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All wedge issues are being pumped up the more undeniable it gets that the root of Canada's most pressing issues are class-based.


Yesss. The media doesn't cover this, do they now?


The media is owned by people who don't want you to think about that


The media was bought specifically so they can promote these divisions. There are better investments in terms of cash returns but if you are wealthy enough, owning the media helps ensure the status quo.


Wealth preservation is a big deal


> The media doesn't cover this, do they now? Sure they do. They keep bringing on "expert" after "expert" to tell us how making the wealthy pay anything more is going to destroy the Canadian economy, so we shouldn't. It's almost like the media was owned by rich guys or something.


You start to lose faith in "experts" the media brings in once they are talking about a subject you have exprience and knowledge about.


Nope lol cause they are part of that problematic class


No, they just divide and confuse.


Yep, social issues and such are absolutely important but the media is asked to push these to keep us divided while we're robbed. The rich are exposed and trying to suppress us at every turn


šŸ‘†This is the truth. People want to talk about intersectionality all day longā€¦as long as the intersection of class is overlooked.


It's kind of the opposite. I'd rather be rich and black/first nations than poor and white anyday.Ā 




This is an important part of class struggle, though. Class solidarity requires alliances across identities.


This needs to be the top comment.


It's shiny key syndrome. Jiggle them in left hand while right hand dips into your pocket and then grabs a couple of freedoms as well.


I donā€™t care what people want to do in the bedroom or identify as. Can we fucking make life affordable again please? And cut immigration and deport the fraudulent international students etc. thatā€™s contributing to affordability and the healthcare and infrastructure issues weā€™re having?


Real issues such as food, shelter and clothing are at critical mass now.




I think a decade ago this issue was closed. We're importing culture war issues from the US and now we have men targeting girls at track meets for not looking girly enough: https://globalnews.ca/news/9765882/couple-kelowna-track-meet-incident-central-okanagan-schools/


Just like racism ended in the sixties?


Mostly I think it's that specifically racist laws pretty much gone from Canada. Not saying some might remain, I just can't think of any. Racists will always exist, the only hope we have is to combat it when we see it. I personally think the LGBT issues is pretty much closed. They have wide acceptance, and further pushing is now only leading to annoyance. Homophobic people will always exist, and the best thing to do is leave the LGBT subject at accepted and normal, not special. My personal opinion only.


Canada literally carves out permissions for racism in the charter.


Yes and sexism as well so long as they can prove a 'bona fide' reason for doing so. Been a while since I read that part of the charter and it might be any protected classes or just sexism. Honestly can't remember. There is a reason for that to be part of the charter though.




This is what it seems to be to me too. The poll shows low ā€œsupportā€ but also low ā€œopposition.ā€ It seems like there is a lot of people who just picked neither and donā€™t really care either way.


To me that's the ideal.Ā  We shouldn't care too much about how other people live their lives, and I couldn't care less if it isn't negatively affecting anyone else.


To me it should be seen as accepted and normal, not special.


Agreed. They are welcome, accepted, and let's move on. They are like everyone else.


>picked neither and donā€™t really care I don't think the gap is necessarily that. You can be for or against something while not having enough life bandwidth to advocate. I feel like this, I have a lot of my own drama I need to figure out and I just don't have the mental capacity to take on more than my life issues at the moment.


Yeah fair. Itā€™s just such a significant portion of respondents didnā€™t pick either ā€œsupportā€ or ā€œopposeā€. I have to imagine those people are largely indifferent, maybe indifferent-positive or indifferent-negative, but indifferent overall.


>indifferent-positive or indifferent-negative I think that is a much better way to put it actually. Like if I see something I say something, but in my opinion I'm just pro human, everyone should be happy. I don't need to say more than that. It's no one's business. EDIT: what does Swanson say? "I'm not an anything-ist"


Add a touch of fatigue. Housing, wage and social security net issues are all that's on my mind lately.


I've always held the opinion that indifference should be the goal of every civil rights movement when it comes to treatment of people for whatever they may be. Obviously not the same response for injustices based on those factors, more in everyday interaction. If I rock up to your shop for an oil change and you tell me the mechanic is black, Asian, male, female, gay, straight or anywhere in between any of those I really don't give a shit, can they change my oil? One of my best friends came out to us in 11th grade back in the early 2000s and we essentially met him with "and?". Now that may not be the reaction everyone who's brave enough to do that is looking for, but in the long run I would think that's what I would want as well. Don't treat me any different than you always have.


Absolutely, the average Canadian just doesn't care, and that's exactly what the community should want, people treating them like everyone else. The problem is this doesn't seem enough for the attention seeking minority.


