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Boycott Tim Hortons and all these chains that run on abusing cheap imported labour. They are driving this




Or the colleges selling those students worthless 30k programs?


Our bank tech is run by almost exclusively Indian devs


This is probably the most terrifying thing I’ve read here all day.




It’s probably just a trap door to sell your accounts and info online. It’s what they do.


Not hard. I pulled everything out of the big 5 banks. 




I don't recall Canada building any cities the size of Calgary last year. Where do all these people fit?




The original CH sub just cant seem to figure it out for some reason! Their perpetual state of disbelief will keep their sub up forever!


Except it was and has already skyrocketed. Now its just getting skyrocketinger




Oh absolutely, I agree on all fronts. Our governments, provincial and federal have absolutely fucked up beyond all recognition with housing. Its almost impressive.


Debasement of fiat currency is a factor for housing price increases and favorable tax treatment of principal residence vs US, which taxes gains on primary residences over $500k joint/$250k single. Agree with your points too as Calgary housing was appropriately flat/down for almost a decade until Alberta called.


Basements in Brampton


My basement is vacant and that the way its staying I don't care how many rupees you offer.


The government was discussing forcing people to rent out their empty rooms.




They are underground now (basements). And from what I see on slumlords it appears they cram a lot of them in …


Trudeau doesn't care where they go, as long as they vote Liberal in all elections.....


Imagine how long it’ll take before our identity, values and culture will change as a result. This is sheer insanity.


Its already dead, the lagging effects of 15 percent of your population arriving in like 5-6 years will be on display for decades. And it isn't stopping we are on pace for over 1 million this year too.


We did a speedrun from high trust to low trust society in less than a decade.


Now I just assume everyone I interact with is trying to scam me one way or another.




Its borderline racist to put here but I do the same lol 


I even stopped answering my door when people knock, it's that bad.




I was about to say this. We have no identity of what little Canadian identity we had.


Trudeau said there is no Canadian identity.


Maybe the identity wasn't much, but there definitely used to be some pride in being Canadian.




Poutine, WWII history, Nanaimo Bars, Butter Tarts. Quebec City. That’s probably it.




I spent 15 years working my ass off with very little consumption of media or politics and very little human contact outside of my small town & small office job. Lifted my head around 2018 and boy was I disappointed. We used to be so strongly patriotic, caring, kind, polite, righteous, and no bullshit kind of people. Proud Canadians with a small but mighty infantry that was well respected by the rest of the world. We had a healthy respect for guns and the law as well as an expectation of privacy and freedom. We felt safe because our neighbors had these same values. We had a great healthcare system and life was good for everyone. Now it feels like we’ve lost all unity and fell in line with identity politics and globalism. Plus the economy has tanked hard. The majority of our infrastructure has been underfunded for decades and it’s starting to show more prominently. We’re struggling. And we’re weaker than we’ve ever been. Our House of Commons is a joke. And so is our justice system. Organized crime is getting out of hand (car theft, illegal guns) and our police can’t keep up let alone investigate. I’m not going to say this was all Trudeau’s fault because it wasn’t… nor was it any particular party. We entrusted our government to hold the same values we had and they betrayed our trust. It seems like other countries are faring similarly.. so it could be due to globalization. But wow what a difference.




That’s true. I think a lot of the post nationalism filters down from NATO, the WEF, and the WHO. (NATO also being advised by the latter two). Just saying this used to be considered conspiracy theory … but it’s all been published on their websites (including the GoC website for certain initiatives like Digital ID). Even reviewing documents like Agenda 2030 from the NATO, the WEF, and the GoC, you note they’re nearly identical. And I know those organizations have penetrated our cabinet (they brag about it!) as well as having strong ties to nations such as China which I’m not thrilled about. The CCP is pretty big on surveillance & censorship as well as social credit and I’m not a fan of any of that nonsense. Having corporations with unelected officials operating outside of our country and strongly influencing our government is not my jam… with the exception of standards bodies like ISO but we can still choose to adopt those standards or not.


