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Add this to the housing crisis, affordability crisis, health care crisis. Am I missing anymore crisis?


Immigration crisis and debt crisis


Sounds like a crisis crisis.


Yes we're at a crisis level with those.


Leadership crisis


Bingo! Our biggest mental health crisis is the wing-nuts we have in the government.


Employment crisis but that’s caused by the immigration crisis


All of these are ultimately just the immigration crises when you zoom out.


That's what a societal collapse is, when everything becomes dysfunctional and a crisis. 


Indeed. And it happens over time. Today we talk about the fall of the Roman Empire like it was just one singular event, but in reality it happened gradually over decades. We have had one bad decade, and the next decade will be worse unless some drastic changes are made.


This, I think we can only hope that our lost decade(s) will be as forgiving as Japan's were. We've put a lot of money into very stupid places and it will take us a long time to correct even just our trajectory, let alone our position.


It’s a wage crisis People! Jayzus! 2 time college grad and my wages have stayed within $5/hr over the last 20+ years!! My coworkers and I in healthcare literally get dimes and nickels for wage increases. It’s ridiculous.


This is honestly it, this would solve everything if the government actually stood up for working people and wasn't 100% serving corporations above all. They've completely sold us out & workers don't even get close to the same piece of the pie that they used to. My career is in education which also requires 2+ degrees and its the same deal, the salaries don't keep up with inflation and its known that work conditions keep getting worse every year. Over 50% of teachers burn out and quit the profession within 5 years, before they even make an acceptable salary that could pay off their student loan debt. It will probably take a massive general strike for things to actually change.


I’m a welder and tig welded (hardest welding process) for minimum wage. No one pays us anymore


Fellow nurse, I make $2 more than patient care attendants right now… I have been a nurse 6 years


Drugs, guns, and car theft. Environment too, I guess, since we’ve all been under water since 2012.


Guns? Nah man, guns are not even in the top 20 problems this country has.


Given That mental health is downstream everything else in life, is it a wonder that not being able to afford to live is causing psychological distress? Is it a wonder than drug use is highest in areas that have undergone deindustrialization and are economically declining? Fix the other things first, and a lot of depression and anxiety will go with it.


not sure if it's too obvious to say, but the paywalled article indicates a crisis of journalism to me




Don’t forget our own government going after us when we can barely afford to live let alone thrive right now. The amount of ridiculous audits imposed on the middle and lower class citizens is unbelievable; causing us to jump through hoops to obtain and send off documentation proving that we birthed our child 15 years ago or that we were married 20 years ago but lived separately before then - the majority of documents that they have access to! So much stress on us and for what? All the while, they ignore the millions and billions hidden away in tax havens and continue to offer corporate welfare to the conglomerates! Let’s not even touch on the CERB fiasco when it was their unclear qualification requirements that led to mass confusion and desperation and now even those who collected under good faith are left with $10k + debt and threats of legal action! When our own government is causing us even further stress, fear, uncertainty and financial strain while enjoying the upper class lifestyle they stole using connections gained through their positions, what hope do we have?




Crisis of keeping track of all of the crises, prioritizing which I should be worrying about and remember the plural of “crisis”


drug crisis, criminal justice crisis, economic crisis, crisis in the military, a crisis of spirit and morale across the country.


Disabled are MAIDing themselves rather than live in poverty


You could sum it up as global overpopulation crisis


Leadership transparency crisis. It would be refreshing to get something more than a canned answer to important questions. "We're working hard for Canada and Canadians." Cool story. Care to elaborate?


A historic decline in living standards will do that


Plus the gas lighting from the government.


This is it. I love my wife, I love my dog, I love my job. I live in poverty though I make much more than my home owner father ever did. So I will be depressed daily knowing my shelter isn’t secure even though I did everything right. Counselling or pills doesn’t change the fact your future you planned through school got completely destroyed as soon as you got into the world.


You’re definitely not alone in feeling that way


Happy cake day!


To be fair the supports for mental health have also pretty much been stripped at provincial levels. Politicians are playing political games and the population is getting fucked.


Trudeau’s legacy of shit


It's not really a left of a right issue, it has always been a ultra rich vs the masses battle. Yes, Trudeau is in power right now and things have gotten worse, but who ever is in power would just be helping out their prefered version of friends on top. To believe that another party would fix the issue is playing into their game.


