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No shit, almost every 2nd ad on YouTube, Pluto, and Stacked is PP bitching about a tax he tried to help create. I used to just hate PP cause all he does is yell questions and storm off before anyone can answer. I now also hate him because he won’t shut his fuckin mouth


Having criticisms but no policy has been the conservative go to for years now. Harper even ran an election without producing a platform until 3 days before the election itself. And i remember that specifically because it was held just after thanksgiving (i doubt anyone was reading platforms over thankgiving).


But there are so many complaints against the Liberals Conservatives have an easy stategy to fix all this...oh wait you are right nothing has been presented.  Surely Liberals did such a bad job with Covid/ inflation/ the war in Ukraine/ environmental policy the Conservatives must have a scathing criticism...oh wait you are right again. The Conservatives motto :    "Canada needs to export more gaslighting ".


I ask PP supporters all the time what they want. They say "i'm voting conservative at every level to fix things" (conservatives already rule at provincial levels; it's arguably why healthcare and housing suck, as these are provincial mandates). I ask them to forget about the leaders and parties and just tell me what policies they want to see and how they think they will fix things. Sometimes i get a rattling off of conservative slogans. Sometimes i get weird justifications "everyone hates Trudeau". Sometimes i get accused of just being a "libtard Trudeau lover". Sometimes i get nothing at all. But i've never, not once, heard concrete policy.


I totaly get that after almost a decade that the entire country mostly feels that a smarmy rich boy should stop being our leader.    But a greasy ratfucker is not a great person to have leading this country (Cons).     My only hope is the ace in the hole card... End first past the post. It would kick the crap out of the Cons.    I dare to dream.


A greasy rat alcoholic. That’s what PP is.


No party hoping to win an election puts out their strategy a full year ahead of elections. This sub is so liberal it hurts haha. I don’t see Singh announcing any party platforms either, do you hate him as well?


Yep. The whole bad news Friday press conference is the go to for many shitty politicians. Especially before a long weekend, xmas, new yrs etc. Youll be a week out of the news cycle and scandal before anyone even notices. The UCP in Alberta didn't even have a platform at all the last election. It was just strawman fuck the feds BS, and that's all it takes.


His platform is anti liberal, but godam these guys are fucked “Restoring Basic sense of democratic values” he said, like not restricting construction companies from doing work, or giving summer camps government grants unless they sign on and agree with what the government believes to be morally right. or lessen restrictions on social workers, they’re being suppressed. Stop housing from requiring expensive window sealing and utilities and all other sorts of “requirements”. Prevent repeat offenders from going into the streets, guy in my city like that stabbed an innocent man to death at our transit station he just standing there Stop giving foreign workers with unproven trade experience a journeyman certificate (yes that’s real they have to write a 10 hour test and get one) Stop throwing their hands in the air with mentally ill people without affirming “that’s who they are”. Look at what the conservative government has done in Alberta with the homeless, it’s fucking wild what they’ve done instead of letting underage prostitution continue in tent encampments and multiple other human rights violations. When asked what the liberal government would do about drugs leaking from safe injection sites onto the streets, the liberal lady responded “we will not let the conservatives take us to the times of before” and everyone behind her started clapping. They’re not suited for leadership, truedo comes from a family line of mental illness and him and his friends like him do and say things that will fulfill their ego with passionate romanticized ideals like “giving people a chance” like releasing repeat offenders, and giving people without merit certificates to do electrical work that could kill many others. My union showed us photos of these guys work, it was super dangerous! Jagmeet seems like a decent fellow, I met him actually, and Pierre seems like a jerk but idk For sure these people who give liberal values a bad name have to go.


The first thing there is so funny to me too, because the vast majority of economists and knowledgeable individuals think the carbon tax (Or at least some from of it) is that best way to combat climate change with the least bad effects on the population. If Poilievre didn't want to just disown it to use as a hammer to hit Trudeau with, Poilievre could have spun it as "See? I worked on something so good even the Liberals like it!". But instead it's just "The liberals did/like it so it's bad and the cause of all your problems!"