Hahaha fit some more conspiracy theories in there. Klaus gonna make you eat bugs? Anti digital currency? >Having corporations with unelected officials operating outside of our country and strongly influencing our government is not my jam Better cut out all reading of NatPo and PostMedia papers...


You need to visit the east coast more. Our identity is pretty strong.


I loved every moment of being in PEI


Yeah, I've moved to BC. There's no Canadian identity here.


Hockey. And all the heritage moments lol.


Yes forgot all that! Newfie steak


Newfie steak will become more and more normal. Once the corporate overlords realize this, they will definitely raise prices on newfie steak.


Log Driver’s Waltz


Geneva Convention!


Penicillin, Canadarm!


Time zones!






Harper didn't mismanage the economy, because he was an actual economist.  He didn't need to goose GDP numbers as heavily.  Freeland is our finance minister just to remind everyone.






Justin Trudeau is Canada's equivalent of Deangelo getting hired to run the office.


The equivalent of creed running the office 


But...but... But... That is racist....


Here in Vancouver 100% of my friends and coworkers are immigrants because locals are so rare you almost never meet them. Most of them are ESL. It's gotten to the point where I feel like I'm forgetting English because I have to speak simplified English all the time to be understood


Canada is already a fundamentally different country than it was in 2000.


Its already dead


Trudeau is purposely killing Canadian culture to make the immigrants feel more welcomed.


It's already dying where I am. No assimilation whatsoever. Country is going to shit.


About to get real right wing in here


When the policies are so unpopular and so destructive to the country it tends to alienate the center and push people to the extreme. I could not have imagined backing a party whose environmental policy is so out of touch with reality. But the sheer mismanagement and incompetence of this government, from foreign interference to unhinged immigration to increased taxes have me running to the polls. Left or Right can you imagine having MPs who knowingly and willingly colluded with our foreign adversaries? And on top of it a government who refuses to disclose their names? Our democracy is under attack. This should not be taken lightly.


Agree. It seems intentional though.


It already has


This has already been happening for some time.


Just never forget that we have no where to go back to, and almost every one of them do. Time for remigration.


What pisses me off is the lack of basic planning : this should have been a coordinated national strategy where provinces and the Fed plan together : everyone buys into the plan then you execute and insure the capacity to properly integrate and deliver services is respected... No instead. The Fed acts in sillo then realizes the social chaos it's creating...but doesn't listen to the provinces...I can't wait for the next election and hoping that will put an end to this disaster...


We had one. Trudeau has just slit its throat and let it bleed out.


Except the United States doesn't just "accept immigrants" like we do in Canada. It is very hard to immigrate to the United States. Doctors, lawyers, specialist engineers with graduate degrees and PhDs need to seek sponsorship and apply through lottery systems that scale their chances of success with their level of education in sought after fields. The United States has a competitive immigration system. In Canada. We do *not* have a competitive immigration system. Not even fucking close.


New Permanent Residents in 2023 was **471,550**, which is mostly families so includes children. Of the **1,040,985** student visas issued in 2023, **651,817** (62%) were issued in provinces were the ruling conservative provincial government gave approval for schools to make the requests. Over half (52%) of the 1,040,985 figure is from Ontario alone. That's 651,817 who would not have qualified for a visa. Companies requested and got approval for **692,760** TFWs in 2023.


And the 1.2 is just that recorded, not even including the additional "students"


It’s a shame that five years ago anyone who wanted to even discuss immigration numbers was called racist. Had we been willing to have these tough nuanced conversations earlier we could have avoided a lot of the issues we’ve created over the last five years.


Canadians as a whole are an unserious, cowardly, and easily manipulated people. All you have to do is suggest that it's "not nice" to fight back against a policy that is clearly to Canadians' detriment, and most will not only roll over but help bully others into not complaining. A people with zero natural immunity against disingenuous social justice nonsense and mass immigration. Justin Trudeau is basically an extinction event for old stock Canadians and their culture.


