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>And he’s already out on bail, even though he was charged with two counts of breaching previous court conditions. The Canadian justice system in action ladies and gentlemen  >Police say it was a “short time later” that Barua, believed to be a local community college student, was arrested. Of course he is. Why aren't we deporting international students after their first offense?


I don't get how bail is even allowed if you've breached previous court conditions. Whoever is making these decisions needs some skin in the game where they are held accountable for anything a criminal does on second bail.


Where I work, we recently had somebody fail to show up for court as per their release conditions *seven times in a row* on the same charges. They were *still* getting released on bail each time. The end result wasn’t that they were finally held in custody by the way, Crown just decided it was a waste of time and withdrew everything.


Those people are called judges. They are the same people who refused to apply Harper's tougher laws. Regardless of one's opinions about the Conservative Party, it's clear that the the justice system is easy on repeat offenders to the detriment of regular people.




How do you know he isn’t a Canadian citizen?


What stripmall do you think the "college" was in?


next article "Suspect flees to home country".


Practically speaking there are two different systems involved The justice system and the immigration system. No the immigration system even if we wanted to port them cannot deport them without them having gone through the justice system . We need to set up laws that once an international student or international visitor goes through the justice system and has been convicted they should be deported. Now the main issue is that this person has been granted bail and it's free to threaten others as well. And the broader issue is that we do not have the resources to support so many international students. The rested school lobbies would say no we need this international students but we simply don't have the systems to manage them


This is Canada… we give criminals PR around here! If you don’t like it you’re racist! /s


Because money.


Let’s start with he has not been convicted.


Great. For a serious crime like this WITH VIDEO EVIDENCE hold him until his hearing/trial, then deport him. Especially with previous charges or convictions. I imagine you wouldn't like that?


>Of course he is. Why aren't we deporting international students after their first offense? Do you have any proof of his citizenship status or are you just spitballing here?


Proof of what? If you are an international student, or any type of TFW and you commit a crime, you should be deported.


Where does it say he's an international student? Show me.


You're right, he's *clearly* not from anywhere but Canada. Zero chance he's an international student. What are these ignorant people thinking? Where would they even come up with this idea? /s


Doesn’t say he’s an international student! Check your bias’


Where in the article does it say he’s an international student? (Hint : it doesn’t)


I'm all for him being out on a quick/cheap bail. It was just an honest mistake. Who among us haven't accidentally pulled a u-turn, hopped out of their car, pulled a knife and started swinging it towards a person, all while already being out on bail? Could have happened to anyone, really. Now if he does this 3 or 4 more times, then we should maybe start looking restricting him somewhat.






Paid for by taxpayers of course..






>An individual who is seemingly not even a Canadian or permanent resident. Did I read the article wrong, because I saw nothing that even implied this fact, but a lot of people seem to be saying "Deportation" and "International Student." I've seen Twitter comments implying it as well. Is this a "we can tell by looking" situation? I'm also seeing a lot of "People born in Canada don't wave knives at people" for the reasoning, which is an interesting take, and I would suggest is not born out by data about where our high crime cities are, unless people think the problems in Lethbridge are from International Students.


>Barua, believed to be a local community college student That was a clue, but a bigger clue is his public instagram which is all photos of India. Google his name if you want to find it.


I tried, the only links I found were Twitter links. I did not see the Sun confirm this in their article, or make any comments to it. I did not see any public Instagram that I could Geolocate images to India. I mean, it might be 100% true, but it would be nice to have it confirmed by an actual news source and not a random person on reddit saying "Google it" without an actual link, and then me trying to reverse image search an Instagram account. My search brought up at least 3 accounts with the same name, so I'm not even sure what I can do with that. After the great work reddit did on the Boston Bomber, I'm less likely to join a witch hunt. Honestly, they likely might not be from Canada, but my likely opinion is that the person I am responding to didn't even do the cursory work of googling like you have done, and just assumed.