I mean when the issues that the average Canadian has to deal with, eg, housing, food prices, rising unemployment, slowing economic growth, etc keep growing. Peopleā€™s priorities tend to change. Especially when the average person sees more effort being poured in by politicians towards LGBTQ2 policies over trying to fix issues that affect the vast majority of Canadians. It should come as no surprise support is sliding on issues that affect minorities.


People are struggling to pay for food.


I wonder how much is driven by the corporations who grift on pride month.


I think for the most part Canadians accept that there are LGBTQ people and don't care what you do in your own bedroom, but they have become more resistant to the very vocal and extreme fringe.


We had a toxic and exhausting employee who accused the entire employee base at our business for being unsympathetic to LGBTQ2S+ needs for not respecting their pronouns. While never having told anyone else who worked there that they were non binary. Said we werenā€™t a queer safe space. Meanwhile half our employees are in non heteronormative relationships. Iā€™ve made this same comment about pride as an event. I literally donā€™t care what you do behind closed doors, or who you decide to be with, or who you identify as, but when the ethos of the parade becomes more ā€œkink exhibitionismā€ than having pride in my sexual identity and demanding (quite correctly) that others be respectful of that, youā€™ve soured me. And itā€™s not a ā€œsure you can do it, I just donā€™t want to see itā€ issue either. I Love seeing all the beautiful people of every creed, colour, orientation, gender identity, or whatever, enjoying each other, showing affection for one another and showing their love off to the world. But if your version of the parade is being dressed in assless latex chaps, thong, and a ball gag while walking the parade past children on a Saturday afternoon, thatā€™s definitely not my vibe. I donā€™t want to see that any more than I want to see a drunk bro air humping his girlfriend at wild water kingdom.


My mom is a lesbian and avoids all pride parades for last 15 years because of the "pay attention to me" crowd.. she says "I am trying to show my grandchildren and the rest of society that the LGBT community is just normal people like everyone else.. but then some guy walks by wearing a suit made of 10" dildos or people with thier penis's exposed in front of kids".. It's the fringe toxic LGBT people that everyone is tired of, not the sane lgbt just trying to navigate life with a different sexuality


That's why I hate all the talk of the LGBT "community". You hear people say "the LGBT community thinks" this or "the LGBT community supports" that. Nobody speaks for every person who is LGBT+, these are people with widely different cultural and political views. People don't get to decide that they speak for millions of people. I don't get to decide that I speak on behalf of the Ginger community because Gingers don't all think alike nor did they elect me as their representative.


The same applies the blacks or whites or Indians or French. The government and media have an insatiable need to put people into boxes. They try to brainwash them into behaving the same.


'cept for the Dutch, they all think the same and they're plotting against us.


Personally me and myĀ  small group gay friends feel there isn't much of a community anyway.Ā  It's always been tribalistic, elitist and just kinda toxic (my asian friend has definitely experienced racism/exclusion well into his 50s ) in our collective experiences.Ā  We just ended up generally staying away from queer events and such to not give ourselves the mental stress and anxiety and we're honestly better off for making that decision.


The Onion called it, 23 years ago: [The Onion: Gay-Pride Parade Sets Mainstream Acceptance Of Gays Back 50 Years](https://www.theonion.com/gay-pride-parade-sets-mainstream-acceptance-of-gays-bac-1819566014)


>All I can say is, I was used to it, but now, although I'd never felt this way before, I wish they would go away." Kinda how feel about this whole thing.


Yup. Main character syndrome is exhausting and an extreme turn off.


Hahah i know gay couple and they told me almost the same thing, they said they dont want to be mixed with the fetish crazies and just live their live, they hate all that flashing. I think he said something like ā€œall my life i wanted to be accepted as normal (theyā€™re in their 60ā€™s now) i dont want to be seen as one of those feather up the ass *f word*ā€. I was not expecting that lol


This is my (a woman) wife and mineā€™s views as well. We are just people. Unfortunately, it feels very co opted now by very loud people who have no home training. I donā€™t want straight people acting like this either. Itā€™s almost like being vulgar and making people uncomfortable is the goal now.


All chaps are assless, that's what makes them chaps. But I digress.


Yes, but assless chaps are slightly different than chaps. But youā€™re right about the definition. I looked it up cause I was curious about the accuracy of your statement. Man when I woke up today, I didnā€™t think Iā€™d learn the definition of chaps. Nevermind the difference between chaps and assless ones.




Dafuq?! Lol


Im firmly of the opinion that the second you care more about ā€œwhatā€ someone is vs ā€œwhoā€ they are you are part of the problem.


