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They floated this (idiotic) plan a couple of weeks ago and it was met with massive backlash. Now they're backtracking and trying to spin it as "just one of many options they're considering".


It's the LPC way: propose a policy, immediately retreat after the instant backlash from the public, spin it as "we're looking at options", call everyone racist (or XYZ hater), then try to roll out some half-assed version of the original and fuck it up anyway. Edit: Meant to add that Trudeau's personal style -- especially when being interviewed or questioned -- is to 1) acknowledge the problem, 2) state the LPC's values / beliefs on the subject, 3) deflect blame to XYZ, 4) promise to look into it. Seriously, go look up his past interviews. He follows this pattern every single time.


Yet a lot of voters buy this stuff. They like to feel reaffirmed, validated, virtuous, and progressive. Trudeau gives them just that - a speech to pull their emotional strings. It may come from a mix of stupidity and narcissism, but it doesn't matter. As long as it works.


It's the way of most governments in Canada these days. Look at Dougie and OPC.


I'd argue that Dug Fraud is quite openly corrupt and transparent in his incompetence.


Alberta UCP does this as well.


They first floated it over 6 months ago. 


Oh yeah, they roll this out all the time in some form or another and then immediately walk it back.


It's bonkers. There's just no way to do this without resulting in more people trying to do the same.


“He said what is causing him to pause are “views that I respect, people that care about these issues that are radically opposed and diametrically opposed, and not necessarily from people that [you] would necessarily think would have that thought process.”” lol this guy is such a centrist mouth breather he actually thought people on the left/right would support his policies of suppressing wages for working Canadians, undermining faith in the immigration system, and taking advantage of desperate workers from the 3rd world. Fucking insufferable.


It's like a Soviet five year plan that falls apart on day two, but they charge forward anyway and ignore the results.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism) Just trust the experts because the government fights misinformation and you have the freedom to go experience your false truth by starving in the corner... mookay?!


It is spin. I think news stories like this are probably being floated to produce the illusion of debate, because there's no doubt about what the outcome will be here.


they are not back tracking they are stalling and they will do it anyways


They floated the idea of hugely increasing immigration to bring us to a population of 100 million by the next century and that had massive backlash too. So they are doing it anyway, just not admitting to it.


If they pull this, im officially done. There's no way anyone in their right mind thinks this is ok.


I am gonna put a solid bet on Marc Miller being one of the yet to be revealed traitors.


The guy who got the job because he was Trudeau's groomsman at his wedding. Just like Seamus O'Regan the former CTV reporter. This is who have making decisions for the country. And we already know how much JT has been slapped on the wrist for taking bribes from the CCP in 2016. Who only knows what else. Our government is compromised by foreign interference.


Don’t forget Marci Ien. She’s also a highly appointed ctv politician 🤦🏻‍♂️


I figured she was lured by Seamus. Also being female minority that is a good speaker with a following was a slam dunk. Plus more of who you know, not what you know.


*Shocked face*


> Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


>Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity Usually I agree but not in this case. They're playing stupid because it lets them get away with doing bad things. Bad people often pretend to be stupid people.


JT is Canada's Republican Trump, just when Canadians believe he has done his worst, he does something even worse. Singh and the pathetic NDP MP's could put a stop to this right now but choose not to for personal gain. NDP, a sham of a political party, led by a self serving leader are allowing the destruction of Canada.


Na he knows what he is doing, maximizing his own benefits


This cannot be adequately explained by stupidity. This level of incompetence would be nearly impossible for anyone to pull off, with two brain cells to rub together. No. This is malevolence.


Who cares what Marc Miller's intentions are whether it's by stupidity or malice? Canadians are suffering either way. That clown has to go and so does Trudeau..


I agree with this statement, however after you continue doing the same stupid shit over and over again against the interest of the people you are supposed to represent it crosses into the territory of malice.


I would be willing to bet any amount of money that he is not. The sad thing about this whole situation is we're just doing it to ourselves.


