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Couldn’t you just buy it online then?


I just checked this and while the product page still says $79 when you try to check out the price is $100.


Yep. This happened to me when I went to go buy it too


I've heard the Cooper St store has them at the old price btw.


Nice!! I’ll check it out


Good luck! I saw a picture on Facebook of them for $79 but the person didn't say if they bought one.


And I don’t disagree with you. I’m just saying if the store would t agree why couldn’t you just do a same day or whatever?


That said, waiting around for up to 2 hours could be worth more then $20


I thought they had to honour the price!


The LCBO doesn't. What is being talked about is the Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code. Its, like the name suggests, voluntary. I work for the board and we often times, if not always, will give the advertised price no matter what for the sake of customer service, but we aren't obligated by anything or anyone to do that. If I would have gotten OP as a customer, I would have given the advertised price because it obviously doesn't effect me. With that being said, any price modification needs manager approval. And by that I mean, the transaction cannot physical happen without approval, a manager ID needs to be entered into the POS system for the transaction to continue. So if the manager (or anyone with a manager ID) says no, then it can't be done. ------ The reason I went into depth with this is because I had a customer become irate to the point of yelling because we didn't honour an incorrect price tag. The mistake was a 750ml bottle of vodka in front of a 375ml bottle price tag. Everyone should be aware of this system for the sake of clarity.


Me too


Front spadina Lcbo has 14 bottles posted at 25$ discount to 79$. Should be honoured


Yea but it wasn’t


Do a same day pickup order for tomorrow then. Whatever price they have on their end won't matter.


If it was that price on the tag instore they would have but I don't know if they have to online vs instore.


I believe this was the celereance price (across the board) a while ago. Guess they are getting new shipments and bumping the price back up


I think you're right https://booze-feed.ca/products/250357


oohh is that the new liquery?


Yeah, that's a good comparison. Though I did pick up some cheap wine due to liquery, can't get that from here as this is strictly rum and whisky But this site is good for the price changes as well as when items get added / removed from the LCBO site.


yeah i went through a phase of buying a ton of clearance wine to find a few diamonds in the rough. have a list of about 10 that are good price/quality... but drank a lot of crappy wine to generate that list lol. still not sure it was worth it.


Ha, the perils of a good deal. I definitely bought quite a few, but either served them at a party or gave them to co-workers as gifts I did learn about Kinsip due to Liquery though, back when they went under the name 66 Gilead. Bought two bottles of their Crimson Rye at a deep discount


crimson was ok. the other one... wild oak? was baaad. visited the distillery shortly after the ownership change. good folks there.


Yeah i've chatted them up at farmer's markets (when they're selling their maple syrup). Agreed, good folks. Crimson was a sulphur bomb, but i enjoyed it. Granted, this was a while ago. wonder if i'd like it today. Good chatting! hope booze-feed ends up being a gem for you


They only have to honour the price of the in store tagger, they are not the online store. If you had ordered it online for store pickup then you would have got the online price most likely.


Damn they updated the price while I was checking out a pickup order 🤬


Maybe worth it at that price, but that’s a maybe. I’d sooner a Craig 13 or Ledaig. Seeing Clyneish go for over a 100 in the maritimes is ludicrous. It’s really not worth it.


Just received Drams for dad from Lcbo. More discounted Clynelish Glenkinchie 25$ discount as well phone stores to check price


Which store did you get rejected at? Actually it's in stock at only one store.


Spadina and front


Yeah I figured that out after Did you try to complain or just shrug?


i don't often drink cat piss but when i do it has to be the good [piss](https://imgur.com/a/gLTtTwR).


>Don’t they have to honor the advertised price? Public sector gets paid regardless of the quality of service and or products they produce or generate. This is a fact. Its not feelings. Due to this reality - the incentives to generate value and be generally productive and innovative and outgoing are not there. Why? Because public sector is already getting paid and they dont care. Private sector. On the other hand. HAS TO INNOVATE AND COMPETE just to survive. Private sector doesnt get to scratch ass and hide behind public mafia unions and make demands. The incentives are there. Its basic simple economic principles that arent based on feelings or emotions. Why do you need the state to tell you who gets to handle sale and purchase of **anything**? Im stuck in Ontario and want Springbank and Octo...Why cant I buy it here?


Right, the private sector like Loblaws, Metro, and Walmart? Even in many private sector stores, Web price is different from in store. This has nothing to do with the fact that the LCBO is publicly owned.


> Right, the private sector like Loblaws, Metro, and Walmart? Thats your minimum wage at work. [Minimum Wage Propaganda - Why Amazon & Walmart Love the Idea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHkLDX8uoCI). If you have a better business model than Loblaws, Metro or Walmart, investors will pay you big $$$ for that model. You dont. You rather virtue signal empty platitudes. Typical commie tactics. >Even in many private sector stores, Web price is different from in store. Private sector doesnt hide behind monopoly while offering me sub par service. When privately owned stores dont generate customer value they go out of business. What is the confusion here? >This has nothing to do with the fact that the LCBO is publicly owned. The difference is Im free to shop at stores which offer me value I want. LCBO doesnt give me the option of going somewhere and getting heaven's delicious magical nectar known as Springbank. How can you get so confused?


Ask Springbank! The good news is the LCBO staff have benefits at least.


Crown Corp is not the public sector.


> Crown Corp is not the public sector. What is it? Its not a private entity. So what is it?


Privatee sector company owned by thee government


> Privatee sector company owned by thee government *An oxymoron (plurals: oxymorons and oxymora) is a figure of speech that juxtaposes concepts with opposite meanings within a word or in a phrase that is a self-contradiction. As a rhetorical device, an oxymoron illustrates a point to communicate and reveal a paradox.[1][2] A general meaning of "contradiction in terms" is recorded by the 1902 edition of the Oxford English Dictionary.[3]*


Feel free to actually dispute the claim instead of these ramblings


The LCBO has a monopoly supported by the government. Nothing about it is free enterprise.


> Privatee sector company owned by thee government Typical free-range-tax-slave mental gymnastics. God forbid we open an economics book or two. Nope. Cant have that. Who's got time for rationality and logic and science when we have DOGMA. Statist is a mental illness. I bet you vote too. All problems will be addressed if we just vote really really hard.


Sad but true


I'm just saying that some people would go back to the store and break the seal on a few. If they got pissed off enough that they didn't honor the price. Just what I've heard