difficult to stop: It’s not as simple as them just wanting to kill a bunch of deer. They have to navigate legislation and treaties. If you hire a contractor to complete the culls then this avoids the issues with allowing hunting in the park. Also if you open an area up to hunting then you have issues with off road vehicle use, and human caused wildfires.


What the fuck?? This could feed a lot of Canadians… Government is utterly incapable of common sense.


Why are people pretending as if hunters would do it successfully when the deer need to be culled due to an accumulation of unsuccessful hunts in prior years...


Incompetence or malice.


Why not both?


Lol it's both. 😅


Malicious incompetence


Expert malicious incompetence


We could even make recreational hunting a thing, I'm sure theres people who would pay to be these things.


Trudeau government believes - if it costs more; it's better.


Depriving a lot of outfitters and likely a bunch of indigenous folks a fantastic business opportunity plus a fuck ton of tourism dollars... Oh AND FOOD!!! Fuck I hate government.


Bro, do you know how budgets work? It's use it or lose it, not save it and be reasonable /s


Or we just let our hunters do it for cheaper?