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>Then-defence minister Harjit Sajjan instructed Canadian special forces to rescue about 225 Afghan Sikhs after the Taliban takeover in August, 2021, in an operation that three military sources say took resources away from getting Canadian citizens and Afghans linked to Canada on final evacuation flights out of Kabul.


so basically he aided his fellow Sikhs to the detriment of Canadian citizens. why is he still in Parliament let alone Cabinet?


lol and he says that if he didn’t have a turban that we would be thinking differently. This is a clear example of treason in his case. This isn’t even just racism (and it is racism), but this is freaking treason.


Now you know where his real loyalty lays.


Because we are living in a post national state according to a certain basic dictatorship loving PM /s


Of course he did.


See he belongs to the same club so he had to


and then he insinuates that its racism on why he is being questioned about it. how he wouldnt be if he wasnt the same as them. typical liberals. betray canadians in the pull out, but its our racism thats the problem. fuck these people make me angry. i didnt used to get legit angry at politics. but fuck.


If he has such difficulty separating priorities in his work and in his personal life, then he should not be allowed to hold a public service position that is dependent on him prioritizing what is best for others, not himself.




It would appear his loyalty is not to Canadians.


he's a Liberal. That means there is no doubt he is a traitor to this country.


Well the mantra of DEI policy is to prioritize, merit and skills are secondary. 


>The Taliban’s swift takeover also came in the **early weeks of a federal election campaign**. Sikh Canadians were viewed as a key voting bloc for the governing Liberals in several ridings in the Greater Toronto Area and Lower Mainland of British Columbia.


Further to this, there is evidence he ordered Canadian transport planes to remain on the tarmac in the UAE instead of have the competing and politically difficult optics of those planes being in Kabul while he was doing media avails for his campaign. Also, with Canadian SOF focused on Afghan Sikhs we had to beg the Ukrainians to send their SOF to rescue our citizens in Kabul. He is just disgusting, one of the most shameful weeks in Canadian history. The fact that there is still a large portion of our country that supports him is such a fucking indictment of where we are as a society.


To the detriment of Canadian citizens. This decision shouldn’t be favourably viewed by any Canadian regardless of ethnicity. Or Sajjan is lying. Either way it’s a terrible justification.


If we were going to prioritize humanitarian efforts, it could have been to rescue *women* from the Taliban https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/please-help-female-soccer-players-hiding-in-afghanistan-sue-canada-to-honour-its-promise/article_f125c999-f59f-58c5-a148-defaabf1d125.html


Non-Muslims were no better off.


Agreed - this seems like a non-issue to me. If we fucked anyone it was the interpreters. Well actually we fucked over a lot of people, but this wasn't the worst by any means.


Yes and the point is that resources which could have been used to assist Canadians and Canadian linked interpreters was used for non Canadian citizens or allies


Yeah but they are the same race and religion as him so no


Another day, another Liberal MP being implicated for treason.


It literally is treason - placing foreigners above citizens in a crisis. Of course there will be no consequences. Good Lord, they really treat government like it's their playground.


Trudeau himself has said Canada is postnational. If Canada has done away with the trappings of Nation itself then what do you expect him to be loyal to? He is a Sikh born in Punjab, India, and if Canada doesn't even consider itself worth calling a Nation, then where should his loyalties lie? If we're just a collection of a bunch of people from different places, wouldn't it make sense for him to be loyal to Sikhs, since by the party's own admission there's really nothing special about Canadians to be loyal to? Canada is not just postnational. It's a new kind of colonial. The country essentially operates as a playground for other groups to support their own national interest. They can do this because we've got a government and a culture which has opted to dismantle our own national identity. We are made to even feel ashamed of any semblance of culture that doesn't have roots elsewhere, as somehow illegitimate.


>If Canada has done away with the trappings of Nation itself then what do you expect him to be loyal to?  whichever foreign agent offers the best bribe.


Concise Love the Canada of my youth, but these are the reasons why I'm leaning pro Québec independence


Something crazy like 30% of the Liberal cabinet, were not born here.


Like I get it, but please look up the meaning of treason in context of Canadian legal frameworks.


The man has become such a disappointment. Unreal.


Funded by who? I wonder...