You shouldnā€™t even say ā€œthatā€™s not my vibeā€, you should be saying ā€œthatā€™s not the type of society I want to be part ofā€. And itā€™s okay to say that. You can be loudly opinionated about the type of society you want to be a part of. Cause Iā€™ll tell you something, thatā€™s not the type of society I want to be in either. LGBTQ are welcome here, be gay, be trans, I donā€™t actually care. But when it comes to the things you eluded to, on any other day, a person would be given a citation for walking their human dog with its ass out, and I donā€™t believe in making a day where thatā€™s just alright.


If your whole personality is your sexual identity then you need to get a hobbyĀ 


Lol I remember my first pride parade and saw at the back there was a bondage float and a dude was tying up someone that was obviously a girl? Like, what???


Lol, my first pride parade was an accident. I was 10 and we thought it was "a parade". I saw men painted silver with their dicks out and a naked obese woman with tits down to her knees; among other sights. Yeah, mom sent me to therapy because I had nightmares after LOL


Many pride parades are struggling with their identity and are at a cross point. Originally it was a counter culture in your face protest to grab and shock people. Now that there is more acceptance there are some wanting it toned down and others wanting to keep it in your face counter culture. They should probably just have separate events for the adult oriented events and the family events. Personally people get way to upity when LGBTQ people display sexuality consider the Mardigras and other sexual parades that occur in public with little complaints.


Canada has always been relatively tolerant and accepting of different faiths, cultures and sexual orientation. That being said, everyone seems to pretend their group is super victimized here in order to get attention (or funding). This isn't Iran or somewhere that your very life is at risk for being gay. Acting like you are a massive victim here doesn't ring true. And constantly pushing your agenda is just as annoying as having Jehovah's witnesses coming to your door over and over again. Canadians seem to finally be getting annoyed by it.


Often this translates into also being negative towards the non fringe. It doesn't help that it's such a polarised issue that one side will call you a bigot for the "wrong opinion" about a part of it. There are a lot of gay guys and lesbians that don't agree with parts of the gender idealogy.


Not gay but I've seen so many people talk about how they've been basically kicked out of their own movement by the more extreme.


I remember a few canadian pride parades kicking out cross-dressers because it was insulting to trans marchers (cross dressers now rebranded to "drag queens" and all good now)


Ah yes of course. Gay, trans, I got no issue with them, their house their buisness. But then we have non binary and 2 spirit... that's a much harder sell.


> that's a much harder sell Because non-binary sexuality doesn't exist in nature, with the exception of these people.


I omitted my own thoughts on that for sake of being diplomatic as this is a touchy subject.


Yep. Iā€™m trans, but because I donā€™t deny that Iā€™m still male and because I support women having rights as women that donā€™t extend to me and specifically exclude me Iā€™ve been completely excised from ā€œthe communityā€. But Iā€™ve found a new community and itā€™s a lot more rational than the old one.




The media pumps out stories related to the extremes. The media is sponsored by Corporations. It's better for Corporations if people argue about divisive issues instead of thinking about class warfare and the erosion of the average person's Quality of Life.




I don't experience this IRL but boy oh boy do I experience this in online communities and it drives me nuts and makes me feel disgusted. And I am LGBT as well so it just makes me angry that I get lumped in with all the degens. Most people don't even realize I am LGBT. It's really only relevant to people I date and maybe my family?


Thank you for being awesome. It's no fun being lumped in with any group, now that we've given every group's fringe a megaphone.


Word! Im attracted to both sex's and I still cringe at those parades!!


Well put, thank you. Everyone has the right to be whoever they want, and be with whoever they want. No judgment. I'm a left leaning guy but am being pushed right on this particular issue. About a year ago I observed two girls playing in a park, maybe 8-10 years old. One climbed slightly up a tree. The other girl said she must be trans because of it. The parent just smiled and nodded. Felt like I was going crazy.


The whole idea that gender = social expression is a massive backslide for gender equality.


You've got to be kidding..


Agree. We get it already. Ok. I hold no ill will to LGBTQ people. Live your life.


I could care less about someoneā€™s sexuality ,or how they choose to identify and I am sure most people born in Canada feel the same


Is it lack of support or is it that Canadians are worried more about so many other important things to make ends meet. The basics of life at this point. People's feelings, people's confusion, how people mental state.... Does that matter when Canadians cannot even afford food on the table. The government keeps telling us everything is fine, but we're living through it, It's not.


>ā€œYou can exist, but donā€™t exist in front of me,ā€ she said. I think there are a lot more factors that contributed to the drop in support than just that. But the most visible I would consider being economic factors. Although I wouldn't consider it the only factor for the drop in support. In 3 years, since 2021, everyone became much poorer. 30-something % of Canadians living paycheque to paycheque to over 50%. I don't think people who are worrying about food next week or living expenses care as much about LGBTQ+ issues now compared to 3 years ago, as sad as that might sound.