LOL I can't help but laugh at the replies to your comments. Moths to a flame? My god. You are the unserious people he's talking about. Nothing /u/Rockman099 said is inaccurate.


The same kind of morons who are arguing that we need to 'not jump the gun' on releasing names of MP's who are accused of foreign collusion. "Gotta conclude that five-year investigation and then see what the heavily redacted final report says, dontcha know. Only fair."


Well, you're not wrong about that last part.


I never called anyone racist, but honestly I was naive in believing that our government wouldn't sell us out the way they have, so I never considered mass immigration to be a looming issue.


Yeah the complete maliciousness of the people who would knowingly conflate immigration policies with immigration was and is disgusting. It's still happening now, like Marc Miller saying we are blaming immigrants when it is his immigration policy we are criticizing. It was and is completely pathetic and immoral to stoke hatred for political points.


People were vilified for supporting PPC, the only party that said it would reduce immigration. Most people can't handle that kind of vilification and now the country reaps the rewards. Canada is not the home of the strong and free, it's the home of the meek and docile.


Every PPC sign I saw in my neighbourhood had some crazy conspiracy signs next to it. More like Paranoid Personality Coalition




It’s almost like the great replacement is an actual conspiracy and not just a conspiracy theory.


Propaganda is a very effective tool used in controlling the narrative, be it immigration, war, social issues, climate, etc. The internet supercharged it because it allows its dissemination 24/7


Just want to boost this msg and make sure everyone in the future knows that we had a problem and were unable to do anything about it because of this over used Racism thing.




The thing is, most people don't want to have a nuanced conversation. It's not racist to want to talk about immigration, but racists always want to talk about immigration.  You want to talk about it as a math problem I'm all ears.


Indo-Canadian born here with family ties back 4-5 decades. I can’t even say anything against immigration policies. I’m called a bigot and a hater or privileged individual by my own ethnic people (newcomers). Sorry! There is just no room in this country for you. Like you’re 2 decades too late. Shut it down!


Glad to see you posting this man. Wish more would speak up, this would help. I have a few Indian friends who have been here 30 years and they absolutely cannot stand the shit we are allowing in via our immigration , TFW, diploma mill colleges. They even say we are allowing in the worst of the worst, scammers, cheaters, many times criminals( just refer to the assassin's from India who killed a politician activist in BC). There are 0 checks being done, everyone can just come in if they lie on applications. No vetting vehicle on back end to verify anything. It's fucken brainless. Thanks for speaking up, we need more like you )


To be fair - don’t take the Indian assassin story at face value. It is much deeper than that. Sure he killed someone and that is wrong, but there is a whole back story about a separatist movement from a foreign country happening here and our government allows it. One way they (police) crush Israeli opposition, but they let Indian opposition run free. Effigy’s of assassinated PM on a float is cool! /sarcasm We have Hindu bigots here who don’t want a mosque in their neighbourhood but they’ll open a large mandir(temple), or Gurudwara that will tell propaganda to the Canadian born Sikh children further dividing communities or beating / hurting other Sikhs for not following their train. I am Anti all these guys and girls and all the scammers that are immigration consultants, lawyers, educational consultants, mortgage brokers, realtors and diploma mill students. I am anti-immigration on them. You can be from Markham, Richmond Hill, or wherever. Don’t fuck with Canada. We are ready to bite back, and hard at that!


Excellently put. It’s an insult to all indo-Canadians that came here legally when the country needed immigration. We don’t need these numbers anymore. In fact we need to dial it back and deport all illegals. Maybe in 20 years when Canada expands and builds bigger cities we can open the doors a bit, but as it stands we need to start removing people. 2015 life was affordable. 2024 it’s the epitome of misery.


On top of, with the amount of people lining up for jobs. There is 0 reasons for LMIAs needed in Canada. You can fill all the vacancies in Canada with internal. There is no need to bring someone from India, or China or wherever for a job here unless it is highly skilled and specialized. Companies will need to automate then if they can’t fill positions. We don’t need a subservant class like Singapore, India, UAE and Qatar.