What I found hilarious is that PP was in Quebec city a few weeks ago giving his usual Axe the Tax speech and the crowd of supporters got all into cheering Axe the Tax. But there is no carbon tax in Quebec. It was hilarious ot see PP and all his supporters cheering for the axing of a tax that does not even exist in Quebec.


Really?? >Quebec's carbon taxes have increased since the 2007 plan was introduced. As part of an effort to discourage car use, there is a public transportation tax of 3.0 cents per litre in the case of gasoline sold in Montréal and surrounding municipalities.[5] These currency figures are in Canadian dollars. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_carbon_tax#:~:text=Quebec's%20carbon%20taxes%20have%20increased,figures%20are%20in%20Canadian%20dollars.


That's their own provincial one, and wouldn't be removed


They have a provincial and federal carbon tax. >However, Quebec’s cap-and-trade carbon tax is currently $57 per tonne. >By 2030, the federal carbon tax will cost $170 per tonne, while Quebec’s will cost an estimated $97 per tonne https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/trudeau-gives-quebec-special-treatment-on-carbon-tax#:~:text=However%2C%20Quebec's%20cap%2Dand%2D,as%20reported%20by%20La%20Presse.


That's not saying they pay both, it's comparing what they pay vs what the fed program is 


I stand corrected. But if I understand it correctly, the federal government still has mandates that Quebec needs to adhere to. The only difference is that the province is allowed to manage how the money is allocated instead of leaving it up to the federal government.


Yup the feds need to approve it. Like we tried to do that in NS with our old system of cap and trade, but it wasn't enough for feds so we are stuck with their one.  I think if it is done it should be the provinces call anyways, makes more sense to me


I agree, if it's gonna get stuffed down our throats. I'd rather see the provinces end up with the cash.


I think the money that goes towards the environment should be taken from the people who actually effect the planet on a meaningful scale. Sure, the carbon tax is a small portion of the price of gas but I buy a LOT of gas and it adds up. I easily spend 900 dollars on gas commuting every month, I’m not sure how much of that was carbon tax, but I doubt I’m getting it back as kickback


You realize paying tax does not fix climate change, right? Last I heard, not one tree was planted with all your hard earned taxes. You also don’t get back nearly what you pay.


>The first thing there is so funny to me too, because the vast majority of economists and knowledgeable individuals think the carbon tax (Or at least some from of it) is that best way to combat climate change with the least bad effects on the population. The flip side of this is that economists say that a carbon tax should be accompanied by a reduction in other taxes (income tax or tariffs are their least favourites) but that hasn’t really happened. Source: studied economics in university


You're mistaken - the "tax and rebate" format is the same as "carbon tax and cut other taxes" format. Those are absolutely equivalent and the "tax and rebate" option is more progressive, which means money goes to people with a higher propensity to consume and therefore spend it.


Yeah carbon tax works for countries like India and China, not us. Throw your burner account away Trudeau


Canada is the 11th largest emitter ..


Why would carbon tax not work for us but work for India or China? Makes very little sense


It's funny because that's definitely your algorithm. I don't ever get Conservative advertising.


It’s not what I search up ever though. My YouTube history is how tos, recipes, power tools, installing truck parts, Reno’s, etc shit like that


It could be demographic targetting. YouTube basically only recommends non-political, urbanist, or leftist things to me, never right wing content, yet sometimes I get con ads. I assume it's mostly just cause I'm a mid 20s man and I turned off personalized ads.


That's not how advertising works anymore. They used to be targeted for specific demographics but conservatives have literally spent it all on every demographic within Canada.


To be fair the Liberals never answer any questions either


Every politician lies. It's not exclusive to the Liberals.


