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Heaven forbid we build something in Canada for Canadians.


The Rogers Car. It will cost you a signed contract for your soul.


And your neighbor will get the same car for half price


No money no market share


No competition?


Tariffs level the playing field at the expense of consumers. China has all sorts of tariffs on Canadian goods. If they didn't, we'd likely be less inclined to bring in these anti dumping tariffs on things like Chinese EVs. We're stuck following the lead of the Americans because lots of Canadian jobs exist in that industry and choosing heavily subsidized EVs from China is a terrible idea if it comes at the expense of supply chain integration with the USA.


I notice there’s no 100% tariff on Chinese steel.


You can lower taxes on non-Chinese EV if you want to help consumers. There's no good reason to encourage buying Chinese EV.


Yep, I agree - 100% tariffs on electric cars made in China should be met with 30% subsidies on electric cars made in Canada. But they won’t be, of course - this is all just to stifle competition


Fuck that force the companies to improve their own processes and drop prices on their own, long term all subsidies do is keep prices higher. Winnipeg brought in an $800 backflow valve subsidy and suddenly all contractors were charging 800 more, prices have never dropped. They can work but need to be well thought out


There needs to be an economy of scale for prices to come down. EV companies can't make it happen on their own and gov't needs to step up to create that initial economy of scale and use competition law to prevent monopolies from taking over.


I've only ever heard bad things about Chinese made vehicles. Ignoring the fact that they burn tons of fossil fuels to power everything, and the human rights violations....why don't we work on making the reliable ones more affordable at home? Rather than relying on a country ruled by a petty dictator who would rather just own Canada than do business.


Travel more and be objective and get off the china hate. There's a reason they have 51% marker share in EV solds in the world and it ain't cuz they're shit.


It's almost like they have massive human capital and a bunch of factories.  You'll need to excuse me for not liking a dictator who is committing genocide, threatening war, forcing his people into poverty, trying to censor the countries who have some morals, propping up Putin, and treats the idea of poisoning the planet with as much dismissiveness as the GQP.


I mean that's literally majority of eastern / Asian countries yet they aren't #1 and Chinese is. Vietnam / India are no better.


It's why we should build more at home.


I agree but with what money there's no support.


Well we know the Green Fund was the Green Fraud...so who knows.


Exactly. No money no build


Canadian on average emit much more CO2. This is kinda a weak argument for me. I think there is a lot of Chinese car that would not qualify for the north american market anyway. There is much more regulation here. 


Yhea cuz we dont have 200million people living in abject poverty. If we wouldnt be 8billion people, there would be no climate crisis.


I'm not sure what is the link? We should not import Chinese car because there is poor people in China? What is the logic with that? I believe there is nothing wrong with wanting those people get richer. I believe the least we can do is to lower our own emission to match China. I agree there is too much people on earth. The problem seem to be fixing by itself because the birth rate is dropping very fast.


There is the sheer fact of our population spread and distance between major cities. The challenges of connecting to northern communities alone are hard enough, never mind setting up green energy.  I also wasn't debating on a per person basis. Merely that there are better options than taking low quality EVs made in the country which is the worst polluter, and more than likely fudged the numbers. I'd never count on China for honestly. We've seen how they lie to their people and us about their economic conditions and rights of their average citizen. I'd include Russia and India in that group too. There is also the vast difference in quality of life. There are villages in China with no electricity or running water. 


“ChatGPT write me an ignorant response to this news article”


Say hi to Winnie the Pooh for me when they wonder why you're failing at making people like China.


I’m Canadian and live in Canada. 😂


So you're just happy to support a dictator who is committing genocide, killing their land, threatening war, supporting Putin, keeping their people uneducated, and in poverty.... Ok.


Where on earth did I indicate any support for any dictator? Does everyone that doesn’t agree with your ignorant comments always do the worst things in your fantasy mind palace?


Do feel free to explain my ignorance. Is it the fact that even before China made EVs that many of their cars weren't allowed here because of the low quality? Or my issues with not liking Pooh?


I'm not supporting dictators. I'm saying that these tariffs feel too protectionist and ignore the fact that our local industry is dragging its feet. We should push for innovation at home rather than just blocking imports. These tariffs are a half ass measure.


So you didn't read where I said we should be building more at home?


Are you always a victim or just on Reddit?


China over produced EV’s to keep their economy going but now has to dump them. This has a side benefit of shutting down any development of EV manufacturing in other countries. If we allow them in at a dumped price we will be a captive purchasing market with a reducing economy in thrall to them just like Walmart has done for other products.


Did Xi write this? Lol


The Chinese industrial base is powered by some of the dirtiest energy sources imaginable. Buying "green" products from China is really counterproductive. Edit: at least it wouldn't be as bad as driving an EV in China. EVs make no sense when the power for them is coming from massive unfiltered coal plants.


Rich people wanting to exploit low wages in China to generate more profits, even though it empowers an undemocratic country and destroys local jobs? Perfectly fine. Inexpensive cars that are good for consumers and the environment, but risk making rich people poorer? That's terrible, put tariffs on that.