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I am still dumb founded that he didn't resign on his own, and failing that, be forced to resign over this. Also, someone should be looking into the charity, which seems somewhat dormant (?) that made the request and how they seem to have such a close relationship with not one but two of the current ministers: [https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation/787660927RR0001/](https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation/787660927RR0001/) [https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/minister-joly-announces-funding-for-the-manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation-in-calgary-658286903.html](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/minister-joly-announces-funding-for-the-manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation-in-calgary-658286903.html) There is more here than meets the eye...


Because the current government doesn't care about Canadian security or interests


I was going to say the same thing. How does a small NGO in Alberta have the ear of two Cabinet Ministers to the point that they can influence military actions.


This is the question that seems to suggest something else may have been going on here.


I made a similar cross over post regarding some of the charities/lobby groups behind some of the policies related to mass immigration and how they will directly benefit. It took me 2 minutes to research that. Century Initiative Mark D. Wiseman Member of the Board of Directors • Co-founder of the Century Initiative • One of BlackRock's most senior executive Blackrock has already bought a large portion of single family homes in Canada. They plan to corner the real estate market to create a monopoly in order to dictate rental prices and keep house values as high as possible. Why is the mainstream media not shouting this from the rooftops? Because they are bought and paid for!


Mark Wiseman appears all over the charity space as do a number of people in his immediate orbit. He intersects with Dominic Barton and with Beverly McLachlin, among others. He's a real piece of... work. [https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/century-initiative--initiative-du-siecle/843519638RR0001/](https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/century-initiative--initiative-du-siecle/843519638RR0001/) But we are wandering away from the real issue we were discussing, the Afghan evac.


Fair, but I did think it was a good point to highlight the pervasiveness of the corruption and outside influences clearly driving the decisions of our politicians. I hope the payment is in 30 pieces of silver.


It’s simple: the Liberals through Sajjan and Joly have been giving public money to the charity. The charity has in turn been making political donations to at least Sajjan’s riding association and possibly others. This has resulted in favourable government decisions which included prioritizing using Canadian special forces to rescue Afghani Sikhs over Canadian citizens and our Afghani support staff, many of whom were ultimately left behind and many of who were certainly then murdered by the Taleban. Clear cut foreign interference for Liberal gain. The only question to me is, did Trudeau know and approve of it?


Trudeau declined to read those documents.


The Globe and Mail are reporting that some people, who are also directors of the charity, made the donations. They did not report that the charity made any donations. Nor is there any reporting linking Sajjan to any role in Joly announcing the funding, other than they both sit as Ministers in the same cabinet.


I think we can all connect the dots here.


Charities can't make political donations. Like corporations and unions, they're ineligible donors. But they *can* pay out salaries and bonuses to people who then go on to make donations.


Agreed. Yes they (Directors and/or employees who receive salaries, fees, bonuses, etc) can make donations. I did mention that elsewhere in the thread. This Trudeau driven change is something Canadians should also be aware of: [https://www.canadiancharitylaw.ca/faq/are\_canadian\_charities\_allowed\_to\_conduct\_political\_activities/](https://www.canadiancharitylaw.ca/faq/are_canadian_charities_allowed_to_conduct_political_activities/)


Well last time he was asked about it he played the whole "you wouldn't be asking me about this if I wasn't wearing a turban" card which is part for the course for this crew in charge. 


> part for the course for this crew in charge. just an FYI, the idiom is "[par for the course](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/par+for+the+course)" which pertains to golf and essentially means the standard or norm. You've got the right intent but wrong word :)


This is usually the first play in the liberal handbook. The next will be to deny involvement. The next will be the downplay / minimize involvement. The next step varies. If you are the PM you shut down inquiries for as long as possible, and prorogue parliament if needed.


Maybe try it the other way around, if he wasn't wearing a turban he wouldn't be subject to foreign interference.


