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The list is going to become public at some point and it's going to be real ugly. They can't fuck around and find out here, they need to prosecute those involved and quickly.


Waiting for someone to leak the names.


They know they can't before the election or they'll lose (even worse), so they'll drag this out as long as they can


I was listening to cbc radio on Tuesday while driving and they have a criminology prof on who was saying it’s absolutely going to get leaked before the election if it’s not released. I don’t know how they think they can keep a lid on it unless all the major parties are heavily involved and then nobody will want to touch it.


As far as I’m concerned they’re traitors to Canada. I think there’s enough people on that list that regardless of if they leak it or it’s released it will cause a massive uproar. If even 10% of sitting MPs are on it it’s fucking crazy


I think its definitely more than 10%. The policies voted on in the last 10 years (and honestly, even longer than that) only make sense when you consider foreign involvement. I did see though that another commenter stated that PP was calling for names to be released but I'm not hopeful that Cons aren't involved when I read yesterday or the day before that there was interference in the Conservative leadership election.


The whole “protect my team at any cost” mentality is asinine. I hope it gets leaked and everyone from all parties involved gets the boot or worse. This is insanity, especially with an election coming up.




We’re supposed to be the largest check and balance, but here we are with the smallest chequing balance because of these fuck knuckles


I tend to support Liberals on NDP on most issues and I am all for them being outed and tried if there is evidence they are colluding with hostile nations, just as much as any cons. Our government should be helping Canada and Canadians, and not letting our resources be mined and taken by others in exchange for some helping of power.


It might be possible but China has stated that they wanted the Liberal party to stay in power. So with NDP’s help this has happened. You can make your own conclusion.


Imagine casting a vote for a traitor because you didn't know since the list was not released before the election? The responsible thing to do is release the list so everyone is in the know.


Yep, but they are probably all complicit and therefore want none of it released. I’m sure it will come out though.


Canadians need to blow this up. This is huge. This is a major, serious issue. Do not let those scumbags bury this. This is bugger than SNC lavalin, this is bigger than Blackface, this is bigger than fancy socks or Aga Khan vacations. This is treason. This is selling out your country's democracy to foreign interests. This is *really bad* and cannot go away. This isn't the "election reform" that I signed up for.


There needs to be consequences for bad faith politicians in Canada , otherwise we will all die covered in shit.




We've let politicians get cozy with taking kickbacks from corporations, so now they've said "Why not countries too?"


Unless they call an election tomorrow, there’s no way this will not get leaked before an election.  There are too many people in the know already (both elected and unelected officials), and too many MPs looking to cover their asses with their seats on the line and not go down with a sinking ship. It would be different it was just CSIS and the PMO but it’s way past that it this point.




Yup and if I win the lottery I'll be a millionaire. The lottery win is the more likely of those two scenarios


I imagine there's some liberals who have had to toe the party line for awhile now and have been waiting for an opportunity to sink their leadership, I don't think the party is strong enough to keep something like this from the public


There absolutely are. Especially if they can point to it as being out of touch party leadership hiding information and shaking fists to clean up the mess kind of stuff.


>They know they can't before the election or they'll lose I'm certain they've given up any hope of of winning next year's election. A taco could run against Trudeau's Liberals and win at this point. They're stalling like they usually do so people will forget. They do this every scandal and it's shitty to say, but it has been working for them.


Actually it will be worse if they don’t disclose before the election…currently they are ALL guilty before being proved innocent. Hiding this along with the carbon tax numbers makes them all look guilty.


It might be one of the ways the liberals are keeping the NDP in line and why they continue to blindly keep the Government in power. I am pretty sure if you figure out who had massive numbers of memberships sold for nomination races and who had busloads of immigrants brought to polling stations by outside actors it might become very obvious.


They'll likely lose more then just that, if a bulk of those names are in the liberal party then it may destroy it completely, they are basically harbering traitors and should be treated as aiding and abbeding criminals.


It's probably why the names aren’t being revealed, the RCMP is currently investigating foreign interference. Releasing the names now might derail the investigation if they are still gathering evidence.


Sure so long as that’s happening. The LPC would be foolish to underestimate how much damage this will do to them if things get leaked before the RCMP lays charges.


A leak will hurt the LPC but can also hurt the RCMP if they haven't completed their investigation. It's harder to investigate someone when they know their name is out there.