Am I reading this right? They prioritized non-Canadians because they shared their religion with a minister? Am I going insane or what?


that's certainly what it looks like, and no better explanation seems to be forthcoming except "you're racist for asking".


There does not appear to be any other good description of what happened here, given the evidence.


A more charitable way to look at it would be that they were prioritized over Canadians because the Canadians who share that religion are a key voting demographic for the current government. Still not a great look.


They're also a key voting demographic for the opposition.


which is why pierre wants direct flights to punjab. so our three political parties all pander to Indians. this doesn't *seem* like a good thing.


PP stands with Indian students https://youtu.be/wZVqrjLde7E?si=nblAwQVjZaI4VJW-


damning proof that he will do nothing to stop mass immigration. remember how his leadership election was meddled with by India according to NSICOP, and he denied the indian assassination in BC, and he wants more trade with India. i'm not voting for India, so I'm not voting for CPC.


Not indians, only to *Punjabis*/*Sikhs* who happen to be an very actively organised voting block


Religion and race\*


no. canada is dead. you are a chicken and you better keep producing eggs. lest the farmer bring out his hatchet.


This should really be a bigger story


This is the moment where the narrator voice over takes on a somber tone and says "Well you see, Johnny, the problem is that Canadians don't engage on critical topics and instead let things like this slide. This how Canada has fallen so far so fast..."




Indeed. And Canadians cheered. Democracy dies to applause.


And those people were protesting about stupid shit, not important things.


Clap louder.


We are bottling this in. Over and over and over with this POS liberal government. Bottling things in like this will only lead to a bigger eruption when it does erupt. When the Canadian finally wakes up and goes apeshit in anger, these tools won’t know what they have in store for them.


As someone from the community, I agree. Pandering to a religious group by political parties was something obnoxious that I thought I left behind when I moved to Canada. Looks like it’s now making inroads here too with the same shit these group of people left behind in their old countries. Time is right to nip it in the bud, raise it everywhere.


Seems like its getting a lot of attention. It would be useful to hear his justification for this order.


He said it wasn’t an order, it was just a suggestion lol. What a crook. 


He literally said racism. When asked if he could clarify he directed the reporter to his press secretary. The reporter was also an idiot and asked the question with no confidence. 


Another traitor to our citizenry.


Sajjan what a traitor. In the military that used to mean a firing squad. Im not suggesting that but he definitely should be sitting inside of a prison cell asap for a very long time for putting Canadian and Canadian ally interests in the shitter and helping another sovereign nation instead at our expense and on our taxpayer dollar.


>Then-defence minister Harjit Sajjan instructed Canadian special forces to rescue about 225 Afghan Sikhs after the Taliban takeover in August, 2021, in an operation that **three military sources say took resources away from getting Canadian citizens and Afghans linked to Canada on final evacuation flights out of Kabul.** After the fall of Afghanistan, Canada estimated there were about 1250 Canadian citizens that were left stranded. >On Tuesday, Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau said the government is now aware of 1,250 Canadian citizens, permanent residents and their families still in Afghanistan. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mendicino-garneau-afghanistan-withdraw-1.6159352 Well there is no doubt that Sikhs are a vulnerable group in Afghanistan, Canadian resources first and foremost should have gone to getting out Canadian citizens, their families and then Afghans who risked their lives working with and for Canada in Afghanistan. Then once they are safely out of the country, we start allocating resources to helping other groups if there is the ability.


It’s seems it’s a common trend amongst our governments, putting others before our own people. SMH


it's called virtue-signaling wealth redistribution to the have-nots.


It's a Sikh helping Sikhs


That number doesn't include the Aghan translators that risked their lives working for the Canadian military that were left behind. The lucky ones made it out to Canada but the ones that didn't were either killed or are still being hunted by the Taliban. I remember a news article about one of them pleading with a military person they knew in Canada to help them get out. It's shameful that instead of making sure all these people got to safety Sajjan instead gave a list of Sikhs that didn't help us and had no ties to Canada.


So the military guy who lied about his credentials, also prioritizes saving people from his religion over Canadians. Why are we giving this guy a paycheck and pension?


Why the fuck is anyone surprised by this? It's a party that has members going to be charged for treason, ran by a guy who says: "there's no canadian identity" and that "we're the first post-national state", who explicitly promotes people based on their genitalia or race rather than credentials. Again, why is anyone surprised?