It's always been a class war. Canadians keep thinking things will get better if they just vote for the red corporate party and then the blue corporate party. Unfortunately the orange labour party has lost focus on the class war and has been in the trenches of the culture war, having been dragged there by the social conservatives. They need to stop focusing so much on that and rebuild bridges and connections to labour and the working class. *Edited to change "turn" to "then" in the 4th line.


"rebuild bridges and connections to labour and the working class." They are waiting until that working class has been suitably colonized by wage suppressors.


Fuck the orange. I grew up knowing they were the only reasonable option. I also grew up having pride about being Canadian. Watching orange bend over backwards for a piece of the pie has been pathetic. Orange died with jack layton. I grow my moustache proud for him in November. Also cause men get ball cancer too


Orange did not die with Layton. It’s alive and well at provincial levels, and struggling federally because the leadership is bought and paid for. The MPs still believe in the people, and provincially my province has never looked more hopeful than with the new ANDP turnout. 73,000 votes cast with 86% of the party turning up to vote.


Manitoba is orange and Wab Kinew is the highest rated premier across the country. Orange is not dead!


Yep! It’s just going through a rebuilding process, IMO. Federally it has an identity crisis but after the next federal election I imagine Singh will step down. I don’t think he’s done a horrible job, but definitely not a good leader 


Jagmeet Bling will not be the guy that takes them where they wanna be.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouseland Everyone should know this story


Best story ever. I've always told my fellow mice to stop electing cats.


Yep. The first war is the class war.


First and only.


No war but class war


>It's not really a left of a right issue, it has always been a ultra rich vs the masses battle. They are in for the shock when the realize that our quality of life does not improve under a Conservative PM. But, they will have NatPo to tell them that life is great and awesome and likely believe it.


Life will certainly not improve under a conservative government as there is in practice little difference between the parties to begin with. They won’t reverse course on anything Trudeau has done policy wise that was deleterious to Canadian living standards as they serve the same set of interests. I’m sure there will be a modest tax cut followed by much fanfare but that’s about it. Wages aren’t going up, housing isn’t getting more affordable and neither will the necessities of life


Finally, someone on this subreddit that understands that the LPC/CPC are close to being the same party and the interests they serve.


The rich have enough to support both parties protecting their interests so no matter who wins, they always win.


Yup. Which is why I am done voting for them.


Tradesman will hopefully have more jobs available to them, skilled tradesman at least.


My quality of life and that of my family was far better under Harper.


You mean the man who opened the housing market to Chinese investors and governments? https://www.greenparty.ca/en/content/stand-against-sellout-china-0


Chinese investors absolutely was a huge mistake. You know what's worse? Millions of Indians each year.


At least the Indian residents live in the houses.


I haven't heard PP promise anything that would restore the ratio of wages to prices (particularly housing prices) that we had before 2015.


Fun thing to remember is how much better Canada managed than most of the world in the 08's meltdown. Most give credit to Harper but a lot of it was because of the unpopular work Cretien/Martin did - so really both Cons and Libs can take credit. But yes, a competent government can in fact steer you out of global crisis.


Also, Canada did better because of our rules governing the banking sector. Rules Harper wanted to change. Had he managed to do so beftthr market crisis Canada would have been screwed. So Harper gets zero credit for our performance during the 08-09 crisis.


Well, my point was that Martin/Chretien set up the banking regulations but Harper didn't fuck  it up in real-time - and even that deserves credit. The crisis didn't end in 09. \*note I'm politically agnostic.


If anyone expects prices to return to pre 2015 prices they are insane. There is no where in the world where that could happen. The issue at hand is that under Trudeau, Canadian quality of life, GDP, health care and many measures of life have declined. Now he's trying to mortgage the future with promises that can't be met. Businesses are not investing in Canada based on liberal policies. Trudeau needs to resign and there needs to be a change in direction. Canadians deserve better.


Removing carbon tax bullshit and lowering income tax will definitely help just about everything.


So was the rest of the world. It’s like saying my quality of life was much better when The Killers were popular.


Hey... You're right. We've gotta get them back into the top 40! And then everything will start to improve.


The wheels of the federal government grind slowly and changes take time. You can thank the Cretien/Martin policies for that.


They won’t care. To them it’s about winning not helping. Shit can stay the same or get worse and they’ll just be happy the guy they picked is in charge.