No jab no job!


yeah.. as if 'axing the tax' is going to be enough to change anything... does anyone expect corporations to drop prices after that? if they don't drop, would he do anything? he's only here to axe the tax, to stick it to Trudeau for those of us who are angry at him.. is he going to be worth the cost? it feels like he just wants to be another Trudeau, but for the right... I'd love it if we all voted for who we really want instead of casting any votes for either of the big 2. many of us have always felt we were just throwing our vote away if we don't just go for one of the lesser evil of the big 2. well now they're both equally awful. I'm voting for who I really want this time, there's only one party that is focusing on issues that have me worried and stressed and it's neither of the regulars. it's gonna feel good to vote this election for the first time in perhaps, ever It'd be a beautiful thing if there were enough of us doing this that sent a real message


I definitely agree with a lot of this and happy to see that someone seems to be critically thinking about this (even if you're voting for a party I don't want to see in power). For sure it's going to be very difficult to get prices to drop because what incentives do the big companies have to lower them? They've been high for a while and sure they may have a slight dip in their profits because people literally can't afford them, but it's not like their going bankrupt. Things like food, rent, heat, electricity, the essentials that you can't live without, will not suddenly drop if the carbon tax gets scrapped. That said I hate the carbon tax and the stupid meager rebate and hope it's done for. I think there's better ways to encourage green tech and initiatives instead of just putting a sin tax on it to deter people.


The carbon tax seems to just be a poor slight of hand to try to placate us with nothing.. I would have been all for it if the government was aggressively spending all of it on initiatives to help corporations get to net zero but as far as I can see, all its done is just passing the cost onto us and the people are forced to spend the rebate on the price increases ending it all back into the pocket of corporations anyway.. moving money around in a way that does little except leave us all with even less


Sounds like you’re someone who is never happy.


I like how this is every conservatives reaction to when someone calls out PP. Surprised you didn’t just say PP for Prime Minster


I actually liked that about PP, thought that was actually pretty effective when you're questioning ministers but really not something I would want as a party leader. Kind of wish he stayed as an MP


Conservatives please start doing your jobs. Your next job interview is over a year away and all you are doing is throwing shit and forcing everyone to walk thru it.


If O'Toole was still running, I'd have no problem voting conservative this time around... I doubt he would have marched with the Freedumb convoy and visited the conspiracy asshats. He seemed at least decent... but there is no way I'm voting for this schmuck. And no, not a fan of Trudeau either, before some asshat calls me a Trudeau apologist.


''No, not a fan of Trudeau'' oh quit lying lol


PP’s support of alt right groups and his refusal to reject the support of Alex Jones shows that he is unfit to run. He needs to step down.


Fascism comes to canada


Me when in a democratic country people will democratically vote for a candidate I don’t like in a democracy so that makes it fascism, but if they vote for the one I do like then it isn’t fascism. Use some fucking common sense dude


Everyone I don’t like is Hitler 😡😡🤬


Barely need to with the Toronto Star running Trudeau hit pieces daily for at least the last 18 months. Not a fan of Trudeau but the fix is in.


“The fix is in” dafuq?? Our country is in shambles


I mean in terms of the media colluding for PP as they did for Doug. In JT’s case, good riddance but we are fucked.


PP is worse - by a long shot.


PP is the IDU candidate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union If you want to see what the IDU is doing to other countries, they're behind: - Trump in the US - the British Conservatives - the Greek government that is murdering refugees and just put in a 6-day work week - Viktor Orban that is destroying Hungarian democracy - Narendra Modi that is turning India into a fascist state, - Javier Milei in Argentina running that country into the ground, - Ghana's government engaging in extrajudicial killings and death squads PP is Harper's hand-picked successor, and Harper is the leader of the IDU. It's not a secret, this is an international movement to destroying democracy and putting in far-right authoritarian rule.


100 percent


The house I used to rent went from $250000 to $750000 in 7 years. Hard to do much worse.


How, exactly?


