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How about Canada growing a pair and just saying no to people who don't respect our values.




As a gay guy I'd REALLY appreciate it if we stopped importing homophobes too. We have enough of em already


I’m ngl I always find this shit so funny. I’ve always been pro gay rights my entire life, and it is absurd to me to see gay people support religions and countries that literally kill them in the modern day.


I keep asking my LGBTQ work colleagues how they can support a movement constituted of people who want to see gay people eliminated, and they say "because the genocide needs to stop". And I'm like... yeah. I agree. But once they're free they're going to start another one, and it's going to be *your* people.


Palestinian LGBTQ both Gaza and West Bank fleeing to Israel proper for asylum is probably something that they don't know about.




"Tell Aviv's pride parade is 12 blocks long, Gaza's is 12 stories tall."




These so called "oppressed groups" just like to play victim and go to oppress other people.....


The queers for Palestine thing is like chickens for KFC.


Colonial mentality. Convinced that an entire culture will cease to exist if they’re exposed to western liberal values (values which I support to be clear)


They’re already doing it within Gaza and the West Bank in fact


I mean hey nothing wrong with advocating fair treatment of any group, regardless of how they see you. If there are people not completely set in their ways who may change their mind about other groups then that’s a good thing. The issue is that people want to bring some non-Canadian ideas to our country and feel no pressure to conform to our morals and values. It’s no more racist to tell Muslims who have poor views of gay people that they’re homophobes than it is to tell Uncle Mike from Red Deer the same. I would say I’m pretty progressive, but I more or less agree with Ford here.


It's because the fringes on the liberal end that squeal the loudest group everything in two categories. The oppressor and the oppressed. If you get thrown in the oppressed category then it doesn't matter what you really believe in reality, you will get support. Even if what you believe doesn't line up at all with an actual liberal society. The whole lgbt+ community vs religions other than Christianity as they have been labeled as oppressor is an example of that clash.


Chickens for KFC!




Yes, anyone cool with the norm of throwing gay people off a roof should not be welcomed to Canada .


Thank. You. 90% of people in the Palestinian territories believe that homosexuality is immoral and sometimes they [behead their gays](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835)). And we want to bring 5000 of them here? That's 4500 vicious homophobes. No. Not in my country after all of the progress we've made.


Just to be clear, that is 5,000 applications. An application can mean an entire extended family of an anchor including: * spouse or common-law partner * child (of any age) * grandchild * parent * grandparent * sibling (half-siblings and adopted siblings included) It means way, way, way more than 4,500 vicious homophobes.


It shouldn't be an issue. They already have their anchor here so their impact on gay community is already baked in.


You don't think that a higher quantity of vicious homophobes is a bad thing? The more of them that there are, the more likely they will feel brazen about inflicting violence and slurs. We have done a good job of stomping this out and now we seem to have lost the plot.


It's a joke based on what the immigration minister said recently. He said the cost of temporary workers on housing affordability is already "baked in" (whatever that means) and thus in his opinion there's no downside to letting them stay here permanently.


And probably close to 5000 vicious Jew-haters




usually the same crowd


He’s absolutely not wrong. This statement should be mandatory for all new immigrants to read


We never decided that, it was forced on us


Trudeau publicly declared his intention to make Canada a "post-national state" all the way back in 2015. Elections, as it turns out, have consequences.


He also said Harper's immigration plans expanding the TFW program were a bad idea, he'd enact electoral reform, he'd help the middle class... I've never been one to pick sides as they're all scumbag pawns of the rich but shit, I'll tell you whatever you wanna hear for your vote too. Either way, this was and always has been about wage suppression/wealth preservation. That's all politicians are good for now


The thing you fail to understand is the tfw program made some sense then. Not all good but it had benefits that still served the regular folk. Now it serves no one but the elite.


>But we're a 'post-national' state now. Civic nationalism yielded to corporate globalization.