I think it's safe to say that the people who are acting as de factor foreign agents, know they're acting in that role and know they are under suspicion/investigation. The big risk is that they flee the country and don't face jail time, which would frankly be fine with me so long as safe guards are in place to ensure it doesn't happen again.


The bigger risk is that if no criminal charges are made against them because of a lack of evidence, not only would they not face the courts but they could sue for defamation if their names are said outside of Parliament.


Doesn't look likely RCMP will do anything Per g&m The report said the instances of federal politicians collaborating with foreign states may be illegal but they are unlikely to lead to criminal charges because of a “long-standing issue of protecting classified information and methods in judicial processes.”


Apparently though, none of the intelligence sources can be used in a prosecution because our allies have placed restrictions on how it can be used. Source: [https://x.com/MercedesGlobal/status/1798717081250144729](https://x.com/MercedesGlobal/status/1798717081250144729) In other words, even with smoking gun evidence, no one will face jail time because none of the evidence can be used in a court of law.


That seems very undemocratic


None of the evidence from intelligence sources, any other evidence found during the investigation would be valid unless of course the investigators give the evidence they collected to the intelligence community.


Doubt it’s going to be investigated. Let’s be honest, if no libs were in the report they absolutely would have revealed the names and we all know the rcmp refuse to investigate anything the Trudeau government does.


The RCMP is asleep at the wheel on most major issues: drugs, money laundering, car theft, foreign interference...


Never imagined I’d read a headline like this in my lifetime. Shameful what Canada has become.


[At the SECU committee meeting on Parliamentarians allegedly engaging in domestic collaboration with foreign governments to the detriment of Canada. Liberal Jennifer O’Connell heckling and laughing. CPC Caputo demands release of names. LeBlanc refuses says it’s irresponsible.](https://x.com/MercedesGlobal/status/1798696188688158987) [O’Connell to the Conservatives demanding the release of names “Boo hoo, get over it.”](https://x.com/MercedesGlobal/status/1798696379587633256) "I'm worried there are traitors in our law making body" *Liberals start to laugh* wtf


Most corrupt government and party in Canadian history. At this point it's safe to assume the entire Liberal Party are traitors.


So are their supporters as far as I'm concerned.


Fucking Canada hanged Riel for less than this.


We almost toppled a government over expensive orange juice not long ago. That standards sure have dropped.


This is truly an awful day for Canada. This country feels so dirty.


An awful day for Canada, and therefore the world.


Anyone else wondering what the broader implications of this are? Like the CCP fixed a vote with that one guy. It would explain why our representatives are complete jokes, it would honestly explain so much…with the simplest fix make government issued ID mandatory for party membership to vote for a representative in the pre-election bit. Where if these “hostile foreign states” plan is just to have idiots in power…and they are successful. I’m not really bent out of shape by their actions, it’s basically trolling and we kinda deserve it imo.


I’m in a spiral wondering how many policies in the past few years that didn’t make sense or didn’t actually benefit Canadians were an outcome of this. I think we need harsher punishments for colluding with foreign governments and to have those involved put through a trial.


It explains so much and it terrifies me. I knew for years now as I watched housing and food prices literally double within the span of two years, while the government did nothing, that something is SERIOUSLY wrong… and whatever it is, is not excused by ignorance - it is intentionally malicious. We as citizens cannot let them get away with this.


Mass migration is one. India is number 2 after China for foreign interference. Hell, India successfully pulled off the easiest assassination ever due to how easy it is to migrate here.


It is worth considering that, at one time, people could be hung for almost any crime. The idea was that the severity of the punishment would deter people from breaking the law. Today, many say that capital punishment never worked as a deterrent. I will dryly note that crime rates then were a fraction of what they are today. In fact, I think it did work, but people turned against it because their basic humanity couldn't accept seeing poor people die for petty crimes, such as stealing food. Which is right. When reform first took hold, the death penalty was eliminated as an option for all crimes, but three. Murder, rape, and treason. Just to put the significance of treason in its proper perspective.


Treason all of them


North America is just a cold proxy war for other countries.


I'd say they're more than just successful. the world economic forum is a hostile foreign organization and our prime minister is a member. if canadians don't bat an eye at that, I imagine the CCP, russia, india, whatever, feel pretty confident that they can get their guys in too. hostile foreign powers have penetrated canadian politics on every level.


I would say don't let perm residents vote in party matters, require them to be citizens.