If a general member of the public can uncover what appears to be conflicts of interest and potential enrichment of a member of parliament to act in the interests of non Canadians so easily, then what the heck is the parliamentary ethics commission even doing. Oh yeah, the same ethics committee that was okay with the prime minister accepting a $90k all expenses paid vacation


It takes almost zero effort to start uncovering question raising movements of money in the charity space. The abuse is pervasive at this point. The Liberals have been shoveling money in to the space almost to the point of absurdity. And why not, there is virtually no oversight or audit and there are no taxes.


Lol, get a tax break on paying for the influence through charitable donations. No wonder this is the only tax break the liberals have not closed down. How else are they going to get rich.


I think the leaders here have 3rd world temperaments now. Cling to power as long as possible. Lie,cheat,dance like a moron they'll do it.


Awe, god damn it. How is it possible that they’re this shitty?


Tip of the iceberg with this crowd. What is going to come out after they office is going to be many times worse than the scandals we've already learned about.


So are those Afghan Sikhs even Canadian citizens or permanent residents? If not, why did we waste precious resources in the last days to rescue them?


Why would Sajjan priorise non-Canadian sikhs over Canadians? I think you know.


Because he's a racist? Sadly, the left is a bit lacking in basic knowledge 


Nope. As far as I know, the only connection they had to him was they share a religion.


Wow, you're saying people who aren't white or Christian are also racist and also have an in-group bias in favour of their shade of skin / religion? But the left said everyone outside of western Europe has been sitting around in a love circle holding hands and doing mushrooms for the last 2 million years with no hate, violence, war or racism 


They are neither Canadians nor PR.


this is such a betrayal


Is there any Trudeau cabinet member that hasn't failed, been wildly incompetent or taken bribes? I don't understand how a government administration could act this poorly over and over again without some intention.


Sajjan is looking to take Blil Blair's crown for being the king of failing upwards.


You meant Bill "Pour Me Another Bourbon" Blair, didn't you? You know that guy was loving remote parliament sessions.


JT just wanted diversity- he doesn’t care or rather he is totally ignorant about the kind of people who rules Canada. Besides, isn’t corruption a kind of diversity? It’s kind of one sided if we only have in corrupted MPs right?


Jody Wilson Raybould. She was a stud.


And look at what happened to her.


Lmao got fired for being ethical. Someone must've not given her the memo about how Trudeau's Canada works.


Evidently, she experienced things differently. Also the recordings, we experienced those differently as well


I disagree. People are holding her on a pedestal for being the martyr for the SNC scandal but JWR brought in the "Ghomeshi rules" in Bill C-51, which to me represent a gross perversion of what should be a fair trial for an accused. She was in office during the highly publicized Jian Ghomeshi trial and when the government didn't get the trial results they wanted, in true Liberal fashion they write legislation to ensure more "favourable" outcomes in the future. That's more her legacy than getting fired for not playing ball with her superiors. I'd say the only thing JWR ever did that was right was resist during the SNC scandal. Edit: JWR also brought in impaired driving legislation that allowed you to be screened for alcohol up to 2 hours after you stopped driving... so imagine driving home on a Friday and your neighbour, who hates you but also happens to know you like to tie one on after you get home to start the weekend, calls the cops on you. Boom, you can get charged with impaired driving for not even driving impaired.


Jane Philpott lifted too.


Let me just say that while Trudeau is garbage, she was still out to lunch or that one.


Interesting interpretation of a woman who held JT's feet to the fire for interfering with her prosecutorial discretion, and subsequently gave a testimonial marathon that was incredibly credible with receipts. I guess she should have just come up with a catchy slogan, roughly three words long that resonates with simple people. No idea what she was thinking.


Would it be preferable if bribes we’re not necessary to do business in Gaddafi’s Libya, sure. Are there better uses of Canadian tax dollars than prosecuting successful Canadian business who haven’t harmed Canadians, but merely done as the Greeks do while in Greece, you betcha. Hopefully her next position will allow her to act out her wildest moral fantasies, and ideally in a field where the effect on Canadians was so insignificant that she could act completely free of any pragmatic restraint. Academia, perhaps?