Maybe, just maybe, the 1 million people weā€™re importing per year are not that friendly to the cause? Or is that racist to say?


I mean at the beginning of the Isreal and Palestine war or so there was videos online and on the news of immigrants in Ottawa stomping on rainbow flags and saying they didn't agree with it and didn't want it to be taught to kids. There were huge crowds cheering them on, It didn't last in the news cycle very long. Yet if Canadians point this out then we're racists.


That couldnā€™t possibly be it.


Definitely not since they are all adopting Canadian values right away /s


You know, in these types of polls, I highly doubt that those types of people you're talking about are even replying to them. The real answer? Probably the constant bombardment of fringe LGBTQ2 protesters and agendas coming to the limelight. Also, have you been to Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or pretty much anywhere outside of the major cities? We don't need to import these people.


Correct. Fresh off the boat immigrants are not answering polls lol


Pollsters in Canada ABSOLUTELY 100% take steps to correct for any racial disparity in response. Youā€™re simply incorrect if you donā€™t think that is a top priority for every single poll you see by a dedicated polling company in Canada.


No, REPUTABLE pollsters make this effort. Then you have the politically aligned pollsters who go out of their way to word their questions deceptively and cherry pick their sample group.


I think some of the issues around trans people are giving some people pause. Treating everyone the same no matter who they love, or how they identify was easy for most of us to get behind. Now weā€™re talking about whether children should be allowed puberty blockers, trans women should compete as women at the Olympics, and HR is emailing me to remind me how important it is to have my pronouns included in my email signature. Doesnā€™t mean we stop supporting LGBTQ+ people but maybe Iā€™m not going to go the parade, and maybe Iā€™ll stay out of some discussions because Iā€™m not entirely sure whatā€™s right anymore.


I kind of stopped caring since it just seems normal at this pointā€¦


Itā€™s not lack of support for rights. Itā€™s exhaustion having to hear about it all the fucking time. For comparison - did you ever know someone who loves Cannabis, is always high, and always talking about it, and who makes April 20 a pseudo Christmas? Donā€™t you get sick of hearing about it, while also acknowledging his right to do his thing, and possibly even partaking yourself?


Best thing about marijuana legalization is that the people who practised a technically illegal vice that had no real consequences, and thought it made them a cool edgy free-thinking rebel (it didn't), and wouldn't shut the fuck up about their consumption of weed, they finally shut the fuck up about it once it became officially legal.


People that make pot smoking a part of their identity are insufferable.


No, these people moved on to complaining about the legal market and pretending they know everything about weed


For me this is happening with identity politics specifically about race. Everytime I turn on the fucking tv, go to a news site or listen to radio, go to a large meeting at work, itā€™s something about race and poor this group or poor that group. Itā€™s driven me right wing. Even though my core values and beliefs align with worker rights, unions, etc.


We need to focus more on class. All the other identity categories are a basis to divide people. Economic class is a basis of unity. The 99%. We can all belong to our million different groups inside that group, but class is the low hanging fruit we could be picking together.


> We need to focus more on class. Occupy Wallstreet was the tipping point for this stuff. It was the last major protest where all emphasis was placed on class identity in highlighting political corruption. In the aftermath of that falling apart because of identity politics you could see the strategy in media shift to match. [Media discussion on divisive topics like "whiteness" and "systemic racism" went from a blip on the radar to completely dominating media cycles in just a few short years and have only continued to grow since.](https://i.imgur.com/1M5p6Cj.png) Its blatantly transparent what happened if you simply look at the data.


But don't you get it, that's exactly why the discourse ISN'T about class, because the 99% aren't the ones controlling the media narrative


This is why the NDP is failing to make any inroads while the liberals falter. While they have pushed a few good workers rights bills almost all they talk about are Id politics issues.


Itā€™s also rarely minorities who want to talk or benefit from this race stuff. Itā€™s often white people who want to virtue signalĀ 






They have the same rights as everyone else. It's not perfect, but it never will be. People are too concerned about housing and inflation to worry about social issues.


I think a large portion of this is that current activism goes far beyond what people see as fair, and is pushing into defending the indefensible. These activists don't represent the views of the average gay or transgender person, and they may not even be members of the LGBT community themselves.


u give anybody a bit of power and they tend to abuse itā€¦


Well of course, Canadaā€™s demographics are radically changing. We have had huge recent population inflows from places that do not like gay people.


Support for any community != Support for all initiatives that community pushes


I think as a Canadian itā€™s my obligation to respect the differences of others and support them when their rights are being challenged. It is NOT my obligation however to honour and celebrate the differences of others.