He's been a MP since 2006. He was housing minister. He has a voting history of voting against workers rights. You could start there. He didn't just poof out of thin air. He has a history. A voting history so many Canadians seem content being oblivious to. Never had a job other than being a politician. You can look up all of his work for the government. It is for the public to see. Ppl just don't go bleeping look. I've seen multiple ppl share the link to the website for the house to see all voting history. Banking on nobody looks. Believe online rhetoric just way easier. Easier to have a single target to blame than read a list motions and bills and who voted which way. Then also reading and understanding the motion or Bill. That's more time. Just easier to believe the quick flashes of misinformation online. Affordability and housing spiked under the Harper Government. Now, it's happening again, and the man who boldly claims to be housing minister in and is also in charge during the massive affordability gap then, talks like he would fix it.... he helped break it ffs. There's more to PP than what he allows the media to show. You know, that liberal owned media He's been claiming to exist since his early days. Long before he was leader. The media that seems to avoid honest reporting when it comes to a conservative politician. Ask a real question and quote the man only to be labeled as "liberal media". His rhetoric, his policies, have shown to be far worse in societies throughout history. Trickle down economics does not work. Tax breaks for the ultra rich do not work. Investments in social programs helps its citizens but he wants to defund them. The Narrative about "red tape" being the roadblock to Affordability is a lie. The lack of "red tape" allows for the monopolies in housing and other industries that drive the cost of living up. With many other factors at play around the world playing there part. PP has zero truth in his words. Look up the carbon tax and the uni study on the PP lies about the carbon tax. He constantly lies, creates wedge issues to deflect from what he and his party are doing. Manipulating Canadians into believing CPC are for anyone other than the ultra wealthy.


Thanks for taking the time to write all this. JT is just another rich guy, owned by other richer guys, same as PP, but less worse in some ways. It's a class thing. The sooner we realize that their funding is coming from the same team, the sooner we start to pull up from this madness. Let's grow, Canada! Look what they are doing to the next generation. This ain't about JT or PP anymore.


Thank you for your response. The two parties are definitely pawns of the corporate elite. Media filling us with the narratives they want to fuel our left vs right rage when it suits them, when it should be right vs wrong. Honest reporting doesnt fet you clicks and views now though. Ppl all generally want the same but disagree on how to achieve it and that's how they play us. It definitely is not about JT vs PP. It's ppl vs Fascism, capatalism, corporate media, the manipulated ppl siding against their best interests trying to shut out the voices of the oppressed. The list of dangers to our society are numerous. JT will try and keep the status quo as center parties do. While the right will be dismantling Canada, selling off assets, impose dangerous policies we know don't work. Continue the devisive rhetoric and up campaign mode to 24/7 every day of the yr. Drowning us in propaganda. If their words are to be believed, we will have a court system the way Trump set up in the states. Not for rule of law but party loyalists. We should be more focused on removing the two parties that got us here instead of continuing the circle. The UK figured it out. No more conservatives or neoliberals. I believe Norway did something similar yrs back. We don't want to go the direction of Hungary far right nationalist movement, which is the direction we are heading according to the polls, increased hate crimes and hate speech. Policies oppressing LGBTQ, talks of implementing their own judges that "think like them" the ol, "law and order" tactic. Pass legislation that would allow them to veto any by election if the winning candidate was not in line with "their way of thinking". The increase in hate groups and the politicians cozying up to them for support, stoking their conspiracies to drive up hatred and fear. We are going down a very dark road I'm afraid.


Well fuckin said, eh! ⬆️ This guy right here!


So ppc then?


This is very well written. The one other thing I always like to point out about PP is that he has claimed that career politicians are not a good thing. What is he if not a career politician who is very probably going to be our next PM.


He also has a compliance agreement with Elections Canada for fuckery he was doing.


Hahahahahahaha hahahahaha


To be fair, we’re fucked either way. At this point, I just want to see the Liberals and NDP ego checked into oblivion. Sadly, we’ll need some kind of viable opposition to the PP regime and that doesn’t look likely.


Liberal party is the default governing party of Canada. Our election history shows that. They will rebuild with a sensible centrist leader and cabinet and win after a few years of PP.


