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Lol, the balls on this guy to even show his face after that by-election. He is responsible for the #1 issue that's driving canadians away from the liberals. How out of touch are these people


They don't care as long as the corporate payouts errr I mean political donations continue


He’s set for life, and has no incentive to change. He will have some cushy advisory role, and a great pension after that, because in the eyes of corporate donors, he did exactly what they needed and wanted.


Working with/for the century initiative no doubt! Do the bidding of the rich to help them get richer at the cost of Canadians well being and standard of living! But the average Canadian is poor. So fuck them..right?


He was set for life the moment he was born, and he is obviously incredibly vain. His behavior is completely shocking when taken in that light. Now he's at least guaranteed a podium position in the race for worst PM ever.


it would be amazing if the liberals decided to make him or sean fraser the face of the party.


I mean corporate overlords gifts go pretty hard!


Then why give those workers permanent residency. It's more than just corporate payouts.


There’s really two sides to this. If they keep the population going up then there’s more demand for housing which benefits recent and near term retirees who need to cash out the equity from their homes to fund retirement. This of course helps landlords (small or corporate) as well. The other side is that a growing population creates demand for essentials which keeps the national GDP up and avoids a recession. Naturally this comes at the expense of per-capita GDP which lowers our standard of living but that’s only a problem if you aren’t rich.


To be fair, the two other ministers before him are equally responsible for looking the other way. Now they doing that to the housing crisis as I think one of the immigration ministers is now in charge of housing


Don't forget that he recently took over for Sean Fraser who is unfortunately now our housing minister. Sean was the one who raised the numbers and said we have a job shortage. 100% his fault, and I don't want people to forget. People seem to have a short memory and I've seen many people suggest Sean as being the replacement for JT eventually.


Based on the Fuck Trudeau signs I'm seeing in Fraser's riding I think he should update his resume.


Backbencher Andy Filmore has been thinking of coming home to run for mayor. I feel like spending money on a bunch of Team Trudeau stickers to put on his signs. These people should be more scared of public opinion. 


*Sean Fraser and Lurch are responsible


Every one of them is responsible. Cabinet makes these high-level decisions. The immigration minister is just the one that oversees the implementation of what cabinet decides.


They're all responsible... When this guy took the position just under a year ago...... he said he was going to restrict it temp residents. What happened since he took that position? Canada broke the record for intake of temporary residents every quarter since.


Miller talked a big game initially that was extremely promising, but he hasn't worked very fast or very hard to fix it. Sean Fraser might be the worst minister ever, but it would be SO EASY to do better than Miller is doing now. Look at Doug Ford speedrun a 100% corruption playthrough of Ontario Premier. He just does bullshit when and wherever he likes, and damn the consequences, even though people fucking hate him for it as they well should. If Miller were serious, he would have massive bipartisan support to throw caution to the wind and drive rapidly towards a brute force solution and look like an absolute hero. If someone lights you on fire, there's no need to have a committee meeting about the best way to fix it.


They couldn’t be MORE out of touch on immigration. They completely destroyed the integrity of our once great immigration system. It’s an incredible shame.


Hes the fall guy


Looks good on him, though.


They're not out of touch, these things made them rich all the same. No politician will change this clusterfuck of immigration because money


Yeah, we’re suffering because of you, you dumbass. Is this not a democracy… we have told you we don’t want you, and if you and your cronies had an ounce of humility you would pack it in. Unreal.


So this isn’t a democracy? Ok understood say hello to the dictator… when statements like this are Made it’s a blatant way of saying you vote doesn’t matter


And nothing well change when Conservatives take power. I wish we had another viable party.


It really is astonishing. I think it's over now, especially since it's clear they wont do anything, but if one day late in 2023 they'd announced a massive crackdown, they'd probably be on their way to another minority government instead of Mulroney/Campbell levels of devastation. Instead they've committed to providing infinite fuel for the rising far right in Canada while simultaneously devastating quality of life in the most visible and in your face way possible.


Very out of touch. So many people despise Trudeau for his 2015 SLEW of broken election promises like vote reform, especially younger folks. It only got more disgusting and corrupt with We Day, SNC Lavalin, and Wilson-Raybould. They needed to turf Trudeau yesterday and get a progressive candidate in leadership to get those votes back, but... Cronyism and party corruption is still a thing. Part of why we need MMP or STV voting to kill everything from gerrymandering to party whip politics. But the Libs and Cons don't want that. They want an inevitable broken two party system endgame like in the US to keep control of power forever.