The problem is that for 90% of the population, there is no longer a stigma of being LGBT. Since it is no longer an issue, it just feels like you're constantly being beaten over the head by the queer community when most people just want to live their lives. There's also at least a dozen issues that are much more impactful that need to be addressed


Condensed: * On the eve of Pride month, a new poll has found declining support for LGBTQ2 rights in Canada. * The Ipsos survey polled adults on a variety of metrics measuring support for the queer community. Canada, it found, was among the few countries where support for rights and visibility appeared to register ā€œprecipitous drops,ā€ Ipsos vice-president of public affairs Sanyam Sethi said. * ā€œWhat really stood out to me was how starkly Canadians are changing their opinions,ā€ she said. ā€œOn some of these support aspects the drops in Canada are the highest across all 26 countries we have trend data for.ā€ * One area where attitudes appeared to have shifted was support for LGBTQ2 visibility. While 49% of respondents agreed with people being open about their sexual orientation or gender identity, that still put Canada in the bottom 10 of countries measured. Whatā€™s more, the number was down by 12 per cent from 2021. * Similarly, the poll found support for LGBTQ2 people showing affection in public (kissing or holding hands) at 40%, down eight points from 2021. Just one-third of respondents supported more LGBTQ2 characters on screen, down 10% from 2021. * Just half of Canadian respondents to the survey supported openly gay lesbian, gay and bisexual athletes in sports teams, down 11 points from 2021. Just one in five respondents supported transgender athletes. * Sethi said the report wasnā€™t all bad news for LGBTQ2 rights. 75% of Canadian respondents backed same-sex unions, four points above the global average, while 70 per cent supported the rights of same-sex couples to adopt, seven points above the global average.


>Similarly, the poll found support for LGBTQ2 people showing affection in public (kissing or holding hands) at 40%, down eight points from 2021. To be fair, I don't support anyone showing physical affection in public.


For that reason I'd have liked to see the % for other relationships.


Weird to lump holding hands and kissing together.Ā 


I wonder what has changed since 2021...


Youā€™re not suggesting the massive influx of individuals who donā€™t necessarily hold to these modern values?


That sounds like racism! Why would anyone think that? /s


K cool. Just checking. I didnā€™t think thatā€™s what anyone would ever suggest.


We understand the LGBT community exists and most of us don't have an issue with accepting it. Honestly, love who you want to love! What some probably have an issue with is having ONE community constantly demanding everyone's attention. Edit: I really hope these comments are not closed by those in control as I think these are honest and genuine concerns being brought forward that the LGBT community need to read and understand. As many are saying here, most people want EVERYONE to be able to live their life. What we don't want is to be forced to celebrate things we don't actively participate in to gain the LGBTs acceptance. Just because we're not at your parade's doen't automatically make us bigoted.


I agree. This is the problem, I prefer not to put my lifestyle in people's faces.


Iā€™m trans and have other friends within the community. Most of us couldnā€™t care less about trivial things such as a comedian telling a trans joke or jk Rowling. We are just trying to survive in this minefield of a society we live in. Sure some of the vocal minority n social media might. but they donā€™t speak for most of us. Take trans athletes as an example. Whichever side you fall on everyone will agree. This is a fringe issue that effects hardly anyone. And is no where near as important as Cost of living, rent, affordable housing, homelesnes etc Itā€™s yet another distraction tactic to further divide us. They bring it up because they know it will get people arguing.


Who cares. We have real problems to deal with.


Our current government is hyper focused on lgbt+ issues because it is cheap, easy, and doesn't require much work. Dealing with healthcare, housing, or declining birthrates requires them to get off their butts and do some work.


The media and internet don't care about the real problems, just distract and divide.


Because we donā€™t care anymore. Theyā€™re just regular people. Time to focus on more important issues.


Maybe Iā€™m in the minority but Iā€™ve never had any LGBTQ person trying to shove anything down my throat. Iā€™m in Toronto so I imagine I should be hit left and right. How does this keep happening to you people? Like I have colleagues. One transitioned a couple of years ago. Their manager let everyone know they have a new name and designation. We started addressing them the way they wanted. That was the end of. No disruption, no fights, no arguments, noā€¦ shoving of things down any throats. We had to do DEI training, like 90 minutes and only once, interactive with discussion, and open Q&A. It was interesting and to some degree eye opening for me. Made me more considerate. And it was 10 million times less annoying than the barrage of compliance, security, safety and other repetitive training we have to go through every year watching non-skippable clips and answering painfully obvious questions.