I cannot fathom missing the point of that whole thing any better than you have. If you take issue with federal sentencing guidelines, take that up with parliament. The AG was bound to do one thing, while the prime minister was actively lobbying her to do another. If she were to teach, you should probably take that class.


You act like there was a single file on her desk and Trudeau asked her to ignore it. There was undoubtedly a number of cases that she could have chosen, presumably ones with actual victims. She wanted the big fish, her eyes were bigger than her stomach it turned out.


No, but thats by design cuz this was the criteria


What a clown car of incompetent imbeciles


He turfed Wilson-Raybould & Philpot for less, I'm sure Sajjan will face something similar, lol


Morneau Of course he resigned in 2021 after getting tired of being ignored and then blamed for Trudeau’s idiotic fiscal policies 


Well, there was the whole receiving 40K in travel from the Keilburger brothers while not recusing himself from the cabinet discussions about the 100's of millions of summer job money that were about to be doled out thru WE...just a little mistake. You know...slipped his mind that he had traveled to Africa and South America with WE Charity. I mean really though, what's 40K between friends right? Seriously, everybody needs to relax. JT got a free vacay from his pal this Christmas...like 90K's worth. It's all good man. 220K on you and me for some light in-flight catering...pssssh! Who's counting right???


I mean, Morneau was responsible for like $300 billion in govt spending a year  I can’t honestly expect him to be tracking where every $100 million went. Nobody could I think he was easily the most competent of the Trudeau cabinet  Things only went severely downhill once he left 


He was a pocket lining scammer and got caught with his hand in the cookie jar!! Competent...nope. Capable, yes. Unethical, completely. And I do expect my elected representatives with VERY large numbers of ministry staff to track every flippin' dollar. Youre okay with losing a 100 million as a matter of course??? That's insane. Keep voting Liberal.


Because they don't give two shits about competence. It's all about diversity and feelings until the system crumbles.


Well said, we need actual investigations into this not just another Liberal “inquiry”.


Hard to argue that this doesn't need to be investigated further, especially considering the fact that Sajjan is still a Minister. Of course, he's going to call it racism but it's more about religion than race.


If anything....what he did was racist. Prioritizing people of his religion over Canadians who he's supposed to serve, and represent.


The great irony of this counter-attack is the very thing he did was racist (or religious-ist as you point out).


Honeslty, I dont think he simply failed Canada and Canadians. I think he straight up betrayed Canada and Canadians. He left Canadians, and Canadians allies and helpers to die in a terrorist controlled country in favor of foreigner that shared his religion. That's treason to me.


Canada and Canadians aren't his constituency.


You're going to have to specify which Minister or Senator you are referring to.


Sajjan. He clearly demonstrated who's interests he represents when he redirected CAF resources from evacuating Canadians to evacuating non-Canadian sikhs


It's even worse than that imo, he didn't just redirect regular CAF Resources, it was CAF SoF that were used for the rescue.


Add another scandal to the Liberal pile. This government needs to go


I think we’ve found one of the MPs acting as a foreign agent.


Unlikely, as I understand he isn't too friendly with the Indian government, could always be a cover like the US ambassador who was working for the Cubans but pretending to be a diehard anticommunist, but unlikely.  This would be inappropriate ties to an NGO and personal bias governing someone and him taking action intentionally or because he's incompetent, which is enough to criticize, no need to go further.


We're not saying he's an agent of the Indian government, but he is clearly representing the interests of non-Canadian groups when he orders the CAF to stop prioritizing Canadian evacuations.


Who said he was an agent of the Indian government? He's clearly not working in the best interest of Canadians, therefore a foreign agent.


Foreign interference requires another government to be interfering, not simply a Canadian or group of Canadians with messed up priorities.