We worked so hard to assimilate, learn the culture and pass on Canadian values to our kids, that to have all that erode away because our idiotic government can’t control and bring in people slowly. It’s almost predatory in a way. In New Zealand, when I was volunteering I’ll always remember this quote by a conservationist. Sometimes being environmental, is killing shit. In this case, for the sake of the country, many who are illegal or unqualified to be here should be removed or denied the next step. Their contribution to our ecosystem is nil.


Canada needs immigration and temporary foreign workers to be 0 for the next decade at least. To even have the slightest chance at recovering from this disastrous experiment. Only people allowed in should be Doctors, Engineers and high specialized experienced workers, even then it should be conditional that they have to practice in that field for a decade.


I would argue not even engineers, Canada has tons of new grads who cannot get work. Companies will import cheap Indian labour to do sub par contracting for them. What we really need is tailored jobs that would get houses built. And doctors, lots and lots of doctors.


Sadly, we won’t allow foreign trained doctors to work without basically starting over. We push tons of born and raised med students to the US etc and refuse them spots here. The scarcity is somewhat manufactured.


The trend is to hire abroad remote anyway, it will fix part of it but they need to ban that as well.


This level is sheer neglect has taken years to form from mismanagement and greed. All parties and all levels of government have done fuck all to help people here. Health care has issues 20 years ago and nothing was done to fix it. Immigration had issues 10 years ago and again nothing was being done. Climate change issues were projected 30 years ago and every single political party has just said fuck you year after year while taking our money. All these issues could have been mitigated and we could have been more like a Nordic country rather than a welfare state. The pigs at the trough continue to get fat while everyone else starves.


We warned against this decades ago. We were called racist. Canadians then voted - repeatedly - to amplify the problem. Everyone should have seen this coming. I’m moving out of the hell that is the GTA and never coming back. I’ll do everything in my power to avoid paying Trudeau’s taxes - implemented to pay for the problems he created. Turn the damn immigration tap off.


There are far too many people that don’t understand (this applies to all areas of life) that you are much better off identifying and dealing with problems early on versus waiting until things become too problematic to deal with. There were tons of people warning about this years ago who were labeled racist that could see this unfolding the way it is from miles away. They wanted to deal with the problem then and the useful idiots who ignore most of the problems in this country and in their life until it’s too late pushed it off. In 10 years we will be begging to be in the position we are now and the problem will be much worse. I honestly don’t see a path out of this for Canada. 


Same thing is happening right now with our productivity issue. I get very little agreement for pointing out that Trudeau’s new taxes are the opposite of what we should be doing if we want to maintain and improve our standard of living. Higher corporate taxes undermines productivity by discouraging investment in Canadian businesses. No one cares, because they don’t think it affects them, even though we can all feel how our standard of living is decreasing rapidly. If anyone wants to educate themselves, here’s a basic explanation. > The level of productivity is the most fundamental factor that determines the standard of living. Raising it allows people to get what they want faster or more in the same amount of time. Supply rises with productivity, which decreases real prices and increases real wages. > https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/040615/why-productivity-important-concept-economics.asp#:~:text=The%20level%20of%20productivity%20is,prices%20and%20increases%20real%20wages. A first year economics student would know more about macro than our PM and DPM combined, which is scary. We will indeed be looking back in 10 years from now and longing for the good old days.


Yes and allowing mass immigration undermines productivity because businesses don't have to invest in improving output by way of say innovation. They just hire another individual.


He's now buying 60b a year of mortgage bonds, 2.5% of the median income of every Canadian, in order to depress shelter inflation and raise asset values.   We are seeing a great wealth transfer to the rich using borrowed money, and that wealth tax on the rich is an extremely tiny amount of the total of new spending.


This is bullshit, fyi. Trudeau has no mandate for this and he never did. No one would have voted for him had be said what he was going to do after the pandemic. It is completely different from what he campaigned on.


He’s promoted his desire to turn Canada into a post-national state repeatedly. He’s advocated over and over again for massive immigration increases. And you didn’t see this coming?