We'll get at least 5 years of PP. After his first term, wages won't have kept up with the rising cost of living because it'll be 5 years of tax cuts, which are just gifts to millionaires and billionaires. Wealth will further concentrate into the hands of fewer individuals, and PP won't do anything to stop it. He's going to do everything he can to privatize healthcare and by the time the provinces and the Feds have cracked down on student permits, he will defund universities and crank up student loans at the federal level, thus driving up tuition costs for students. Loblaws will continue to bend his ear. The Big 4 Telcos will maintain their grip on the market. He'll pull a Danielle Smith and ban renewable energy projects and subsidies, citing some bullshit about "aesthetics", which will reduce the market options for energy. He's going to slash the government workforce, thereby creating a significant increase in the number of people looking for work thus driving down wages. If you want to look at how PP will govern, look at Danielle Smith and Doug Ford. Tell me they're all about the working class and say it with sincerity. Dollars to doughnuts you can't. DoFo was trying to fine striking workers and behaved in an extremely hostile way towards public sector unions. We're going to get more of the same from PP. Not to mention that he's cozied up to the anti-vaxx whackos, who are making Measles Epidemics Great Again. Trudeau sucks. But PP is going to last one term because he's doing what Trudeau did - promising the world and he's going to fail absolutely miserably. I'm thankful I've got David Eby for a Premier.


All we can hope for is a minority conservative government, which it looks like we're not going to even be able to get. I'm leaning more NDP but the more the left vote splits the less likely we are to get a minority government, a conservative majority government is how we get everything that you highlighted above at breakneck speed.. at least with a minority government it would slow that process down a little. If the little Tbag would step down my vote is clearly liberal for the minority gov attempt, if he doesn't, which you won't cuz he's an asshole, then it's NDP and we will see how the rest plays out, I cannot in good conscience vote for that man one more time. Maybe NDP pulls a minority but I doubt it, if they ever needed another Jack Layton and it's right now..


David Eby is absolutely top notch. Easy vote to put the NDP back in. Generally agree about PP. I do hope for some economic benefit. I guess we will see.


I’ve never understood why people are so enamoured with David Eby. Like sure he seems to be making some good decisions but he and his party were still involved in some blunders, like spending millions to try and shut down a desperately needed site C. I guess it’s just a lot easier to like the New Democratic Party of Vancouver and it’s island from Vancouver.


What is the alternative? Kevin Falcon and BC United? Eby has been the most active on the housing file in Canada. Icbc is ok. Pivot on legalizing was swift. Of course he and the NDP make mistakes. But on average, they’re looking good.


Look at the alternatives. That's why Eby is #1. Plus, he's actually been doing great things for BC. No he's not perfect, just better than everyone else by a landslide.


They should be doing that now! Instead they're just handing over this country to PP who will destroy it even faster in those next 5 years.


PP wants to be Trump North.


He's not, but the Cons are adopting American style of politics. Sound bites and ridiculous ads. Propaganda. It's funny because they don't even need to when our PM has been shooting himself in the foot for years. And this is coming from someone who leans far-left.


This is the garbage CONservatives tell themselves because they know PeePee is exactly like trump. Guess it helps them sleep at night.


By what metric is the country in shambles? And to what degree is it the federal government's responsibility?


And the cons aren’t going to fix shit


You're in shambles, the country is fine


Funny thing is they wont compare Canada to another country. While we are not perfect, we are better off than other countries. Like COL isnt an issue in US or UK? Pffft. PP is trying to use DJT 2015 tactic. And "I alone can fix this!"


Somebody living under a rock.


The only people “living under a rock” are people that think Canada is in shambles. A literal lobotomy take. All you have to do is step one foot outside our borders and it’s obvious how much better off we are.


In a race to the bottom there are no winners




Please elaborate.


These idiots are the few remaining dumb asses that support the worst pm in history. Absolutely no brains on this forum.


Or, you are just not that bright.


Normally rats flee a sinking ship….


Shambles? Really?


Bitove is an asshole /Went to high school with him


Perhaps that money included the ongoing PP makeover. Stylist and products are expensive.


This despite Con orgs owning virtually all Canadian media and with probably a handful of Russian troll farms on their side. Can't wait for Lil P to get in and start playing with his newly purchased toy country the way modern Cons tend to do.


Where is the money coming from? Is this another Russia infiltration! Or do we have a lot of rich right wing kkk groups in Canada .


I'm waiting for him to completely spazz out or just get caught in a huge scandal. He didn't always speak or act the way he does now, it's so fake it's a matter of time he's gonna crack


You pretty much described every PM we've had the last 40 years.