You might want to know what youre talking about before typing.


He might he an indian agent, whats worse is they could not even get those Sikhs out and they apparently left with Indian forces a month later. Total waste of precious resources


Foreign agent? Maybe not. Agent of a domestic religiousNGO within Canada? Certainly. The current Indian govt views Sikh and Punjabi culture in general as dissident culture. There is a long history of strife between Hindu and Sikh peoples.  Modi is a Hindu nationalist and his pet project is to pacify Punjab slowly by making it more Hindu.  There is no foreign govt that is aligned with Sikhism. In fact, Canada has the highest per capita share of Sikhism in the world.


Again for the people in the back - no where did I say he was an agent of the Indian government or any recognized governmrnt for that matter. 


And people seem to forget that Sajjan served in our military before getting into politic's . Given this revelation, he's inching more towards on being a spy if anything..


isnt he incredinly wrll.decorated as well? i recall his exemplary military service being a key campaign point


More examples of this government prioritizing foreigners over Canadians based on a messed up, ideologically tainted philosophy that race and subjective “minority status” should be prioritized above all else. It’s sickening. This government is not for us. Thus, they are against us.


Hang on a sec... now there is a partnership with the foundation in the middle of this? "He also says it was a particular policy of the government to help Afghan Sikhs and Hindus, thanks to its partnership with an Alberta-based non-governmental organization, the Manmeet Singh Bhullar Foundation." I have found no record of a partnership, but there is a $157,000 grant that Minister Joly provided them with. Where can we learn more about the claimed Partnership and why is that only coming up now, days later? When the story first broke he referred to responding to a call in the critical days around the evacuation and wanting to do what he could. There was no claim of a 'partnership'.


Yeah...yeah he really did. His actions were disgraceful.


Crazy how this guy can live here since he was 5, serve in the armed forces and police and yet when the chips are down he's still more loyal to some Sikhs he's never even met and probably never will. Living proof of just how well multiculturalism really works.


I wonder how many traitors are in our government?


I think they should dig a little more into the previous stolen valor claims and his history.


Who'da thunk that a foreign minister would put his hyphenated, foreign identity's interests before his Canadian interests?


He's never been Foreign Minister.


Surely you can't be serious.


I am serious and don't call me Shirley!


Actual treason lmao


His behaviour throws a shadow on all Sikhs and on immigrants in important positions of power. Where lies their loyalty? His, or too much of it, seems to be for Sikhs as opposed to Canadians. Don't think a lot of people aren't going to be wondering that about other Sikhs in power, often unfairly. And so he causes harm to Canadian Sikhs and their reputation here.


TBH my thoughts are not about his allegiance to Sikhism. The first thing that crossed my mind was, "I wonder if he is one of the MPs who colluded with foreign governments to influence the Canadian House of Commons?" Did he work with India or other nations when it suited his aims?


In a perfect world, this act would land a politician in jail


Another criminal liberal


Treason, he committed treason. 


This is not an op-ed from the National Post in case people are complaining. That said Afghan Sikhs are not complaining about Sajjan


Afghan Sikhs are apparently a priority for Canada...for reasons.


Foreigners should never be given a position in our leadership structure, ever. You don't see it in any other nation other than current day western nations and it is why the west is failing. This idea that foreigners will see our home as we do is absolute folly and leading to our downfall.


Seems like the LPC can do whatever they want and not worry about any repercussions ! Let’s see whose names are on that traitor list !!


This man has no shame, how the hell is he still a minister?


Treason for a few thousand dollars. Trudeau crime family strikes again


You got to hand it to the guy. He's no longer part of the liberal cabinet. But he still uses the liberal trademark defense " questioning anything we do makes you a racist". It was a strong strategy that worked for them for almost a decade. Fortunately for canadians, they don't fall for this trick anymore. Canadians are no longer afraid to ask questions.