Maybe Marc Miller should look in the mirror and see how his policies are imploding the future prosperity of everyone who didn’t own a house in 2018. This guy has to be the 2nd least self aware MP in the country after the PM.


Oh, he's self aware. >Restaurants Canada thanks and congratulates the Honourable Randy Boissonnault, The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship and his predecessor Honourable Sean Fraser for their willingness to listen and support our industry’s labour needs. >“This program rewards employers who are following best practices when it comes to the employment of TFWs,” said, RC President and CEO, Kelly Higginson. “This program will reduce costs and ease access to labour at a time when the industry needs it the most.”


> “This program rewards employers who are following best practices when it comes to the employment of TFWs,” Ah. The best practices of fast food chain exploiting cheap labor and poor working conditions.


they shipped out the manufacturing and said we'd be a service economy. then they shipped in the service economy from overseas too.


Is this from the paywall article? if not can you give me the source?


It's not from this article no. https://www.restaurantscanada.org/big-win-for-the-food-service-industry/


Gross. Thanks for providing that link.


The link really cinches it. "Restaurants Canada" i.e. fast food chains.


"reduce costs and ease access to labour" AKA help them exploit the proletariat by importing replacements


Well, he was famously one of Trudeau’s groomsmen at his wedding, so they are peas in a nepo pod.


don't forget the moron they had before him, Sean Fraser.. the guy who lost a million people


And Ahmed Hussein who famously stocked up on real estate (and lied when asked about it), as he let thousands into Canada!


Ahmed "we froze funds to UNRWA (but in reality prepaid them millions of dollars)" Hussein is a liar?! no way


Yep, that guy. He thinks we all forgot, but some of us never will...


Lol Label the liberals to the unaware groomsman party ...


I think Marc recognized the problem and started doing something about it. But it was too little, too late. His 2 predecessors were the bigger culprits.


This is true, however it's no excuse.


You bet if he resigns Hos seat would be taken up by cons. Hope many wake up calls do they need


Bloody clown. Last week he was telling us we're all wrong. Now he wants introspection. Piss off. Next election, you're gone asshole.


I think he means we voters need to introspect as to why we are so cold, small and cruel ( Ms. Chrystia Freeland’s words) and why we can’t understand Trudeau’s grand vision.


We do understand the grand vision, and it’s disastrous for average Canadians


All those axe the tax guys chilling on highways should set up a Trudeau town in front of Freeland’s house instead and then just have a bunch of signs made up of her quotes that have been basically telling Canadian to eat shit an deal with it.


We need a T- Shirt that says : Canadians : Small Cruel and Cold


His riding is actually quite safe but either way, he's an idiot and the only reason he's a cabinet member is because he was one of Trudeau's groomsmen.


This makes me want to scream. EVEN IF he was actually qualified, the potential for a conflict of interest is too high to have permitted it.


St. Paul was very safe with the LPC having a 99% chance to win the 3 months ago too.


I don't think they are capable of introspection.


He means we need to engage in introspection, not that they do. They are never the ones who need to improve. We could all learn from this.


“Let’s give permanent residency to every illegals! But we need introspection “. lol


The gov: importing a million people a year while rents are sky high Also the gov: we have no idea how to improve our poll numbers


Of course. Courtiers of the Trudeau dynasty are gathering to save King Justin.


He's one of the violinists on the Titanic.


Nah, those guys actually did their job.


He’s one of the guys who dug Genghis Khan’s tomb


Nah, he's Eric Andre asking, "Who killed Hannibal?"


That’s exactly it. The people who owe him most are publicly displaying fealty, nothing more.


Trudeaus introspection "why is the populace wrong and what messaging will get them to realize that"


> "why is the populace wrong and ~~what messaging will~~ **how much will it cost** to get them to realize that" Fixed that for you.


Wake up babe, new rebate dropping soon 🙃


UBI for everyone, I'd bet money on it as they're getting desperate


That would be the most ridiculous hail mary in Canadian history, with record debt, inflation on the rise, and nowhere to live. So, they'll probably do it.


tbh i'm surprised they havent promised to cancel student debt yet.


I think you might be right, and it might actually work??


I could see him doing it but I don't think it would work because the people that would benefit from it don't normally vote and it would really piss off hard working people that might be on the fence about their vote.


That's a good point. We'll see what else happens between now and E Day. Interesting times, for sure.


This guy should be put on a raft out to sea. He has caused irreversible damage to Canada.