Iā€™m an immigrant. I never understand why the people say the LBGTQ agenda is shoved down their throats. It never happened to me. In fact, I met more naysayers than supporters (probably because I come from a conservative community) complaining how the government and schools supposedly ā€˜convertā€™ kids into being gays and trans and getting offended when two non straight people openly express their affections as opposed to two straight people.


I think what happens is people see support of Pride or having to use someoneā€™s chosen pronouns as something they can ā€œmess upā€.Ā  Ultimately, most people want to be a good person and to themselves be accepted by others. A lot of stuff around LGBTQ issues can feel like mini moral tests to folks and, to put it simply, this stresses them out because they feel like if they say the wrong thing or misgender someone or whatever that it will be looked at as a major social faux pas and reflect badly on them. The consequence of this, though, is that it usually pushes them toward the path of least resistance, which in this case is to try and eliminate these mini tests.Ā Ā  Thatā€™s why people say these things are being ā€œshoved down our throatsā€, because they feel constantly stressed about having to be perfect when it comes to LGBTQ issues. Theyā€™ve actually sort of done it to themselves, though, because once you realize that accidentally misgendering someone really isnā€™t a big deal if you just apologize to the person you misgendered and keep trying to get it right, that stress just kinda goes away. Honestly,Ā the *more* stressful option is to try to just make it all go away, so in their pursuit to make their lives *less* stressful, they actually just end making it more. Thatā€™s how I see it, anyhow.


The prevailing attitude appears to be that any visibility or calling to attention of anything to do with inclusion because discrimination is over and everbody is supposedly accepting. Anything more is going too far 'the wrong way'. Congratulations Canada, we did it


Im bisexual non trans,and most people here who said they are being shoved ''gender ideology propaganda'' down there throat probably never meet an trans person in real life,im downright ashamed of how people of this country are becoming the canadian maga.


Sadly for some people having a LGBTQ character in a show/movie/game is "having it shoved down their throat"


Yeah. It really bums me out. Everything going on with the trans community right now looks so much like when gay people were trying to get more rights. I honestly donā€™t know how people donā€™t see that the bigotry and dismissiveness toward trans people right now mirrors the way gay people were treated in the past in so many ways. Itā€™s almost a copy-paste.




I don't think I'll ever understand that, like, it was what, 24 years ago she was in the IDF? But they're saying the problem is that she writes and draws about her experiences there? I get if you dont want the topic of war being shown at your event but at that point just make it a rule for all.


Peoples priorities tend to shift when they canā€™t afford the cost of living, canā€™t afford a home or rent, canā€™t find a job, etc.


Thatā€™s because nobody gives a care what anybody else identifies as which is the way it should be.Ā 


I think the vast majority of Canadians completely accept people to choose their sexuality and honestly don't care what people choose either way. Happy for them to live their lives and enjoy life, regardless of who they choose to spend their time with. I suspect the decline in support is due to a lot of extreme members of that community which very visibly are just trying to get a reaction from the average person, or more specifically the other end of the spectrum so they can deem it as hate. Both sides extremists are the loudest, but the vast majority of people are in the middle. The loudest are wearing down the people in the middle. It's to the point where even the people in the middle (on both sides) are experiencing exhaustion from the movement being everywhere constantly. Not just by parades, events, etc, but by every single mass corporation now taking part in 'awareness' with their logos changing, commercials, virtue signaling, etc. We have crossed the tipping point where awareness has now caused social fatigue and people are just tired of hearing about it (and really everything; politics, climate, etc). I think people in the middle now just want peace and silence. Essentially "Do what you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody I don't care, but stop screaming about it everywhere I go"... which applies to basically every mass awareness and movement (not just LGBTQ+)


I get what you're saying, but there also were significant declines in categories like "should gay marriage be legal" (-7%). So I think the idea that we just don't want to hear about it really only explains drops in some categories.


I wonder if importing people from countries that don't generally support LGBTQ+ rights has something to do with it also?


I'll tell it like it is in 2 parts: 1) It's a backlash to the extreme left ruining things for regular gay people. 2) The pouring in of muslims. They're now being polled, too. You gotta recognize that.


Exactly. The left is abolishing itself with immigration.




> We're here, we're queer, get used to it! We are used to it, you do this every year...


I don't care. I don't care one bit. No one is denying their "right to exist" so stfu and work on our cost of living. Now.


exactly let people live prosperous lives and plese stop focusing on constant culture war issues


Well, yeah. They keep saying "ally" but certain members of their community keeping attacking and cancelling anyone who questions their narrative, let alone disagrees with it. You can't be an ally while being a dictator, and we all know which letter is the main problem here. Read it quick, before they report and ban me lmao.


