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Condensed: * **Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre warns that the world has entered a “pre-wartime security environment” with multiple threats and opportunities for countries to violently clash.** * “If you’re in uniform, you learn to be pessimistic about the security situation because you’re trained for the worst case,” Eyre said.“Given the indicators and the trends that we see, I am pessimistic about the security situation.” * One particular concern is the aggressive probing of Canada’s northern border by Russia which could see President Vladimir Putin not just on our doorstep, but with a dangerous foot in the door. * “If we cannot collectively deter adventurism, imperialism, expansionism in that international order,” said Eyre, “you’re going to have instability.” And that instability will affect Canada politically and economically. * Eyre pointed to Ukraine, “with the arbitrary redrawing of national borders and the avowed elimination of people’s right to exist,” and to China’s controversial maritime claims in the South China Sea. * **“The future is inherently unpredictable, but what we’re seeing is a confluence of threats in the security environment. ...Those combined make for a very unpredictable future.”** * As multiple defence analysts point out, Canada is still dragging its feet in meeting NATO’s target of spending 2% of GDP on defence, a point that alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made again when he was recently in Ottawa. * **“We are applying peacetime processes and peacetime mentalities to what could be considered a wartime or immediate pre-wartime security environment,” Eyre said, ominously.**


We know we need a Churchill, but we're stuck with a Chamberlain who won't step down.


There's not a Churchill poised to lead in any of our parties, they're all self-interested jerkoffs that want to help keep (or improve) the status quo for the wealthy while pissing on everyone else. 


Wealthy love war, makes lots of money with no risk to them as the regular Joe's and Josee's do the fighting and risk their lives.


Yea. PP is literally a yesmen who will meet the same ownership class needs that Libs are meeting and forget the rest of Canadians.


Polievre is worse than the Liberals in this sense because he's more beholden to big business. The Liberals are no labour party, but they're not as bought as the Cons i.e. the nature of a centrist party.


The record shows that the Libs are all for big business as long as they are located in Ontario or Quebec.


WE Charity, SNC Lavalin, ARRIVECAN.


A lot of people smugly planning to vote conservative in the next election don't understand this.


I think the next couple of years in Ontario in particular are going to be quite sad. Between a piece of shit like Pierre at the federal level and a piece of shit like Doug Ford at the provincial level, the province is going to get steamrolled.  Granted, I want to believe Pierre isn't as big of a turd as Ford, but Pierre's stance on the CUPE strike and his willingness to meet with far right groups doesn't give me much confidence.


I have no confidence that PP isn't a bigger turd. I'm in NB and luckily people are eager to ditch our Irving-loving PC premier and our provincial election is this year, so I have that to look forward to.


So, voting PPC?


It’s a shame the Conservatives quickly backstabbed O’Toole then. Poilievre is 10x more of a greasy noodle than Trudeau.


So many people would've voted for O'toole but didn't..


I think they really just wanted an opposition leader who behaved himself and didn't make too much noise.


He’s doing great sweeping the regretful Liberal vote right now, ironically a category he can only get on side by not being leader anymore.


He ran a terrible campaign and never connected with voters. I maintain that 2019 was theirs to lose, and lose they did.


O'toole was 2021 But yes, I agree the early election call caught them off guard and that's exactly what it was designed to do. I didn't much like him but you always hear everyone rave about how they would have voted for him, but they didn't.


It's a shame Canadians voted against O'Toole in favour of more Trudeau.


TBF more Canadians did vote for O’Toole than voted for Trudeau. Blame our shitty broken electoral system.


The only people that voted for O'Toole or Trudeau were the people in their respective ridings. Everyone else voted for the MP candidates in their own riding. If you want a simple majority vote to select the leader of the country, the cities will always choose simply because they have five times the population of the countryside.




Pining for O'Toole when PP is the leader of the Conservatives is like Americans pining for the days of GW Bush when Trump is leading the Republicans. GW Bush did a bunch of bad stuff... but it's just that we're in a race to the bottom and it pales in comparison to people that *openly* commit crimes in a "what are you going to do about it?" sort of way. Just because O'Toole was better than most of the other Conservative party leaders in recent history doesn't mean that electing him would have been the best move either. He was pushed out by _internal party politics_. Pushing the Conservatives into the leader seat would have raised up those in the CPC that see PP as a good candidate as well.