So, reading between the lines of your post, might as well vote for Trudeau again? It always makes me laugh when you folks say stuff like this…if we stay with Mr Socks we know what he will do based on his eight years in the big chair, for the other, we can guess, speculate or even try to forecast their intentions based on their actions in the opposition…but the only certainty in their case is that we do not know! Which makes my vote easy.


Vote orange or purple, don’t give the entrenched parties anything to hope for 


He screwed over the majority to help a tiny minority.


Neo liberalism's legacy of shit. Took decades to get us to.this point.


His massive uptick in immigration levels sustained over his 9 years without a commensurate investment in existing social services and infrastructure is why there’s been such a precipitous quality of life decline in the last decade. Neoliberalism may have started the fire but Trudeau has spent a decade pouring napalm on it.


I know some folks who work for Service Canada and they’re very open about immigration being used as a means to support retirement pensions. The government imports ridiculous numbers of people, then incentivizes their employment over existing Canadians to get them paying into the system to support the Boomers. Trudeau isn’t the problem. I mean, he is right now. But soon it’ll be Poilievre whose immigration policies are pretty much identical. Then it’ll be someone else sacrificing one demographic for another. A lot of people need to starve so a few can feast. That’s how the system works. And it’s going to get worse because more people paying into the system means more people entitled to benefits, which means even more people need to pay into the system. There’s no reality in which that is sustainable. And partisan rhetoric is a distraction, at best. What we need is a massive general strike. Edit: elaborated a few points


Being forced to live with your parents past 30 or being paycheck to paycheck when you have what was once considered a good job will do that to u


Don't forget the downward push to salary on that same good job while things around us got expensive.


Also reducing labour hours so fewer people are covering more responsibilities with that lower quality paycheck.


Right. It is not a mental health crisis when your life legitimately sucks. I'm sick of passing the buck to people up shit's creek and pathologizing basic emotions. Rage, anger, despondence and depression are all basic emotions and not illnesses. It's not "mental health" it's "uhh... I'm fucked." and having the wherewithal to recognize that. Stop blaming people for being human beings. You aren't going to CBT or medicate somebody out of them being somber or angry about having literally no future.


This comment really helped me. As someone that worked really hard, got a great education, and landed a really good job but is still stuck living my parents, and living paycheck to paycheck, I'm miserable. I've been trying to medication and CBT my way out of it and beating myself up for it not working. But when you did everything right and still have no future, I guess it's pretty reasonable to be upset


> I guess it's pretty reasonable to be upset Not only reasonable, but unfortunately necessary. It's like having a broken ankle and the doctor sends you on your way with a fentanyl lollipop. The problems that are leading to "muh mental health crisis" are being "treated" by passing the problem onto the sufferer instead of addressing the cause. You aren't alone. Talking to a bespectacled PHD in a nice office and pouring your heart out will never change the fact that you're broke, have no chance of ever having a home, probably never getting married because the dating scene is terrifyingly commodified, the list goes on. We're treating dystopian ills with really nice gentle "you're just sick sweetie :)"


Some people don't even have parents as a fall back


And it's heartbreaking. I have a friend who is a manager at a major corporation in retail who had FIVE roommates and cut their losses to move back in with her mom 5 hours away from her boyfriend. I know dudes who are experienced in their lines of work who have 3 or 4 roommates and can't keep a vehicle and have rumbling tummies 2 days away from payday. It makes me angry. It should make you angry. It's not a mental health issue. It's wrong and it shouldn't be happening. They aren't experiencing poor mental health. They are experiencing excellent mental health. They are rightly mad.


Some months ago, I read a comment from a therapist saying there is some debate within their profession about whether or not they are enabling corporation’s bad behaviour by counselling people to become ’peaceful’ with f\*cked up circumstances/conditions…


Or making 100K+ and just being happy to afford a roof and groceries. Wtf. However, I take every opportunity to assist others


Mental health crisis is a weird way to say dystopian future. 


*dystopian present


The world’s gone to shit why are people sad? It has nothing to do with being told your whole educational life that you have to go to post secondary to get anywhere then all of a sudden those people graduate with tens of thousands in debt and are told to get fucked for years after. Then being told by older generations their just whinny and entitled meanwhile that same person had a 6 figure job fall into their lap after high school and bought a house for a few magic beans


Hate to tell you but the lower end of six figures isn't what it used to be either.  There are professionals and junior executives facing standard of living decline as well despite desperate focus on career and income advancement.  It feels like you are swimming against rapids no matter where you are in a career now.  The only ones who are safe are the well-to- do who own a lot of assets and are nearing retirement.