Why is him saying don’t bring your problems from around the world controversial but no one says anything when 500 foreigners beat each other with swords and bats in a Brampton parking lot over Khalistan a concept that has nothing to do with Canada?


I think telling people who literally want to kill our citizens because of their ethnicity, religion or orientation that they aren't welcome here isn't that controversial.


Being mad about it is kind of like telling on yourself. Personal example which gave me a laugh was me describing my coworker as a monkey and my friend's girlfriend getting mad at me for being 'racist' because the word monkey makes her think 'black people.' Guy I was talking about is a long haired, white hippy. Biggest monkey I've ever met.


No but it's controversial when you say that those people are from a certain part of the world. That's racism according to many in Canada.


No it's not, even the people from "those part of the world" are very open about what their belifes are. The Western liberal is so deluded that you think these people should not be treated with the same standards as the rest of us and feel the need to speak for them to vindicate them.


We've become so woke in the name of tolerance, that we now tolerate intolerance. It's fucking dumb. I hate all religions, but I don't hate them all equally. One is worse than the others, I'll let you decide which one that is, and we all know which one. If you think women are property, and less than a man. Fuck outta here. If you hate LGBT people. Fuck outta here. If you think your religion is everything, and those who don't believe are dogs . GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE. Stop importing hate here ffs. Like it's not that hard is it?


Tolerate intolerance from “weaker groups” In actuality it’s to keep the minority groups united against the “dominant oppressive group” You can talk as much crap about Christianity, white people, etc, etc, etc, but any groups smaller than the dominant are off limits.


Yeah especially when those"other groups" can openly talk about their hatred of gays, cause it's their religion.


No, it's racism to say that ALL members of a ethnic group, country or region all act and think alike. Drawing a line on what is acceptable and not acceptable to come and live here is not racist.


Being factual isn’t racism. Palestinians have no where to go becuase they have burned every bridge with every other Arab fundamentalist country. They are too extreme for the Arab world. Yet we are taking them in and expecting peace…


It's definitely racist if nobody has actually confirmed they were from a certain part of the world yet.
















I'll be the first to call out the shoddy leadership of Doug Ford, but this statement is valid. There is absolutely an expectation that if you are here in Canada, you adhere to the expectations of tolerance and respect established in this society long ago.


That’s the problem; there is NO expectation that you do that. And that is the problem with Canada. The expectation edit *you* speak of is a spectre of some bygone era that was a hope, and maybe existed for a brief time. It doesn’t exist now.


Uggghhh ... You're totally right.


I think the onus to be tolerant has been shifted onto us, the idea of a shared responsibility is out the window.


Is it valid? By itself, maybe, but is it still valid if that's your answer to a question about what the province is doing to address antisemitism and specifically a shooting at a school?


It was silly to say it in the absence of proof of who actually committed these crimes, but he also isn’t saying anything unpopular. I saw a lot of social media outrage, but “immigrants need to respect our communities when they’re invited here” is not unpopular amongst real everyday Canadians. I feel a lot of people who are brain rotted from online politics lose sight of what real Canadians actually believe.


The brain rot is real, and with it a lack of nuance - it's clear from DoFo's comments that he's not saying immigrants aren't welcome, just that you better park your baggage at the door. As you say, not a very hot take if you ask most people. But people have been conditioned to respond to *any* questioning of immigration policy as if it were an attack on Canadian values.


> it's clear from DoFo's comments that he's not saying immigrants aren't welcome, No, the problem is that he claimed the attack was done by an immigrant in the first place, without evidence.


It's also pretty clear he was using an attack on a Jewish school as a vehicle to ring the immigration bell, which seems pretty skeevy. You don't reply to a direct question about what you're going to do about antisemitism by going on about immigrants not leaving their baggage behind for no reason


>But people have been conditioned to respond to any questioning of immigration policy as if it were an attack on Canadian values. I'm all for criticisms of immigration targets. But just look at this sub. multiple posts a day about immigration, and it's all opinion pieces telling everyone that immigrants are the source of all the problems. Rarely do I see anyone critiquing the system that should easily be able to support everyone along side immigration. Ignore the system, and blame the minorities. There isn't any actually constructive criticisms, just we need less immigrants and then we would all be better off.