Fuck that. Let’s take back our country and show being Canadian means something


All parties have bought into identity politics. As a result Canada is becoming unofficially racially segregated. In the GTA, huge areas have significant racial disproportions. This trend will only amplify and impact all areas of Canadian life.


Balkanization makes sense in regions like...the Balkans. Like 1000s of years of history, small tribes battling for land, etc, etc. Self-Balkanization (encouraged by nervous virtue signalling) is a brand new phenomenon. Let's see how it turns out!


i'm assuming its going to end the same way as nearly every other country where multiple nations live/lived on the same land. ethnic violence and mass killings until balkanization, which may or may not include genocide.


Not the PPC.


Would it be treason since he prioritized saving Indians instead of Canadians?


They're not Indians. They're Afghans. Afghan Sikhs.


Even the ones India saved came to Canada


That's upto Canada cause the current Indian government despite not being liked by Sikhs and despite huge protests by "liberals" in India and Western world passed a law to expedite citizenship for Sikhs and other minorities in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. I think the popular joke among Indians that Sikhs will get their Khalistan.... in Canada is becoming true day by day.


to this genius Redditor, anyone slightly brown is Indian Afghans are Indian! Arabs are Indian! So are Persians, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and Latinos... they are all Indian! Even Italians with a darker skin tone are also Indian!


He believes in akhand bharath 🗿


If his prioritization resulted in any deaths of Canadian soldiers, I'd say absolutely.


I still don't think so. Treason has a specific definition in the criminal code (https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-46.html), and I don't see how this qualifies.


Fair enough, but I'm not prosecuting the guy. I'm using the Oxford English definition that absolutely covers this type of thing.


We're a post national state.


What does India have to do with Afghan Sikhs?


They are not Indians. Please read.


> lied about his credentials Can you go into detail here


Probably this https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sajjan-taliban-architect-afghanistan-1.4089944


> Mr. Sajjan said in his statement that he is saddened to have to answer questions about a matter that reflected government policy to support and assist vulnerable Afghans. “I can only surmise that if I did not wear a turban no one would question whether my actions were appropriate.” Lmao, of course he falls back on the race card. People would absolutely question why a defense minister was prioritizing random Afghan Sikhs over Canadian citizens, even if they were not Sikh themselves. The fact that it's his own group just makes it more brazen and shameless.


If Mr. Sajjan didn't wear a turban, I bet he wouldn't give a damn about these people.


If he didn’t wear a turban, he probably wouldn’t have been defence minister. It would have been Andrew Leslie


I have no beef in this story at all but this is a good fucking response for the particular statement from Sajjan.


The LPC MO played to a T. Hard questions are asked, flip the convo to make it about race…


Oh I had one the other day try to make it about sexism when I said Wynne was terrible for Ontario. They truly struggle to keep things in the realm of reality without invoking a plethora of -isms.


If he focused on assisting vulnerable Canadians in Afghanistan like he was supposed to, then there would be no need to question his actions, but clearly his priorities were diverted and here we are.


Free to call it racist if he wants but I’m free to call him a Sikh supremacist, because directing resources away from help actual Canadians and allied afghans sounds like it to me.


His answer is not satisfactory. Was he specifically favouring Afgans over Canadians, or only Afgan Sihks?


Just thinking out loud, but since we still don't know who the compromised MPs are or what governments are the largest concern, I find this new information eyebrow raising. From the Globe and Mail article: "Retired lieutenant-general Mike Day, who once headed JTF-2 and Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, said he found it difficult to “understand or see a rational explanation why this group of Sikhs would have been of sufficient priority at the cost of other groups who likely had a greater claim on Canadian support.” “There is no analytical process that says ‘Yeah, there are 225 Sikhs there, let’s go get them.’ The only way this gets onto the task list is if we are operating on behalf of another state or somebody inside government inserted this on to the task list and asked for it to be considered,” Mr. Day added."


I don't think it's related to the foreign interference you are thinking about. I think what is meant by "The only way this gets onto the task list is if we are operating on behalf of another state " is if the Canadian government got a request from another government, say the Australians, for help to evacuate their nationals and they give them a list of names. I think the more important part of the quote is the second part of the sentence "or somebody inside government inserted this on to the task list and asked for it to be considered" as it implies his thinking that Sajjin had that list of names included.