That's the entire point, they want weak leadership so there's no threat in their path to dominance, it also happened in the US as well (why do you think Biden got in, politics aside, the guy isn't mentally all there, you can tell by just looking at him, especially for people who are familiar with what dementia looks like). Strong leaders pose a threat to them, that's why they want weak leaders like Trudeau, and they have paid off lobby and think tank groups including his own cabinet/party who are pushing for policies that will destroy Canada and already have.


absolutely insane


Well, that secured that the liberals aren’t getting my vote in the next election. Conclusively.


This needs to be a confidence vote. Get Singh's vote on record.


He's all bark and no bite. He won't do anything.


Even his bark is more like soft meowing, he's pathetic


This might be an opportunity for him to make some hay for once. Stop being seen as a weakling who cries on twitter but follows what Justin wants in the house.


He doesn’t care he’s not winning his riding next time but he wants his pension so he absolutely will not call an election until he’s put in the required time.


This right here- why the fuck do we put up with this?


Because people are extremely tribalistic and are rooted in red vs blue. It's the same reason why the statement "Canada doesn't vote in politicians it only votes them out" exists.


Well, there’s no way to vote on unredacting a report, or for him to make it a confidence vote. What he could do is have on his MPs on the committee read the list of names into the parliamentary record so they’ll have immunity, but that’s a bombshell move and last resort


Any MP in the house can call for a vote of no confidence.


Lol singh has no power or spine to do a damn thing, never has.


Oh he's in a great position to use some power; he could work with the CPC to shut down unpopular LPC motions whenever he wants. He just won't, because he's completely spineless, and the NDP is just Diet LPC.


Can CSIS just release the list without these rats voting it out to save their own hides? We all know that every politician is probably part of this mess and it would be nice to have the independent group for national security to publish their findings.


This country is a complete joke. What the fuck is going on


Basic corruptions 101 where no one is liable, because hey : post national country !


I'm just gobsmacked. If it was their opponents they would've buried them with this so obviously it was our current kleptocrats that benefited


Remember this: Singh is propping this government up. He's talking up a storm, but not acting. He has the power to force Trudeau's hand on this.


Propping up this government makes the NDP complicit


He should call a vote of no confidence over this. It’s his best chance at saving the NDP from oblivion and stealing LPC seats. He will probably not get a better opportunity before the election happens automatically.


The NDP are fools not to press this, so it is very much on brand for them, yes. It is unlikely their MPs or candidates are involved to the degree of the LPC or CPC simply because the NDP is significantly less entrenched in the political system (they just cant seem to get elected). They should use their outside status to their advantage, since this report likely contains both LPC and CPC names.


This is all about MP pensions, which kick in just before the next scheduled election. Trudeau could murder someone on the House floor, and Singh would continue propping up this government until then. This is all about them making bank.


NDP: Need Dat Pension


This is why I will never, ever, ever vote NDP


>Liberals will not release names of parliamentarians accused of collaborating with hostile foreign states And nor will they prevent the bad actors from continuing said collaboration.


I guess the voter has to assume that it could be any or all of them and not vote for any incumbents.


Instead, they will continue their corruption and treason activities while we stand by. Why did we stop hanging for treason again?


This is not okay, screw this government tbh 😡


“It’s treason then”


I’ve been watching the spin on this. Liberals won’t name. Liberals won’t commit to confirming if they will be removed from Caucasus. All fingers have been pointed at the RCMP, because they are fully aware that the RCMP can’t name unless charges have been laid, which would take a very long time. In fact, the RCMP are not confirming they are even investigating. Canadians need to demand answers on this and accept nothing less.


Fucking pathetic. Hey China, you guys mind sharing that list? The liberals have just provided you *another* stellar opportunity to divide and misinform by refusing to be up front and honest about this.


Election. Now.


I'd like to know if the guy I'm casting my vote for appears on a list or not. List today, vote tomorrow.


We should just assume they are all traitors then.  Seeing as there will be no repercussions for our parliamentarians treason, where do we go from here?


Most transparent government in history.


“Liberals will not release their own names” is what I’m hearing. Canada is messed up. Corruption is king.


Most open and transparent government ever!


At what point can we consider the choice to not release the names a criminal act and part of the conspiracy?


— shit economy based on real estate, mass immigration and government spending — massive food and rent inflation — cannibalized middle class — entrenched, hostile monopolies — zero GDP growth + ballooning debt — deteriorating healthcare and other public services — government spending scandals that go unanswered for like lavalin and ArriveCAN — homelessness, drug, and mental health catastrophes in every city that only seems to get worse — foreign meddling with zero accountability — the industrialization of organized crime; money laundering, drug dealing, human trafficking, etc — creeping government overreach and censorship — cynical, mostly-fake political issues used to divide the public Each one of these is a major issue and yet we live with all of them.