Have they found anyone from this or other shootings? The police seem to be extremely inept in this.


If you can’t live and collaborate with your fellow Canadian then you should absolutely not be here. The plan is to make our country better. Not worse.


Thank god someone finally said it.


The fact that he got pushback about this shows how backwards our world is. I’ll gladly take immigrants who share our values and work hard, and I’d love to deport Canadians or non-Canadians who simply don’t. Very easy.


>I’d love to deport Canadians Thank god you're just some nobody posting from the hand-me-down shitty laptop in bumfuck nowhere.


Yep, couldn't agree more. Other than the far left throwing their usual tantrums across reddit/twitter, I feel very confident & comfortable that the sane, rational, common sense thinking majority of people in Ontario/Canada agreed with the general message by Ford.


I FULLY AGREE and i am still saying to myself "DOUG FORD ?" about time




The pushback is because he said it in response to a specific incident. And there is zero evidence that the perpetrator was an immigrant. It wasn’t said in a vacuum So what he revealed is that he assumes all hate crimes are done by immigrants. Which is pretty racist, or at least anti immigrant.


Remember that recent knife attack in Australia that the far right was gleefully blaming on migrants until it turned out to be a white dude? If you want to politicize a tragedy, it's usually a good idea to wait and find out who did it before you start peddling vitriol preemptively.


Trudeau did the exact samething in 2018 and went in with zero facts. Only to find out the hijab cutting was a lie and the girl lied. Lmao


Right but what's your point? Because Trudeau did so it's fine for others to do as well?


Facts, facts, go away with your silly facts, loud people are repeating their Facebook talking points here, there's no room for your facts. Canada Proud! /s




He never said all hate crimes are done by immigrants at all. That's your bias talking. He's saying that for people to move here, they should have aligned values.


And, in context, he's clearly implying that a specific hate crime was done by an immigrant. Without evidence.


No. He's implying that immigrants can have influence on people already living here, which duh, yeah, and yes, immigrants like anyone else can commit crimes..it's not as if refugees coming here are marching in pride parades or what have you, they're most likely to be the opposite.


Of course there are refugees who march in pride parades. Some refugees are refugees because they are gay and are persecuted because of it.


In response to a direct question about what his government is doing about antisemitism his response is about immigrants. Not what he's doing about antisemitism, not a platitude about respect for all, immigrants. How stupid do you think we are


Okay, but if you bring this up at my niece's birthday party then I'm going to assume you have a fucking agenda. WHY is Ford condemning immigrants at a press conference that has NOTHING to do with immigration? This can't be a difficult concept.


He got push back because there’s zero evidence that the people perpetrating these crimes are immigrants. If you do have evidence that they are, I’d love to see it.




A whole bunch of whatabout doesn't change the fact that the Premier blamed immigrants with zero **evidence**.


> You can't deny the following instances were a result of immigration and multi-culturalism. None of the examples you provided is proof of anything. Sure, some of those people might not have ethnic names, but that doesn’t mean they’re not Canadians. I know plenty of people born in Canada with ethnic sounding names. **Unless you have proof that all those people are immigrants, it doesn’t mean fuck all**. I could use the Quebec Mosque shooter, the Montreal Polytechnique Massacre, or the Parliament Hill shooter as evidence that all white people are terrorists. See how easy that was?


Even 'Canadian born' can be a result of recent immigration. The people listed are not old stock and some, we know, are/were new to Canada. And nobody's saying 'all' immigrants are....anything - so cool your jets.


>Even 'Canadian born' can be a result of recent immigration. You know you can just say Canadians right? There are edge cases but if you're born in Canada you are a Canadian. Canadian born = Canadian. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-29/section-3.html You can look it up right here.