We know the labor shortage is temporary, given inflation and the Phillips curve, no way they aren't doing this to prop up stagnant GDP growth. Like the capital gains tax, which pulls revenue forward via egregious generational fairness loophole, all they care about is winning the next election.  They don't give a care how Canada is in a year if they don't win.  You could say they don't need foreign interference to compromise Canada.


There is no labour shortage. Its a wages shortage.


It’s corporations being greedy, and using TFW to maximize profits. Pandemic drove prices of everything up. Board of Directors don’t care about literally anything except profit margins. Abusing the TFW programs, and reducing quantities was their solutions to maintain these profits


Corporations are always greedy. Prices rise as high (and wages fall as low) as competition will allow, within legal limits. Asking a corporation to not be greedy is as futile as asking water not to run downhill (or, think of it this way: if you're given the choice between two identical products and one costs more than the other, are you greedy for picking the cheaper one? Or are you just being logical and sensible?) The problem is that corporations are lobbying the government for endless goodies (as they always do), and instead of saying "no, if you can't be competitive then too bad", the government is saying "yes, I will bend over for you and give you everything you asked for and then some". This is entirely a failure of regulations and enforcement.


The only two ways I see the Liberal's insane immigration policy makes sense is that they're trying to intentionally sabotage the country's infrastructure and public services by overwhelming them and make provinces further dependent on federal government for aid (aid with strings attached of course) or they think need some cannon fodder for a major global conflict.


There is this to The **Cloward–Piven strategy** is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by [American](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) [sociologists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociology) and political activists [Richard Cloward](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Cloward) and [Frances Fox Piven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Fox_Piven). The strategy aims to utilize "militant anti poverty groups" to facilitate a "political crisis" by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of [guaranteed minimum income](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guaranteed_minimum_income) and "redistributing income through the federal government [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloward%E2%80%93Piven\_strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloward%E2%80%93Piven_strategy)


Why would they want to do that? Who would profit from such a scheme? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Infrastructure_Bank Wow, a lot of familiar people involved in that eh? I’ve seen some of thise names before but not sure where? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative


There are already hundreds lining up for minimum wage jobs at Tim Hortons. Canadians will never get these jobs anymore. https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/DQqyFGQo1D


Wtf is this? Lol im already aware my kid will never find a part time job while in school. Hell, i cant even find a part time job to help pay the bills while my wife is doing university. We need to put a full stop on indians, work hours, and residency. Come, go to school, thats it. Do a course and get a diploma in something useful and you can stay providing you're working in that field such as healthcare or whatever we need. If not, fuck off, we're full.


Let’s also cap nations to a percent of immigration every nation gets .5% of our total cap when they hit it no one else from that country is allowed


Straight up. Diversity being what it is, I don't see Diversity here.


Revolution time brother


Maybe we should stop LARPing online and do something productive.


Get organized


Emergency Act says hi


isnt there a take back canada movement? It will probably be labeled as racist and bigoted


I would be more than happy to fill petitions, or to protest. The issue is, it has to be done properly. A well defined issue, a solution, and not just "all indians are bad" type of racist crap. I think thats where the issue lays as we could have the most honest intentions and it could spiral into a hate mongering racist pile of hot garbage real quick. I know a few that are awesome people, they did things properly, work in needed spaces and contribute positively to what we are in Canada and what we need more of. Just unfortunate the majority now are ruining that perception for everyone.


I've heard "Take Back Canada" Protests are happening on July 1 against mass immigration. https://www.takebackcanada.info/


This is the first i have heard about this. I'm curious to see how many will show up, but i am more than happy to join.


This needs to be blasted far and wide and reach as many Canadians as possible


Yep. I'd love to see a total stoppage to undergraduate (Bachelors) students, for programs like Business, Arts, basically anything that you need higher education for now days to get a functional job. Bachelor's programs like Engineering, Nursing, Pre-Law, etc, Master's, PhD, or Trades College (highly skilled immigrants) are what we need and that is where schools can make up some of the demand of International students. And ontop of that, we need to pull from more than a few countries, so countries like China and India should not be allocate Dany student visas for atleast a decade to allow immigration from other counties to catch up and allow a more diverse population.


