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7months jail, suspended. So nothing. Back to his lucrative building company where he'll move on and abuse his next partner




Appeal it? He’d be cheering at the leniency of it.


Morrisons mate, the ex attorney general Hurley gave him a glowing reference




She seemed to understand the gravity of what he did, the lack of remorse, so the obvious conclusion is to just... let him go??


If we want to be serious about this sort of thing, no sentences should be suspended. Straight to jail.


So, this time will someone petition the Attorney General for better protection against women, or are we just complaining here again?


Another "triumph" for the ACT Court system, what exactly do you have to do to get sent to jail by an ACT judge or Magistrate??? We keep hearing how crowded the AMC is, why?? Is it full of J walkers and fine defaulters.


Be brown?




It's not a Canberra love post which are hard to get up.


Are we seeing some form of wealth disparity discrimination happening here ? It has to be because he is not a sport person so he was not protect by that banner. Joe Blog Aussie would be looking at jail along with a swathe of compulsory anger management programs and hormone therapy sessions. Why am I hearing am I hearing Peter Garrets voice .......Read About it ....Read About it.


Canberra is best place to be a criminal. You want all the lefty lawyers becoming judges? This is what it looks like.


Yep. It's everyone else's fault. Here have a lollipop and go bash the next girlfriend because *checks notes* ... work made you sad.


Don't start tying political views into judges like they have done in America. Their system is absolutely the worst in the western world and we should ensure it does not come here.


Someone in these Australian subs must really hate this guy. Like he's a total piece of shit who absolutely needs a dose of lead poisoning, but this has got to be like the 30th article this week between the Australian subs, and this Canberra one in particular going on about the builder that bashed his missus. Am I missing something about him in particular?


A lot of locals hate him because of how he has run his business. Treats everyone like shit and gets aggro when challenged.


I hope he gets agro with the wrong person one day.


That explains it. Like literally every day this week there's been 5-8 articles posted across multiple subs about this guy. Like I get it's a DV thing and think the guy is repulsive and the sentencing a joke, but was trying to work out why this DV case in particular is being spammed as opposed to the dozens every day that are going on.


This one’s been high profile from the start. The day of his sentencing it was literally the first item on the ABC radio news bulletin.


I noticed that on the ABC sites too. Like I've followed it, but nothing in particular stood out that much that it was a rallying cry case. I just found it interesting how high profile it is. It's not like Gina Rhineharts daughters bodyguard killing himself because she was fucking him, or the good ol traitor Twiggy in a relationship with a foreign energy minister which was in the news for all of 10 seconds. It's a builder who bashed his wife. Like I can throw a rock in a major city without hitting at least 4 people like that.


I dunno, it’s a pretty egregious case of domestic violence, have you read the details? I think it’s good that it’s getting a lot of attention. And it makes sense that it is- with the horribly high rate at which women have been murdered in DV incidents so far this year, and the increased focus from both media and society on the issue of men’s violence against women- doesn’t it make sense that this case, with its utterly scandalous sentence, would be big news?


I think every wife basher should have their picture splashed across as many media outlets as possible. I also wouldnt be opposed to them getting it tattoo'd on their forehead either.


Again, totally don't disagree, I was just curious why this case in particular has been spammed to death over the last week.