> Even 'Canadian born' can be a result of recent immigration. The people listed are not old stock and some, we know, are/were new to Canada. How do you know that though? Did the news release say they’re immigrants? Do you have access to IRGC’s database to prove that they’re immigrants? > And nobody's saying 'all' immigrants are....anything - so cool your jets. What Doug Ford is saying is essentially scapegoating immigrants at large. You have to be disingenuous to not understand that.


>How do you know that though? Google. _______________ >What Doug Ford is saying is essentially scapegoating immigrants at large. No. He's acknowledging that *some* people are bringing their baggage and their ideologies with them. And stating that we don't...like that.


> Google. Where did Google say they’re immigrants? You love to post links, so I’d love to see some evidence. > No. He's acknowledging that some people are bringing their baggage and their ideologies with them. And stating that we don't...like that. He did way more than that, he accused them of terrorizing the communities in Ontario.


Some *have* targeted Jewish neighborhoods - and if you watch the videos you can hear the accents. ___________________ [Pro-Palestinian march in neighbourhood group says is historically Jewish sparks criticism.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/windsor-jew-israel-gaza-palestinian-protest-march-demonstration-1.7077679) ['Pro-Palestinian' blockades are now just actively targeting Jewish neighbourhoods.](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/pro-palestinian-blockades-are-now-just-actively-targeting-jewish-neighbourhoods) [Protests in Toronto Jewish neighborhood raises alarm bells.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_33jpVI4Hys) [Quebec judge had to issue a ban on pro-Palestinian protests near Jewish community buildings.](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/judge-issues-10-day-ban-on-pro-palestinian-protests-near-jewish-community-buildings)


You’re giving me a bunch of links to people committing crimes, but no evidence of them being immigrants. Where’s the evidence that they’re immigrants? Stop avoiding this question.


Then say what you mean.


Jesus fucking Christ. "Old stock". Get back in your fucking hole.


They may have not been involved in the shootings but some are definitely involved with spreading antisemitism. Those people should not be welcomed here.




> They may have not been involved in the shootings but some are definitely involved with spreading antisemitism. **How do you know this**? **What is your evidence that they’re involved in antisemitism, or is it just your gut feeling**?


Look at canary mission or any of the other organization that exposes it lmaoooo.


Ok, look at the Quebec mosque shooter, or the Toronto Van attack, or the Parliament Hill shooter, or the Polytechnique Massacre. All committed by white people, and events that are the worst terrorist attacks in our nation’s history. Does that mean that white peoples are all terrorists?


Dude did you even read my original post? I wasn’t generalizing all immigrants as terrorists/ antisemitic. Not even close. Most are good hard working people, but the ones causing shit shouldn’t be welcome here, and Canadian citizens causing shit should be in prison. Easy.


Last week, Abdirazak Mahdi Ahmed, 20, [was arrested](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/suspect-charged-in-shooting-on-jewish-school-in-montreal) after several shootings at Montreal Jewish schools in November.


Any reports of him being an immigrant? Everything I've read said he's from Les Cedres Québec. Seems like the kind of thing that would be in the story. I even read the Rebels story on it and not a mention.


Police apparently can’t keep track of that actually So it doesn’t matter


Worst terrorist attack in our nation's history was Air India.


>the Parliament Hill shooter The guy whose father was Lybian is a "white person"? The guy who was literally a Muslim? You're trying really hard to push a narrative, and you're ignoring a whole lot of reality in doing so.


You wanna deport Canadians? The fuck


I gladly would set up an exchange program with people who hate our country so badly with desperate refugees fleeing their country for a better life.


We should do the same with Canadians who admire authoritarian regimes or have a Texas/Florida fetish.


Texas and Florida are great but yeah for example the farmer who complained about Canada and is now moving to Russia 100% idc leave Canada see ya!


