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Can someone please tell me the ‘7 Degrees of Kevin Bacon’ for Queen Victoria and The Israel-Palestine Conflict.


White people bad. Queen Victoria white. Jews white enough for them.


For all the hate white people get, everyone sure wants to be around them a lot. Or they wouldn't all try to move to countries where all these white people live.


ELIW5 Explain Like I'm Woke 5


They are just still upset about the seven years war


Deport them


Facts, go home and protest there


Their home sucks and they seem to be determined to make our home suck too.


Colonialism. A lot of the white pro-Hamas protestors seem to really hone in on their anti-colonialist stance.


The expansion of the British Empire in the 19th century under Victoria's rule. The British Empire's continuation through WW1. The British Mandate of Palestine after taking the region from the Ottomans. Balfour Declaration. UN partition. Something something Nakba something something 1967 something something Gaza something something October... Depends where you start but the Brits play a pretty underrated role in the creation of Israel. Especially Brits heavily influenced by the Victorian era


Underrated role? Israel wouldn’t have been possible had the British not defeated the ottomans lol. and they were in charge until they handed over “the problem” to the newly created UN after WW2 for them to figure out.


Although it came in 1917 after she was dead, look up the Balfour Declaration.


The Balfour declaration itself was a response to the 1917 Jaffa Deportation, essentially saying “when the ottomans fall and we take over, the Jews will be safe as a nation within a nation”.


Something, something, desecrating monuments?


Did the monument wear a Yarmulke?


and the police are standing there watching this why?


“According to Montreal police spokesperson Jean-Pierre Brabant, officers patrolled the area and stopped the people trying to demolish the statue, but there were no attempts to dismantle the encampment.”


You'd think Vandalism and desecration of a monument would be grounds for breaking up the encampment. Oh well.


You're expecting Francophones to get upset about a monument to *checks notes* former Queen of England to get upset with it being desecrated?


They're also expecting Montreal cops to give a shit about anything at all.


Yes we are expecting *checks notes* fellow Canadians to get upset that a public monument has been desecrated.


French Canadians don't give a fuck about monuments honoring the British monarchy. You won't see anyone in Quebec shedding a tear on that except anglos.


If most can't be arsed about the science centre I doubt many will give the slightest about a statue


You're missing the point. This isn't about the science centre. The point is we should not sit idly by while public monuments (no matter how you may personally feel about the effigy or its subject) are desecrated. It isn't okay. People not showing the interest you feel is due to other issues doesn't mean they shouldn't show interest in anything at all. Let's not toss the baby out with the bathwater here.


I'm expecting Canadians to be upset about a public monument being desecrated. Just because you agree with a crime doesn't mean it isn't a crime.


Queen of Canada too




France homicide rate is half of Canada and Quebec is the safest province in the country.


Start reporting it as a homeless encampment and it will be dealt with.


Literally one person who read the actual article and everybody else circlejerking. The state of this sub lol


I read the article. Why weren't these people arrested? Also, in your opinion why would they be doing this?


Based on the photos, it didn't look like they were even toppling it. Cops probably walked up, told them to cut it out, got yelled at. Sorry it didn't satisfy your desire to see them all thrown in jail. As to why anybody would deface a statue of British royalty in the middle of a protest in Montreal, Quebec... Well, there's laundry list of reasons


Half of this sub is constantly foaming at the mouth over rage bait.


Because it’s tolerated by our leaders




It's exactly what the leaders do to society.


But when we have any leaders that are actually willing to uphold the laws, they get castigated as ‘far-right white- supremacists islamophobic, moral-authoritarians… and also anti-gay just cause of all the gays the Palestinians support’.  Then when enough people are convinced of the horribleness of the right, the left politician is elected to put a stop to the far-right authoritarians, then the cycle continues… I’m getting too old to care anymore, it’s all so predictable and futile.




Lately they seem more like fans of Beria 


Not a whole lot of difference, really. Trotsky just gets put on a pedestal because he got backstabbed before he had a chance to be a monster.


Because bad behavior is now normalized in this country.