I couldn’t even get a part time job when I was in highschool and that was 13 years ago! If you weren’t brown you weren’t getting hired


Absolutely. There are soo many positions of need that are specialized and really hard to fill, that we're desperate for but yet the vast majority of these students come here and study Business because they think there's more money in it Canada only needs so many hundreds of thousands of new grads with business degrees They need to be funneled directly into a useful job that's hard to fill or kick them out now


they study business because it is easy. a lot of indians who come here are just told they have to by their parents, who take out loans, and then they putter around trying to get a job at tim hortons or something stupid.


Why just Indian students? Folks who come here to study should be here to study, not work, regardless of where they come from. Its as simple as that. Corporate needs for cheap labour shouldn't dictate Canadian policies


I think most of our immigration has been Indians for quite some time, and as a result they have set up enclaves and effectively transplanted their caste system to here, which I’m not a fan of. Immigration works best when you pull from a diverse spread of countries with a more even distribution. I think bringing from predominantly one country discourages integration.


It's not just Indian students that are coming, but to be honest, the sheer number of people, india, has to offer a small place like canada, which is the problem. The majority of the world could have open borders and not bring the same amount of people india could send. So it's not to be racist or xenophobic of Indian people, it's simply we don't have the capacity to have these rules with equal standards for all immigrants due to the quantity of Indian immigrants/students/workers etc.


People lined up for hours in ottawa for grocery store jobs


Which is why we must boycott Tim's like we did with Loblaws. These megacorps don't listen to us, they listen to our money quite closely though.


Seeing footage of these long ass lines for minimum wage jobs is just so crazy to me. It's getting out of control and I mainly blame our leaders for creating this mess in the first place.


we really need to start a tim hortons boycott


Sadly, lots of liberal elites are asleep at the wheel since it hasn't impacted their life at all.


They are the ones who are making hay out of all this.


Oh it has. They’re landlords


it does impact them. it makes their investments grow, and it makes them feel good as a person.


They will because they are idiots.


What is being officially done and why aren’t you done yet?


Selling the house and applying for a tn at the nearest crossing i would consider being finally done. Im not done yet as i still have hope this dumpster fire can be saved with a plan for healthcare and a proper plan for immigration.


US has done this few times, I won't be surprised considering the current state in Canada where they want everyone in who has a running pulse.


I’ve been done for a long time…I’ve never been political but am absolutely looking forward to next election to send Trudeau packing


Write to your MPs.


I have, several times. Along with the nitwit in charge of immigration.


If we normalize this it’s a slippery slope to becoming like the US which is already in a crisis situation for the amount of mass illegal immigration there. It’s one thing to legalize people who are basically refugees, but entitled international students overstaying their student visa’s shouldn’t be a consideration…


Should probably err on the side of reason then and send em home, don't ya think Marc?


And send Marc with them.


Split in the sense that like 70% of people are against it and 30% are either corrupt or idiots...


This is the exact opposite of what should happen. If we want this shit to to stop, being an undocumented migrant should lead to citizenship *disqualification* for a lengthy period, at least.


Permanent prohibition from ever coming to the country again. If we couldn't trust you to leave the country lawfully the first time, how can you ever be trusted again? Save the visas, PRs and citizenships for honest people.


Huge decisions like this should be voted on by the people.


Oh that would be a democracy. You’re talking about a democracy. 🤪


ok have a nation wide referendum on it.


> ok have a nation wide referendum on it. The next federal election may well be a referendum on this issue.


By then they could have already set this in place and it'd be too late. 


Not soon enough.




Will it? I don't see any major party representing the No side, other than the Bloc


Exactly. The next election will be meaningless for this issue.


the cons can't come out and explicitly say it yet because of the fear of bungling this election by being portrayed as racist, but of course they will. the cons were the only party to vote for the bloc's bill denigrating the century initiative. pierre just came out and said 1.2 million a year makes no sense if we are only building 200k houses. voting conservative is a vote for less immigration.