I didn't vote for him. But no, I did not see him continuing to do the same things he criticized Harper for back in 2015, and I didn't see him going ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NUTS on an immigration program at a level and of a nature that has never been tried before starting in 2021.


Every conservative warned you that Trudeau would do this. Harper at least reigned in TFWs when people said e-fucking-nough.




Yeah I'm with you. I will not finance my own destruction. If they want to destroy our lives so be it - but don't ask me to pay for my own demise. Good part about contracting and trade work is you can offer better deals for cash. But, watch out. Cashless society is on the way. It's well underway in Australia. Keep an eye on Australia to see other fast tracked post-national experiments. It's like we are the 2 main guinea pigs.


As a country that holds a generous supply of natural resources and fresh water we should really be a little more careful on who let in this country. I am almost positive that other countries have an agenda to extract and gather as much of our resources as possible. If we look and India for example we can see they have done a fairly poor job at protecting there resources and keeping the country pollutant free. I am afraid that immigrants will bring that type of attitude with them. We need to protect our fresh water, green scapes, and natural resources at all cost.


An immigrant I work with who came from you know where (arrived in January) was surprised I got upset at him for putting a pop can in the garbage. He claimed to not know what "recycling" meant. Scary.


Fairly poor is an understatement. Overpopulation and open defecation by hundreds of millions everyday is an ecological disaster


All I have to say at this point is, "F*ck Trudeau and his ragtag band of morons." Nepo baby, incompetent, pretty-boy drama teacher. Stop bringing in people for whom we absolutely do not have the land or resources. More than 50% of our land area is permafrost. Permafrost will not support more than an occasional arctic hare and some scrub vegetation. Canada is *NOT* a large country, and only a fool believes otherwise. Total land area, yes, habitable land, not so much. We are so far over the carrying capacity of the planet that we have to de-grow this country and the world if we hope to survive. And, above all, *DO NOT* bring in people who are not a cultural fit. Anyone with an ideology that involves putting others to death because of some imaginary beliefes is *NOT WELCOME HERE*.


What happens when we rage vote Trudeau out and the next loon in a blue tie doesn't change things?


It's hillarious that people here are saying both parties suck equally as bad. Trudeau doubled immigration. Trudeau added a trillion to the deficit. Trudeau allowed hostile foreign actors to change results in ridings and is shielding mp's working as foreign agents. Trudeau has failed to appoint enough federal judges. Trudeau has allowed the telecommunications companies to further monopolize. Trudeau doubled down on China relations. Trudeau and his team have wracked up more then twice as many political scandals then any other government in Canadian history COMBINED. It's Trudeau who sucks.


Thanks for putting it into perspective. He's absolutely horrible.


> It's hillarious that people here are saying both parties suck equally as bad. That's just Liberal redditors coping. They know their party is about to get cooked, so the next best thing is to spread apathy. Might as well stay home one election day since PP and Trudeau are one in the same amirite? 😉


Why did Harper not get re-elected? The main criticism against him was that he was "aloof". Such a better country just 10 years ago!


dude literally it's just because of weed and Canadians wanting their own "Obama" to one-up the US so they elected the young guy with the nice hair


He wasn't handsome enough


Because weed. Trudeau and the LPC was behind in every poll until he announced that. Hope it was worth it.


>Why did Harper not get re-elected? Because people were sick of him? And he’s a corrupt piece of shit too


And now you have corruption that is beyond Adscam, fast approaching the corruption of the last Trudeau. Well look on the bright side. Two Trudeau's will go down as the worst PM's in Canadian history.


Robocalls, In and Out, Contempt of Parliament, Prorogation of Parliament, Afghan Detainees, G8 Funding, F35s. Harper was a corrupt asshole. And I get downvoted(not that I care) that both parties are the same. It’s just team sports and revisionist history here. Nothing more.


And the Conservatives haven't proposed any changes to most of that. 


They didn't do most of that in the first place. Literally all of this would he eliminated by simply going back to policy in the harper years.