Theyā€™re just people. No need to celebrate and put them on a pedestal.




I'm pretty sure most Canadians don't give a fuck what others do in the bedroom and preferences. A lot of Canadians are hurting financially, deciding between a roof over their head versus food on the table.


This particular group has something like 140 + days to ā€œraise awarenessā€ and celebrate their preferences. Mother, fathers, veterans and everyone else get one lousy day. I donā€™t care what people do in their bedrooms. I donā€™t care if men want to pretend to be women just stay out of womenā€™s spaces and sports, and ffs pleaseā€¦ leave the kids alone. Drag is adult entertainment. Kids donā€™t need to know what their teachers do at home or what their stupid made up pronouns are. Then thereā€™s those horrible graphic books they show to children at school that are downright disturbing. If I had a school age child in these days, they sure wouldnā€™t be in a public school.


ā€œWe need to all just mind our own fucking business and leave our sex lives between ourselves and god, someone elseā€™s is not of our buisinessā€ - the pope paraphrased. When even the pope is saying idc you do you, itā€™s kinda silly when people try to say elsewise


It went from a day to a week to a month to pride season. It's now utterly ridiculous.


Thatā€™s because corporations realized how much money they can make on product if they slap a gay symbol on it.


so they are now treated like everyone else, got it :)


Gay male. Attached, physician, teenaged son I adopted when he was 3. Iā€™m thankful for the social advances Iā€™ve lived (early 60s now) and I love our life. Socially progressive. Having said this, Iā€™m so tired of the woke-ness. Our acronym and flag have lost meaning to me and I canā€™t recall what some of the letters stand for. Drag has a place but not in our schools and libraries. Our parade has become commercial and vulgar. It started as a solidarity and political march. If Iā€™m now disconnected from, I can only imagine what others must feel.


People are tired of sequels and remakes and just want new original content


Lmao when is gay 2.0 coming out?


It's due in September! I hear they've managed to make this version 40% gayer.


What does the 2 mean?




As people become accustomed to the way things are, you could expect suppor to wain. After all the hard battles have been won and now the smaller less appealing things don't attract the attention. We all still care.


Well, we are bringing tons of people in from countries that jail gay people... so yah....


Ridiculous. I'd say the majority of Canadians support them having the same rights as straight people and as far as so-called "visibility", what does that even mean? Everybody knows they exist so we don't need rainbows plastered everywhere to remind us. We simply don't care one way or the other. Just live your life and we'll live ours.


People are focused on trying to eat and afford homes/rent right now. Thatā€™s their priority


Anything over marketed becomes this


Of course support is going to go down when the pride parade devolves into perverts dressed as horses, naked weirdos, and a kinky sex exhibition.Ā 


The thing about a progressive movement is that there's no logical place for it to stop.


I'd say about 6 years ago lol


Remind me where is the largest group of immigrants from again? Countries with spotless records regarding the LGBTQ2 right? /s


Thats what happen when you use the gay as a spearhead for all your political issue


So there are a couple of different things here. I think most people support equality and social justice for everyone and do not believe that people should be persecuted because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. What people are getting weary of(myself included) are the following things: 1)Orwellianism. This idea that if you do not subscribe to every new speech code or neologism that comes out every month you're a hateful violent person. That is flat out authoritarian and it's an authoritarianism that makes no sense. In fact Orwell in politics of English language explicitly mentions speech codes as being one expression of authoritarianism. 2)A lack of common sense. It is one thing to push policies that support equity and equality. It's another to use the language of equity to push things that just have no common sense going for it. We should be able to have conversations about public policies that are rooted in critical thinking and analysis without the knee jerk "you're a bigot" reaction to every single proposed change out there that isn't critically thought. 3)Misplaced priorities. When having equity or justice discussions which is more important. The latest performative trend when it comes to speech, buzz words and pseudo moralisms or pocket book bread and butter issues that impact people's material conditions. This includes LGBTQ issues. So when we talk about gender identity stuff, why are we spending 98 percent of our time talking about whether using or a lack of usage of a particular pronoun is violence and almost no time talking about how poverty and homelessness increases the chances of violence for gender minorities? Especially in this climate where anxieties over housing and homelessness are things Canadians across the board can relate to?


More likely no one cares anymore. Especially when basics like eating and a place to live are hard to get right now. Or, if not that, the more extreme people who do things for this cause cause a lot of people to just be apathetic to it. Not against, just not caring any more


Pride Winnipeg had vehicles towed from a lot that wasn't reserved for them. Why? Because they've become arrogant and entitled. They've been pissing off people dealing with them for a few years and then they act like it's bigotry. No, you're assholes.


This seems like a hyper specific personal issue.