When said refugees and so on get better treatment than people who've paid taxes here for decades you have a problem. Moving here for a better life is cool, if it's at the expense of Canadians, I can't fault people being upset about that


I think Canadians too should be better taken care of but that’s outside of the scope of my post.


Immigrants should get nothing from tax payers. They shouldn’t be here unless they can support themselves


This isn’t a racist remark. It’s just common sense. Why is it considered hateful if we say we want to look after Canadians first?


This is a controversial comment on here. Man, these people absolutely love authoritarianism. Oh, but I'm sure they'd never be eligible for deportation to...somewhere because they're white enough lol


They truly do.


A lot of our programs are open to over 200 countries. Somehow only people from one are lured here and exploited by schools and employers. Sounds like discrimination to me


Never thought I'd agree with Ford but now I do.


It's been longer than Oct 7th... If you leave your native country because of the shit that's going on there and want to start a new life, don't pack it in with your belongings, leave it behind and never forget that it was the reason you're leaving in the first place. This might not be popular though but this is where the USA has it right... You go to America and become an American first... You come to Canada and you are a Canadian second....


Canada has had a bit of a wakeup call on October 8th about just who is in this country and what they shamelessly support.


I've been saying it for years and I know I'm not alone. The ugly truth is that many people we bring in these days believe in death for the Jews, death for the gays, death for unbelievers... And that's to start. And they're open about it. And they celebrate it in the streets of our country... And then we bring more in, like we don't believe them when they say these things. And the funny thing is I've been told "no no, that's the Christians" by this sub and others for all those years. Yeah. Okay, that's being put to the test, still believe it? I don't know what the solution is. I don't believe in banning religions or entire countries of people. But something needs to change. The people we elect to lead need to start leading.


> Yeah. Okay, that's being put to the test, still believe it? Yeah, because anyone with eyes can see that, for example, all the hysteria around transesseses in the bathrooms, all the decades of fearmongering about the gays were absolutely not started by immigrants. It wasn't immigrants bombing abortion clinics. Scott Moe ain't an immigrant. The Freedom Convoy freaks by and large aren't immigrants, they didn't shift to the "Save our Children" nonsense because they were influenced by foreign cultural traditions and "non-Canadian values" It was, by and large, religious conservatives. Reactionary creatures obsessed with maintaining social hierarchies that keep them in charge. Yes, there will be reactionary rats within immigrant populations, but the focus solely on the immigrants is where the problem is, because we have had to deal with homegrown reactionaries long before immigration became a talking point, and it is those homegrown reactionary rats that have been responsible for creating the environment that allows their anti-human hatred to grow. If you truly want to deal with reactionaries and the filth they force on us, you cannot simply allow them to use their allies within immigrant communities to turn immigrants into a scapegoat, because all that will do is allow the rest of the scum to get away free to continue dragging the human race down for their own benefit.


Every time there is a shooting, the Left prays it’s a White Nationalist and the Right prays it’s a Muslim. The Jews just wish people would stop shooting at us.


The politicians come out to yell about antisemitism for brownie points, and National Posts just rage farms the whole thing.    All while NOT A SINGLE person has been caught, is our police/intelligence sleeping on the job? 


It was a gunshot in the middle of the night. How would you solve that in a few days?


The bat signal


Based on a lot of the comments here, I think we'd just round up all the immigrants and pick one of them.


A immigrant was arrested not long ago for shooting at a Montreal school in Oct/nov. We know who is doing this.


> A immigrant was arrested not long ago for shooting at a Montreal school in Oct/nov. We don’t know that the person who did that was an immigrant. You’re leaping to conclusions.


Saying to leave your hatred at home is an understandable sentiment 


Who cares. This isn't a cut against immigration it's a cut against shitty immigration.


I very much believe that Doug Ford is an awful person and even worse politician, but he's right here. We used to have 'nice' people immigrate here, and now it's the criminals, lower class, and uneducated. They bring their shitty ideals and then try and force them on the rest of us.