Because they are the same. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t make it right. Example [India is interfering with CPC elections and the 2022 leadership race and this sub conveniently ignores it](https://www.thebureau.news/p/indian-proxies-funding-canadian-politicians) China too. Not just a Liberal thing. Not crazy to surmise that Pierre is bought by Modi.


“CSIS intelligence indicates that the Government of India has engaged in Foreign Interference activities related to the leadership race for a political party in Canada,” the October 2022 report says. It continues, saying “recent CSIS reporting indicates that a proxy agent claims the Government of India is providing support to an elected Canadian politician’s campaign for the leadership of a political party in Canada, by securing party memberships for that campaign.” Nowhere does it say 1) their proffered candidate was elected or 2)if the conservatives knew anything about it. You have to remember, that the LPC failed to inform any of the other parties about any of this interference. Its not the same as the LPC allowing interference when they knew, abd to pretend otherwise is disingenuous.


I’m not a Trudeau fan but Canada didn’t become shit because of one guy. These problems existed before him, he’s just helping it worsen because realistically politicians are for themselves and their club.


this ^ trudeau is just poorly managing a system designed to help the rich.


PP hasn't had his chance to ruin things yet.


I know, I've been watching it for the last nine years.


Does anyone here actually think drastically raising immigration (some provinces seeing an almost 90% increase in 2 years) during a housing crisis is a good idea?


We can’t keep ignoring what’s practical. It’s simply unsustainable for immigration rates to be quadrupling infrastructure, healthcare, and housing rates, and irresponsible for a government to allow to happen. The fastest way to solve this growing unsustainable immigration problem is reduction of the population to a level that is sustainable. Those who are breaking rules and exceeding stays should be the first to be sent back as they should have left on their own already. They are breaking the rules because they feel they will face no consequences, and if we don’t do anything we are only proving them right and punishing everyone else for their actions.


You know it’s getting out of hand when you walk into an immigrant owned establishment and the owners are complaining about immigration.


Importing voters. Liberal desperation to hold power will hurt us for decades.


Ironically, Indians that come in and get PR/citizenship then turn their ire towards their own kind who haven't yet lmao. It's pretty amusing. Their hatred towards other Indians is so prevalent. "Success for me, but if you suffer, so what?" Hopefully this plot backfires.


Count all the idiots who don't realize that this immigration policy is supported by all major parties. PP said he'll link immigration to housing supply, he was asked three times if a target of 500k is too high or if his target will be lower, and he dodged the question each time.


He didn’t say how or if it will be exclusively linked to housing either. 200 immigrants per house built. There it’s technically linked to housing. Plus what if businesses demand more immigration than housing stats allow? Is he really going to say no to party donors? His immigration critic even said they’ll take everything into account but it’s obvious whose voice will be prioritized. His “ideas” only sound good on the surface at best.


No it's clearly only the liberals fault! All these opinions pieces from conservative cheerleaders even say so! Life will be SO fun when the conservatives are in power & they cut taxes for corporations 🥰


The scariest part of all of this to me is, even if we did an about-face and took a hard line on enforcing immigration control, it would be a costly and ugly process. The government would likely have to create a task force to investigate overstayed visas and fraudulent student visas more thoroughly. As well as tighten the requirements for asylum-seekers. After that the enforcement would look something like mass deportation, which is where I see things getting ugly. Even if justified, the public perception of law enforcement mixed with the demographics of the people they would need to apply the enforcement to would create an optics nightmare. It will be incredibly easy for the media to spin and vilify whoever is in charge as xenophobic tyrants. I think we as Canadians burned ourselves when we decide to self-style as doves of the earth with absolutely zero self interest as a country. It's one thing to be altruistic and welcoming but what we've become feels more like a doormat for superpowers like India and China. I worry no one will tackle the problem because doing so will make any politician in charge a perceived super-villain.


At some point though, there would be more supporters of this sort of ugly fix than there are people against it. I feel like with how things are going, that point could be fairly soon. The opinions of people who are the target of such deportation wouldn’t matter - they can’t vote anyway.