And I have zero faith in the Cons support of Ukraine. They're playing it to get elected but especially if Trump wins, Poilievre joins India and the (predicted) new far-right French government in tacit Russian support.


The cons supported Ukraine before America did back in 2014. Harper maddoged Putin publicly while Obama and Merkle were still trying to ask nicely. There are 1.4 million Canadians decended from Ukrainians, and they're mostly located in the CPCs stomping grounds. The statement that the CPC will suddenly pull support from Ukraine is as moronic as suggesting the LPC are secretly proposing a bill to make french no longer an official language.


That was the Conservatives 10 years ago. Poilievre's Conservatives on the other hand just recently voted against the Ukraine trade deal. Believe people when they tell you who they are.


They voted against carbon pricing included in a *trade deal*, because they've been campaigning against carbon pricing for half a decade. They have not voted against military assistance.


If otool was at the helm today I think the NDP would have ended their supply agreement by now.


The NDP can't make deals with the Conservatives while parts of the party still cater to the alt right


Look at the Sask ndp voting WITH the Saskparty on most Bills.


Can you name any specific policies that were catering to the alt right?


Nobody "backstabbed" O'Toole. O'Toole ran a horrible campaign and lost a winnable election. The only people who liked him were the Liberals, because he was easy to beat. He needed to go.


O'Toole would have been more appealing to the middle of the road Canadians. If PP had run last time, he also would have lost. Most folks were happy O'Toole was trying to clear the CPC of the farther right wing fanatics.


O'Toole is a soft leader who caused the Conservatives to lose a good 5-10% of their voter support to the PPC in the 2021 election.  To this day, only the Liberals and Liberal voters are upset to see O'Toole gone. Like hin or not, Poilievre is polling in majority territory and is clearly more appealing.


Don’t worry we have a Milhouse on deck to save us all. He’s going to meet Putin whilst eating an apple and scare him off.


F**k Churchill. We need...someone else... LMAO


And the official opposition is lead by a runt who won't get his security clearance. I'll take Trudeau over that POS Poilievre any and every f\*cking day.


Zelenskyy _is_ a Churchill.


The problem is that we’re at war in certain domains and spectrums, while not in others. It’s in the interest of the Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela Coalition to keep it at the low intensity conflict level without direct physical domain confrontation. [Holistic View of the Operational Environment](https://ndupress.ndu.edu/Media/Images/igphoto/2002082218/)


If Trump gets elected I predict Putin will start testing the northern waters


Based upon what?


Not OP but I'll take a punt:     - Trump's inclination to offer up NATO allies for Russian invasion    - Trump wanting to disband NATO    - Trump declaring imports of Canadian aluminum and steel a "national security threat"   - Trump taking pro Russian invasion of Ukraine stance in defiance of US treaty obligation to defend Ukraine in event of invasion in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nukes. Russia too but that's not the point.   - Trump's abnormal 1:1 private meetings with Putin.   - Increased Russian activity on / around / under arctic circle


Say, just out of curiosity, who are you rooting for in the US election?


Just out of curiosity, who are you rooting for? I'm rooting for the non lunatic. None of those things he mentioned were incorrect.


What would happen if they just invaded and settled in Northern Canada somewhere unpopulated? NATO/USA will not get into a nuclear war to protect some frozen land the Canadians weren't using and aren't interested in protecting. It'll be another Crimea/Georgia situation where we are forced to negotiate with the Russians while they can continue to slowly take more and more land. This scenario may seem insane but you could say the exact same thing about Russia's invasion of Crimea and Georgia before they happened.


The USA wouldn’t allow it. If Russia has land up north they could use it as a staging ground it’s a huge security risk. One of the strategic advantages the USA has is its a large nation on a continent that it basically controls; they would never willingly give that up. 


I think we have to consider that the USA we know and love will be very different in a few month’s time, and they won’t come to the rescue when we need them. They might be playing for the other team if we get into a world war.




5 years after retirement they can recall you to service in times of a national emergency. You aren't as safe as you think you are. My 5 years ends in 17 days


Lol I didn't know this. I quit in 2000 and became a firefighter in 2001. Got a letter recalling me for the war on terror in 2003. Oh boy!! Showed my chief the letter and he said don't worry about it. Turns out I am "protecting the country from the inside". Didn't expect that. But it is a thing. Good luck for your 17 days!!