He’s already been judged to have breached the conflict of interest/ethics rules *three* times, and interfered in a criminal prosecution for his own political gain. Scandals don’t stick if voters don’t care.


I guess so. Look at Trump. He can do anything at this point, and his cult will defend him. Such a double standard, Treudeau wore colorful socks, and the righties lose their minds and demands he step down. Mulroney took bribes and people say he's a hero


You know I was talking about the Prime Minister, right.


Thought you were talking about PeeePeee. We've had alot of Prime Minister scandals in Canada from as far as I can remember


At this point they don't really need to spend that much money. Trudeau has worked hard to make Canadians want him out, so PP can sit back, relax, and wait for his happy ending.


I'm sure a good chunk of that was because of the 20 million. Seems like the foreign interference issue has been completely overshadowed by the by-election.


And Canadians lose?


> PP can sit back, relax, and wait for his happy ending. This sounds wrong.


It does come across as a double entendre, doesn't it...


I'm sure russia bought a ton for them too


He was not as established as JT in 2023 and he was just elected the leader of opposition … so this spending makes sense


He has spent his entire adult life in the House of Commons, including many as an establishment Cabinet Minister. To claim "not as established" is hilarious. It costs money to sell a fake image to the masses.


And the major never heard of him until recently.


I never heard of PP until last year.


He was not the face of the party and now he needed to make known that he is …. that is all I was trying to say….


Lol, love how you are getting downvoted for a simple comment.  These subs have to be bought and paid for.  


My, my, how little you know about PP. He was most certainly front and centre back in Cabinet. Harper's most loyal chihuahua.


He definitely made the news on the regular. Especially during the robocalls scandal where he was accused of being the Pierre Poutine alias that apparently ordered it.


Let's see. Career politician has never actually worked a day in his life. Consistently leads all MP's in government spending. When you are a tiny fascist, you have to spend more I guess. That and Conservative voters really aren't very bright so everything has to be shiny so they will pay attention 😉. Substance, doubt anyone voting Conservative knows what that word means.


You managed to fit in “every who disagrees with me is stupid” and “every one who disagrees with be is a fascist” in one comment. Congratulations. Also a lie. [PP is actually one of the lowest spending MPs.](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jagmeet-singh-is-canadas-most-expensive-mp-pierre-poilievre-is-the-cheapest) I honestly don’t know who I’ll vote for in the next election, but if this is the Liberal party line again, I won’t be voting for them. Lie, deflect, defame. The Liberal cycle. How long will it take the Liberals to understand that calling everyone fucking repugnant is not a great way to win in opinion polling?


Or you could just ignore what every one says about either of them, look at their policies, and especially look at the candidates in your riding, and vote for the one that makes the most sense for you personally.


Unfortunately, the first past the post system has been enshrined as a way to prevent people from being satisfied with their vote. I have no love for the Liberal Party of Canada, but it is far better than what Pierre and the social Conservatives have to offer.


What exactly in my comment makes you think I’m not doing precisely this? Personally, I think it’s a moral good to call out baseless rhetoric and outright lies where I see them for the benefit of everyone.


I liked how you used a known conservative outlet to push conservative information


He's the highest spending, look it up. It's a fact. And it's government money he is spending.


[Here](https://www.ourcommons.ca/ProactiveDisclosure/en/members) is the disclosure information for how much MPs spent in government money. The advertising the article cites is money from the party from tax deductible donations. This is different from them being tax-payer funded. If you would like to elaborate on your point, perhaps I can I help you find the relevant facts to back up your claim.


He raises way more than his Liberal comparators. And unlike the Liberals, who use gov’t spending announcements as campaign tactics, he uses money the party raises from supporters and donors. Prior to 2015, the roles were reversed. Harper was in power and Trudeau, as third party leader, did what Poilievre does today. “Tiny fascist” is a really, really bad take. Exceptionally bad.


"he uses money the party raises from supporters and donors." Money raised from supporters and donors a re-imbursed at 75percent by ALL taxpayers, a 100 $ donation to ANY party gets you a refund of 75$. SO both Trudeau and PP are wasting taxpayer money when advertising.


