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> Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland told reporters Tuesday the government takes the threat of foreign political interference "very seriously" and said the country can't be "naive" about authoritarian governments seeking to undermine our democracy. > When asked if she could guarantee that the Liberals will eject from their caucus any parliamentarian found to have engaged in the activities cited in the report, Freeland would not make that commitment.


> When asked if she could guarantee that the Liberals will eject from their caucus any parliamentarian found to have engaged in the activities cited in the report, Freeland would not make that commitment. This means that there's either A) a lot of them, B) several ministers on the list, or C) both.


One of the articles posted on this sub yesterday stated that every party was impacted. So... there is a good chance there are a lot of them. The article mentions China and India being two countries that were involved. There are a lot of people in office from those countries in every party (well, maybe except for the PPC and Christian Heritage Party, lol)


Not surprised. We should just throw them all out and start over lol




Agreed. This is not a partisan issue at all. We can't be all. "Yeah, the ones in my party are OK. They promise they are really sorry and won't do it again. But all the other parties are super bad!"






Or Trudeau and her are also on that list and how would that look?  Gotta keep up appearances 


This report discusses MPs going beyond official channels to influence the sitting government on behalf of foreign individuals so It obviously can’t be Trudeau and her, they represent the government as PM and DPM in foreign affairs. They’ll have to reveal the MPs sooner or later, I think they’re just buying time to figure out what to do. Edit: the MP in the report who “arranged overseas meetings with foreign intelligence” and provided “confidential information” could probably be figured out, MPs usually broadcast their travel records online/social media, if they don’t release the names soon anyone interested in doing some digging and coming up with some potential names?


> They’ll have to reveal the MPs sooner or later, I think they’re just buying time to figure out what to do. Has to be done before the next election, way before. Otherwise the next election is a joke. I have a feeling this issue might be "do we call an election" event. Can't get any more crooked than that it they do.


>The NSICOP report described the conduct of some parliamentarians as potentially "illegal" but said it's "unlikely to lead to criminal charges, owing to Canada's failure to address the long-standing issue of protecting classified information and methods of judicial processes." Canadians living in their little fantasy land with their heads in the clouds, one thumb in their mouth and the other up their ass. FFS! Being Canadian is embarrassing sometimes.


Is this directed towards me? The classification of information, confidential release and FOIA processes have been well known disaster now, and this is another byproduct


They hope people forget


This is quite simple: until they are willing to provide Canadians with transparent information on this matter, the public can just conclude that any and all members of the LPC are potentially culprits and/or accomplices to these schemes. In the absence of information, we must draw our own conclusions from what is apparent. Apparently, it appears that the government is in full damage control mode over a major scandal.


Yes this is a major scandal and breach of security. CSIS and the RCMP should be all over this. Running to parliament or your party from protection from the law is not what should be happening. This is potentially treasonous behaviour. Accountability must be demanded of the PM, deputy PM and the PMO.


Or D) She's on the list


for all we know it could be like 90% of them.


If it was an opposition party member you can bet that the current ruling party would be shouting their names on every tv show and would never shut up about it in Parliament.


Probably all parties


Yikes. That’s not great to hear. I suspect a big story is brewing.


Nevermind "story" - there need to be **criminal charges for treason** brewing.


I do as well. Or CSIS is about to start releasing things.


One can hope! Regardless of party affiliations, those members should be removed immediately.


Sam Cooper seems to have a CSIS source. I'm sure this will start to trickle out if the government doesn't start releasing details soon.


Hopefully another whistle-blower will come forward


I suspect, just like every other major scandal, that a big story is about to be swept under the rug!


They don't really sweep it under the rug. They get away with it because no Canadians are holding them accountable. There should be mass protests and international attention on this but Canadians are so complacent that nothing will happen.


at this point i think the government could just start shooting random people in the street and nothing would happen


I am sorry, what? She nor the Prime Minister will commit to kicking anyone out of the party who worked with foreign actors trying to swing our elections and meddle within our institutions. Also, the fact that the Liberals aren't committing to releasing names of MPs who are allegedly involved in this speaks volumes.