I think the most important part of the quote is: "said he found it difficult to “understand or see a rational explanation why this group of Sikhs would have been of sufficient priority at the cost of other groups who likely had a greater claim on Canadian support.”"


I don't think Sajjan would fall under that category because he's not associated with a foreign government. He's associated with a foreign extremist religious organization called the WSO. CBC actually did an interesting interview about them and Sajjan's ties to the organization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=mg6JRvyHtqM NYT also has a piece on the decades old battle between religious radicals and more integrated moderates in the Canadian Sikh community: https://www.nytimes.com/1997/02/20/world/canada-s-torn-sikhs-in-a-holy-place-unholy-rage.html In any case, its clear Sajjan and these proxy groups fighting over the orientation of the Sikh community work for their own causes and not Canadian interest, so I suppose its sort of a moot point anyway.


“We don’t know which mps are compromised “ Yes we do any Chinese or Indian Mp Any white person who seems to overly defend Chinese and Indian people


Imagine a Canadian soldier was killed trying to rescue these Sikhs with no connection to Canada? Imagine a single interpreter who served alongside our soldiers could have been saved if we hadn’t put resources into this? 


The Taliban have purged tens of thousands of Afghans who worked with the coalition (when the US hastily gave everything up to the Taliban that included government payroll records). It's a guarantee that most of our Afghan partners are dead or in a medieval style prison for life. His orders definitely cost the lives of allies - and potentially those of Canadian citizens (any updates on the 1200?)


the important question is how did the abandoned canadians deal with the situation? did they get out? were they mostly citizens of convenience who lived in Afghanistan full time and just took a later flight out to Canada or stayed? Or did they die? If they died, Sajian is complicit in their deaths putting his own religion ahead of Canadian lives. I'm horrified by this.


As a vet or 21 years in the CAF, ever since his “architect” comment years ago Ref: OP MEDUSA I have disliked this narcissist. Even news stories that I looked into where there was mention that he was “wounded in combat” were spurious at best, either by the interviewer or interviewee. I’d like him to address and clarify this issue, among others but somehow, I don’t think he will… When I get on a desktop, I will post links.


A lot of background stories of \_ANY\_ leaders are bullshits.


But not the translators or people who helped the CAF when it mattered.


I'm sick and tired of people in power putting their religious/tribal/clan interests over the country's interests, you are responsible to protect Canadians, not of your ethnic-religious kin. This needs to be thoroughly investigated for serious abuse of power.


I'm not a fan of PPC for several reasons, but unless a party like that gains majority in 2-5 years, it'll be too late. Enjoy the post-national state! 


its already too late.


I don't support Quebec banning people who wear turbans from public service positions but I suppose this is one the reasons why they do that.


Well this is odd, here is another Liberal Minister who is a big fan of this little foundation: [https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/minister-joly-announces-funding-for-the-manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation-in-calgary-658286903.html](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/minister-joly-announces-funding-for-the-manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation-in-calgary-658286903.html) It seems to be quite modest based on their charity declarations yet they have the ear of two Ministers and can redirect special forces in foreign countries? Impressive. [https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation/787660927RR0001/](https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation/787660927RR0001/) Huh...


So they haven't disbursed a dime other than administrative costs since they have been created... Looks like charity-washing to me.


I don't know about that, never heard of them before this, but I do know that they appear relatively small and have very little activity. It is surprising that they could easily get the ear of the Minister of Defence during the fall of Kabul, let alone get him to prioritize non-Canadians and put our top tier soldiers at risk for them.


And nothing will be done about it. Last year I gave the RCMP slam dunk evidence on a charity with a completely fraudulent board of directors and it's still running.


Report it to the CRA.