Boring dystopia


When the youth realize they can’t get jobs and houses, crime gonna get higher than snoop💀


Wasn't there a recent CBC article about a RCMP report that young adults realizing they can't afford housing would become a country stability risk?


Kind of, it has to do with general destabilization, due to declining quality of life, distrust in government, environmental crisis and a few other fun bits You can read the unclass/redacted report here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24512494-rcmp-whole-of-government-five-year-trends-for-canada


Yup! That same article came to mind when I saw this post. It was a report packaged as a "warning" to the Canadian government. Essentially stating that the country was at risk of a revolution/uprising if the state of things keep trending downwards in the next couple of years.


Weird, the country unstable because people don't have stability in places to live? Who would have thought!


The pinkertons can only defend so much private wealth.


Not just youth. I'm genuinely afraid for how bad the violence will get. It's not a hard thing to understand: people with nothing to lose are not safe to be around. It is in everyone's selfish self-interest to ensure the poor have housing, food and ideally a luxury or two like a TV. Massive immigration making the housing crisis horrible has been devastating.


I mean in Kenya they burned down Parliament a few days ago because of that.


Did it help? 👀


Honestly, we will have to see the long term effects. It recently happened.


Seize the means of production you say?


What production? Government jobs?




There is no production to be seized


Thats the problem though. We have no means of production any more. Just TFWs and housing


What production? The economy is built on Tim Hortons and continuous real estate speculation now.


It's so depressing because there's just going to continue to be report after report about this and how bad things are for Canadians and nothing is ever going to be done. Our government doesn't care or pay attention to these reports and it makes everything so bleak so yeah makes sense there's a mental health crisis... doesn't feel like there's anything to look forward to in this country


Don't worry they are going to make houses affordable while also keeping prices high for the retirement of boomers, somehow. Perhaps that means they will allow 40-60 year mortgages to keep the bubble bubbling.


Ya, "none" of this crisis is related to being squeezed beyond limits on the bare necessities of housing and groceries. There's real year to year evidence, in real dollars, that our buying power and the real value of our dollar has eroded faster than a castle made of sand. We can see that in the [real/inflation-adjusted value of Canadian property](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/QCAR628BIS). And then there's the lost import buying power thanks to a weakened CAD. It's a flavour of Kool Aid to suggest that therapy can help people "make it through" and keep up on those mortgage payments and feed their kids. Nixing the sales tax on therapy is like throwing rocks at a steam-roller operated by the very Boomers that set the grade of this decline. You can't borrow against futures like that. And it's an insult to suggest we should wait in line, just to pay $100/h+ to tell this to a therapist. You know what my therapist has decided? She's moving to Mexico because Canada is fucked. She'd rather deal with a cartel than another lying ineffectual politician, in a gamed system that has unfairly robbed two whole generations of real growth, all to prop up speculative real estate assets. EDIT: Let's not forget our (edit2: household) income to debt ratios... [USA ](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/HDTGPDUSQ163N)versus [Canada](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/HDTGPDCAQ163N) - the United States got their shit together after 2008. In Canada, we just fucking ride the lightning I guess!


A good therapist will be around 180+ tax btw 😂


Yeah, that is depressing enough. I have an ADHD diagnosis, but the report the OHIP psychiatrist wrote for me is full of holes and extremely pooly written. I actually want to get a full diagnosis for my ADHD from a psycologist, and I also believe I have autism. My son was recently diagnosed and I after reading his report I'm like..."hey thats me!". It cost me almost $3000 to get my son's diagnosis, and it will cost that much again for mine. I can't afford that. I have to take out a loan to get my assessment done. The tax benefit is worth it in the long run though, but man therapy is only for the rich too.


i’m the us but i’ve become increasingly suicidal and i can’t afford therapy so idk what to do. i’m just trying to ride this out but it seems like it’s never gonna end


More like $220+. I see some with long wait lists that are charging $275. The only ones charging $180 are poorly qualified and likely shouldn’t even be charging that amount.