Must be what McKinsley advised them to do.


"When asked if she could guarantee that the Liberals will eject from their caucus any parliamentarian found to have engaged in the activities cited in the report, Freeland would not make that commitment." What in the


You think they’re gonna kick themselves out of office, haha. Yeah.


This should honestly be huge news.


Right? This is insane.


> Housing Minister Sean Fraser said he's willing to wait to learn the names of the alleged foreign conspirators. > "The obvious potential reputational damage a person might suffer if there's another side of the story, that must be considered. Those are all factors that will give me some cause to take it seriously and be patient to make sure we get this right," Fraser said. > He said Canadians can learn about who's alleged to have engaged in these activities if there's a police investigation that produces criminal charges. ... > The NSICOP report described the conduct of some parliamentarians as potentially "illegal" but said it's "unlikely to lead to criminal charges, owing to Canada's failure to address the long-standing issue of protecting classified information and methods of judicial processes." So in short, Canadians are unlikely to ever learn who's alleged to have engaged in these activities, in large part because the government is also failing to address the long-standing issues preventing those people from being charged. Lovely.


The legal bar is much higher than the political one. Even if the activities are not outright illegal, if a member is working in any way against their own government, they need to be removed immediately. Release the names.


Immediately! Our democracy is at risk!


"It might hurt their reputation, so I want to wait to see the names and see if I give a shit about them before I commit to roasting them". No integrity and not even pretending. These scum need to be removed from power.


I would be happy to wait for an investigation before pointing fingers but we won’t be getting that and they will just deflect deflect deflect. If one a (guilty or not) steps out of line too much they might throw them up as a sacrificial lamb.


*Tinfoil hat on*: What if they're being coy because they all engage in it a bit and they're all scared it's their name on the list?


Unless there's a leak, I could see that happening.


Imagine if people actually protested for matters like this? We have MP’s who have allegedly committed what could amount to treason, and we are happy with Christina Freeland telling us that they aren’t sure if they will tell us or not? Freeland won’t even confirm if they would eject them from caucus?! Why isn’t the PM holding a press conference on this and facing the public? Is this not important enough?


This is showing us just the tip of the iceberg of how corrupt our country is. We are not living in a democracy.


Where's the guys who took offense to the headlines about Canada being broken and insisting it wasn't?




The plan to make illegals legal and bring their family here is beyond wild.


Why would my MP read the email? I don't donate anything to their campaigns, you have to pay for representation or attention now.


As /u/100ghz out in another thread: >Unless I am reading the below wrong, she voted against looking into this last year. >https://www.noscommunes.ca/Members/en/votes/44/1/339#mip-vote-text-collapsible-text


Nay: Liberal 149/149 Independents: 1/3 All other MPs 100% yes.


And, of course, the one Independent was Han Dong


the independent being Dong?


Whatever happened to "no one is above the law"? Where did Canada ever fall on the "if you're innocent, you have nothing to hide" phenomenon of the early 2010s?


That's always been a BS argument aimed at weakening privacy and other rights for overblown scary bogeyman, but on this very narrow topic, yes public servants should absolutely be fully accountable for their actions.


That was, mostly, my point. If they can point the finger at us and say that...the same applies to them. Because we 'elect' them does not make them above the law or immune to punishment for breaches of law or protocol.


Makes you wonder if she's on the list 😂


Meh. She's a good example of somebody who takes their orders and marches with them, so even if she isn't on the list she won't lift a finger to identify or deal with anyone who is.


This really clears things up.




I don't care what party they're from. If the NSICOP claims are credible, we need sunlight, and we need to clean house in the parliament.


People need to remember this when they shit on public service workers or claim if you fired half of them there would be no change. NSICOP should get more funding, not less.


Where are our journalists? Where are our intelligence agencies? Where are our fucking politicians who actually care about Canada and Canadians? Why is our country so badly compromised? Why does it feel like there’s no one left on our side? It feels like we are on a sinking ship and no one thinks it can be saved so everyone is scrambling to grab what they can before abandoning ship.