Well, there is a lot of information to suggest that he isn't from Canada and hasn't been here all that long. The whole knife thing - I would agree with others that carrying around a kitchen knife isn't a Canadian thing. His social media accounts suggests he's been here a short time. I agree that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover. But, many book covers are created to be judged. What is more worrisome is that he had prior police contact and has restrictions due to his horrible behaviour. This isn't his first time in trouble with the law. And if he's not Canadian, he's an example why we should have immediate deportation of criminal foreigners. We don't want criminals moving into this country. I also fear he won't listen to the court, as he already has ignored the prior court orders. Next time, and there likely will be a next time, someone's life is going to end.


It's r/canada, of course they can tell by looking.




Deport the criminals, immigrant or citizen


Deport em where? Lmao if they are a citizen u can’t just deport all your problems


Deport them to Quebec


Tell that to the British deporting their criminals to Australia. Maybe we should make Australian a prison again


We need a Saudi-style criminal punishment in this country




Theres zero reason to not have castle law, there is zero reason for someone to accidentally come into a home that is not theirs. Our justice system is a joke.


Bro just call the cops they will be there in like 12 to 42 minutes. Leave the keys by the door. Maybe leave some condoms out in case they are having a cultural sexual emergency. They don’t want to hurt anyone they just want to steal your car


"a cultural sexual emergency" 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️


WRONG! The gov't wants you to leave your car keys out front, any valuables, and all bank cards with PIN codes. If they want your house, just leave, and let them squat, it'll take years for you to get your home back.


Why are these judges doing this? Are they plain stupid or are their hands tied by the law?


I don't know why anyone would think he'll get punished. This is the new way.


I am pretty sure they'd be throwing me in jail if I didn't pay my taxes. May as well brandish a knife to see if that one simple trick works.


They'd throw you in jail if you defended yourself too.


Denial of bail isn't a punishmnent for a crime, since they haven't been convicted yet. It's just a tool to address risks of danger to the public or not showing up for their trial. You can definitely argue that they should be denied bail for those reasons, but it still wouldn't be a punishment. The punishment is the sentence imposed if found guilty. The right to bail isn't a new concept. It goes back to English law prior to the formation of Canada and is due to the presumption of innocence prior to a guilty verdict.


True but we all saw the video hes a danger to the public


I understand that but this person is clearly a danger to all of us. I still think this will go unpunished in the end.


I understand the importance of the presumption of innocence. However, this guy and so many others are breaking previous conditions of release. This needs to be considered and judges do not appear to do so. Myles Sanderson is an extreme case but the justice system gave him his freedom again and again before he murders all those people.


Then video cameras were invented lol


A crazy guy wielding a knife at strangers over a traffic incident. Right. Not at all a risk to the public. /s


Did you read my comment? I never said he's not a risk to the public and instead said you could definitely argue that he is. That's not what I'm addressing with my comment. I'm just clarifying that even if you *do* deny bail, that's not a punishment for a crime. The punishment is the sentence. Edit: I can't reply to derderppolo below due to the locked comment, but I just want to point out that they're pasting things I didn't say as if they were quotes.


While you are correct, by that logic, it could be argued that the discount on the sentence because of previously served time on remand should not apply. I am not saying that you have weighed in on remand time just adding an item to consider.


Bail is to determine if perp is a risk to the community. That is why some are denied. That said, we deny good people all the time, due to their lack legal representation. Bad people quite often get bail because of good representation. In this case, the perp would have qualified for good representation. That said, rejection of bail just means that time served (2 for 1) reduces overall sentence. In this case, he probably should have been left in jail. But likely no hope of an actual court case until well into the school year, which probably is a huge factor.


> people that are a danger to the public should be denied bail   > we all agree this person is a danger to the public   > actually ya it’s ok this person is granted bail, it’s not a punishment!!!!! What are you even saying? Are you trying to be “right”, but ignore all context of what happened?




Nice outright lie The actual statistics, as opposed to your “I believe this so it’s true” source, show a less than 10% rise over the last 3 years, bringing it to the same levels as 10 years ago and still down over 10% from 20 years ago


Proof of that increase?