So you got the legit recall letter but didn't have to join back? US Army was pulling in inactive reserves and guards for Afghanistan, I didn't know we did similar work


I did get the letter. Was told by my fire department that I am "protecting the country from within". Never heard anything again. I believed my chief.




How long did you serve for?




19 and a half years, and I understand the feeling. I released last year, and I still resent that chain of command. My worst nightmare isn't fighting for this country; it's having to deal with them. A bunch of useless, narcissistic yes-men.


That's a long stint brother. I hope your transition goes well.


That's a long time to be a Cpl. Good on ya.




I figured but thought why not go for it. Have known cplforlife's in real life.


thank you




I like you; your bluntness is refreshing. What is a CoC and why are you pissed off at it? Its probably something obvious and I just need another coffee, but I'm interested in your answer regardless.


Chain of command I believe


Oh ya that makes sense, thanks! Gonna go get that coffee...


Where’s the ref for this? Never heard that one before


When you do your release paperwork, it is one of the papers that you must sign, I don't have access to the dwan so I can't pull up the reference for you.


Something I remember during the release process. Medical releases make it a non issue


Lol only for supplementary reserve. Fuck that.


By the time they pulling released people, reservists and supres, even civilians won't be safe from conscription. So it doesn't matter too much at that point. But I had no idea I could be called back 5 years after release wtf


There’s many who would gladly take the assault charge on whoever tries to drag them back over wilfully going back.


I released back in 21, and I still haven't been fully released, I hope you have better luck


I got out in 2021 of the engineer corps. Have a good release! It’s truly a culture shock when you become a civvie again.


User name does \*not\* check out. Seriously though, you had a good run.


I was out 6 years ago. Will be ready if and when duty calls. Love my country.


"Procurement has also been a long-standing issue in Canada, where the buying of planes, ships, submarines — any military equipment, really — often takes decades." It will always be a problem as long as politicians are making the decisions. Defense spending by politicians should only decide the funding aspect. Procurement needs to be done solely by the defense department. Many politicians have zero qualifications to purchase high tech equipment. Newly elected governments cancel previously elected government's decisions. Often at extreme cost due to penalties ranging into the hundreds of millions. Cretian canceling helicopters comes to mind. Aircraft purchase is another, etc Buying used submarines without even kicking the tires is another completely mismanaged example.


There are the large political issues but also the on-the-ground government procurement incompetence. Which is wildly out of control.


> It will always be a problem as long as politicians are making the decisions. And frankly, a lot of the military. The Canadian military are famous for kitchen-sinking procurement, even without political contributions. It has to be not just a desert topping and a floor cleaner, but a biolubricant for propeller shafts and a topical spermicide as well. These pies have far too many thumbs in them.


> Buying used submarines without even kicking the tires is another completely mismanaged example. Frankly, the *Upholder*-class/*Victoria*-class submarines were perfectly good subs. Given that Britain's history with diesel boats was making some of the top-quality ones. Unfortunately, while we bought the submarines in '94 they were absolutely fine (in better than our 1960s *Oberon*-class boats at least), but in '96 the Swedes commissioned their *Gotland*-class boats. Which did to the diesel submarine world what the Royal Navy's HMS *Dreadnought* did to the world of surface ships back in 1906: made everything built before completely, totally, obsolete. You *could* argue that we should've seen it coming, as the submarines were in construction starting in '92. But would Kockums (the shipbuilder) or the Swedish government have told anyone about the AIP and other systems if they were asked? Likely not.


"Best I can do is a mandatory DLN course on microaggressions in the work place." -MND


“Do you have time for this survey about micoaggressions in the workplace?”


Is it a voluntary and anonymous survey that I'm going to get regular e-mail reminders about when I don't complete it?


It's anonymous, but don't forget to fill in the beginning. We only ask: Your Age Your Gender Your Rank Your Unit Your Sub-Unit Your Building Your Office # With so little information, no one could single you out.


Can you sign with your hands before delivering that level of sarcasm, there are comrades here who are very sensitive to sensory overload.


With three days worth of ammo...


