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Imagine... Freeland leading. That's even more horrifying...


I think the more likely replacement is Mark Carney, but that is if Trudeau goes down with the ship. If he resigns before the election, yea it will be Freeland. But she's doomed to go down with the ship anyway. No way the party let's her near an elected leadership position.


Carney isn't taking the helm unless the rest of the top Liberals also go. Him taking over right now would just be captaining a sinking ship. Best case for him is for an early election call that obliterates the Liberals, all the top brass leave or get the boot and then he comes in as leader.


Carney currently has a sweet gig at Brookfield running their energy transition investments making millions why would he give that up for this


He’s a civic-minded guy.


That’s honestly the best pathway for Canada


The best pathway would be the Liberals becoming rightfully irrelevant and the NDP becoming a serious party


The NDP is a political corpse. Zero vision, zero substance. It should also go the way of the dinosaur. Whatever centre-left party arises out of the Liberal ashes after the election should distance themselves as much as possible from Trudeau and his nonsense.


With Singh at the helm, I agree with everything you said. If the NDP would finally replace him and get back to the Jack-era NDP, they’d be a viable alternative to vote for.


They’d equally have to gut leadership and revert their identity back to being a blue collar party. Which is probably a bigger hill to climb.


I'll never vote ndp after they're comments against white males.


I don't see this happening with most of the nutty ndp stuff these days, I've met a brilliant NDP politician in person, but I'm certain he is an outlier.


You think the best thing for Canada is if our centrist left party becomes irrelevant and a further left disaster of a political party becomes serious? That's just begging for further polarization in the country. If people think Trudeau is a disaster watch what happens when an even further thing to actual left ideals gets into power. For the record, not saying that would be a bad thing but in reality the NDP are too liberal for the majority of Canada. Liberals just need to go through the process of finding a real identity post-Trudeau. They'll be back, hopefully, much improved.


>Best case for him is for an early election call that obliterates the Liberals, all the top brass leave or get the boot and then he comes in as leader. Best case for Canada as well.


Yes but it will take a long time to rebuild. Look at the current Ontario Liberals and Federal PCs in the early 1990s. Can't see Carney joining a struggling party and grinding it out for years.


Freeland will get Kim Campbelled!


Kim Campbell situation but she was a shit show too. Not to Freelands depths but ya know


Kim wasn't terrible. Plus, she had the best summer job in the history of the public service


Lol best ever


You say Kim Campbell but everyone in that situation pictures themself as a Kathleen Wynne.


Yes that's much much worse. Well tie?


Canada has a proud tradition of the leader of an embattled party holding on until the last minute and absolutely fucking their replacement.


Lol chretien vibes for sure. What did Harper do out of curiosity? I do hope against hope Trudeau does that to Freeland. She's an absolute disaster and would do more damage than Trudeaus ever done.


Harper stuck it out and lost, didn't he? I was thinking of Ernie Eves and Kim Campbell particularly, but yeah Paul Martin is a good example. Turner too, iirc


The worst part is Paul Martin was actually a competent sensible guy and probably the best finance minister Canada had in some time. But personality of a potato.


Harper was a bit different though. It was neck and neck between the three parties until a month before the election.


Wynne though she would have lost on her own


Wynne won at least one election after she replaced McGuinty


Paul Martin actually won an election.


Harper was there and then lost the election (overall - he won his seat). He resigned immediately, and things moved to an interim leader.


Nah, Martin fucked himself on that one. The adscam scandal broke over a year after the backbench revolt Martin lead.


Proud tradition? It's only happened twice (Trudeau->Turner and Mulroney->Campbell). Both those had very exceptional circumstances. Chretien and Harper never did it. Pearson or Diefenbaker never did it.


Chretien left the liberal party in flames and Paul Martin to pick up the pieces after the sponsorship scandal.


The sponsorship scandal was a joke compared to any of the scandals we have heard about this year.