A leaky raft while wearing lead boots


We could use ice floes, much greener than a raft.


*fading into the distance:* "I'm not your guy, buddy!"


South Park's Canada is what we should be. Putting hated politicians on ice floats and drifting them off into the arctic.


Marc Miller should do some "introspection" with a Econ101 textbook about supply and demand and how that impacts housing costs.


These pricks truly think that we're all children and they're saving us from ourselves.


Imagine being the immigration minister during all this and thinking you have any kind of valued opinion


They are completely brain-dead...


Here's some introspection for you. Call an election and let Canadians vote and let them have a say on who they want.


the same immigration minister pushing amnesty and citizenship for illegal immigrants. screw him and the pile of special interest lobbying he rode in on.


Introspection?? Dude time for that was 5 years ago. This SOB has NO IDEA HOW HARD LIFE IS FOR SO MANY OF US


He does and he expects you to comply


They're running out of buzzwords for "give us more time to fuck up the country".


Even a colonoscopy is not gonna save you buddy


Of course he would, he was in Trudeau's wedding. They are lifelong friends. Why do you think the guy keeps landing the big office appointments.


I hope this "introspection" makes them realize Canadians are pissed and fed up. But they have their heads buried so far up their arrogant ideological asses that they just can't fathom the reality here.


Ginger Frankenstein doesn’t get it


It’s ironic that Trudeau opened the floodgates on immigration to save the fortunes of homeowners, a majority of whom turned around and voted against him for keeping their asset prices up at the cost of everyone else.


That riding has a large Jewish population and I’m confident many have incorporated assets that are affected by the increase in capital gains taxes.


Do you think these idiots will EVER recognize that this election is about housing and cost of living and their terrible immigration policies are hated by everyone in Canada? Or will they just continue to deflect and bury their heads in the sand? I wish one reporter would have the balls to really grill them on it. “ Will you ever acknowledge that a large portion of Canadians disagree with your immigration targets? Whether you believe they’re right or wrong, will you ever acknowledge it’s not what Canadians want?”


So the idiot that flooded the country with unqualified immigrants thinks Trudeau should stay.


[Marc Miller having a moment of clarity.](https://c.tenor.com/2-5XPoT_7esAAAAC/are-we-the-baddies-bad.gif)


Miller is the biggest fuckin joke in the entire country. That’s hard to do when his colleagues are people like Justin, Freeland, Guibo.


It never ceases to amaze how everyone rushes to kiss the ring, even as things get worse and worse. Serious MAGA Trump vibes.


Somebody behind the scenes cracking the party whip extra hard?


Sean fraser and marc miller are personal friends with Trudeau, of course they will stand by him.


Wasn't he one of the folks in his wedding party?


The three stooges; JT, Freeland, Miller.


Fuck that guy


He means Canadians should be introspective about how racist and evil they are for not voting for them. Also the immigration will continue until morale improves


I just keep refreshing The Globe and Mail's website waiting for Lawrence Martin's next article to drop.


Take a long walk in the snow...?


This guy was a groomsman at Trudeau’s wedding right?


Fuck this guy and the rest of the liberal party.


Yall are just gonna stay on the titanic eh? Good.


They've lost the mandate, now they just have to lose the man.


He really thought showing his face today and basically tell the population we are wrong was a smart move ? It just shows how out of touch they are


This is the first guy going to prison after Trudeau.


"After much thought and introspection we've decided that those who won't vote for us are a bunch of misinformed racists so we're going to triple immigration levels to teach them about diversity."


Imagine thinking people care what you think when you've failed miserably at your one job.


Given the mess our immigration housing is, this minister is not thinking clearly about whats good for the party.


Bunch of ideologues telling us what to think rather than listen to Canadians. It won’t end well for them in their post political lives


"keep working hard for Canadians" LOL


Introspection? I guess they all have to stick their head up their own ass.


This government is the living embodiment of "the road to hell was paved with good intentions".


I used to think that, but I'm starting to think they are malicious.


We all joke about Jagmeet being Trudeau's lap dog but who's knee is Justin sitting on? It's malicious all right.


Marc Miller for treason.


Well what else is he going to do, through his boss Justin under the bus. There was probably an insider email distributed to all LPC members to "Maintain the Façade" while they look for solutions over the summer to their upcoming election problem.


Why am I laughing so hard about it?


People forget, him and Mark Miller are literally friends. He was in Trudeau’s wedding party. He will never do anything that’s not signed off by JT. All of his groomsmen are government insiders.