As Douglas Murray says, there is no such thing as an LGBTQ2 "community". I think most Canadians are perfectly fine with the first three initials. It's the T part and all the drag queens reading to kids stuff that confuse and push them away. Especially given the "You're either 100% in support or you're in Adolph Hitler's corner" attitude of the activists. In fact, a lot of what we're told about how kids who question their gender should be instantly supported, never questioned, and helped to transition goes against studies which show that left alone, or questioned by experts, most of these kids turn out to be gay and lesbian. So the T support goes entirely against Gs and Ls. Anyway, Europeans are starting to put an end to hormone treatments for kids, saying there are precious few real studies showing they're safe, and they can have lifelong impacts such as making them sterile.


Canadians tolerated and accepted the LGBTQ movement, until it started DEMANDING compliance and celebration.


Demanding compliance? What does that mean? Lol


ā€œI had to stop calling gay people slurs, even just among friends! Literally 1984ā€


"Freedom of hate speech!"


My town had flags up all of April and now apparently itā€™s Pride month again. How many months do we need every year? Itā€™s ridiculous. The demand for attention is insane.


No shock, when a group constantly is in your face about how oppressed they are and needs everyone to declare their an ā€œallyā€ to their causeā€¦people tend to get annoyed


I have no issues with the LGBTQ community, and I think you should be able to love whoever you want. The issue I and I think more Canadians are having is that they want absolute acceptance by everyone and absolute acceptance for everything they do. They also have had a habit of banning people they don't like. They don't allow police officers in Vancouver despite the fact that the VPD has to protect the whole parade. There were accusations of people exposing themselves to children at the Toronto pride parade. So I think that's part of it. Plus, in general, it feels like it's being shoved in our faces more.


Probably because the current iteration of the movementĀ  associated itself heavily with public celebrations and displays of sexual kink, fervent religious levels of sexual/ gender indoctrination, and the constantly required reaffirmation of everyone's acceptance (and not just tolerance). It also probably reflects the growing foreign-born population of Canada, the vast majority of which come from non-Western countries.


I went to the Pride Parade in Vancouver a few years ago, and some of the things I saw were deeply disturbing. Exposing their private parts and other kinks that I was like this isn't acceptable in a public place, and if I or anyone else did it we would be getting a visit from the police.


The problem too is that a lot of it is touted as ā€œfamily friendlyā€. You can have your kinky, subversive Pride, or you can have a child-inclusive event with the money it brings since kids love swag and are always hungry. But you canā€™t have both at the same time! You shouldnā€™t even WANT both at the same time. There is something viscerally wrong with a grown ass man swinging his dick around a few feet away from 6 year olds, or simulating sex acts, or strutting around in fetish gear. By all means, I want them to have their fun event, but make it clear that itā€™s not going to be appropriate for children.


In a number of cases, acceptance isn't nearly enough. You will celebrate me, or you are xxxxphobic!


They have rights like every other person in the country. People are getting tired of someone else's sexuality being upfront and center of everything.


The pendulum had swung to far left, now it is swinging to the right. Hopefully we find a balance.


I think majority of people are accepting but itā€™s like anything that if itā€™s not in your bubble, you donā€™t understand it or used to seeing it, experiencing it. Most in urban cities are used to it because they have friends, colleagues and neighbours who are gay and in suburbia and rural areas they just donā€™t experience the same exposure. Most from the gay community leave those areas even before theyā€™re out so they can live a more excepted life elsewhere. Now that trans and drag wants the same acceptance, itā€™s harder for those who donā€™t understand it to accept more especially when itā€™s more visible who they are.


Nobody cares. Just be whoever you are and stop trying to shove it down everyoneā€™s throat all the time. Nobody gives a shit.


Maybe because we are facilitating mass immigration from countries that have almost no support for LGBTQ2 Communities


I call bullshirt on the support but would say it is spot on on the visibility. Everywhere you go, there seems to be something reminding you of someone else's sexuality. While I understand the mistakes and mindset of the past, we should allow everyone to live in peace without a constant spotlight in our differences.


Not displaying overt support is now considered being against the BIPOCLGBTQQIP2SA community. In the end, I would think that people from these communities just want to be treated the same as everyone else. That's what I am doing. I'm not giving them support nor acting against them. It does not affect me and I won't be bullied into "wearing the ribbon" like on Seinfeld.


Thatā€™s because theyā€™re taking it too far.


Theyā€™re happy with LGB rights. Theyā€™re happy with most T rights. Theyā€™re unhappy with the gender movement which has nothing to do with LGBs or most Ts, and theyā€™re unhappy with their minor children being empowered to make life altering decisions without even being informed of them by their doctors or teachers