Chretien was also forced out though, his retirement wasn't to avoid defeat in the general election -- and, indeed, Martin won the next election, albeit with a minority.


That's why Dominic TheWhite is making a move for leadership.


Her voice sounds like a step mom who hates anyone having fun


Everything about her is just weirdly off-putting. Not only does she have no charisma, she can't even pretend to act like a normal human being.


I'm actually astonished on how much she just grinds my gears


Everything about her is unlikeable. Everything.


I'm with you. I physically recoil at listening to her. Its incredible.


Me too! I give myself some credit for not letting people’s weird behaviours, tone of voice, etc get to me. It helps me with my business day to day immensely…. But her? I have no idea wtf it is. I think it’s the condescending tone and Chrystiasplaining she does all the time that gets me. 


Meh, people said that about Harper, too. He was decent enough at his job. LET ME BE CLEAR, I think Freeland would be terrible for reasons unrelated to her personality.




Winston Churchill wouldn't like this brand of thinking!


Who’d he clap for?


The Wolfman.


She would be far worse than Trudeau. And that's saying something.


Wouldn’t that be a treat to have her lecture Canadians like we’re all in kindergarten. EVERY SINGLE DAY


her patronizing way of speaking really makes me furious 


I find it almost impossible to listen to her speak for even a few seconds, she’s that insufferable She’s one of the only people ever that I can’t stand listening to


For the love of God...... no.


The whole party needs a huge purging. The shallow leftists who’ve been in control since 2014 have driven every freedom loving, fiscally responsible, business friendly, economic growth oriented liberal out of the party. Nothing remains of the Chrétien/Martin Liberals that slew the deficit, grew the economy and balanced the books. What remains in the party is a collection of lunatic pseudo socialists and gross incompetents who have no clue how to build an economy and probably don’t think that economic growth is good. They need to be out of government for many years.


It's the party insiders and advisors that are the problem. Replacing Trudeau won't change that. They need to spend multiple election cycles in the political wilderness to purge the party of the Katie Telfords and Gerald Butts who are a cancer to this country. Once they're finally purged, the party can return to their centrist roots instead of this current iteration which revolves around social issues, zero fiscal responsiblity with a spoonful of globalism and corporatism mixed in. The venn diagram of middle class destruction.


You nailed it. The venn diagram of middle class destruction! I’m laughing but also crying because it’s so true


> Katie Telfords and Gerald Butts Yep, both of them should be in jail.


I'd rather get a lobotomy.


Pretty sure the only person hated more than her is Miller.


She isn't going to replace him. She's as likely as anyone to be one of the mps working with hostile foreign powers as she already wears a second hat for the wef. Which in the context of her not saying if any cabinet members were involved would make a little more sense. To quote her "to be clear" I have zero evidence or sources to confirm it, I just really don't like her.


It will be a tough sell for Trudeau if it decides to run again. Making new promises rings hollow when you’ve had three terms in office. Regardless of the excuses, voters are always going to see you as being at the helm when the current mess came to be. I would predict a massive fearmongering campaign, same as the last two elections, but on steroids


There's no way liberal will replace him now. Odds are, liberals will lose this election. Why not let Trudeau take all the blame and hate. After this election, Trudeau will resign and they can present a new face and pretend they've changed and turned over a new leaf.


Because if he stays he could be a Wynne. 6 years and Two elections later and they still dont have party status and aren’t likely to get it back anytime soon.


This is also because the Liberal cannot produce a candidate that people would vote for. I'm in Ontario and I haven't seen any notable candidate from them. This could very well happen to Federal Liberals too. Simply there isn't any good candidates people would rally behind.


I've always had a drinking game with my friends every election, and one rule is crack open a beer every time we heard the ol' reliable "Conservatives will ban/restrict abortion!" dog whistle. I might need a pallet of beer this round. Edit: lol for all those thinking we don't also have rules in this game for the Tories as well, we do. We have them for all of the parties. One for them is every time they directly point the blame for a broad Canadian issue directly on Trudeau, take a drink. For the NDP, we have Everytime Singh proposes fixing something by "taxing the 1%" without elaborating, take a drink. Like c'mon, it wouldn't be a very good drinking game if it was just at one party, would it?