Interesting point made by Eyre, that China and Russia will be using the A2/AD tactic in Canada’s North, to pre-empt sovereign security forces. This is the tactic currently underway in the south china sea, to put no go zone bubbles around disputed territories. He is alluding to the need for Canada, to establish a visible Military presence in our Northern regions to clearly identify our border, to prevent these foreign bubbles. Looking at history, the WW2 tactic for Germany to roll in to Poland, without threat but to quietly take over the country from within, then drive the force to take control. Before anyone knew what was happening. Quoted German chancellor Adolf Hitler had rattled his saber at Poland for months. As he had done prior to the occupation of other countries, Hitler claimed that ethnic Germans were being persecuted inside Poland. Addressing the nation hours after the firing of the first shots, Hitler said he acted strictly in justifiable self-defense in response to Polish attacks on German soil the night before. Those attacks were not launched by Poland, however, but were carefully choreographed operations stage-managed by the Nazi propaganda machine as a pretext for an invasion. In the border town of Gleiwitz, S.S. operatives donned Polish military uniforms and seized one of Germany’s own radio stations and broadcast an anti-Nazi message in Polish. Prisoners from the Dachau concentration camp were dressed in Polish uniforms, brought to the radio station and shot to make it appear as if they were casualties of the firefight. “The Polish State has refused the peaceful settlement of relations which I desired, and has appealed to arms,” Hitler wrote of the phony attacks in his proclamation to the army. “In order to put an end to this lunacy, I have no other choice than to meet force with force from now on.” End quote


Don't worry. The new chief has her carpets rolled up and ready to go if war breaks out.


"No carpet left behind." I'm glad she prioritzed her carpets over the lives of her subordinates /s


Of course we are. Russia, China and India are the enemies of Canada and we really should have been preparing for decades for this. We need a lot more money to fix issues and finalize a lot of procurement. These countries are sowing massive division within Canada and it needs to be recognized and stopped. We need to buckle up. We are repeating the 1920s and heading towards WW3


India is an enemy of Canada and we’re bringing in millions of their military aged men on temporary visas. Once those visas expire they refuse to leave and protest. Ticking time bomb very close to exploding.


I think you meant India is the enemy of a certain extremist minority group in Canada that has no interest in assimilating into Canadian culture. This group likes to bomb and kill people and brought a third world fight to Canada. I do agree in cutting immigration from India, we are getting the absolute worst from that country.




Who's approving the visas?


And the government just sat back and let them.


…divided we fall.


Vance was CDS for much longer than Eyre. I shit you not Eyre is being released because he does his job. Not exactly the yes man Trudeau likes


Canada is already in a war with itself.


We are already being destabilized by excess immigration from certain countries. I know this sounds like a conspiracy theory, but in actuality it is a effective thing for a nation to do to one they want to destabilize and make weaker overall. When a countries economy is crippled, their military prowess and international pull decreases.


excessive immigration is a destabalizing tool used in europe, by russia, turkey, etc


It makes complete sense. The only people saying that’s a conspiracy theory are in denial.


It wasnt that long ago, less than 2 years ago, if you said anything anti immigration, you were labeled a racist by the masses on here.


That's because anti-immigration rhetoric has been expoused for decades by the "keep my country racially pure" crowd. That crowd worms there way into many discussions and plays up issues in an effort to get what they want without actually coming out and saying their ultimate goals (because saying "I want to keep Canada racially pure" won't get them many fans). That, and political parties like to use immigration / foreigners as a boogeyman whenever they want to drive votes. Just look at the semi-recent US elections where they would play up these "convoys" of immigrants coming up from South America and calling it a "border emergency" that needed their party elected to solve. There's always *HUGE* news about it during an election cycle, but radio silence about it in the media when there isn't an election looming. Stands to reason that it's not really an emergency but they want fear to drive votes to them. Watching all of this happen means that any discussion of immigration has very muddied waters. Look to all those fucks. Name them. Shame them. Blame them. When you wonder why it's difficult to have a discussion about immigration.


> That crowd worms there way into many discussions and plays up issues in an effort to get what they want without actually coming out and saying their ultimate goals Hey look an actual conspiracy theory.


Moody 100% conned Trudeau into importing 10% of our population as Indian immigrants the last few years


Half this country will be Khalstani Sikhs by 2030 at this rate


You want people to think youre being a conspiracy theorist, start telling them we are already victim to fake profiles on here spreading anti-Canada propaganda. Nobody I know thinks they are susceptible to propaganda, and I think hmm thats funny, you think people in China are like “aww man thats some nice propaganda!” Its not exactly how it works.