Liberals need the votes in the upcoming election. We're all unsafe in the meantime.


busy watching repeat Qatar airlines landing here, and thinking to themselves: HWhat we've got here, is failure, to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it.


Because they didn't have any big scary trucks with loud horns.


To be fair...the police also stood around for quite a while then. 


The government had to declare an emergency to force the police to do something.


To be fair, people who were vandalizing or otherwise destroying property were in fact arrested. Everyone else who was just making a racket was left alone. In the same vein of fairness, the convoy supporters were not agitators from outside the country, financed by known agitators. The vast majority of these Palestinian protests are very well organized. Their leaders all receive similar training, are literally paid to protest and recruit people, and all have the same extensive list of demands - demands that have nothing to do with stopping the carnage in Gaza. Aid organizations from the US conduct this training and pay people for their agitation. All of universities and colleges that negotiated with these people to leave had to commit to providing scholarships for certain Palestinian students (that just happened to be protesting) and to hiring Palestinian academics. I don't support Israel's scorched earth campaign, but I also don't support self-serving protesters either.


Because Quebec also hates English speaking people 😂


Arresting rich people is bad for your long-term career.


Oh, FFS. At least have some connection to your actions and your protest. Was Queen Victoria a big supporter of Israel? Was she responsible for the condition of the Palestinians in Gaza?


She died before Israel was ever even a glimmer in the post war UK's eye. It's just a page in the "I'm protesting _____" playbook at this point to topple whatever statue of a historical figure is within reach


>She died before Israel was ever even a glimmer in the post war UK's eye. This I know. It was more a rhetorical question for everyone but the protestors. It was kind of a quiz for the protestors...


They couldn't pass a skill testing question on a scratch and win.


Half of them don't know what they are protesting for. Watch lefties lose it by Rita panahi. Amazing series by a news channel.


Hey I'm pretty left and I support Israel all the way in this conflict because Palestine is a feudal state run by warlords and their masters. They will never stop, ever, their only answer is wiping out the Israelis. The fact that these fucking students don't understand that is quite amazing. They must get their news from tiktok


Exactly, it’s pure performance.




The issue is not the issue, the issue is always the revolution


They want to destroy the West and replace it with their theocracy.


Shut the encampments down and arrest or deport the people based on status. Any foreigner involved should be deported immediately, exactly as a Canadian in a foreign country would be.


Soooo, I'm failing to understand what the hell Queen Victoria has to do with Palestine - let alone what's going in in the region right now - given that she's been dead for over 100 years and Palestine wasn't even a thing in her time since it was an Ottoman province at the time.


She probably sat on an ottoman at one point, so that's their rational connection, probably.


Maybe she's interpreted as a symbol of the British Empire, ultimately what led to the establishment of the modern state of Israel after WW2.




FUCKING ARREST THEM this is the problem.. the fact they are protesting is not a problem.. when they begin to vandalize and destroy and intimidate, THROW THE BOOK AT THEM


Fuck these protesters. All they want is to replace our history and legacy with their owns.


Weird they only hate the democratic successful countries. Very weird. :/




Only logical explanation.. Someone must have put a Starbucks cup in her hand. Lol


No surprise. These people want to destroy the West. They don't actually care about the Palestinian people.




This shit doesn’t at help generate sympathy.


please deport them


Pathetic our country is so weak it allows these vitriolic hate mobs to continue. Anyone without citizenship should be on the deportation docket.


What exactly does Queen Victoria have to do with the Palestinian conflict? She's been dead since 1901


Hard to think about it when the brain is absent in the first place.


So they identify as Ottomans?


They're telling us who they really are and what they really represent. So why does anyone still support them?


Bc they agree with them. They want to destroy the West from within.




The wipipo bad bandwagon is here in these very comments calling for the destruction of western society.


What a bunch of losers.


If you can't convey your message peacefully and respectfully, then it shouldn't be heard. It's no longer a message but a threat. If you have to hide your identity while protesting, then you either don't truly stand for what you are protesting or you have the understanding that what you about to do can get you in trouble.


