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Your FIT is typical but your usage and daily connection is fantastic. I doubt you will get a better deal.


The better deal is to self-consume rather than seek FIT.


U mean with a battery?




This can help but OP is talking about 50 units per day. A dishwasher cycle and even heat-pump hot water isn't going to have much impact on that.


Yeah just quick your job and get a better price lol


Or you can just set appliances to run in the day, most dishwashers, washing machines and dryers have delayed starts. The difference in cost between say running a dryer at keep vs for free when the solar is going ends up been a lot.


Sure, you can Richie rich!!!




Feed in is dropping quite quickly, major savings come from using power. Some people who were early adopters of solar in high density areas have a kind of grandfathered high feed in, but most are offering 6-12cents.


I'm one of those with grandfathered FIT of 45c per. I'm told that if I extend my solar unit I will lose this. If I fit a battery to this will that renegotiate the FIT too? Im worried about asking Origin about this in case they get wise and change my FIT for dubious reasons and I have a fight in my hands.


Speak with Evo, not your retailer. If you're on a grandfathered tariff it'll be funded by the ACT government, not the retailer, and Evo will have the details for you. I had to check this recently for mine and Evo were able to confirm my 45c feed in tariff stays until 2031, as long as I don't change the system. For mine at least they did say I could add an entirely separate second system if I wanted, and it would be on whatever new rate I could negotiate with my retailer. But the original system had to stay as is to keep the tariff on it.


In your case it's probably not worth getting a battery, any power going to it would be losing the 45c just so you could use it later. If you just pull from the grid when you're not generating and it cost you 30c you're 15c ahead. The only time it would make sense to get both a bigger array and a battery is if your power draw is so much that you're not actually sending much to the grid and your nighttime consumption is basically being paid out of pocket.


I would rather draw less from the grid than sell it.


Looks like an OK deal. Solar isn't so much about maximising your export price as reducing your need to buy — e.g. by using that energy to heat your hot water and getting heavy appliance work done during the day (e.g. laundry, dishwasher).


We're on 15c for first 15kwh and then 11c for all after that, uncapped. We're exporting 50-60kwh at the moment. Supply charge and TOU per kwh are higher but it works out a better deal for our usage. It's a good idea to put the numbers in a spreadsheet to see whether higher FiT vs lower supply and use charges work best for your usage. As others mentioned, load shift to use as much solar as you can during the day.


Use what you got. Another option is an ev, if you wfh one day a week it’ll keep it topped up with 50kw of feed in


I'm getting 11 cents FIT with ACTEWAGL.


Howed u get that deal


Left and went to Origin. A week later ACTEWAGL offered me 11 cents FIT.


"Solar Power Electricity Plan" with an 18c FIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/canberra/comments/12d7oo2/comment/jf5hrk6/


Think they stopped that one, they did for me anyway.


Ah bugger, that's the problem with these stupid 'secret' plans.


I switched to that a few months ago, it's still active.


Good to know. I have been on this plan for 2 years, and my contract anniversary is February, so good to know that there is hope that they'll renew it. As others have mentioned, it is a secret plan that you have to ask for. *edit, 1 month later. After a phone conversation with ActewAGL, it seems that the plan with the 18 c/kWh FIT is no longer available. Their best plan is the one that /u/bienenund mentioned.*