Is the destabilization coming from immigration or could it be from foreign influence? We have investigations going on about politicians who have been influenced and we know Russia and China spend a LOT of money on that type of thing. I would say we should be wary of outside countries sowing division online in subs like this one instead of blaming literally everything we can on immigrants.


Well good, put them in the front line.


Canada hasn’t had any semblance of military prowess or international pull in ages. This subreddit is so delusional when it comes to Canada's importance and impact on the global level.


The online information war has destabilized our country and immigration is the favourite target as it's where they've made the most inroads in turning Canadians against each other, and to vote for more Russian -favourable governments.


That's the information war, Russia, China and India are behind a lot of the anti-Canada sentiment. This is part of it.


well Anti-Canada propaganda sure ain't working for International Students.


Buckle up buckaroos


Diefenbaker neutered our military caving to the US and stopped development of the Aero, annnnnnd it's never come back since then.


The Avro arrow was for a by gone era. ICBMs replaced the need for a bomber interceptor.  The rose colored glasses for the one off plane is stupid.


Though I agree, I still feel that hindered the industry as a whole.


Nah NASA, LMT and BA were happy to get all our engineers.


Canada is great, but we don't do much to keep our talent unfortunately.


Its cheaper for businesses to hire temporary workers now.


I’m certain we could have sold it internationally at the time


100%. And the tech and engineering could have been used for other projects as well, but nope, shut the whole thing down.


Oh, Happy Canada Day, eh?


It just doesn't feel the same anymore


The last keepers of world order were America, and they fucked that up with Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. Now their population is war weary, and politicians that campaign on "minding our own business" are no longer seen as soft on international crime, but rather America-first. Which leaves a power vacuum. And guess who wants to take that power? Russia, Iran and China. And taking it is going to involve violence.


And the EU possibly swinging in favour of Russia is therefore particularly horrifying.


America never "kept the world order", it acted in self interest 100% of the time (hence the disasters in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq) and continues to until this day. Those interests just happened to line up with Canadian interests. America is too dysfunctional and indebted to fight wars and kill millions all around the globe at this point. Canada's economy is basically 3 detached houses in a trenchcoat. Neither American nor Canadian young people are proud of their countries, let alone willing to die for them. Instead of preparing for WW3, we should be thinking about how to live in a world that is no longer dominated by western countries and their institutions. No way in hell are my brothers dying over a patch of land in eastern Europe, in the south China sea, or in the far north.


to even pretend america cares about the rules based world order is hilarious. the US has a law which says they are authorized to invade the Hague if any americans or american allies are in custody for violating international law. We’re talking about invading the fucking Netherlands to protect war criminals. 


I think he’s right. Too much instability and far right attitudes around the world are reaching a tipping point. Something has to give. Western Europe (NATO), UK, Canada, Australasia, most of Asia (apart from N Korea) and South and Central America on one side. The rest on the other. Not good. Not saying this all goes off at once, but that’s the end game.


All nuclear armed nations are currently increasing their nuclear arsenals, and US defense contractors are on a hiring spree of 6000 new employees to ramp up production.


They want a war. New growth engine.


Canada is irrelevant


The US is doing their level best to put themselves on the quick path to a dictatorship run by a narcissistic moron backed by a corrupt Supreme Court. Rough times ahead.


Lol fuck Canada. Im not dying so our 3 brands which own the country can make more profits. Like shit, democracy might look good but its getting harder and harder to survive in one.


Fuck the country but if any foreign armies step foot on here I absolutely am defending my family


“Democracy” lol. In late-stage capitalism, democracy is a means of dissimulation. 


The greatest threat to Canada is Canada itself


It’s more like the Canadian government is the greatest threat to canada


Sounds about right. Canadians need to stop being so nice and get ready to upset some people. If not this country is doomed. We need a war here to get back to where we should be.


We need the Locke proposal now more than ever.


We can’t even house and feed our population, who fucking cares


Weapons of Micro - Aggressions


I'm not fighting for this country.


Its okay we cant recruit anyone because of mental health decline and allergies. We also have fucked all experienced and senior ncos. We wont be drafted


Lieutenant Rasczak does not approve.


Everyone fights, no one quits.


The same country that sold out it's citizens to make way for unrestrained immigration. Let the international students and pro Palestine groups prove how much they love this country.