> lower class The working class are the only people who should be able to move freely in this world, as this world only exists as we know it because of labour. The last thing we need is more deadweight middle class or parasitic upper class folk moving around, draining the working class where ever they go.


> but he's right here. No he isn't, we have no idea who committed the attack yet.


"Lower class", really saying the quiet part out loud there


When did everyone become such pussies? Ford is absolutely right.


> Ford is absolutely right. Did I miss something? Did the police catch the guy and confirm it was a foreigner? Cause if not, why did Ford say it?


It's the utter emptiness of his words that is getting people worked up. We don't want bad people in Canada? No fucking shit. Why even say that? Because he's implying more than is said. What that is, IDK. I tend to avoid listening to the Fords.


Being afraid to confront the problem and call it out is why the problem has become as big as it has. I wholeheartedly agree with Ford. As a country it is long past time we stop putting up with this shit because somebody might get offended. Joining our society in Canada is a privilege, not a right. Fit in or fuck off.


time to stand up. it isnt racist to try and save your country.


From who? And for who?


Weird title.. It reads as Man says: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ it must be true as others believe the same thing.


Isn’t this the same thing the left has been saying? If you are intolerant, we don’t tolerate that.


Yes intolerant individuals. Doug didn’t list any individual. He made a broad statement. If someone wants to judge people based on groups like religion, sexual orientation, race, gender, etc. Then they shouldn't be tolerated. Doug's comments fall into this category.


i do take exception to his "lunatic" comment thou /s


I mean, Ford's a greedy slimy thug, but he's not a racist guy.


I don’t have a problem with immigrants but this is Canada, and the problems of those supporting or not supporting Khalistan should not be a problem that Canada is being forced to deal with and the political concerns and fighting should remain in South Asia. Same applies to Gaza. I realize there is a humanitarian concern as well, but Hamas trying to paint themselves as lily white when they hide their fighters among women and children is slimy and opportunistic.


Now if we could just turn off the tap that’s letting them all in. Especially without a record check.


Telling hateful people to stay away from Canada is not racist. What is racist, or at the very least premature, is claiming that immigrants perpetuated these offences when there is zero evidence of that being the case. I understand that Canada is in an anti immigrant mood (and for good reason), but people need to put down the pitchforks and think with their brains.




not this particular circumstance BUT last week, Abdirazak Mahdi Ahmed, 20, [was arrested](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/suspect-charged-in-shooting-on-jewish-school-in-montreal) after several shootings at Montreal Jewish schools in November. **THIS ISN'T AN EPISODE OF CSI SOLVED BY 9:48 pm your watching**


> not this particular circumstance BUT last week, Abdirazak Mahdi Ahmed, 20, was arrested after several shootings at Montreal Jewish schools in November. Ok, what’s your evidence that this guy is an immigrant?


Gary from Belleville in his flannel shirt didn't commit said crime, homie


No, but Todd from Grande Prairie definitely could have, just like how he plotted to kill RCMP officers in Coutts.


I highly doubt it's Todd from Grande Prairie that's shooting up Jewish schools in Toronto at 3am over an Israel vs Palestine war overseas.


I watched a two hour video to explain why India is sending assassins to murder Canadians. Part of the explanation stressed how important it is that we become educated on the deep intricacies of the various cultures at play and the roots of their ethno-religious conflicts. And all I can think is: what did native Canadians who play just want to play hockey and live in peace do to deserve this? Why should their lives need to be altered so dramatically just to cope with these bloody and complex conflicts?


Ford is right. Its become abundantly clear that many people are not leaving prejudices and hatred at they door when the arrive in Canada


The Toronto Sun giving Ford a tuggy over this is the less surprising than the 2 week old accounts on this sub cheering for it.


Finally, we have a POLITICIAN with a backbone. Thank you, Ford 😊 Millions and Millions CANADIANS FEEL THE SAME WAY 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦




This right here is why the CPC won't commit to publicly axing immigration. Ford didn't even utter the word immigrant and yet the media is going ham. It's like they were holding it in them the whole time.


