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They work so darn hard, they deserve their summer off...../s With the country in free fall you would think all MPs would work tirelessly to fix things.  But seeing as they get paid regardless of whether they work or not, the NDP seems keen on the summer off.


I used to think this. Now I think the less time they are in parliament fucking everything up the better. 


The summer is when they go to bbq's with lobbyists and find out what their masters want.


Maybe we should bbq the lobbyists


We can hold it at Doug Ford’s mom’s house. It’s where all the best lobbyist parties happen!




Even in my corporate job,  summer is when we do all the bullshit small stuff.  There isn't any big launches or new products when half the staff are off any given week. Summer and Christmas.


This is government. Things never should stop. 


Part of the idea behind the summer break is they can return to their ridings and check in with their constituents.  Not all of them do, but at least some MPs take their jobs seriously.  Also not sure having them sit on committees over the summer is the best use of their time.  The Conservatives have been gumming up a lot of committees lately, so there's a good chance nothing would get done even if the MPs continued with the meetings.  Actually that's a thought.  I'm fuzzy on if committee meetings require MPs to show up in person or can be done entirely remotely, but if they need to be done in person we'd be wasting a lot of money flying MPs back and forth across the country over the summer.


It's 2024, not 1824. Zoom is free.


Tbf, the less time this government spends actually working, the less they can fuck things up! 


This 👆


Imagine getting the pay, and benefits they do and all that time off....maybe I should go into politics. 


Imagine only having to work for 8 years to get a free ride golden toilet pension.


So you mean four years of actual work and set for life? No ethics required? Sounds like a breeze. Maybe I'll get a portfolio with an expense account to.


Just talk about equity and inclusion, then ignore the growing housing bubble and cost of living crisis your mass immigration is bringing to existing minorities.


I have to be in Toronto to pull off that line....or Ottawa, but who wants to live in that boring dump?


6 years


Which you can't touch til you hit actual retirement age. 


For most MPs actually sitting in parliament voting on things is a very small part of their job. Even those on committees spend only a small portion of their time there. The majority of an MPs work happens in their constituency office working with their constituents. That work happens all year around


Could fool me with the amount of traveling some of them do. JT among them.


You'd be exposing yourself and your family to all the attacks that go with it. To me the trade offs aren't worth it at all. 


No family to expose. Win-win. 


Teachers get paid for summer right? Right? :(


Depends on the Province. Ontario? For sure.


They have rentals to manage lol


I mean all the overseas photo ops are done, it’s not like there’s any pressing matters to deal with in Canada right ?


Finally something I actually agree with Conservatives on. They should be sitting all year round.


Ok and when do the mps actually visit their riding and serve their electors?


This is a by product from the days when we didn't have trains let alone cars or planes. With today's technology we should be expecting a lot more. I feel we hamstring ourselves due to tradition and doing things in a way that made sense in the 1800's.


So what you’re saying is you want to double or triple the travel budget of MPs to facilitate this? For some reason I feel like if that were the case this national post article would just be criticizing NDP and Liberal travel expenses.


They don't do that anyway, we don't have representative democracy anymore we have team sports. The Liberal in Newfoundland made the news because he was literally the only MP in like 10 years who stood against his government and for his constituents about the carbon tax. It was in the news because someone breaking the line was "shocking".


This is a pretty reductive statement. My MP did a ton of work in the community.


Yours did. Most don't. 


Speak for your own representatives, or elect better ones then. I see my MP and MLA around and meeting and speaking with people all the time in my town. Both NDP btw.


Yeah, I see mine around too. I also see how they vote on literally everything. They vote with the party regardless of what they personally believe.


>Both NDP They have a supply and confidence deal with the Liberals, it doesn't matter how much community out reach they do when they vote blindly to support another party's agenda.


Thanks for the partisan crap bruh. Not remotely what the discussion was about.


MPs can attend remotely. My old (NDP) MP has only been in Ottawa twice in the last year, and once was to visit her husband's family for Christmas. If they actually do work in the summer as they claim, then there's no reason they can't schedule that work around meetings they attend virtually. That they're fighting so hard against this though tells me that the degree to which they work over the summer is greatly exaggerated.


Seeing as hybrid work for MPs is now permanent they could just go back to their riding whenever and vote remotely. Look at Niki Ashton; she rarely actually sits in parliament and according to that CBC article last week she only went to Ottawa once in the fall sitting of 2022 and stayed for four days. I’m sure she also has skipped sitting in parliament plenty of other times but that article only specifically mentioned fall of 2022 because she billed taxpayers for her family Christmas vacation after parliament shut down for Christmas break. 