From what I was told by the RCMP they had forwarded it to CRA, but even then I doubt anything will actually come of it. Check out the charity revocation list, the CRA has only revoked status on approximately 20 charities per year in the last 5 years. The CRA used to do ~750 audits per year in 2010, it's down to >150 per year in 2021. Of the 142 audits in 2021 only 14 actually resulted in revocation. 128 others got a slap on the wrist through the new "charity education program". This is pretty frightening when you consider charities in Canada move almost 300 billion dollars per year.


interesting, add it to the landfill of LPC corruption


Paywall: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-sajjan-instructed-special-forces-to-rescue-afghan-sikhs-during-fall-of/


How many people Canadians or those that helped Canada lost their lives during the taliban purge because of this sick individual?


If you dont have Canadian interest first, you should not be in a position of power.


Yep, it looks like he has Sikh interests first.


This highlights the dangers of Canadian multiculturalism not only to social stability but to national security. A Canadian cabinet minister prioritized foreign coreligionists over the safety of Canadian citizens. This is not only a betrayal of Canada, but an indictment of the deep issues of our multicultural status quo.


Immigration is good for Canada though, right? We're the ones paying for our special forces, not them. They're here for Canadian citizens, we get first dibs. Canada has let our compassion mutate into a situation where the welfare of everyone else comes first. The next time I need government help, I'm going to renounce my citizenship and move overseas, then maybe I'll get the services I pay for.


The architect of OP Medusa


He lied about that to make himself look qualified.


ROTFL - Not what I heard from some of my friends who actually were.


Everyone else > Canadians. The liberal party slogan


That is so unfair and inaccurate... It's Liberal Insiders > Everyone Else > Canadians


Sikhs > Canadians according to Sajjan's actions.


Hey, you know that criticism where Canadians say that we need to help Canadians first as they watch their tax paid resources go elsewhere while Canadians go without? Apparently this isn't just a domestic problem...


Is he on the compromised MP list?


You have every reason to ask this question.


I thought that list was for people compromised by a foreign state. Not for people influenced by a radical religious organization (that is actually against that state)


This should be a bigger story. Absolutely unthinkable that an elected official, appointed as a minister of one of the most crucial institutions a country has, decides to prioritize non-citizens over actual citizens or those with greater claim to Canadas support (regardless of whether or not they are citizens of convenience, they still have a greater claim). Why are we hearing about this now?


Don't forget this was right before an election was called.


This fucking guy


This fucking party.


Another day another liberal scandal


Shocker. What a waste of resources. Glad he was curbed


He should be tried for treason. Not just curbed.


> He should be tried for treason. People really don't understand that *TREASON* is reserved for the most egregious possible offenses. This ain't it boss.


*High* treason is reserved for the most egregious possible. Regular treason is a bit less extreme. [Criminal code](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/page-5.html#:~:text=PART%20IIOffences%20Against%20Public%20Order&text=46%20(1)%20Every%20one%20commits,any%20act%20preparatory%20thereto%3B%20or) I would agree with the claim though that this is not treason, legally speaking. “The architect” is still a veritable piece of shit for doing this, along with his other infamous moments.


Honestly man, perhaps not, but if you're the defense minister of Canada and you prioritize using troop resources to rescue co-religionists over Canadians, putting Canadian soldiers at risk as well - that should be considered treason. Gonna need some new laws starting next government. Finally.


There's a good chance he may have committed some *light* treason


No touching!


Dabbling, dipping his toes...


You keep side-stepping everyone who brings treason into the conversation. What's your motivation? Are you a co-religionary?


Working against your citizens is, boss.


According to the Criminal Code it isn't, boss.


Just another scandal to add to the pile that is as high as Mount Everest for the Trudeau liberals. Total abuse of power to rescue people with the same religion as him over Canadian citizens. Absolutely disgusting.


This government has been an absolute disaster and this is just another example of it. It seems like Trudeau was so eager to get a diverse cabinet that he appointed people based on their skin color or gender or whatever rather than actual merit and Canadians have been paying the price ever since. He had Andrew Leslie, the former Liberal MP that would have been perfect for defense minister but happens to be a white male, Now Andrew is giving advice to Pierre Poilievre's team because he says they're far more receptive, focused and aware. We have Freeland as finance minister with no background in finance. You're telling me they had nobody else that would have been a better fit for the job based on merit? Imagine if it was a sports team and the players were hired based on diversity rather than merit. How do you think they would do in their league? Yet our government that makes decisions that affect millions of people and determines how competitive we are has diversity quotas, even it seems at the very top. Some will claim I'm being racist but that's bullshit. I don't care if someone is black, white, Asian or whatever, they could be green for all I care and I'd want them if they were the best candidate for the position based on merit.