Right? And the one thing that is never explained is how we made it through ten years of conservative rule before this government without women losing their right to choose. Pure fearmongering, but some people still gobble it up or they wouldn’t waste their time on it


The same way America did but still lost it?


A fucking donkey would be better than Trudeau, but they need someone who can  speak over the loyalist and ideologues in the party.


>Just 17 per cent of those surveyed said they think Trudeau should stay on as Liberal leader in the next election. Who are these 17%? Other than a few of the usual suspects on here, are there that many landlords and Tim Hortons franchisees in this country?


Honestly you could probably get 17% of Canadians to vote for a dog wearing sunglasses. 


What kind of sunglasses? Aviators?


ray bans


Then yes I’d vote for that dog on principle.


A dog would do less damage than Trudeau


Where’s Spuds Mackenzie when you need him?


Pit vipers or bust.


that's 34% of the popular vote


on a skateboard?


no, texting and driving while drinking a smoothie


Careful. You’re going to get him elected MP for Woodbridge.


Much more than 17%, that dog would win a majority government if it's party members were also dogs. At this point just not actively working to make things worse would be a massive improvement. Also that house of commons one would become the most watched Canadian TV channel


If we had a majority government of dogs running around the House of Commons and the opposition were a bunch of nonplussed members of the major parties, question period would probably become the world’s most popular show.  Speaker Roofus: “woof woof woof” Translator: “the honourable leader of the opposition.” Opposition leader: “I am going to ask again why the Prime Minister hasn’t passed a single bill in the entire year since the election.” Prime Minister Pepper amid barking at nothing in particular from the government bench: “woof woof woof”   


this would be an incredible cbc comedy series


I'd rather vote for said dog than the options we have. dog wouldn't even need to wear sung glasses but it would help.


At the present moment in time that would be the best option. Edit: think about it. Loyal. Uncorruptable. Cool enough to wear shades. That hair though. 


Ain’t no rule that says a dog wearing sunglasses can’t run for PM!


CPC supporters who want the easiest win possible. It doesn't say that the 17% want to vote for him.


Aging liberals insulated from domestic issues, of which there are quite a few; it's crime, drug use, rising property taxes that are finally driving them away -- with a healthy dose of having to share healthcare resources with immigrants, who, unlike young Canadians are better equipped and more experienced in fighting for entitlements.




Not just property owning or 50+ but women in general since PP will make it illegal to be women or something else ridiculous according to them. If this wasn’t the case NDP should have way more support.


>Who are these 17%? The Susan Delacourt readership.


People who read the news once a year maybe and are mortgage free on a fixed, stable income and thus have been immune and oblivious to the fun shit storm most of us have borne witness to


This seems to be the consensus, people who have the luxury to be disconnected from the worst of the issues over the last 8 years. I mean, I would be way more sympathetic to the LPC if I owned a home and even more sympathetic if I owned it outright. Hell, I may vote for the guy who outwardly says my home value will stay high. But as a young person that has the opposite effect.


People like my mom. Watch CNN all day long, hate Trump, hate Doug Ford, still remember Mulroney and the GST, still hate Harper, wish PE Trudeau was still PM and give his son a ton of leeway because of his last name and think of him like a royal, rather than a person who needs to be elected.


> Watch CNN all day long, hate Trump, hate Doug Ford, still remember Mulroney and the GST, still hate Harper, wish PE Trudeau was still PM Well, I don't watch CNN but the rest kinda works for me.


Hating trump and Ford tbh is quite normal. In fact not hating trump is prob a bigger issue tbh.


I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm just painting the picture for you of a 75 year old Ontario woman who still loves JT that is my mom.