Same. Long time ago I applied for a gov job that I was qualified for in terms of experience and education and received a rejection letter citing the "equity act" not hiring white males right now basically, I suspect when WWIII breaks out, I can finally get a gov job on the front lines. Good luck tyring to find me in back country.


Exactly haha imagine, as if anyone of those fool in power will be hitting the ground. Embarrassing.


And now for a healthy dose of fear mongering!


Soooooooo, like ww2 ended with the bomb, then we did have another war but it was the cold war. So people don’t actually think there will be global ground combat do they? At a similar level to ww2?


2 and a half years, and most people are still oblivious or in denial that World War 3 has already started.


"One particular concern is the aggressive probing of Canada's northern border by Russia which could see President Vladimir Putin not just on our doorstep, but with a dangerous foot in the door." The country that can't successfully invade its next door neighbor that it nearly envelopes with arguably the world's best rail network is going to invade Canada? Get outta here with your boogeyman.


At this point Canada should just put a patriot battery or two in the North and be done with it. Cross our turf, it shoots. Russia doesn't have the Navy or Air Force to invade us across such distances and by the time they'd make ground we could buy so many weapons, even from Canada itself, that it wouldn't be a good idea. The supply lines Russia would need to create to be successful are next to impossible. The thing Canada can't do is be dragged into international conflict.


I think the largest risk, to me anyway is a cyber war. They don’t need boots on the ground to actually make our lives miserable, shut down the power, water and internet and let chaos just unfold on its own. But hey, what do I know, I’m just a guy with a bad knee who’d probably fail a draft physical anyway!


46 got my gallbladder out early last month, bad left leg... Yeah by the time they draft my ass the nukes will have dropped everywhere, and we be fighting with rocks and sticks.


I would love for Canada to particularly buff up aerial defence. 🛡✈ We may have been blessed from not having bombs or battle drones fall upon us, but in 2024 and going forward, that risk is now higher than ever before. 💣 As high as some place like Israel? 🤨 No, but that could change at any unspecified time, hence the importance of strengthen this area, bef**ore st**uff gets real ugly. 😨


Didn't we just permote a useless general a week ago? My gut tells me I should avoid enlisting in the army until the gov gets it's shit together, or at least wait until I'm confident our leader won't try and somehow side with china.


Who cares. I am never going to serve this country. I’d rather go to jail.


I can see that, certin leaders around the world are being voted out. Some would want to go, some will not. When its Canada's time for this, what do you think the coward in the pm office stance will be?


Isn't that what these guys say their whole lives though


Gotta get funding somehow


This war is brought to you by Dairy Farmers of Canada. Milk!


When you’re holding a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


I guess a lot of 18-30’s will be leaving the country soon and we’ll have to depend on boomers to fight for us.


What a bunch of baloney. What war is he even talking about? No country in the world wants to get involved between Ukraine and Russia. Giving funds and support is one thing but to think that a major world power will get involved in this is just outlandish predictions.


Canada is under siege! National Post is a piece of shit propaganda investment that publishes vapid, fear mongering nonsense. [National Post is owned by an American hedge fund.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_Asset_Management)


Just hope when we do bein 32 i can get some job like….. not on the frontlines. I dont know how war works, im a millenial! Hopefully they put me in an office somewhere safeish!


I'm sure our rainbow flagships will defend our coasts


America will protect us for low, low cost of annexation. Realistically though, the States aren't going to stand for Russia getting a foothold in Canada. Our countries are arguably more intertwined than any other country on Earth. A direct attack on Canada is essentially an attack on the United States. The States puts insane amount of money into their defense network because of this. I know some people might not like hearing that but it's true. We don't have borders with one-another, our cultures are very similar, our systems of government mesh with one-another. We are basically the same, controversial as that may sound. The drawback to this fact is we've become lazy and too reliant on the States to protect us and haven't been doing our part. When shit hits the fan one day, America will protect us but I reckon it's going to come with some hefty stipulations.


I don't think Quebec would like annexed by tbe US.


We are at war. This is what war looks like between a nuclear armed alliance and a nuclear armed advisory. Fighting through proxies. Cyber attacks. Economic warfare. Economic sanctions. Financial restrictions. The result is energy, food crises. Inflation. But we can't blame these things on war. That might hurt morale at home. Gotta find scapegoats.


Like the rest of the high level military retirees he’s going from government directly into the military industrial complex


A war he won’t last ten minutes in lol