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Her on Just Trish, too. It’s wild just a few months ago everyone was dying and excited from Brooke to go on JT. She doesn’t even try to appeal to or have a humble convo with Trish. Everything is bragging about how skinny,popular she’s gotten lol. She has literally lost all personality. I hope someone clocks her and this is just a ‘quick ride to fame’ ego phase. I will say, Tana is absolutely glowing and shining next to her for me. She really does feel like a genuine person and she even looks so healthy and gorgeous. Watching her interact with Paige, my opinion has shifted so much from when I found them all about annoying and empathized with Brooke. I totally get it if they have some irritation with her uppity too good for everyone schtick.


Totally agree with this take ! I like tana so much these days and think she looks the most beautiful she ever has




as someone who also got sober, fuck brooke for that. i literally had to ditch all my friends bc they pulled b.s. like that. they degrade you when ur drunk, get mad at you bc ur the on that ruins everything for being wasted then when you do get ur shit together they call you boring. and i promise you the ''boring'' part comes from the fact that now one of THEM is the target where they prob need to reflect on their own drinking and they just want their punching bag back


did you peep when she said she would never tell her friend if someone was talking about them / called them ugly but she literally did that to tana not even a few months ago


Girl!! Yes. I was like are you for actual real, all you do is tell everyone their faults lately lmao


Yeah..I’m not sure what happened to Brooke. It’s hard to even explain. Her whole vibe is different and off. It’s almost like she let all of this get to her head and it’s inflated her ego, big time. I understand friends snark back and forth and joke a lot, but everything is just so bitchy coming from her end. The more followers she gains and the more popular she gets, the worse her demeanor and attitude is..which really sucks.


The way she low key made fun of Paige’s tattoo was so fucking annoying


She was straight up mean about it and you could tell Paige was taken aback but trying to keep the energy light. Brooke’s sorority mean girl vibe is stronger than ever lately and it sucks, it’s making the pod unwatchable.


Is there a photo of the tattoo? Would love to see it!




I feel like it's blurry? But Paige's face is clear so idk. Some parts do seem wonky tbh but if she likes it then great. Also, to call someone's tattoo honky (or whatever Brookes exact wording was) on a podcast isn't kind by any means, regardless of how good or bad it is. It's on her body PERMANENTLY (obviously excluding cover ups and removal). Don't make your friend insecure publicly. There are ways to nicely say something if that's really how you feel. I love Brooke so much but I do feel she was mean about the tattoo. I wasn't fully paying attention throughout because I was doing dishes but literally stopped to rewind and make sure I heard/ saw everything when Brooke said that. Like damn dude. That was harsh. :/


I think it’s the cover they put over fresh tattoos so it’s hard to see (also this is a screenshot from YouTube), but yeah Brooke’s reaction was not it! I would probably react similarly if I felt like being a bitch to someone I hate… not my friends? Like what. Ps I know a lot Brooke’s mean girl comments get the *“you guys don’t joke with your friends?!!!”* response but like you said, tattoo commentary isn’t the time.


I’d make fun of that tattoo too


Not even trying to be rude when I say wtf is that tattoo? Like I really can’t tell even after zooming. Is it an angel picking something off the floor?


I literally can’t tell at all 😭not saying u should make fun of someone’s tattoo to their face… just asking wtf the hell that even is like huhhh


She has the second skin on top of it so the ink pools underneath it, you have to wait until you can take it off to see the actual tattoo


I’m pretty sure it’s the statue of Eros and Psyche from the louvre


It could be cute but I think it may have been a little poorly done :/ def not my style tho lol


No fr it looks like a piece of fried chicken with wings 😭😭 tbh tho if it was a friend of mine I prolly wouldn’t say shit cus like what’re they gonna do.. laser it off in front of me lmao


With peace and love what tf is that


I know. when she kept being like “ITS HUGE” I thought it was going to be an 8x8 back piece or something the way she kept talking about it. and then it was a shoulder tattoo lol. I think that’s just the energy people with no tattoos have a lot of the time. They see it as a huge commitment when people like paige who get tattoos can be more casual about it and joke about only getting it for a guy like clearly paige just also wanted the tattoo. Brooke was being so mean. 


it’s def the clout that got to her i hated her in the beginning of cancelled then like she became so likable and now she’s kinda just clout based unlike tana who clearly has a shit ton of money but remembers where she came from and she hasn’t changed since day 1