They're Liberals who know they're going to lose, and want Trudeau to take the loss so someone else doesn't have to.


Well, if I were a die-hard lib, I would take the strategic position that we're going to get destroyed anyway, so it might as well be JT going down with the ship, rather than another candidate who could be valuable during our re-build. But I do feel like I'm giving that 17% a huge benefit of the doubt.


Agreed. Let him be Kim Cambelled so the 10 year rebuild may begin.


People that are still drinking the cool aid, mainly


How many of those 17% are people thinking he should stay on to really drive the nail in the coffin?


That is easy to answer: public sector and retired public sector, plus people at the bottom of the financial payscale, that hope there still is money to be found for keeping them afloat, despite the insane debt level. There are some old retired folks on limited income that also hope someone else will pay for their life needs, because they struggle as well.


Cons who want the libs to lose?


There are so many delusional people I come across on various social media that think the Liberal/NDP govt are doing a great job. Remember out of the total population, \~15% of people are in the lowest 2 sigma distribution of intelligence...and they are out there breathing in and breathing out with not much else going on in their heads, and their vote is just as powerful as any normal well informed person. Even if you hate PP....we collectively have to send a message that treating the Canadian people like this will not be tolerated. The daily new taxes the tax raises, the 'sin' taxes trying to control our behavior, the dozens of scandals that would have taken down any other govt, the gross misspending, the infringement of our rights to own personal property, the rampant narcism where he cannot accept that HE is the problem just like his father...it's just not tolerable any longer to either political party.


Likely the same people who wear a mask while driving alone with the windows up on an empty road.


I would imagine they are the constituents in Liberal MP ridings who are really eager not to name names with the current treason scandal.


People that recognize there still isn't any better options.




If you give yourself enough runway you can ditch your party's figurehead, put a new guy in, and blame everyone on the guy you ousted. Worked spectacularly for the Alberta UCP, and the majority of voters irrationally hated the NDP's Notley more than a smug pseudoscience psychopath. Everything Jason Kenney did, as part of that same UCP? The worst infection rates per capita in the country? The deaths? The mismanaged healthcare? Forgotten, apparently! The Liberals absolutely could kick JT out and copy PP's script in throwing JT under the bus for everything. "Woof! Lotta extra people added lately, amirite? Sure are no houses around here! That last fellah was a real piece of work! But we're the *new* Liberals and it's gonna be different now!". Y'know, like every party has ever done.


For sure you can but unlike conservatives, liberals tend to focus on party action rather than outrage politics. They would need to clear the entire front bench and anyone who’s held a ministerial position in the last 4 years. They need younger, generational talent to step up and be supported by some new party strategists, coupled with a few old heads who know the inner politics of Ottawa. And they need to start doing it yesterday.


That's the crux of the problem. They have no one to replace him with. Whoever would get picked would require an incredibly large advertising campaign to help establish brand awareness. I don't think anyone wants to end up in the history books like Paul Martin.


My party’s support is at historic lows Glen


Regardless of whether we vote liberal or conservative we will still live in the same neoliberal economic system that's causing growing wealth inequality and a rising cost of living in Canada. There's no escape, only a facade of left and right politics.


Yep, neoliberal is a wide swathe, way bigger than what people give it credit for. All of them just want to hand everything off to corps, just in differently-sized packaging.


Not really. Pretending everyone is the same is just a common tactic the Conservatives like to use rather then changing their platforms.


I agree in regards to Conservatives, capital C. Party-wide they are neoliberal. Just that also they rely on playing the field, and have infiltrated both of our other major parties. They realize they can't win on actual popularity alone, and rely on sowing division and selling fear to the rich.


Yep. Trudeau at least has childcare and pharmacare.  Most of the problems are at the provincial level and Canadians are too dumb to understand which levels of government are even involved in what. Doug Ford voters think he's fixing healthcare. Totally hopeless.