>Everybody knows that the boat is leaking >Everybody knows the captain lied >Everybody got this broken feeling >Like their father or their dog just died - Leonard Cohen There is just this sickening sense of demoralizing, crippling dread everywhere. People are getting nastier, people sense it if even if they can't put their finger on it. And speaking personally, there's no quick-fix FlexTape! bandaid. Everything is rotten. Then the problem is that when you notice this fact, people think you're actively attempting to demoralize others, but you just happen to have two eyes and a third grade reading level and can see that the country is absolutely compromised. Those who insist it isn't are either bafflingly naïve or inorganic.


Well, think about what article you are commenting on. That should give you your answer. They did this extremely slyly, fooling us all. Many of us are still being fooled in this very moment. Even those who are aware don’t truly understand the details, we just know we have been sold out as a country. “Bread and circuses”, as they say. “Good” news is the bread is becoming exceedingly costly, and the circus has become quite boring. The problem is there are a lot of people who still have more bread than they know what to do with, and access to the types of circuses most could only dream about. When those who must go without outnumber those who have more than enough, then maybe something will finally give.


Most transparent and open government in the world folks.


Canadas back!


Sunny ways.


Fixed the headline for ya CBC: Government won’t commit to releasing names of MPs who are traitors.


This is actually the point us canadians need to start protesting and demanding answers over. The sitting government is actively trying to sweep treason under the rug, they wont even commit to them being ejected. I don't care if the traitors are liberal or conservative or NDP. ALL OF THEM need to answer.


They basically admitted your government is no longer there for your best interest, but for those of other countries. Doesn't get much worse than this, as your government is severely compromised. Now I wonder how many people will actually see just hów bad this actually is? I mean, how is this not anything other than an invasion, when your rulers have been replaced by people working for foreign agents?


A lot of people seem to simply react to headlines without learning about issues. I agree that anyone doing that is slime (and I've ranted about India and China in other posts myself). But I was just watching Ward Elcock (former head of CSIS - https://www.uottawa.ca/faculty-social-sciences/public-international-affairs/about-school/senior-fellows/ward-elcock ) in an interview and he said the main problem with that is: - You can't simply name people and not present the evidence - But some of the evidence was almost certainly obtained through spy methods... like **if Canada has bugs/microphones** in embassies of other countries, or other similar ways like that. So at this point, it is reasonable not to name people. They need to look into it further, and let the people involved explain themselves.


Thank you for the question. Let me be clear…. Blah blah blah. You don’t deserve an answer…


Miiiiiiieeeester Speaker


lol the blatant corruption is shocking. I have lost all good faith within our government. What is our options?


It’s not just the government, but the law enforcement too. Without laws to punish the political traitors, what realistic options do you think are left?


Our justice system is so weak compared to other counties. I wish we punished bad actors accordingly instead of giving them slaps on the wrist. As a citizen of this country I demand better from our government, I think we all deserve much better than what we currently got.


You want to see how trustworthy the MSM is? Just watch how little coverage this gets. This is the kinda of shit that brings down governments. The worst part? Most Canadians won't care. Pathetic.


This is already falling off on CBC. The Indian election is the top news now


now you know why the Five Eyes doesn't trust Canada anymore and we were not considered for AUKUS and other Western security meetings. Every Western nation knows we have the most spies in the world from both political and non political avenues. They would be idiots for letting Canada a part of any defense or security measure.


This country is fucked.


So...state sponsored treason? Because that is what it sounds like.... Now, if our Supreme Court and federal law enforcement actually functioned properly...


How do we know they are not involved? Confidence in this government is near zero.


I hope CSIS leaks the documents. This is just stupid the people being investigated are the ones who control the information what Bullshit.


"The most transparent and accountable administration in Canadian history" - Justin Trudeau


Spying. We have MPs who are fucking *spying* for other countries. And we’re paying their salaries. And pensions. For life. When did we become so weak?




Also, I wonder who these "foreign states" are. Hmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


Isn't that considered Treason?