Careful now, posting things like this will get this sub mass reported as racist by a certain group of people who think they have some sort of right to Canadian citizenship.


Does this opinion piece say anything new that hasn't been mentioned countless times before?


You're asking for an awful lot from Doug Ford's houseboy.


Do the same 5 posters who more or less exclusively post Post media and insanely biased articles from The Sun have some sort of direction they're attempting the sub to take? I don't even disagree that immigration needs to be quelled right now but it's always the same handful of redditors who make posting on this subreddit their job.


The only reason to being in so many people is to drive wages down and drive demand for housing. This only benefits the rich. Blame the right people and realize the CPC and LPC have both expanded these policies over years. Neither will fix it. Vote for anyone else.


Economy down, stock market up. Hmmm..... who walks away as a winner?


I wish right wing opinion columnists would hold PPs feet to the fire on this as well. He will likely be our next PM and has been very tepid on his response to this crisis. I have no faith he will improve things at all. Now is the only time we as a population have leverage to push him. Once he is elected he can ignore the people and pander to large corporations like normal for a politician.


Anyone notice that all the 'opinions pieces' that target immigration are from the Post media organization? Almost like they're pushing an agenda...


This is totally non partisan now. Shocking how he has aligned the nation, and bonus points by making it collectively hate him.


Why call them Trudeau's policies when it was Paul Martin that created the TFW program and Stephen Harper that deregulated it and started the Foreign Student Initiative? Harper removed all caps on TFWs and expanded them to basically be useable by every industry in the country, while also removing turnaround times and oversight in general. The number of TFWs is basically a combination of market demand for labour and the mechanisms introduced by Martin and Harper. The explosion in numbers only hit post pandemic, and everybody thought the 1st really big year could have been a post-Covid "bump". Everybody was wrong, and now Trudeau is adjusting. Harper's foreign student initiative has been more obvious, and it's been about 10 years that the writing's been on the wall. But that one's tough because it's created a lot of economic growth in college towns and enriched colleges so much. Pulling the plug will have serious consequences for those towns. But really, if you're going to call the TFW program or current International Student rules "Trudeau"'s then shouldn't he also get credit for everything else that previous PM's created that he didn't significantly alter?


Critical Race Theory has gotten us here. Just like the gender debate. The rich wield it to benefit themselves. Try this argument with any progressive to see how out of touch they are. I have done it with pro therapists Is it racist if a black man hits an asian because he is asian? They will answer No, its Colourism, and racism only exists in institutions. The next thing I do is bring them a dictionary and show them the word "Racism". Next they tell me that the dictionary was written by white men who won the wars so they get to create reality. What kind of backwards reality are we in?


lol OP working overtime with these posts


We all know the Liberals are in full on panic mode and trying to import as many votes as possible before 2025 election.


They can't vote so it doesn't matter. 


Ah the America hedge-fund owned Opinion Piece writer strikes again


We are really blasting all the Trudeau bad articles today aren’t we, trying to cover up PPs vote on the capital gains tax?


There have been posts on that already. Everyone knows how he's voting. It doesn't matter. 


God that guy is really fucking us lol. I wish the cons had a leader with an ounce of charisma


Don't worry guys, immigration will drop enormously once Trump's Civil war gets started, and russia invades us for the arctic!


Why is this a Trudeau problem? You say others laid the groundwork, but providing the means (which could have been used for other reasons or not used at all) and abusing it are different things. It’s basically like saying x manufacturer of weapons is responsible for all mass killings because they made guns. The fault is the person who abused it. The others created the policies (like making a gun) but Trudeau is the one who abuses it (went on a killing spree).


Yes, now which party has in their platform that they're going to reduce immigration significantly?


Imagine complaining about your house being on fire while youre spraying it with gasoline. "Geez, ya know... This fire is really starting to get outta control... Im not sure if the fire department will be able to put this one out..." I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. 


Yep when it used to be more "diverse" things were fine. Now there are too many people not using deodorant