It would be a landslide.


Just waiting for Ottawa to foul this one up as well.


Careful now… we all know Marc Miller is a liar 🤥


Ottawa can’t decide which way is up. Canada however, is not split on this topic…send them home…now!!


They shouldn't be. It should be an obvious NO. Especially right now. 


I’m gonna vote PPC I think.


Miller is so bloody stupid. Ottawa, aka the current government cabinet, might be split.... but Canadians are not. We do not want mass immigration. Deport the ones who broke the rules and force those whose TFW permit is done to go back. Temporary is Temporary.


When will Canadians protest what the government is doing to us? Also, fuck Marc Miller, he needs to get the fuck out.


July 1st is the actual protest date


What the fuck lmfaooooooo


This is pretty cut an dry, we already have the laws to deal with this. If you no longer have legal grounds to stay, it's time to go home. There are numerous avenues to become Canadian. One of them cannot be refusing to leave after a student visa expires. This is compounded by diploma mills who exsist entirely to bring in international "students". There is nothing to be gained for Canada right now by further squeezing the housing market, putting further strain on or health care system and saturating the labour market.


Ottawa is split? I’m sorry, but when did these motherfuckers decide it was their place to decide. You work for us, and from the polls a majority of Canadians are not at all split on the matter


They are so desperate for votes they will do anything at this point! Just imagine what will happen if they lose the Toronto St. Paul’s by election today…


It’s not as satisfying to see JT step down. I want to see the dweeb crush him and humiliate him. Doing the same to whichever of his minions isn’t as good.


frankly, if trudeau stepped down it could mean an election was in the cards... jagmeet just has to grow a spine once.


lol, very little chance of that.


if you force an election with an unknown leader, the ndp could potentially benefit from that... but jagmeet is too much of sjw to actually buck up i bet. you are probably 100% right.


If they lose, it’s knives out for the Prime Minister to walk the plank.


There has to be something much sinister going on; this is too much.


Send them back home!! They came here temporarily. Enforce it!!


This sets a dangerous precedence, though! The temporary workers/international students whose visa is about to expire have no incentive to go back because they know if they are undocumented or don't go back, they will just get an option to stay at the end of the day.


Undocumented migrants = Illegal Immigrants. Deport them.




You can't be serious. It shouldn't even be considered at this point. There are no jobs or houses.


No one likes, nor needs, a queue jumper. I can’t believe they are actually « split ». No one except ideologues and the business class wants any of this. Would it kill this government to spend a month, just a month, without announcing or rolling out a policy that makes this country worse?


We have a liberal government so the best they can do is about a week while Justin is off in Toffino surfing at the expense of taxpayers.


Yes we know doing the right thing is a hard choice for the liberals.


If we were really smart, we'd open up a channel for said persons to make application under the pretense that a pathway to PR or Citizenship exists, but then turn around and use the data collected for mass round ups and deportations. This would be a great way to cast a wide net to get rid of the many (possibly 500,000) illegal aliens that authorities have lost track of. No one should be welcome in Canada who isn't extremely well vetted, and supremely qualified to fulfill specialized roles where we have a deficit, and none of those roles should pay less than 100k\\year.


Marc Miller is an activist and he said it himself. All his decisions are taken at a compassionate level. He's not factoring strained on social services, housing availability, security and this is not good precedent, basically if you're trying to enter Canada illegally or stay beyond your visa you know there's a way a path towards citizenship and people will encourage illegal immigration and non compliance of rule of law.


What about Canadians? Did we think to ask?


Remember... These people are more Canadian than people born here, because they chose to come here.


Does anyone have the link to the original comment that said this? I need a laugh.




That's crazy


Split between politicians who want to get reelected and ones who have given up and just want to see the country burn.


How can they be split let me gotta stop this bullshit, get the fuck rid of them


Before - or as - we take action on this issue, we should more importantly take action on the *preceding* problem. We need to stop birth tourism. We shouldn't have undocumented migrants with documented, Canadian children. This is just crazy.