His ass. The actual stats show a less than 10% increase over the last 3 years, bringing us back to the 2010 rates and over 10% lower than rates 20 years ago https://www.statista.com/statistics/525173/canada-violent-crime-rate/#:~:text=The%20rate%20of%20incidents%20of,to%201%2C364.61%20incidents%20in%202022. But that’s just the facts, which is nothing when compared to gut feeling and warrantless belief, eh. The downvotes for stating and sourcing the facts says everything of this thread, tbh.


Or is this just a case of lots don't bother reporting anymore because WTF is the point in reporting


That is what we call a post-hoc rationalization for a pre-conceived conclusion You’ve made a claim, then when the stats disagree you invent a reason as to why the stats are wrong and that your unsupported claim is actually true, despite a complete lack of any actual evidence to your claim “The lack of evidence is evidence!”…. That’s just called religion, buddy. Find me a study showing that only 1 in 4 people report crimes as opposed to 1 in 1 just 5 years ago, which is the only way their claim would even approach being possible


Good to see the stats. It's up about 30% since Trudeau took office, which is concerning. I'd be curious the basis for the stats as well, if fewer charges are being laid due to Gladue and other performative justice practices that would factor in.


We should've been this fast deporting him, not this fast letting him out of jail.


Released back out into society to threaten more bystanders with his knife. Such is Canada in 2024.


Allegedly haha, it's on fucking video. Lock him up!


An Indian "student" attempts to murder someone due to road rage and gets bail of $2,500 despite already facing previous charges.....the Liberals have literally made this country insane.


Why does this say arrested for threatening with a knife? He lined at the guy, it's attempted murder for sure.


It's been this way for many years and nothing new. I helped apprehend a violent person threatening someone with a screwdriver +15 years ago. I was served a summons and forced to take unpaid time off work to appear in court. The Perp walked and I was openly threatened by him in court. he made a slicing motion across his neck while looking at me. (Victim did not show up in court) I saw red and went after the guy who threatened me in the court hallway. A very nice detective stopped me from making a big mistake, he told me to let it go as the same perp had a more serious charge coming up in a few weeks.




How is this not a cause for deportation is beyond me


It was clearly just a misunderstanding. He had just woken up from his nap and was just cranky. He even still had his pajamas on!




>International Student. Naturally.


This country is on a road to hell.


If I was a juror and the man filming the video, armed with an illegal gun, shot the guy in blue - I would acquit him. We're on our own. The courts have completely lost the plot.


So when he kills somebody, we’ll lock him up then? He looks psychotic


Welcome to our BS non justice system. We will hear about how he actually stabbed someone in the coming months.


Arrr/toronto keeps deleting this.


An RCMP officer in Chilliwack BC is now off admin leave and has been promoted after facing criminal charges and civil proceedings over assault and road rage incidents. This lack of accountability apparently occurs in all areas of society.


I just saw that story! https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-rcmp-officer-promoted-returned-to-duty-while-awaiting-trial-for-shooting-1.6932200 The whole story is wild. I don't know why the RCMP would allow him to return to active duty or even why that officer would not just want to stay on paid suspension. It was an alleged IMPAIRED road rage incident by the way and since returning to duty, while still facing criminal charges, he has been PROMOTED.


Don't Knife Me Bro!


Time and time again the Canadian injustice system proves how corrupt and insane it is. There is zero justice in Canada. It is a Haven for criminals. This is a country that rewards criminals and violence. Then punishes victims. Then people wonder why organized crime loves our country so muchand white collar criminals come from around the world to be here.


Quick bail for man who tried to stab someone -- nice one, Canada!


And if buddy had a knife and defended himself…probably wouldn’t even be out on bail yet


was the man allegedly caught, or was he caught allegedly threatening?


Restorative justice


this country under 8 years of trudeau turned into a fucking biblical laughin stock.


Are you young? Because automatic bail has been standard procedure for much longer than 8 years.


Good to work good to stay…. Out of jail ! ✌🏻


Our justice system is broken. Deport this free loader


Meanwhile ppl r getting denied bail for the stupidest shit... like an argument with their gf but this guy can wave a knife around and he's less of a public danger? Ford's court appointees at work


What was Warmington's take when we let convicted felon and citizenship-revoker Conrad Black back into Canada?