Tell me the liberal government is corrupt without telling me they’re corrupt. Inexcusable 


Should be treason at this point


The Liberal government is aiding treason. Trust in the institution of Canadian government is dead.


It is for you. It is for me, too. And lots of others. But the majority of Canadians see something about foreign interference and go on with their day. Of course, that would all change if the media covering this had the courage to use the word 'spying', but nobody's going to go anywhere near the unvarnished truth on this. They will continue to use sanitized and obscure language until this all blows over, the MPs get their golden pensions and the Liberals ride off into the sunset for a couple of election cycles.


It was killed years ago by this gov. The corpse lies rotting and the stench is unbearable.


If this has the opportunity to damage the CPC. The Liberals would have released the names to the CBC and other Liberal friendly news organizations.


I don't think they would if they'd also have their own names and I would be surprised if it's just one party.  I don't believe in honest politicians, lib or con is irrelevant in that regard, the only difference is which people they think are easier to manipulate.


Why are they protecting traitors? People aiding traitors are also traitors.


Trying to save the foot is gonna cost them the leg. Cut off the shit that's bad and save what you can. Not like there's much to save. "The scandals will balance themselves" I'm sure the Libs have SOME good ideas but God damn it's hard to see past everything they've done just in the past year, let alone their entire stint in office.


Hey, remember when Trudeau stood in front of cameras back in 2015, right after the election, and told the world “We’re back”? Here we are in 2024. Worst performing G7 country. Economy on the verge of smouldering ruins. Young people literally giving up on home ownership. Increasingly belligerent immigration policies. A tax that makes no sense hoisted on us. Healthcare in shambles. An alarming number of scandals. Egregious financial mismanagement. And the list goes on. And now spies. We have elected officials who are literal spies for foreign countries. Has the modern era ever seen a country sabotage itself so quickly and viciously?


I'm patiently waiting for Reddit's Liberal lovers to come up with some reasoning here


They are the people that keep commenting "all parties are the same anyway, everyone bad"


Yep, because they know the Liberals will get toasted in the upcoming election. Their plan B is to spread apathy. *"All parties are the same amirite? Might as well stay home on election day bros!"* 😉


... but ... guns! Abortions!


Those damn conservatives and their importing of american cultural wedge issues!




On the 80th birthday of the Nomandy landings, from which many will never return, we now have treasonous elected officials covering up the action of other elected traitors. A pathetic shame.


Is Canada even a real country anymore if politicians aren't held accountable for what is starting to smell like Treason.


I bet the venn diagram of their safe seats in Toronto and Vancouver and these traitor MPs is probably a circle.


**ignites lightsaber** This is treason, then.


Not naming them is not really an option. This isn't going to go away.


Well then we have to assume every liberal politician is compromised. If it was the CPC the CBC would already have it.


The Liberals believe the coverup will be less damaging than the truth, and the coverup significantly damages them. That's how bad this situation is.


That means that several ministers and/or a large number of Liberal MPs are implicated.




I have been told by some ABC voters on this sub that it is in fact all the parties, but mostly the CPC, and the LPC is taking one for the team by not releasing names in order to protect citizen’s faith in democracy…. Or something. 


The mental gymnastics they’re doing with this is frankly amazing to witness.


I'm convinced ABC voters are just Liberal supporters playing dress up. They always seem to come out of the woodwork to insist that the NDP have no chance of ever actually governing, so their only viable strategy is to prop up a corrupt and unpopular Liberal government in exchange for policy crumbs.


The whole idea of ABC means very little nine years post Harper and anyone calling themselves that at this point has no idea what they’re talking about.


Lies, coverup, corruption and incompetence. It's nonstop and it's daily with the Liberals and it's getting worse. Im so disgusted with the Liberals and NDP destroying the country. We need an election now.


One will have to assume they were all Liberals then.....


Just most. But don't worry, private committees and RCMP higher ups will redact much of any evidence and we'll have to take their word on what they found...


They are hoping we will forget about this in a few weeks, just like we have forgot about the ArriveCan thing even after it was found that the companies were awarded over 1 Billion in contracts. Our politicians must feel invincible, they have gotten away with enormous amounts of incompetence and corruption all while enriching themselves and their friends. Unfortunately, I doubt anyone will face real consequences.