No. Like, no.


How is this a “split” decision?? The government has official means to immigrate - this form of immigration is the one that’s actually useful to the country because we’re targeting specific people (or at least we should be targeting specific people) Undocumented people help no one except for increasing the population and straining our social services. Respect the citizens of this country and just as importantly respect the immigrants who are going through official means and abiding by the law. By accepting undocumented people you’re only incentivizing MORE undocumented people (and taking away people who play by the rules) to start going through these alternative paths just to get PR/citizenship. We are either run by idiots or corrupt politicians who don’t care about this country


The liberal party offers a diverse mix of both corrupt and idiot politicians. A large part even fit in both categories.


All Political Parties offers a diverse mix of both corrupt and idiot politicians. A large part even fit in both categories. Fixed that for you.


> Mr. Miller said the proposed program is often misunderstood and it “would not cover all the cohorts of people that are here that don’t have their papers currently.” > But giving people who have been living in Canada for years a path to permanent residence is a question of “fairness,” he said, and makes “a heck of a lot of sense” including because it would boost the economy. > “I think it is the right thing to do from an economic perspective, from a humanitarian perspective. It’s just smart,” he said. Interesting definition of “fairness” you have there, Minister.


Right? Because it's totally fair to all the people who came through proper channels 🙄


“Ottawa” might be split, but I can guarantee most Canadians aren’t.


Tons of Canadians can’t find jobs and/or housing, please don’t let them stay.


The split was based on two camps: * MPs and high-ranking civil servants making bank by exploiting these classes * Everybody else collectively going "wtf is wrong with you" about the sheer unfiltered sociopathy of the first camp.


They are here illegally and they want to give them PR, this is some kind of joke right? Sorry but this shouldn't happen and they should maybe enforce our policies and send them out. If they want to come back come back legally


i love having no money and no future and no hope and no national pride!


I pray for the day this country grows a backbone and starts sending criminals home. Yes, if you entered this country illegally, you broke the law and are a criminal.




Liberal fools know they’re in trouble 👿 this reflects poorly on their leader again and again … poor decisions poor leadership


Minister “One man demolition” Miller


The arrogance coming from this government is outrageous. If Canadians were only better "educated", we would see how this is.a wonderful plan. I really hope this dumpster fire of a government loses official party status.


Why would we let undocumented people stay in our country? Without documentation they could literally be child traffickers and we wouldn’t know.


Marc Miller, second worst nepo hire of all time.


I’m ready to leave Canada!


While I can empathize with people trying for a better life, it’s ideas like this that leads to more people trying to do the same in the future and taking advantage of all the holes in Canada’s immigration system. Our institutions within government simply aren’t strong enough for this to work in any, way, shape, or form.  This is the problem with rubber stamping people into Canada in the first place.


Meh country is completely unrecognizable all ready what difference does it make at this point?


How can you have someone in this role who is completely clueless ? I mean being an MP is the only roll I’m aware of that you need no formal qualifications for but this government is a great example of why people should have some skillsets and be grounded in reality.


I have no problem with immigrants. The problem I see is that we (supposedly) score newcomers for assorted things - no criminal record, education level, job qualifiactions, language abilities, etc. To allow anyone who jumped the queue or came in surrpetitiously to stay, whether qualified or not, makes a mockery of the whole immigration selection process. the same applies in the USA, where the Democrats are finding that they are losing votes because many (legal) immigrants have no sympathy for the people flooding across the Rio Grande as fake "refugees" when they are mainly economic migrants. legal immigrants went thrugh a diffficult process to get admitted.


“Liberals undecided on how to ruin Canada the fastest”


No one hates Canada more than the Liberals. This is pure insanity, trying to nosedive the country.


Exactly who is split???


At this point, why would anyone have to come here legally, go to good public universities, work/teach in high-skilled jobs like R&D or academia to become PRs? Rather we can just jump across border and apply to stay here smh


We need to create petition to not allow this


It's called PP.