CSIS: The senate will decide your fate Liberals: I am the senate


["It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy, I love the republic. The power you give me, I will lay down, when this crisis has abated."](https://youtu.be/PmJRvvnU-cQ?si=3vxLLQAVuM6ErUVZ&t=42)


Only treason if you're not a politician apparently


Sort of. The closest thing would be 46.2.b. It seems it would have to pertain to the defense of Canada and be physical, not verbal. A case could be made on both sides of the argument that it both I'd and is not directly Treasonous. I'd still throw the book that them. "High treason 46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada, (a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her; (b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or (c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are. Marginal note: Treason (2) Every one commits treason who, in Canada, (a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province; (b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a state other than Canada, military or scientific information or any sketch, plan, model, article, note or document of a military or scientific character that he knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defence of Canada; (c) conspires with any person to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a); (d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act; or (e) conspires with any person to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) or forms an intention to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) and manifests that intention by an overt act." https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-46.html#:~:text=46%20(1)%20Every%20one%20commits,any%20act%20preparatory%20thereto%3B%20or


Won't release names and won't even necessarily get rid of them?!  This is treason... and anyone covering it up are traitors to Canada, the entire party should be immediately disbanded and everyone involved thrown in jail.


Aren't elected officials answerable to the citizens?


Haha try emailing your MP. See how much they actually care.


Freeland: “We take traitors and traitorous actions seriously!”  Canadians: “So are you gonna release the names to the public and hold them accountable?”  Freeland: “Nope!”  Gee, I wonder why Canadians have no faith in their government? It will forever be a mystery!


We need a hero whistleblower


Growing increasingly tired of the corruption and fraud that this subhuman trash in our government and courts are getting away with. Literally stealing our children's futures.


Treason. Names released and charges brought forward immediately


This is treason! Treason was historically punishable by death because it's so detrimental to society and puts everyone at risk. Now we can't even fire someone for committing treason wtf.


How could you be a politician and not say the obvious line: Any member of my party found, after a fair process, to have covertly aided a foreign power is not welcome in my party. Just say the fucking line.


Nothing like admitting you're part of the conspiracy - it wouldn't be a conspiracy if we told you who was involved.


The names need to be released. These are literal traitors committing treason against Canadian interests and Canadians. Regardless of party these fuckers should be brought to justice and face legal consequences.


Cool they can all go to prison on the same charge then.


The Canadian government has been compromised.


Isn't covering up a crime a crime itself?  At what point does "lock them up" stop being Trumpian silliness and start being a real thing we should be demanding?


Let me guess those must be Liberal MPs. If they were conservative the liberal would've leaked the names to CBC already. 


Liberal MPs are probably included, but my wager is that its an issue that spans the entire house. Neither Poilievre nor Singh seems to have commented on this. Makes me feel like all 3 leaders want this story to quietly go away.


Absolutely. The Liberals are already in trouble in the polls as it is. If the names of their MPs come out and it implicates them in this, we aren't just talking about foreign interference. We are talking about conflict of interest. We are talking about bribery. We are talking about our national security being at risk. If that all came out and implicated the Liberals. They could be reduced to the numbers they had in 2011 or even worse than that.


We're well past our national security just being at risk. It's totally compromised.


I think you meant treason.


100%. They are desperate for any wedge they can use to try to get back in the race, so if they could torch the Tories with this, they would. Not to say no Tory was involved, it’s certainly possible… but there wouldn’t be any advantage to doing so as long as there were also Liberals that’d also be outed at the same time. But even then they might be willing to roll the dice. So my guess is it’s mostly Liberals involved.


High treason (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada, (a) kills or attempts to kill His Majesty, or does him any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds him, or imprisons or restrains him; (b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or (c) *assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are.* If they are Chinese or Russian I would argue point C means high treason is on the table. Russia is obvious but there are many instances of things like harassment of CAF aircraft by Chinese aircraft, freedom of navigation thru the South China Sea, ETC.


It's only foreign interference when it's not the liberal party. Shes an embarrassment to Canada.


Holy fucking hell. What is wrong with these people and this country?