It seems like none of you motherfuckers have ever heard of sliding scale.


It's more like 3 generations or 4 if you also count alpha.. we've been going down the shitter for decades at this point. I'm *almost* hopeful the people will revolt eventually before I die. Should have been rioting for the last 20 years tbh.


Absolutely agree...


Could also mention wage growth stagnation / suppression through excessive immigration.


Therapy is for those privileged enough to get the care and have the free time to dedicate to going. You're better to just work extra or carve out whatever meek little existence is left available for most of the working poor.


Mental health crisis? Nah I’m just low on funds and tired of working in a factory through the night & going to school during the day.


I'm slowly and incrementally making more money, but my quality of life is dropping like an anvil. Each year I'm not able to save as much as the previous either. Yeah, no, I'm chillin'. **/s**


> I'm not able to save as much as the previous And its worth a heck of a lot less, as well. $3000 dollar beater cars now selling for $10k. New technology 10K cars now tariffed into non-existence.


Hmm... Oh! I know what to do! Let's concentrate even MORE wealth into the richest of the richest at the expense of everybody else! THAT will surely make everything better I bet. Nice I just saved Canada. Wow.


When public health goes to the wayside it’s not uncommon for mental health to take a backseat


We just need one thing, some sort of glimmer of hope, I don't care if it's food, water, heat, gas, electricity fucking alcohol or pot for all I care, we need one thing that is cheap as fuck so at least we have that one thing. Give us hope.


Canadians are living through their nation’s collapse, which understandably, is also causing a mental health crisis.


It's what happens when you live in an oligarchy with a two party system and both political parties want to sell your country out from underneath you. Canada needs electoral reform. Too bad Justin has no integrity and doesn't feel responsible for personal pledges he made.


Well no fucking shit..


Nothing real will be done to solve it. Only Band-Aids at best, the problem will be left to fester as it always is.


"Canadians are living through a mental health crisis" *article locked* "Subscribe now Only $7.76 a week for an annual subscription." well fuck me eh?


Housing costs. Food prices. Property tax increasing everywhere. Carbon tax driving up everything. No hope for our kids to buy a house. Both parents can have a career now and you still need a side job. Yeah we are getting screwed.


It’s because our piss poor government takes ~40% of my paycheque each week.






And with our tax dollars they’ll learn to stop shitting on beaches


This is the shit that keeps me up at night. I usually vote for whatever party has the best environmental policy. I am a fiscal conservative but an environmental lefty. I believe everyone should pay the actual cost from mining of resources, creation of goods, to recycle or otherwise deal with the pollution and if that makes gas cost $3 a litre, so be it. BUT shits gotten so bad I am a one issue voter this time, and that issue is quality of life for my kids: lower costs, less immigration, fuck the carbon tax (I guess that's 3 issues??) A little while back was reading ask reddit questions to my teens, and the question was "what makes you afraid for the future" and I was expecting "marriage, kids, relationships" you know, normal life stuff. Instead my 15 year old said (with conviction) "that I'll never have a job or own a house and the world is falling apart" Shook my to my core. At 15 she shouldn't be dreading life and having an existential crisis. Trudeau et al really fucked us.


Yup, I am in my mid 20s in a job that requires multiple degrees and still live at home with little to no hope of leaving anytime soon. A studio apartment anywhere near my work would cost me almost my entire paycheque, and there is no chance that I would get approved when most landlords are expecting renters to have 3x the income as the payment. Even at the top pay scale in my field, I would barely have enough to survive in a studio. At this point I don't know what can be done. I feel like all hope is lost and I'm just being used as a pawn in the game of the 1%


Is that national suicide hotline active yet ? 


What could cause a mental health crisis for Canadians? Let’s see maybe external stressors that make people feel like they can’t get ahead even when they are working and trying harder. Having bad debt, like, maybe a credit card or credit cards, because a certain Canadian PM suggested using a credit card to pay for your college/university education. Maybe it’s the uncertainty Canadians have because they are working hard but can’t get a head, or maybe it’s having a million dollar mortgage, because they trusted a guy who said interest rates weren’t going to go up. The one thing it can’t be that causes Canadians to have mental health concerns is the LPC/NDP coalition, because everything they have done has proven to be beneficial for Canadians, or is it really hasn’t and those decisions they have made and implemented have been making things worse off causing Canadians to have external stressors that they didn’t want or need.