What race are "hateful people," exactly?


What I would give for the other brother to rise from his grave and say the same thing in Jamaican Patois with a crack pipe in his hands!


**Have they even found the suspect of the shooting?** How is Ford so certain they’re an immigrant. I’m sure we have more than enough [antisemite white supremacist types](https://humanrights.ca/story/stain-antisemitism-canada) that are home grown dick heads. No need to go making shit up to suit your agenda.


One was caught recently. Shot at Montreal school in October/November. He was an immigrant. And Canada has a very tiny number of white supremacists, who are trash, but rarely commit crimes.


> One was caught recently. Shot at Montreal school in October/November. I find it very silly to make sweeping statements about a whole group of diverse people based on the actions of 1 person. That'd be like me saying all white people are violent because of the [truck attack](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/i-can-t-talk-to-my-family-anymore-boy-orphaned-in-anti-muslim-attack-tells-london-ont-sentencing-court-1.7075512) in London a few years back. See how stupid that sounds? >He was an immigrant. And Canada has a very tiny number of white supremacists, who are trash, **but rarely commit crimes.** I don't agree with that. Check out the [RCMP report](https://rcmp.ca/sites/default/files/doc/hate-crimes-and-incidents-canada.pdf) on the matter. ____ >In 2022: >• 53% of all hate crimes were non-violent. >• According to Statistics Canada, mischief was the most frequent type of non-violent hate crime reported to police, representing 38% (1,361) of all incidents. >**• 46% of all hate crimes were violent.** >• According to Statistics Canada, **assault level 1 was the most frequent type of violent hate crime reported to police, representing 14% (504) of all incidents.** ____ >Hate Crime: Motivation Types >Between 2015 and 2022, the most common hate crime motivation type was based on hatred of: >• race/ethnicity (7,204 incidents, representing 45% of police-reported hate crimes); >• religion (4,455 incidents, representing 28% of police-reported hate crimes); >• sexual orientation (1,653 incidents, representing 10% of police-reported hate crimes); >• sex/gender (289 incidents, representing 1.8% of police-reported hate crimes); and >• other motivations (710 incidents, representing 4.4% of police-reported hate crimes; this category includes mental or physical disability, language, age and other similar factors – for example, occupation or political beliefs). ____ >Hate Crime Targeting Race/Ethnicity >Chart 7 (page 11) presents data on police-reported hate crime motivated by a hatred of race/ethnicity between 2015 and2022. Over this period, there was a staggering 194% increase, some of which is likely related to **rising social polarization created by the COVID-19 pandemic, alongside the rise in populist politics, xenophobia, and racist rhetoric that portrays members of racialized and religious minority communities as threats to community safety and national security** .19 In 2020 alone, hate crime motivated by race/ethnicity accounted for 62% of all hate crimes reported to police in Canada.20


I dont see anywhere in your quoted stats where it specifies that those crimes were committed by white supremists. Are you just assuming that every hate crime was committed by a white person? That's pretty racist if you ask me.