Well he’s on the “wittingly” list


Just shameful. Need to be fully investigated and the justice delivered, to restore Canadians faith in the system.


Does anyone have the link to when Trudeau addressed this?


I think he acted exactly like a Neo-Canadian. He helped a minority at the expense of his own country. Canada owes a debt to every non white nation because of shi\* our father (Brit?) did. At least that's what has been made abundantly clear to me, here in my safe place of Reddit, and all places I used to be comfortable being a progressive and loving white male. Now I need to feel guilty for being white. WTH. I now await progressives who put me in this position to come in here and tell me my reality, and point out how I'm just a bad person or some shit.


>...all places I used to be comfortable being a progressive and loving white male. Now I need to feel guilty for being white. WTH. And male. You forgot you have to feel guilty for that too.


Is this the most openly callous corrupt government in the history of western Democracy? Every single cabinet minister to the prime minister is a fraudster.


How on earth could he defend or justify that decision, mind blowing.


he should loose his position and his pension. he is too corrupt to deserve it


Because he was working for his people in India all along, not Canadians. But apparently that's not racism




You think he was working for Canada?


I worked at General Dynamics when he signed a deal with them and the government back in 2019. I thought initially the dude was a badass as he was in the military himself and seemed to care about the Canadian military and its men/women. I guess I was wrong.


He should resign and for the by election if the Liberals/NDP want to save some money they could just not run anyone on the ticket.


Just when you thought it be impossible for people to think less of the Canadian military leadership and government they managed to find a way.


Um, yeah. Everybody has failed us gents. The only thing left to do unfortunately will probably be a civil war. Enjoy boys! :)


If you can't put the country before your personal tribe or the followers of your religion, you have no business whatsoever being in the civil service or government, in any capacity. And people wonder why I'm in support of Quebec's attempts to secularize their government.


If this allegation holds any water, this guy's toast. Here's a snippet from the article emphasizing the potential magnitude of his decision: >The upshot, according to military sources who were in Ottawa and Kabul at the time, was that the resources that should have gone into getting priority targets to safety before the last Canadian plane left Kabul were shifted to a complex mission of lower importance, thrusting Canadian soldiers further into a turbulent and dangerous situation. With that said, the article is also written as an opinion hit-piece. It likewise mentions Sajjan's defence, that other groups were given priority treatment, in addition to Sikhs. Before taking him out to the gallows, it would be wise to pry into the anonymous sources. This comment for caution is dedicated to Patrick Brown, a victim to Doug Ford's shit-flinging brigade.


Patrick Brown's a slimy fellow through and through. Parachuting into Brampton from Barrie to win the mayorship, and breaking COVID restrictions by having his own little ice skating team get-together at a city-owned rink when they were closed to the public and everyone was being told to shut in and don't get together with friends and family to stop the spread.


He should have made the coalition contingent on passing some sort of electoral reform. That would have made the biggest difference for his party (in terms of total seats) and Canada.


Wrong Indian guy bud lol


I'm dying lol


There is a reason Jagmeet and other Sikh MPs wear different suits and turbans. It is not just a fashion thing


ah shit. lol.


Did you think you were commenting on the National post article about NDP members not being thrilled with the coalition government? I mean that article is currently right above this one on the reddit feed.


In his defense, its easy to lose track nowadays


Jagmeet is not Harjit


He is, to people who can't tell one brown guy in a turban from another.


Well, I do agree with *almost* everything you said...


https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/can-you-let-them-die-like-this-families-in-canada-fear-for-sikhs-hindus-trapped-in-afghanistan-1.5561039 This story is from 2021. Funny how globe and mail can turn a story about humanitarianism to treason.


This sounds like fake news. "The organization said a group of 25 Canadian MPs, including Conservative, NDP and Green members, wrote to then-Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino in July 2020 — a year before the fall of Kabul — calling for a special program for Afghan Sikh and Hindu refugees so that they could be brought to safety in Canada." oh no so controversial.