I have met and spoken with many Palestinian supporters in the McGill encampment who are actively planning assaults on banks and businesses with ties to Israel. They're discussing: blowing up cars and destroying any property that appears to belong to the wealthy, mobbing the homes of McGill professors and administrators, and training people to fight. Violence is their language now. They talk only about resistance and revolution. Half the encampment has also turned on the other half, allegedly, because one half just wants to protest for Palestine, while the other half wants violent unrest and war against the state.


Uhhh if you're serious, CSIS should be made aware


They honestly should not be here.


Too late for that


Does not have to be.  People who come here under false pretense are not Canadian and can lose that citizenship. They hate us anyway.  Why stay?


Look what we've allowed our nation to become.


>our nation Justin Trudeau said ‘there is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada’ and that Canada is now post-national. So I guess it works according to his plans ?


Well luckily for the rest of us, Trudeau isn't the final authority on what is and is not considered Canadian.


you are really underestimating how many of the Montreal protestors are born and bred Québécois marxists lol


The police "stopped" them for trying to destroy a Canadian symbol. They should be arrested and charged. It's bullshit that they let these people get away with this.


Moron culture.


Canada is dealing with so much, specifically affordable living… why are these people not out protesting for the lives of Canadians? The ones living in the streets due to no housing, and those struggling with sky rocketing rent and grocery prices?


not enough trendy virtue and social media points caring about canadians


take back canada & [costoflivingcanada.ca](http://costoflivingcanada.ca) are having nationwide protests on July 1st..


So when do we start calling a spade a spade? These people aren't protestors, they are acting in bad faith and hate the country they are in. Nothing but gears for a terrorist group. Iran has shown its colors, why don't we stomp out the flames of hate here?


They should all be thrown in jail.


Wait until the LGBTQ folks in the protest crowd find out Hamas’ views on gay rights.


They already know and don’t care.


Iran's Ayatollah is so proud 🤮


Iran is literally offering citizenship and tuition to any student kicked out of college due to ~~violently rioting~~ protesting for Palestine


Let them go. Enjoy tyranny.


Women students too?


Can’t call them protestors anymore


GTFO out of this country, your not welcome.


Where is the mayor of Montréal ?


Sleeping at the wheel 


Good thing they didn't damage a progress flag otherwise they'd find themselves in real trouble.


This is getting out of hand


This seems right up there in levels of stupid like those dipshits that spray painted Stonehenge because they don't like cars.


Monuments in Democratic society should not be destroyed as part of a protest. If there are offensive they should be removed through societies processes. Attacking a monument in Canada for a conflict that's happening on either side of the world is maddening. Go ahead and protest but don't attack the monuments of the country you have chosen to live in.


Clueless 🤡 


The irony is that these protests accomplish absolutely nothing at all. All it does is annoy and piss people off. But maybe that's the real objective behind what they are doing?


They never cared about the Palestinians, the same way they never cared about the 500k Yemenis or 600k Syrians, they only want to feel good about themselves, and feel like they are part of something


I seriously think they must be getting a stipend of some sort every time they hit the streets. It is not normal for people, unless they have close political or familial ties to Palestine, to be so organized with a consistent presence of large numbers of people of different backgrounds at regular protests. The fact that half of them cover their faces in masks indicates to me that they are cautious about being found out while they ply their side gig.


Yes exactly, unearned virtue is a very powerful drug, and these people are the junkies on that shit.


The Jihadists will keep pushing until there's pushback. Stop being Nice Guys.




Don’t worry, the monuments and tributes erected today will be toppled and destroyed some time in the future for whatever reason is the trend of the day.


This seems rather wanton and thoroughly misguided.


Nobody cares about a stupid statue. The problem is these clowns are annoying and self-righteous. Get them gone!


Terrorists doing terrorist things.


We should provide one way tickets to those protesters to Palestine so they can focus their efforts and help out over there.


I can't imagine what the good folk living in the old British Empire would think of the state of the nation today.


Most of our World War 1 soldiers probably wouldn't have fought for the country


How long is trudeau going to put up with this bullshit?