He leads all MP's in government money spent on his expenses. Look it up.


I think that spending is from his supporters. It’s not from the public fund. So I assume they prefer he spend it? Also. If he has more to spend, it shows he’s got more support than the liberal base too.


Nope, that's taxpayer money.


Go ahead and spend it all down the drain now, everyone knows canada campaigns in the final two months, they don’t have the energy or pure hatred to be outraged all the time. Well some rwnj do but most of us don’t.


We need to see a list of his campaign donators for that statement to hold any bearing. Businesses tend to like the conservatives more than any other party anyways and that always leads to more money for the CPC.


Fuck Furbunny and fuck the cpc.


So easy being a big spender when it s not your money


Well it is money the people who support him donated. Unlike the liberal government who are spending everyone’s money.


Good. Spend whatever you can to get Trudeau out of office.


Money well spent


How Much they spend on ads is what you are focusing on??? Why?


The conservative strategy is to advertise enough about the good job you’re ostensibly doing so that your voters think all the problems they face come from elsewhere in government or unions or the poor, then have your propaganda arm in the media ensure any opposing views or potential political opponents never get enough positive news for them to be seen as a viable choice when things do go wrong. It’s worked for Ford and other premiers, it’ll work for Poilievre without a practical solution to counter it.


And they want me to donate


And it shows


8.5 million on advertising and I’ve never seen a single one. Why spend that much on what I assume is tv advertising? Boomers are the only ones who watch tv and they’re going to vote for you anyway.


That’s because [Jeff Poilievre is shit](https://youtu.be/x3OV51n3PyM?si=zFZVhgXxMIYXn5DI)


Aviators, the official sunglasses of douchebags.


And they are for people with a 1st grade reading level. So, right on target for his base.


All the liberal Party ads were masquerading as govt of Canada


Is this created by one of the paid influencers Turdeau has hired???


And? So what? It’s little drops compared to the wasted money Trudeau has spent on other countries, used for himself on vacations or outright ‘lost’. Gimme a f’ing break. What a ridiculous observation.


It's because they're fundraising at historic rates. Our young people can't afford any more blows to the economy. We've been put on a bad trajectory as far as QoL goes. [https://i0.wp.com/betterdwelling.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Canadian-Real-GDP-per-capita-chart-National-Bank-of-Canada.png?ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/betterdwelling.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Canadian-Real-GDP-per-capita-chart-National-Bank-of-Canada.png?ssl=1)


And about 4x more on hair gel.


So what?


it's not working for me !


Seduction campaign has a price.


Did you calculate that with or without the Liberal party buying the CBC as a full time propaganda machine?


Most people don’t realize this is a global situation. Far rights are being pushed in. All a plan to create chaos. Deficits are too high to ever be paid back.




I can't belive Canadians still stand up for Trudeau. After everything he's participated in, lied about, covered up and tried to strip from the people. If he was in power anywhere else he would have been pulled from office by force


Yeah, they're the party of the billionaire class.


Maybe because as the governing party Libs already have a bunch of coverage. Will huge subsidies for Canadian media count as that spend?🤔


Out of curiosity, if not the Cons, who you guys voting for in the next federal election?


Spent 20 times more on ads but 1000 times less on meals.


Republicans in US are pushing for retirement age to 70. They are saying this for Gen Y and Gen Z. Conservative did increased the age to 67 in 2012 before it was rolled back to 65 when Liberals came to office. Conservatives in Ontario have made Health Care and Education worse. No new schools have opened in my area in the last 6 years after Ford govt came to power. Carbon tax may mean saving of few hundred dollars , but loosing other things cost more.


PP only cares about getting elected. He’s not a man of the people, he’s not conservative.


He can't get exposure for free on CBC... so he has to pay.


That's a lie because they don't count the media payout for propaganda


Well here’s the thing: PP is playing media “Where’s Waldo?” Spend on the ads to spread your message and hide so you don’t have to answer for any of it. Classic Conservative bait and switch but yeah he’s great🫥




Naaahhh …. For real? Isn’t that what budgets are for? Let’s not forget, our tax dollars go towards marketing fools of all brands to Canadian fools who eat their lies up.