Obviously wouldn't be damaging to the Cons or they'd be released already.


Need to remind these people who they work for


Treason. Pure and simple.


Her interview can be summarized as: 1) word salad that never answers the simple question 2) this woman is on pills


No consequences for ethically and morally corrupt MPs. I’m shocked.


Can we do a "We don't trust you" vote and have all the politicians replaced? Just start over from the ground up?


Release the names regardless of what party they are from.


It's not exaggeration to say this is quite literally treason and the federal government is protecting the traitors.


China and India buying this country out from underneath us one 'property' at a time. Economic colonization.


*"Government won't commit to releasing names of MPs who allegedly conspired with foreign actors"* This should absolutely be 100% constitutionally illegal and never even be allowed as an option for any government, but it is clearly standard operating procedure for Junior Trudeau's regime to exploit any and all of the Canadian constitution's inherent flaws to cover anything up and/or halt any investigations into wrongdoing, incompetence, corruption, etc. Canada badly needs to break all ties to the British monarchy, and draft a new national constitution and system of government that would never allow for these kinds of disgracefully corrupt practices by any government entity. Next.


The list will inevitably leak and the damage to this governments credibility will be complete.


Shocking. The government is committed to covering up the truth. We are adults. We deserve the truth so we can make informed decisions. It is not their job to decide for us.


What the actual fuck is going on? 


You would think this would be enough to prompt a non confidence vote. But probably not.


This just confirms there are a ton of Liberals on that list. Enough that it will probably throw into question the entire previous election. Here is hoping this is leaked. It is too important a report to allow the government to bury. Get the whole list out there pronto.


If they’re going to charge people with this, what’s the hold up? The last election was three years ago and the CPC leadership even earlier? For those who are gonna say justice takes time or they couldn’t charge because of the interference report and blah blah blah - this isn’t some minor crime. This literally affects the bedrock of our electoral and political system. It should be a top priority for the rcmp. If they’re not going to charge anyone they should say so, so that we aren’t waiting around for charges that are never going to come.


If the LPC doesn't release the names, which I think they will do in the future, similar to them hiding the SCTA negotiations with the US. Than I think all current incumbent MPs should be removed from the next election, they can't be trusted.


So this is treason isn’t it? Both the actual conspiracy and the concealment of the perpetrators.


Wait, so they are protecting actual traitors? ...dude.


Cowards and traitors.


How is this not being treated as treason and taken more seriously, this is ridiculous


Wait...so as citizens we have no right to know who we are voting for? Isn't that a lot fucked up?!


Isn't this considered treason?


They are probably all conservatives and since they want to win the next election fairly they don't want to harm the opposition. /s


Probably because she's one of them


I 1000% bet all of the high ranking officials (Sean as well) are part of this list. Everything these tools talk about benefit outsiders and punishes Canadians.


This is insane. I wish the NDP would just split off and call an election. Elections now.


If Jagmeet ever plans to try to convince Canadians that he has any scruples left, now would be the time to speak up.


He doesn’t. He’s on cruise control to his pension


We don't even know the names or who's done what. I want the names released first before an election.


By not releasing the names we already know they are protecting themselves.


Jagmeet is probably on the list so no chance of that happening.


I'm sure lots of MPs have worked for PRC or Indian (and, possibly, Russian) interests; the fact that this is being obfuscated is very concerning. Further: which MPs have conspired with American actors? How long is that list of names? And when will those MPs be dealt with?


Names. Now. Canadians deserve to know which of their representatives are actually serving foreign governments before the needs of their own constituents.


This is fucked up


“Of course I know him. He’s me.” - Ben Kenobi


Liberal supporters, why do you support this and why are you still voting Liberal?


Canadians need to take the country back from these political criminals that would harbour those that commit actual treason.


Can we seriously just start over at this point? I'm seriously thinking the only way to fix our broken system is a complete electoral reform. New MPs, new leaders and we hold an election hoping at least one of them has their head halfway out their ass.