I generally agree with not releasing the names based on allegations. That's a hard genie to put back in the bottle once we get in the habit of publicizing damaging information before we have all the facts. What I don't agree with is the casual "we have the resources to investigate it if necessary". This should be a very clear "we will spare no expense getting to the bottom of this and anyone proven to be compromised will be punished". I also hope we don't let the typical goldfish memory syndrome kick in here. If we don't have this information by 2025, we need to press Poilievre to commit to the same. It's too easy to use this to knock a few points off the liberals polling numbers and conveniently forget about it by next year.


I’m not voting liberal this time any way. They have messed up one too many times and are absolutely out of touch with the people who voted them in. This incident and them not being transparent is just the cherry on top.


Honestly every sitting MP should be voted out. Not going to happen but should be what people do just to be safe.


So they're actively protecting traitors?


Jesus Christ. What the fuck is wrong with politicians. The corruption is insane.


If they wont release the names what else are we supposed to assume? Its most likely made up of mostly (if not all) Liberal names. Is anyone willing to argue that they are trying to protect the Conservatives? Wash, rinse, repeat. It really doesn’t matter anyways. The illusion of choice.




Has anyone seen the rise of severe corruption in Canada after the left got in the office?


We’ve investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.


People in Ottawa need to get off the Libs dick and go protest on Parliament Hill till these names get released. If the capital was physically located in Alberta, all 3 blocks would be burnt to the ground already. We need to be more like France... Unfortunately, it's not geographically feasible for most people to physically go and show their disdain for our current government officials


All parties are shit and they all need to clean house.


Honestly burn it all down - these parties have tarnished any faith that constituents should have in them. They no longer deserve to represent Canadians and Canada.


The only reasons this ain’t being released is because the LPC would be most impacted. I’d imagine it would also reflect poorly on POC/female MP’s. If it was all white guys from the CPC, we’d know who they are by now


Remember tho, this is the self proclaimed most transparent Canadian government in history.


They've always preferred themselves over Canadian citizens.


1000% Han Dong and the Liberal Senator whos always defending China & calling false racism claims are on the list, Its pretty clear Trudeau is complicit in allowing all this to take place, they have NO credibility in anything they say as they blatantly prioritize their election over the safety of Canadians. They tried to hide all this with the corrupt David Johnson report which only resulted in an old senile White guy gaslighting persecuted minorities.


This should be illegal... we are run by crooks


> Mr. LeBlanc told the committee that Canadians should be reassured that national security agencies and the police have the resources they need and can investigate and lay charges as they deem appropriate. “That’s our system in a rule of law democracy. It’s not simply releasing a series of names.”


>NSICOP said some of the cases of foreign interference they examined might have involved illegal activity but are unlikely to end in criminal charges "owing to Canada's failure to address the long-standing issue of protecting classified information and methods in judicial processes." >McGuinty acknowledged police have struggled to secure charges based on intelligence. >"It's difficult to get intelligence in the broad daylight of a courtroom because it speaks to the protection of sources and methods," he said. >"Look, this is a big issue for intelligence law enforcement folks who have been asking for some improvement in this area." >The use of intelligence as evidence has been a long-standing point of contention between Canada's security agencies, the police and the courts. >The "intelligence to evidence" dilemma involves striking a balance between the need to shield sensitive intelligence and law enforcement's use of that information, while protecting an accused's right to a fair trial. That doesn't sound like they have the resources they need at all. It sounds like Dominic LeBlanc is full of shit.


This is the thing. I don’t want any government dropping a list of “suspected collaborator” MP’s ever. That’s the fastest way to normalizing actual banana republic activity. The RCMP and PPSC have the evidence and if they believe in the possibility of conviction, start charging fools. If the Government is influencing what would otherwise be a decision to charge? Leak that shit, it would be the most clearly moral leak in decades. *But* if the evidence isn’t there, if as other documents have stated, the foreign influence etc. was successfully washed such that candidates/PM’s didn’t know or suspect; if law enforcement is going after the “actual spies” involved? Let them cook.  The last thing we need is a witch hunt in an environment where our media and discourse have become so Americanized that people are frothing at the mouth to support bad policy - so long as it comes from the right mouth and owns their “opponents.”


The days of considering Canada a first-world country, in my opinion are gone. We have some serious corruption at the highest levels of our Government and have for some time - only now is it becoming clear just how much, but make no mistake, there is very likely a LOT of scandal, bad actors, and corruption that is and has been held from public knowledge for years. I truly wonder how bad it needs to get before complacent Canadians have enough and come together to protest our government for selling the country out in all the ways they have.