My MPs office can't even return an Email.


The service to electors is 99% handled by their staff.


They don't need to be off for months at a time to do that. This isn't the 19th century anymore. 


Only in theory. It never actually really works that way. Sure maybe they do one event but do they need the whole summer off of committee for a one 4 hour mid day event. Government has become completely out of touch with the people the represent and it this point it more theatre than anything else.


They don’t do that anyway.


I'd be happy if they took the next 500 days off until the election. Stop doing things. You're not helping.


There should be a 2 week summer break that's it.


This is the NDP mentality to a tee. Canada is fucked. Start working to fix it or get out of the way so someone competent can.


won't someone think of the poor overworked politicians...


Is this a fucking joke? They should be hustling harder than ever to earn that absurd lifetime pension we pay them for a few years of work.


Ummm come on plebs, grow a brain, summer golfing trips aren't going to golf themselves.


Awwwww..... poor babies have to go to meetings and argue like kindergarten kids over the summer? How will they ever get thru this?


They don't get "time off" it's time away from parliament in Ottawa, so you can check in and deal with things in the riding you're elected to represent. You know, because most aren't actual in Ottawa.


A side effect of striking a committee on every subject is that the committee meetings actually need to be attended. Curses.


I mean most of them own multiple homes / estates so they totally need to spend time in each home aa much as possible, hell it's exhausting sitting in a room or more often not sitting in the room their ment to be in to discuss policy, their all a joke and need to be ousted one way or another b/c every single politician is a landlord or working for landlords, or working for a buisness b/c their an Ex-lobbyist. Our government is a Class that needs a fresh start.


Typical lazy fucks. Their work is so overdue.


It's not fair... Why should we have to work in the summer. Pathetic.


Oh, the National Post, the same newspaper that wrote tons of stories about Ford sending everyone on summer break until October? What a bunch of shitty people


Another hack piece by the national post.


It's nice the parasites in government get summer breaks. Me? I had my vacation cancelled by work because they needed to get some stuff in by mid august so i get to take vacation throughout the fall :(


All about the perks, eh Jag?


I don't understand what committees would accomplish for the Conservatives, given that the Liberals have power.


It tracks that they would get the same summer break time as children considering they act like children in parliament.


So much for the NDP working hard for Canadians, like Jagmeet says. Based on narratives from a lot of people here, the roles should be reversed. Really says something eh?


Hey look at that, another misleading NatPo headline where the byline actually has the information. But since this sub doesn't like to read. >Conservatives insist that some committees should keep sitting to continue investigating ethical concerns concerning the Liberal government So no, Conservatives don't actually want to do the work of the people unless they can use it as a political weapon. It isn't like they asked to keep the committees going that are specific to the housing or monopoly crisis. They just want to investigate the Liberals. And it is 5 meetings....that's it. They want to keep the committees going for...5 meetings.


You quoted one small snippet of the article and used it to misrepresent the entire article. You must be a liberal supporter? What about: “Most Canadians are struggling just to be able to live, let alone take a lavish vacation, so that’s why we’ve proposed a reasonable work plan for the summer, so that we can tackle the issues that are facing Canadians, propose solutions to fix what Trudeau has broken,” he added” Or “Conservative MPs have presented the same scheduling motion, whether it be in the veterans’ affairs committee to talk about how the high cost of living has affected the men and women in the armed forces, or the human resources committee to talk about the housing crisis” Heaven forbid the MPs actually work to earn their pay/pensions. Obviously that’s pretty contradictory to the NDP mentality.


The right thing done for the wrong reasons is still the right thing. Who else in society gets summers off besides some teachers and children? Even teenagers get summer jobs. And it's 5 meetings.... that can be done remotely. That's beside the fact that the summer break isn't supposed to be a summer break, they're supposed to be working with their constituencies during that time anyways. So it's 5 meetings during the summer when they're supposed to be working. It really is a small ask.


>They just want to investigate the Liberals. And it is 5 meetings....that's it. They want to keep the committees going for...5 meetings. Good. That's exactly what they should be doing. Investigating the Liberal corruption.


the NDP don't do anything but follow trudeau's orders, so it make sense for them to avoid any actual work


I'm totally fine with keeping committees working year round. 


NDP the non working man’s party! Free lunch party.


man it's a tough job sucking corporate Canada's shlong all the time - their knees need a break people !


Awwww, did oo work weeeelly hawd this year? Children get the summer off, not adults