So the Libs are drinking their own coolaid.


Minister of colonization has a fucking opinion.


I'd like to know how many properties the minister owns and his financial dealings! As I feel his policies may benefit his portfolio if that is the case.


All these people acting like an immature toxic partner being told it’s not working out, and /promising/ they’ll do better


Sucks we've to have him till next year.


Can someone actually tell me what their rationale is for this ungated flood-like immigration policy? I'm European and have been wanting to move to Canada since I was 11 years old (2 decades have passed since). And yea, the irony is not lost on me. But I'm just curious why that's the hill they're willing to die on, when every conceivable metric I've seen on this issue points to hugr negative fallout of these policies. What am I missing? Why this drive for unbound immigration?


Jesus, nobody looks any further than the figurehead and they want to actively hand the election to the 2x4 with googly eyes and a face drawn on in sharpie.


There’s more of us, than there are of them. And with every person who they drive to poverty, they feed the beast The majority will prevail in this country. The majority - they who have the last laugh.


This guy is either clueless or gaslighting or both……just a big putz


Voting for justin and the liberal regime is voting for poverty. Help, I've fallen and can't reach my drink.


Sounds like a guy who knows he will get shuffled into a safe riding if the rest of the party goes up in flames.


If a turd had a face. 🖕🖕


the introspection should start with firing the person responsible for the loss. considering he's in chage of the department causing the problem that led to the loss...


How about a look in the mirror, Marc? You and your portfolio are absolutely part of the problem.


Maybe he can take a good long introspective look up his own ass


Absolute useless, treacherous moron.


Marc Miller is a disgrace to Canadians and should face trial for treason. 


How about calling an election?


Is this the one where he goes on and on about how his party is struggling because Poilievre has 'imported issues from the South'? The same party that won't ever shut up about guns, abortion, 'MAGA Conservatives' climate change, trans issues, US-specific race relations problems, and had Hillary Clinton as keynote speaker at one of their party conventions?




TOo much extropection


What a clueless q-tip head.


The only thing left to do to not suffer more humiliation like the CCP is to pay fines and go to jail


Lol. I mean even a clock that was broken because a cow shat on it is correct twice a day...


If it’s so obvious to everyone else that Trudeau at this point should step down, it’s a clear sign that no one is listening. So for a party that won’t listen, refuses to accept reality, and doubles down on stupid ideas. I say, fuck you. I consider myself liberal, but whoever you’ve got in this mess is fucking it up bad. You’ve lost my vote.


Scarecrow is perpetuating Kiltie McFraser's blunders.... Come all Ye Caregivers is his.


Is introspection another word polish your resume?


Seeing a lot of hate for this guy, despite his efforts to push a PR stream for undocumented immigrants, I think Sean Fraser is more responsible for the mess. Fraser had been the Minister of Immigration until July 2023, so he should be the one responsible for the surge in international students, refugees, workers in certain industries after some huge global layoffs, etc. After Marc Miller became the Minister, he cut the number of study permits and we have seen PNP requirements tighten. I am not saying he is good, but I don't think he should take all the blame.


of course he should stay on as leader. why would anyone want to replace him, it's career suicide. see: Kathleen Wynne.


There’s a lot of them that should step down, not just Trudeau. I’m astonished nobody has yet. It’s their only slim chance of maybe winning the next election.


No Marc, he shouldn’t. You both should be shit-canned.


Yes please, leave him in so we can destroy his narcissistic ego by demolishing the Liberals at the polls.


Trudeau is his personnal friend what did you expect.


Liberal memo sent out sayin, "Say Trudeau isn't going to resign." Until the next memo is sent out that says he is resigning. My guess is after the summer. Liberals lost a seat they had for decades. That's foreshadowing, right?


These Liberals just keep saying words all the while pretending they're true. It's a hilarious, yet very tired shtick.  Fold your socks and go home Trudeau. 


Lol yes. Start reflecting.


Ironic that most of the problems why they lost was because of this fucking idiot's brain dead immigration policies.


Libs lost my vote Cons never had it NDP I guess.


Introspection! LOL!!!!


This guy cost the entire party their future.


It’s perfect if he stays on. They will lose even worse and Pierre will have total majority and really be able to get things done.


Marc Miller is a ghoul with no soul.


Yeah no shit you need introspection bud.


Where does this guy live? I think we should go egg his house. It's only fair.


Momma told me not to wish bad on others but man do I wish this guy gets his laces or Velcro shoe straps stuck in an escalator.