I really don't understand how at this point anyone can still back the LPC. This is undoubtedly one of the worst scandals to happen to our Country in the last 100 years. And the LPC and their supporters are just shrugging it off. I just don't get it...


Liberal Supporters, Please defend this. This is the MOST non partisan issue possible. Release the names of EVERY MP regardless of their party affiliation, Remove them from the house, Begin the process of charging them with treason. NDP supporters, Singh's Silence on this is complicit support. Why are you supporting the protection of people working directly against the country's best interests?




It's not jut the CCP. It's India as well.


paywall [https://archive.ph/tVjws](https://archive.ph/tVjws) but click on the globe link so they know we want to see this more. keep pressuring these traitors


Wouldn't surprise me after all those contagious viral samples sent back to China from the National virology lab in Manitoba. Now, that story is so hilariously incompetent, that, I wouldn't blame any ally for not sharing intelligence with our government.


Demand to know by writing your MP. At least you will be able to say you that didn't take the latest series of LPC abuses and insults completely sitting down, doing nothing about it. If only the outrage here actually translated into something.


It's time for mass protest


Did anyone see in the same report that China paid Canadian media to write articles and change etc..


Why would the Liberals self incriminate? You know they are the source of corruption. As a Canadian we should take a scalpel and cut the cancer out. I'm fine if there is nothing left, I'm done with my country anyways.


You can't just cover something this big up. It has to play out and needs to play out or Canadians will lose all trust in Government institutions. This is bigger than many people want to believe. If Trudeau and the Liberals ignore this and try to bury it, then Election must be called now! And the NDP need to support this and force a vote of non-confidence or do they have something to hide?


Covering up the scandals again


Probably mostly Liberals organizing immigration. Next thing you know they'll be changing election laws allowing recent immigrants and permanent residents to vote.


Parm Bains and Han dong aren't worried /s


Why was Han Dong kicked out of the Liberal caucus & not invited back since then? Maybe we have our first name.


harboring traitors, seems like a new low.


Maybe they're liberals then?


They're traitors to the country, jail at minimum.


When are we going to actually get angry about something? This is egregious! We should be descending on the Parliament with pitchforks until they release the list.


You want me to rat me out?


This goes hand in hand with Trudeau, Freeland and half the Cabinet being members of the World Economic Forum. Traders every one of them! If they are not directly guilty, they are guilty by association! Throw out every single one of them and start over with a new slate.


Admitting they will not release the name is a nail in a coffin for me. What else are they hiding


This government is beyond sickening... what an absolute disgrace.


Our government is not acting in the best interest of Canadians. Our country is at risk. We let in so many people into this country without batting an eye. How many spies did we let in? How many immigrants that came to Canada that are working for foreign governments to undermine Canada? This is bad, like really really bad. What honestly is our course of action? Genuinely asking because we need to do something at this point.


So the Liberals believe that being suspected of treason is better than having the truth come out. Well now, that should tell us all just how bad this actually is. The list likely includes multiple cabinet ministers, and could very well include Justin Trudeau himself.


Where is anonymous when you need them xD lol


I have to assume its because an important Liberal is on the list. If it was backbenchers from multiple parties, there'd be action.


Time for an election.


Another scandal onto the pile


The MPs named should resign until a full investigation is complete. Regardless of party. That's the bare minimum.


And are we to believe JT did not know about any of this as he claimed


Is there like Anonymous hackers out there that can hack/access this info and release it to the people?


What rationale is provided for not releasing the information? Honestly. How do you justify this


> What rationale is provided for not releasing the information? My bet is on the "admiration of basic Chinese dictatorship"


This is because the Liberals cater to both Canadian and Chinese elites. There is absolutely no valid reason not to prosecute politicians who collude with foreign powers. They have to swear loyalty to Canada and the king!


Liberals have ruined Canada. Never heaed of this kind of shit ever before


Traitorist bastards, the lot of them, and their protectors.


Hopefully those found guilty are stripped of their pension too




I wonder if a certain Jara Tamma will be on that list for the love of the IRGC.


Put them all in jail, lock these crooks up


*Release the hounds!*


I heard that the could get in trouble with the law if they do… so why would they?




Anonymous please help :)


Keep hounding them on this, this is seriously more important than anything happening in Canada right now.