>I dont see anywhere in your quoted stats where it specifies that those crimes were committed by white supremists. Are you just assuming that every hate crime was committed by a white person? That's pretty racist if you ask me. Read the last paragraph above? Do you think it's immigrants being xenophobic and racist? Obviously not all of those quotes stats above are from white supremacists committing the hate crimes but the vast majority, and rising, are. From the report again: >**How Many Active Hate Groups Are There In Canada?** >Estimating the number of active hate groups is a difficult endeavour; due to the often-volatile nature of hate group leaders and membership, such groups “start up, fracture and fold all the time” as a consequence of internal conflict.46 Further, some hate groups operate in the online space, others involve in-person interaction and still others are structured according to a hybrid online/offline approach. And finally, while some hate groups are highly and hierarchically organized, others are more loosely affiliated and splintered. Taken together, these factors make it difficult to track the number of hate groups currently active in Canada. >Some researchers have, however, tried to estimate the number of hate groups in Canada, though estimates vary. Some research has suggested that, by the mid-2010s, there were more than 100 active organized hate groups in Canada.47 By 2021, estimates ranged from 70-100 to approximately 300 such groups, though discrepancies across these more recent estimates are likely and largely a function of differences in the way researchers count hate groups.48 **Notwithstanding these differences, there appears to be a general consensus that the number of hate groups in Canada has risen in recent years, likely as a consequence of:** >• The **rise of populist politics and the normalization of racist and incendiary political rhetoric that scapegoats racialized and religious minority groups for a host of community safety and national security issues**. Many of the groups stereotyped by this rhetoric have experienced significant spikes in hate crime victimization. In other words, hate crime victimization against certain segments of the population has been shown to increase in the wake of incendiary rhetoric that portrays them as threats to community safety and national security.49 >• **Frustration over the COVID-19 pandemic and related government policies; widespread attributions of blame involving people of Asian background prompted increased incidents of anti-Asian racism, discrimination and violence** (for a broader discussion of the pandemic’s impact on hate crime, please see: https://capitalcurrent.ca/how-canadas-farright-is-surging-amid-the-pandemic/). >• **ISIS-inspired attacks in North America and Europe have inspired hate crimes against Muslims around the world. Hate crimes perpetrated in response to such attacks illustrate the relationship that sometimes exists between hate crime and violent extremism, wherein hate crimes are intended to serve as a form of vicarious retribution against innocent members of the broader Muslim community** (For more information, please see Is There a Relationship Between Hate Crime and Violent Extremism). >• **Successive migrant/refugee crises that expose asylum seekers and migrants to various forms of violence and harassment stemming from problematic narratives asserting that certain migrant and refugee groups are ‘cheating the asylum system’, ‘draining the welfare system’, and/or ‘stealing Canadian jobs’.** >These and other events have served as a catalyst for people with particular worldviews to come together and mobilize against these and other perceived threats. The internet has facilitated such connections and provided a medium through which hate groups can instantly disseminate propaganda to a broad audience, recruit new members and organize protests and other group activities.51 It is this connectivity that makes transnational communication between hate groups possible; research shows that hate groups in one nation can and do learn from and inspire those in other nations, which can complicate enforcement efforts on the part of police and partner agencies.52 >**In this broader context, hate groups in Canada appear to have grown in both size and number. Maintaining ‘traditional’ white culture and heritage is among the core goals of these groups, which are typically grounded in white supremacist ideology and espouse a host of beliefs including antisemitic and Islamophobic sentiment, though many groups also position themselves against immigrants, women, 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals and other racialized and religious minority groups.**


> Shot at Montreal school This is about Ontario


Please educate yourself. Canada is wildly regarded as a hot bed of White Nationalism. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2022/parl/xc76-1/XC76-1-1-441-6-eng.pdf https://www.isdglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/ISDs-An-Online-Environmental-Scan-of-Right-wing-Extremism-in-Canada.pdf


Source that he was an immigrant? All the news articles I found made no mention of his immigration status or country of origin. They mention he is from Les Cedres, which is in Canada last I checked.


Hey now. It's not like he was wrong in putting his opinion in on a previous criminal matter before it was settled, say, a month ago.... and it's not like he was insultingly wrong on that opinion or anything...


Idk I think the right wing is pretty pro Israel right now




I don't support him on a lot of things but this I can get behind 100%. What a load of bullshit. If you emigrate here, leave your troglodyte and extremist bullshit at the door.


Oh great, where was he when they were letting all those students into his diploma mills? What a shock he comes out and says something as soon as he can get another (christ sakes, can you do anything without seeing him right now?) photo op.


You cant import humans without their baggage…its not a mobile app with subscription features


Palestine protestors and Khalistan protestors, can you please please stay away from downtown Toronto this summer? The traffic is already is mess here becuase of all the construction going on. Thank You!