Oh boy the children need our attention again. Maybe hold your breath and stomp your feet as a plan B.


I still have no idea what the point of this is. Do these people not know what country they are in? It's not Israel.


I remember when the convoy put a scarf on a Terry Fox statue and the media called it desecration lol


Keep your fucking regional beefs out of my country. Palestine, Israel, Russia and Ukraine can all fuck off. I have my own problems to worry about.


My, my simple sir, this ain't gonna work Mind my wicked words and tipsy topsy slurs I can't take this place, no I can't take this place I just wanna go where I can get some space -How I feel about Canada right now.


Was she even alive when Israel was formed? From what I read she died about 50 years before lol.


This is a pro terror protest, did we expect better?


God save our gracious King! Long live our noble King! God save the King! Send him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the King. Thy choicest gifts in store On him be pleased to pour, Long may he reign. May he defend our laws, And ever give us cause, To sing with heart and voice, God save the King. And may our empire be Loyal united free True to ourselves and thee FOREVER MORE


Just another day of turning a blind eye in Montreal. There is a nice park right outside the CDPQ office. Let’s see what happens when the encampment tries to occupy that space.


Straight unemployment activities


As a former McGill student and longtime Montrealer, I was wondering when this statue would get defaced. I figured it would be on Journée Nationale des Patriotes, Saint Jean, or Canada day (on any given year), but I guess I’m wrong. The fact is that for a LOT of left leaning people, Victoria is the emblem of English imperialism. When you think about it that way, it’s not a surprise that this global event triggered the desire to deface this particular statue. England had a huge role in the founding of Israel, and Israel is, for the sake of this argument, whether you agree with the statement or not, a colony founded on imperial principles. I don’t love the idea of worshipping bad people and having statues erected in their honour. I’m not a fan of erasing history either. I don’t see the point in tearing down statues. But I understand why the Victoria statue is a target right now.


That ain't it


I have had enough with these people. Whoever support them immediately lose my votes.


Where are the pepper ball guns when you need em? I didn’t realize vandalism was ok.


Tbh plenty of people in Montreal likely thought to topple that statue themselves. Have people forgotten that we have Quebec MPs who refuses to swear allegiance to the crown? The pearl clutching is squarely happening outside of Quebec's borders on that one lmao


I wish there was more liberal (zing) use of beanbag guns here ...


If she was painted in raindbow colors, they would worship her. Also only then wouls toppling the statue be a crime.


I guess veganism can overcome anything except heavy objects


Get the bulldozer out already!


In light of the rapidly changing political landscape of the past two years. I am very sad about the beautiful statues the western world has lost to people who hate us…


That's nothing, this one time a bunch of people draped a flag over a statue of Terry Fox.


The protestors and the cops both show a lack of respect for the country they function in. I am so tired of this cultural shit testing. It's time for Canada to show up for itself and send these fuckheads packing. Since the authorities are doing the square root of fuck all, maybe some social sanctioning would help. Shun these people like you do smokers. Edit. Make it taboo.


Useful idiots.


Deport them even if they are Canadians


I dont get the point? Im indigenous, and i dont have anything against Queen Victoria . Leave her out of it.


Time for tear gas. No longer peaceful. If he had any stones anyways


This is truly crazy. Canada has some very important decisions if it wants to remain a NATION.


None of these protestors actually give a single shit about Palestinians or Muslims when the ONLY actions they take only fuel further hate & racism against us & anybody with dark skin. I'm fucking sick of these trust fund socialist Queers literally supporting the genocide of LGBTQ Muslims in the Middle East by their support for the most extremist violent Islamists groups. FFS these idiots were literally cheering on as violence engulfed my home country and put my Family's life at risk, they only care about hating jews when they ignore the women life freedom protests but support the Iranian regimes persecution of its own people. They cry about being misgendered then literally advocate for the persecution of LGBTQ in the Middle East, THIS IS WHY NOBODY RESPECTS PRIDE ANYMORE. The hypocrisy to cry victim when being protested against only for them to join those protestors 1yr later when they target jews.