No worries. The guy said he’s done with politics. Oh wait. Sadly, politicians tend to be good at false promises.. so you can be worry again.


Changing the spokesperson doesn't change the talking points they're expected to repeat. You're basically stuck between choosing a party that acts like it's holding banks, real estate speculators, and megacorps accountable while only slowing down their greed. And a party that will roll out the red carpet for big business to monetize everything and jack up prices even more. Both of them need to get serious about the economic realities we live in, but that might not benefit them personally so they're content to just keep playing this game with people's lives and money.


im voting for j-roc


This guy won 3 elections. We have Noone to blame but ourselves.


On the other hand, the CPC has tried to sell us the same shtick 5 times in a row now, including Harper and Pierre. They haven't made any meaningful platform changes, except now they try to hide their platform as long as possible. Not an LPC voter, but seriously the CPC need to figure out if they actually want to govern or if they just want to go work in the private sector directly, where catering to the 1% is still profitable and doesn't involve dragging a country through the mud.


We have a series of brutal, metal-studded dildos on the ballot. Each of them will sell us out piece-by-piece. Each one will lie and break promises. We will be demonstrably worse off after their reign, regardless of who is chosen. Often, and usually exclusively, we're picking the person that we think will fuck us over *the slowest*. There wasn't a *right answer* that we personally missed. It's a combination of "all bad choices" and collective marketing and fear-mongering. There is *so much blame* to go around that is not each of ours. To be clear, because this sub is a real shit sometimes, ***no, I am not advocating for JT or the Liberals***.


Actually We have Ontario to blame


Yeah, that's the real conflicting problem for everyone. We have the Libs fucking things up at the federal level and Cons fucking things up at the Provincial level...everyone is confused.


The dumbest thing about this is people putting all their hate on Trudeau without realizing that it doesn't matter. It will all be the same with a different Liberal leader or Conservative party. They don't work for us because we vote for them no matter what and are too afraid or brain dead to try anything different. The voters have fucked this country, but they will never even think about taking responsibility.


I'd like to see the Libs, PCs, and the NDP axe all their current leaders. I'd like them to all select new leaders. I'd like to axe those new leaders. Then select new leaders again. Then we might have leaders worth voting for.


Micheal from The Office vibes. "I reject the first offer."




trudeau won't ever step down. Look at wynn, she had a 1% approval rating and refused to step down, these people have a fixation for power.


They have a fixation for power because their party supports it. They are extremely influential because all the bureaucrats and political advisers want that. Wynne was honored with the Liberal Party's most distinguished award for her decades of "service" after stepping down. When you have approval ratings lower than Trump and your party almost loses almost all seats that they can barely hang on to their provincial party status, is that worthy of an award? To most sane people who value democracy? No. To the LPC? Yes.


Please please please let the Liberals replace Trudeau with Freeland. Of course, I say this as someone who wants the Liberals to lose as badly as possible. I remember the last campaign they clearly thought, let’s give Chrystia some more profile here. So, right at the start they televised one of her appearances at a rally in Toronto. She came off like a deranged harpy, and that was the last we saw of her on the national campaign. I can only imagine what a full 36 days of that might accomplish.


The deranged harpy has former colleagues at Reuters and all media organizations because she used to be a "journalist". If you think these people are going to make her look bad, you're the one who's out to lunch.


Cool, that’s the only thing Sophie has in common with the average Canadian


As long as it's not Freeland it would be an improvement.


They all voted against any kind of help with grocery prices, so they can all go fuck their hats, not a single one gives a single shit about Canadians.


There are no good Liberal Candidates to replace him, they all know their best shot is in the election after this upcoming one. Why risk taking the L for Justin when you can run against PP after he's had fours years to piss people off.


Let's just crowdfund and build an AI PM.


Ya cuz freeland is a turd wipe


Yep. I'm done with him.


When do we get AI to replace politicians?


I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet. AI's a better liar than most of them.