That’s one year from now. This could mean 1 million more people, and because of their situation, we will need to help them with our taxes. This also means they haven't been paying taxes this whole time. I don’t know, but before we start giving out citizenship so easily, the government needs to do the right thing. Otherwise, more people will come, and there will be no end.


Trudeaus liberals think this one up


Illegals FFS!


They need to get out and stay out.


Canada is not split on the idea.


Yeah split. Half of Canada wants undocumented migrants out. The other half also wants Miller out


Please publish which MPs are for this so we can send them back to their law practices.


Why don't you actually listen to Canadians. We don't want this!




Probably yeah Many minorities (such as myself) prefer to live in a diverse society (healthy mix of everyone) and want to be able to afford things again Also don’t like hearing stories of people who look like us but refuse to assimilate then make us look bad when we spent our whole lives trying to set a good impression on others It’s not rocket science We don’t want to be put in the “I got mine” crowd but also think Trudeaus immigration policy is insane Heck 2014 Trudeau would call it insane https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/justin-trudeau-how-to-fix-the-broken-temporary-foreign-worker-program/article_c27f214f-1fa2-5fdf-af61-5a7642e4eb7c.html




For the most part we don’t care much about being minorities because Until recently the belief was “follow the rules and Canada will treat u as one of their own” And that was true for the most part plus most of the rules and values were good ones to have But now with the mess Trudeau has made there’s so much hate and resentment brewing that many who were born and raised here their whole life and have always seen themselves as Canadian citizens are fearful of that being ruined I still don’t like Pierre at all but Trudeau won’t learn until the country is finished if even then, the guy is as stubborn as a climate change denier/flat earther/antivaxer


I am a temporary worker in Canada. I hope to immigrate to Canada. I have been here for 7+ years. I’m sorry, but even I think this is getting ridiculous. The more personally infuriating part is that it is completely unfair. If you try to go through the proper channels like a law abiding citizen-to-be, you will wait for years and years, but if you make dubious asylum claims after managing to land here, you’re given a fast-pass to permanent residence, and even citizenship. It is an insult to both born-and-raised Canadians, and economic migrants trying to pay their dues to contribute to the social and economic fabric of Canada to earn their right to be here.


I'd agree to up to 10 undocumented migrants in exchange for Miller agreeing to fuck off and leave this country forever.


Lmao were so fuckin cooked


What an idiotic plan. Can this government get any more moronic? How do they think this will play out? People won’t then be incentivized to come to this country, stay illegally, and then get residency all the same? It’s got to be a fucking joke at this point.


What's up with the North American continent doing this? Votes?


So, if they are split, doesn’t it mean the initiative needs more work?


Time to name and shame the worst tfw hiring offenders and Boycott them all...NOW. money talks.




I am guilty for voting for these fing bozos. Fudge.


Canadians aren't.


What could possibly be the justification for this.


Does any politician have knowledge about the real world in Canada? For those that have to work for a living with honesty & integrity! Are they so incompetent & greedy it keeps them blind & stupid?


Those sound like fighting words..




Temps and PR's can't vote. I get the anger but direct it accordingly.


Damn pay wall.


I sincerely hope they're this fucking stupid to actually go through with this. The Libs will never be in office for decades if they do this.


Are they trying to start a civil war? 


That's unfair to those waiting in line


ILLEGAL is the word Marc


At this point I consider this a national security risk. 2 million migrant workers predominantly males between the age of 20-30 are angry at the country they are in.


Seriously! Is this a joke! If you are not her legally then get the fuck out. It is as simple as that!


Deport. And also deport Marc Miller to the moon. The man is a ghoul with no soul.


It's not split. Liberals all want it and the rest of us don't.


Combined with the possibility of Trump being elected this could become a major issue.


Irony is Trump winning might be the only thing that can keep Trudeau in power If Obama or even Biden were running the states during Trudeaus term no chance he’d have lasted this long


Weird. Didn't the Us just do this?