I've heard how important mental health is my entire life. How everybody should go to therapy. People should get diagnosed. People should take psychiatric drugs. How people need to be more open with their mental health problems. Throughout my lifetime, I've seen more and more people do those things. Mental health problems have never been worse. Addiction has never been worse. Suicide has never been worse. I've had to deal with both this very week. I have no idea who our mental health system has any evidence of helping other than those running it quite frankly. I think people's mental health is driven by economics and in fact, taking money from them in terms of less social supports or higher taxes, to bankroll some mental healthcare workers salaries, is not actually helping their mental health. Mental healthcare in this province has been nothing but a disappointment and especially when you compare it to the rest of medicine which keeps advancing especially fields like oncology, I really don't see why people take it so seriously and we keep trying to expand the system when mental healthcare fails to deliver results time and time again. The only mental health problem the government should be worried about is shit life syndrome, caused by stagnant wages and a rising cost of living and people having their wealth extracted by the landlord class. Paying therapists to tell us this is all okay and we should stay positive is not actually going to help a fucking whit. If I were poor, I'd rather the what $150 or so therapists bill the government go into my own pocket and I got mental healthcare from Reddit and ChatGPT and BetterHelp and I'm totally serious. Give the poor cash in hand and if therapists are worth it poor people will pay for them, but they're not worth it of course which is why notions like "equitable access to mental healthcare" are pushed. Only thing we could maybe use is more rehab/addictions stuff since people seeking such care cannot help but spend all their money on drugs so my above argument hardly applies.


I'd actually be curious to see a study comparing the effect of therapy to a free $500 a week on average people's overall well-being. My money would be on the money helping more. 


an abuser I was in a relationship used mental health as a manipulation tool to gas light me into thinking I was crazy for feeling bad my parents died. I'm done with the mental health system. It is for the rich.


As someone who was assaulted in my home by a random break in man I would like to shout out to The Royal in Ottawa for their help with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Mental health is not for the rich. There are many people who are very poor who get help they need through mental health services. I used to be so anxious I would throw up and cry every morning for years and then go to work. Not everyone has problems like relationships. Mental health isn't just how to cope with a breakup.


I think people thinking about themselves too much actually makes their mental health worse. The lack of community and relationships with other people makes the general population more anxious/depressed when all they do is read online how terrible everything is. Things are not more terrible now than other points in history, yet the general population is less resilient. There are obviously exemptions to this where people have actually suffered traumatic events or people who have real neurological disorders. But the majority of the population who are anxious/depressed are too individualistic and focused on themselves. But I completely agree that I don’t know anyone who has actually been helped by therapy, their problems still exist and if anything thinking about them so much only makes them at the forefront of their minds. I’ll probably be downvoted for this lol


If employers paid more money much of this problem would go away. People are stressed about their financial health which impacts their mental health.


Is it possible to stop giving away millions of dollars to other countries but fix the issues in our own country?


Right about now is a good time for Canadians to reflect on what we really got for the $400 BILLION the government spent during COVID...


Since 2020


Reform!… Reform!… …REVOLUTION!!!


Anybody that says that Trudeau is doing a good job needs their head examined. I agree that Canada needs to unite and not be divided by left or right but you can’t tell me that Trudeau has been good for this country.


Yeah no shit. Rent is through the roof. People can’t afford a roof over their head. Job wages aren’t increasing enough to meet the demand of rent and groceries/food. Yet the population keeps increasing. It’s increased by a million people in a year. And things aren’t getting better.


No jobs , people getters laid off, lots of immigrants on top and high inflation and high rates of interest on mortgages, plus increase in crime and criminals getting easy bail


Thanks to her and the liberal government. Thanks!


And yet any kind of mental therapy is the most expensive kind of therapies in Canada... It's almost like they don't want anyone to even feel better


This is just them trying to downplay shitty living standards


Caused by a financial health crisis


I mean, when the world is getting worse and there's no hope in sight, I understand why more people are getting ill. COVID alone fucked up a generation of kids. Our mental health supports in this country are an absolute joke. Mental health is health but it's insanely difficult to get counselling covered by provincial health systems. Mental health is like dentistry. The professionals are everywhere but only the rich get helped.


Reading comments in some of the r/Canada posts lately, I can certainly believe this headline.


A systemic problem resulting in an economic problem manifesting as a mental health problem...