Does anyone on here run month over month into debt? If not, why would you run your country that way? Canada isn’t just financially broke, it’s also morally broken. I don’t know if it’s mainly due to covid isolation or what. Politicians are out of touch and out of control.


The difference is Cons are using their own money. LIBERALS are using ours




From the comments her it appears I have found the Liberal-NDP echo chamber. You guys would blame the dog (PP) for barking as the thief (JT) steals from your home.


Isn't this common for an opposition party? Of course they would spend more on advertising than the party already in power.


This man gives me the creeps! Why can’t the Conservatives get a leader everyone in Canada can get behind. I don’t want to vote for a very negative person. And I’m still waiting for some platform besides axing the tax. We all know if he “ axes the tax” that there will be no difference except we won’t get a rebate cheque each quarter.


Ah yes the party of "fiscal responsibility," spending truckloads of money on something that doesn't help Canadians. If they had good policies and results, they wouldn't need to spend this much on ads; the results would speak for themselves.


What do people expect? You really expect the liberals to advertise? “You’re screwed! Thanks to us! Vote liberal!”


can you polish a turd?


Who cares? It’s donated money. It’s not tax dollars.


Thats alot of money for saying absolutely nothing!


We know where tax dollars are off to 


PP should spend more time burying the LMIA he created with Harper that started our misery.


Good. Need to get these wanker libs out asap


Really and spending over 200 grand on food for 6 days is perfectly fine go F your self


Lots of people riding the worst prime minister in our country's d in this chat. Communists?


Maybe it's true, but a rock is better than fucking Trudeau, at least the rock won't work hard every day to fuck over this country


He's wasting money, lol


Hope it works. Trudeau needs to go.


How else does the new guy get his info out there? Quietly sitting at his desk hoping 38 million people show up to chat? Sheesh.


I’ll vote for anything not Trudeau.


At least its their money


And? More ads means more visibility. Seems like a prudent move from someone hoping to gain exposure and capture votes, no?


Alot of JT supporters in here, or PP dislikers. I pose a simple question: Our country is in decay. This is not my option. Life expectancy dropped, affordability crisis, and on and on. It was a liberal/ndp coalition, and people STILL won't condemn the man who was heavy with promises, but low on delivery? I guess my question is, how much worse do you peo0le need it to get before you would support a change in leadership? You cannot possibly get the warm and fuzzies about JT at this point. The scandals. The failed electoral reform. The broken promises. The fillibustering. Slipping among influential nations. It was him and his party and supporters. You/they caused this mess. Literally - what would it take to convince you this guy is not and was not fit for office?


They have more donors. Liberals are out.


Con voters love big money in politics.


Liberals love taking your tax dollars for propaganda instead so much better /s


Talking about The Conservative Broadcasting Corporation that says Trudeau needs to step down and never mentioning pp's use of foreign interference to win his leadership campaign? That propaganda? Lolz.


You know the liberals are in trouble when their propaganda arm bought and paid for with our tax dollars are starting to speak out against them. And on foreign influence we can guarantee that the liberals are the majority of the list otherwise the liberals and cbc would be screaming about the names 24x7. Their silence speaks volumes.


That is because the liberals just use taxpayer money and call it advertising for the federal government. They also don't include all the money they gave to media corporations.


Remember PP's Conservatives dolling out money for gazebos with oversized cheques featuring the Conservative logo?


And that's not counting. oh, let's be polite and call them "paid accounts" on social media.....


Soooo check out the most recent polls! PP is ahead of JT, but either way we pay taxes. How is life, for the average person, going to change? Im not sure that it will be any better next year than it was last year?


No matter who you vote for… you still get a government. Therefore, taxes and more taxes.


I dunno about you, but I like there being roads, fire departments, and healthcare. Taxes are the things that fund those, and arguably some of our tax-funded ventures are even underfunded, given the doctor shortage and ER wait times. There are things worth doing that don't make a profit. No one likes paying taxes, but the public investment is worth it.