Absolutely pathetic. If you can't take a stand for this and make an example out of these foreign puppets, you are not fit to govern a nation. They're waiving their finger at them without any repercussions. You think authoritarian governments will stop? Shit, if I'm them I'm going to double down now since I know there will be no consequences for myself or the puppet MPs.


And they want to postpone elections to get their pension? Lmao


The biggest threat to Canada's national security is Trudeau


The government who identified people that donated to the truckers wont identify people who are committing literal treason. I dont care which party, which MPs are involved. Name them, kick them out, begin their trials.


“We can’t open up the skeletons in their closet or they will open up on ours”


What happened to full transparency and sunny ways? This government is a clown show.


These liberals will go down as most corrupt government in our history.


Don’t forget incompetent. They are driving this country into the ground with their incompetence


At this point I'm pretty sure it's intentional.


Are we past the point of no return?


We votes them in. They don't get to say no. They serve us! Not the other way around. People need to remind them of that fact. Remind yourselves.


Government won't name traitor.


The government works for the public: Name and shame


As they stuff our tax dollars in duffle bags


Sigh.. my guess is the list is far too long


This could result in a 2025 election outcome similar to the early 90's PCs getting reduced down to 2 seats.


Liberal MP's committing treason? I wonder what cope Liberal supporters will come up with this time. I wonder how this is Pierre/MAGA/Trump/Right-Wing/Conspiracy-Theorist's fault


This government hates accountability.


Can't wait to hear about all the accusations from the liberals about how foreign actors help the conservatives to win.


This is something that Pierre Pollievre could very easily pick up and run with as a campaign talking point. I'm not a fan of the man, but if he promised to out the politicians acting in treasonous behavior, he could pick up a lot of votes, whether he'd act on it in office is a different story. Now the question is, what is the distribution of bad actors between parties?


Why? They are literally enemies of the people.


Most transparent government.


No one's going to read the actual report, right? There's tons of juicy information in there.... If you think this only affects the Liberals, you should do a CTRL-F "Conservative" search. [https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf](https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf)


Pierre didn’t ask one question on this topic. His people are in the list. And then there was the interference with the Conservative leadership campaign


If they were Conservatives they would be yelling it


Because they were Liberals!!


Until names are released I’ll just assume it’s her and Justin.


Was it the strung out lady in the picture?


Banana Republic


Remember everyone. "Most transparent government"


According to G&M, it's not just MPs, but senators as well.


this is grounds for termination AND recalling for an election, insanely disgusting! how the hell do Canadians accept this and we have barely any media or independants all over this news?!?! PLEASE HACKERS hack the list so we can hold them accountable and make change! this current gov is running Canada into the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Geez guys it’s not enough for you to run your own party into the ground u have to ensure an entire generation is soured for life Pierre may be a weasel and an opportunist and frankly just a smug hack on a good day but you deserve to lose to him The NDP can correct course just by ditching Singh but you haven’t just lost the election you just lost your whole party It’s gonna be like Alberta across Canada in the future elections where it’s either conservative or NDP


At this point the Liberals must actively be trying to lose the next election, right? How can an entire political party be this staggeringly incompetent?


I saw an article the other day about how MP's are quitting politics because they are afraid. Afraid of attacks. I think they should fear for the safety and security of themselves, and their children, and I think more of us need to begin making them uncomfortable and afraid, for the security and prosperity of our nation.


what a bunch of thieving asshats, if your found to be doing this crap you loose your job straight foward and simple, if the Liberals hide these people and do not fire them they should be held in contempt of the national treason act ffs, i know i know its never going to happen but for gods sake how much crap can one party get away with ffs, are the NDP that stupid to keep backing this train wreck


High Treason is punishable by life imprisonment in Canada. Put them on the docket and dispense justice, cowards.


then its safe to assume all are complicit and they should not be shown one ounce of respect until they are transparent with the country


fuck em all


Isn't treason a crime? Feigning ignorance of the law is no excuse, why aren't these MPs under arrest?


Transparency eh


Transparency, it’s democratic.


Well that would certainly indicate that those MP’s are likely liberal or at least majority liberal.