And the “leader” of the nation says they need to continue trusting his plan


No fucking shit


Hahahahaha. Bullshit. It's the government and media that are mentally ill. The people are fine. Don't let them drive you crazy. Narcissistic loonies will say and worship loonie things. Democracy is the answer.


A decline in the standard of living would make anyone depressed. It's not a mental health crisis.


“Compound interest” and “CEO salaries” should be curtailed. Once you have amassed a certain amount of money it’s easy to get rich and if you let that snow ball roll you can get exceedingly rich. But of course if you instigate policies to curtail that then Canadas economy will crash, unfortunately.


Tracking for the worst standard of living decrease in history MAY cause stress in your life.


Canadians are living through a poor leadership crisis.


miiiiiiiiiiisterrrrrrrr speakerrrrrrrr


Any time a Canadian sub pops up on the popular page, y’all always seem completely miserable.


The German Wicked Witch of Canada


Coronavirus was more traumatic than we know. Most people are walking around with full blown ptsd. It's obvious when one looks at how we deal with each other. How we vote even. Pure frustration and anger. Instead of truly wanting to see things improve. Hate.


Finally, something I have over 20+ years experience in


Yes a malevolent government will do that.


Thanks to Trudeau 2 and the Frathouse Cabinet.


I'd say this is self inflicted. You guys let too many Chinese investors, too many Punjabi immigrants, too many students into your country. Start limiting immigration first. It'll take a few years for the ripples to subside. In case somebody wants to diss me, Europe is undergoing the same experience. Greece, France, Germany are talking about severely limiting immigrants into the country. UK wants to ship immigrants to Rwanda. No idea how many people took up on that offer. Here in US, we have the perennial migration of illegal immigrants from South America.


This is what happen after voting narcissist corrupted politicians for too many years. These traitors deserve jail!


Funny how just building more houses and paying us better by not flooding the country with immigrants to lower wages could solve this problem. But they literally do anything but. Trudeau is satan.






The effects of a global pandemic were far reaching and in most cases left unresolved so we could get back to “normal”.


Every fucking time this bitch speaks I can’t help but get so infuriated at how someone so fucking stupid can get into her position 😡


Working 3 jobs and getting 4 hours of sleep a night will do that.


Sad day when US media is telling us we’re going through a mental health crisis.


I would probably have applied for maid if I could


yeah, mental health .... not housing, inflation, employment and immigration


Probably because everything except our wages has doubled 👍


Canadians care about "feelings", just not every feeling apparently. We must legislate about pronouns use though


Let's get that mental health MAID delay revoked then. I don't think we should have to wait for it.


Decline of empire is a slow burn. Rome did not fall in a day, week, term, decade. Doesn’t matter the puppet on the podium, it is those in the rafters clapping and counting dollars they make off every decision and crisis while the masses sleep on left or right. They are pushing for the next wealth crisis/decision so they can continue to drain the wealth built in the west so they can keep investing in the next empire to make them wealthy. Humans are facing a mental health crisis, those looking to keep or obtain power are those with the most severe mental health issues we celebrate while creating their own to keep up. Only way to win is not to play.


Also a stupidity crisis where people don’t even know junior high level civics


And the outrage propaganda marches on. No solution. Just rage.


People are depressed cause life has become extremely depressing. There fixed it.


Don’t forget how our health care system is failing women who have any sort of woman’s disease.


Yup. But hey, that’s exactly what the oligarchy wants, right? This is ALL by design. The cruelty is the point!


Ha, and the photo chosen is of both: - someone who is clearly afflicted by mental health issues AND - someone who is personally responsible for causing many of Canadian’s mental health issues Yes, there is only one person in the photo


Canadians are currently facing an unprecedented number of crises in what experts are calling a crisis crisis. More crisis at 11.


Honest question from a US citizen here: what are y'all going to do? I'm in my mid 50s and financially quite sound, so things are probably going to be fine for my immediate family, but so many people in every direction are really struggling these days.


Things are perfectly fine for a lot of people in Canada. They don’t post online and brag about it, but those who are having a hard time of it, definitely do. I don’t blame them at all, if I were having a hard time, I’d be bitching too.


I feel like life itself is a mental crisis we are just more aware of it now than in the past.


Breaking news: living in a dystopian nightmare makes people unhappy