Anyone but Trudeau for me. I'll most likely vote NDP just because they have the best chance of beating the Liberals in my riding. Either way, it's a conservative majority next election and it won't be as bad as this government.


Bracing for it to be worse, though. Pierre hasn't given any indication that he wants to actually make meaningful changes. Hopefully NDP makes some sort of gains from this, else I hope Jagmeet considers changing it up too.


Jagmeet is just as out of touch with reality as Trudeau, and he's propping him up. His gains will be a few more seats, if any. There are plenty of lifelong NDPers voting conservative next election. The NDP abandoned the working class in favour of the activist crowd. Not Jack Laytons NDP, that's for sure.


Exactly. I still believe in the principles of the party, but we need someone at *least* blue collar adjacent at the helm.




Lol @ your “Lol”


It's honestly better that Liberals get a thrashing and then a new leader comes in to pick up the pieces. If a replacement leader comes in now, it's highly unlikely that they'd be meaningfully different because 80% of current Liberal MPs came into office riding on Trudeau's coattails. If there's not that many Trudeau Liberals left after the next election then it's more likely the next leader will have greater success in reinventing the party similar to how Trudeau himself did when he became leader while the party only had 30 something seats.


Anyone thinking any of the current options will be better is losing it. Every single one including Trudy sucks


We want someone else to represent Liberals, we want someone else to represent NDP, and...well, for Conservatives, we want them to stick with somebody for at least 5 minutes.


I mean, that makes sense? Even in the last election he won about 1/3rd of the votes, and didn't even win the popular vote. 


Lol, does it matter? I don't know a single person that will be voting libs any time soon no matter who it is.


A freshly sharted pair of underwear are more popular than Justin Trudeau.


Doesn’t matter who they replace him with if they leave the carbon tax in place liberals will lose


How about no liberal to govern at all.


Not a fair metric. This 17% refers to people who vote Liberal. If you include the rest of Canadians, the figures must be in the high 20's


As a Conservative, I hope Trudeau runs, he’s the best chance the Liberals don’t get elected again.


3 times more likely, so far!


I don’t see the liberal party being any better with anyone else at the helm, though I’m sure they’d gladly use him as a scapegoat while they continue business as usual. It’s not like all the others responsible for this mess won’t still be in their current roles.


Personally, I can't take all these sunny days. Perfect days embracing affordability, security, low taxation and responsible government are just too much for me.


Definitely not voting for Trudeau.


3 times a 0% chance is still a 0% chance


At this point I don’t think anybody should win.


Haha imagine it taking 3 elections to finally realize this.


Is that three times the population (foreign interference) or the actual? Asking for a country


Do not change leaders of the liberal party. There are so many “anyone but Trudeau” voters and that is a good thing


Wait, three times more likely than who/what/when?


Yes this. Need a new team.


Yea, they’re finished for the near future.


If im not mistaken nobody has gone past 10 years since Wilfred Laurier.


Does anybody really believe that changing the leader matters at this point? They are done no matter who they replace him with.


Literally, a shoebox would be an improvement.


One can dream...


Only 3?




I want him to stay on and get wynned in the next election.


lifelong Leftist here. I will vote for whomever puts restrictions on immigration


Not a problem. China will help selecting the next buffoon.


Do any liberal voters think JT can win? Anyone?


I'm beginning to wonder about the political leanings of all of these studies and polls


Even if Trudeau didn't have a laundry list of scandals to contend with, the last time we had a prime minister stick around longer than a decade was Sir Wilfred Laurier, who is a decidedly distant memory I think it's safe to say. Party fatigue is a real thing.


Right, but he could have been flawless, I'd want a new leader for the next election, it's time.


Trudeau has to understand that his time is up. Best chance the libs have is if he hands the keys over to someone new and they start implementing fresh ideas.


ChatGPT for prime minister!


the scooby doo mean when you realize the party is almost complete controlled by big business interested. What a joke