Strip him of his citizenship and deport him. This is treasonous.


Wow this is insane, khalistan movement in canada is out of hand.


First Jagmeet Singh refusing to condemn the architect of the Air India bombing in his CBC interview with Terry Milewski, now Sajjan putting Sikhs over Canadians. Not a good look for Singh and Sajjan.


At this point nothing surprises me any longer with Trudeau cabinet. The treason will continue until Canadian citizen moral improves.


People so overtly religious should not hold public positions of power like this. He placed religion over country.


This is a massive conflict of interest if the directive was to only rescue Sikhs. They needed to be evacuated, but so did Hindus, Ahmadis, Baha'is, Christians, atheists. It's not racist to ask for accountability. He should justify why he chose to save one group of people and left the others behind.


There are no consequences for this behaviour. Good job, Canada. You've become such a joke.


Bringing the old country politics to Canada.


In a vacuum, I have no problem with rescuing people who needed rescuing from danger, and the minister involved being related to people in danger doesn't register as a problem for me. But if he prioritized them over other people who were also in danger, and especially if he prioritized them over Canadian citizens, there's a problem there.


Oh look. More treason.


As if I needed more convincing Harjit Sajjan is an absolute piece of shit.


Governance is about setting priorities and allocating resources. Draw your own conclusions.


There is no Canada.


The Indian government has claimed that Mr Sajjan is a Kahlistani and Sikh separatist. This event supports that claim. Mr. Sajjan prioritized his co-religionists over Canadians. And where did those Sikhs eventually get asylum? In India.




You're gonna need to back that statement up with some kinda citation there bud.


No, he isn’t. 


Sounds like treason


Another of our great "accomplishments" in Afghanistan: https://www.canadaland.com/shows/commons-war/


Is it not dereliction of duty if a paid public servant of the Canadian government opts to help people who are not Canadians before helping their own people in a life/death scenario? How can you accept a career and a livelihood from Canadian taxpayers, then opt to help people who don't pay taxes while Canadian citizens wait for help. Absolutely disgraceful.


Get your assess out to vote next time, dear redditors.


Another traitor to our citizenry.


Absolutely disgusting. Look up Take Back Canada if you want to protest this kind of detestable nonsense on July 1.


Sad to see MP’s politicians sucking up to get votes


This is special kind of foreign interference 😂😂


How How How are these Liberals not getting 20 Year sentences ?


Wake up people this is treason ...I repeat wake the fuck up


Not a good look to have our defense minister be a borderline traitor. Any sensible general should've ignored this order.


Everybody is an ethno-nationalist for the group of people they actually like


This is absolutely insane if true and needs to be a made a much bigger deal than it is currently treated as




Outrageous. Against everything our country’s built on


You took oath for candian citizens first. He needs to resign


Time to wakeup Canada, before it's too late.


The World Sikh Organization is now influencing our military ops. Domestic and foreign policy for years ….


A True Canadian would not do that to a Canadian citizen 😡😡


This could really hurt the LPC and Sajjan. After an investigation he'll likely have to pay a $100 fine out of pocket.


I have more Sikhs in the cabinet than modi - tradeu


Wow Hardeep Sajjan is a traitor, Canadians come first and this guy decided to help people from his religion first.


Whats funny is that these sikhs were already being evacuated by India, but refused to board the plane twice, because they were countey shopping while being hunted by Taliban. Eventually they also couldnt come to Canada, and were flown to India on 3rd attempt. Where they again did a lot of drama to get moved to US/Canada. The thing is that pandering to religious groups is a slippery slope. You do something which might look insignificant and then suddenly there are demands for more. Like how exception was given to sikhs for helmets on motorcycle. A sane administration would have never allowed that.


Im not surprised at all. Technically this country is now unofficially with …………. I dont want to say the remaining bcoz then i would be called racist. Thats the fact thou


It's ok guys, the CBC put out an article defending him. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sajjan-relayed-information-sikhs-in-afghanistan-1.7248417


This is not surprising. Nothing this government does is for the good of its own citizens.


Greatest Honorable Canadian which you all voted for.