I think she was super insecure and feeling "less than" then everyone around her gassed her TF up because she needed it but now she's leaning wayyyyy too far into it.


and plus if she’s talking to some a list guy imagine her ego rn no hate tho bc i love her love the pod just saying


Imo she’s developed a lot of narcissistic tendencies ever since she started to pop off. It’s really unbecoming and I don’t like her anymore because of it. I loved her for a long time too. Sucks to watch people become assholes


i don’t think it barely developed i think it’s just showing more. she used to be a sorority girl, a lot of them have those types of personalities


I’m sure you’re right. Especially because she’s been social climbing since then. She was also insanely close to Lilah who’s the fucking worst and has been long before any beef. To an extent everyone is the company they keep. I wonder if their grandiose ideas of themselves is what bonded them. I knew a girl in HS who I hung out with for a short while. All she wanted to do was talk about how we’re pretty, people should do things for us etc. I cut her off for that alone. It was weirdo behavior. She had no hobbies or passions, just adored thinking of herself and what she thought the world owed her for merely existing. I wonder if Brooke and Lilah were like what this old friend wanted to be like with me?


I know this isn’t what your post was about but I can’t stand Lilah. The way she always tries to go for any guy her friends are interested in is yucky.


Shes like an aggressive dog hoarding a toy in that sense. If she’s not on absolutely everyone’s mind all of the time she like, short circuits


Yes! She always needs all of the attention on her, even if it’s bad attention. It gives me secondhand embarrassment


Yep- I think she’s always been this way. We are just seeing it more, and Brooke seems to be more comfortable showing her true colors.


If she keeps leaning into this she’ll be over in a year. I know Tana stands by her friends but I’m glad Tana kept it with Brooke as just a cohost. There’s gonna be a call her daddy sitch I fear.


Tana even called her out on it once and said i truly think you're a narcissist or something like that and brooke instantly acted so offended and manipulated tana by saying I told you I don't like when you say that.


That’s what my ex used to do!!! He’s diagnosed with NPD not just tendencies. “I don’t like it when you hold me accountable for how I act and treat you” ass response. At her big age too 🥴


Oh no. I hope you're doing better now that sounds horrible but unfortunately I know exactly what you're talking about. Like the instant attack on the other person because they feel personally attack. And the way tana reacted to it made it also seem like brooke is abusive and manipulative to tana on and off camera.


I’m sorry we relate in this way :( you’re spot on. I wish I could copy this tiktok of a psychiatrist who specializes in NPD. Her videos saved my sanity after getting away from narcissistic abuse. She explains how they attack so viciously due to fragile ego really well. They’re also so damn calculated/manipulative. It’s truly unhinged and so crazy making to be around. The lack of empathy is terrifying on top of everything else


I don't have tiktok anyways but thanks to much, therapy really helps. I wish it was affordable tho. But I totally get what you're saying, like the way they make you question your own reality because they gaslight you so much is really scary. I hope you're doing better now and have time to heal ♥️


when did this hapoen


does anyone know what episode or when tana says that?


Yes!!! So full of herself and trying to remain “perfect”


This may have something to do w her BPD? Like these sort of reactions? I’m not a doctor or anything I’m just wondering.


what could


Ooops I meant to reply to the entire thing not this comment specifically. But just how she’s reacting to all the attention and how she reacts when the attention is taken away. It’s just interesting and seems like she goes very extreme I just wonder if that could be partly bc her BPD.


Paige is more down to earth than Brooke. She’s threatened by Paige bc Paige isn’t a pick me.


brooke’s heads getting way too big. all she does is interrupt others but has nothing to really say. i found her to be pretty rude toward paige as well. luckily paige kinda gave it back to her but still.


it really does feel like she does everything for male validation and approval, she does not seem like a girl’s girl. it shows


The Coachella pod and her attitude about the whole weekend was awful. She was the most Important person at that festival. And she’s not like other girls, she coachellaed without a phone. God if I have to hear that one more time I might stop listening hahaha


thank you I literally don’t care that her phone got stolen because she had enough money to just get another and pay the $1000 remainder on the last phone. That story gives me cold sweats


If I lost my phone right now I would actually be screwed. For like two weeks lol stfu brooke


I couldnt get through the latest episode of just trish for the same reason. All she does is social climb and brag about being skinny. For months now, her entire shtick is to make jabs at her friends and then turn the conversation back to herself. She's so boring.


her only personality right now is being skinny and dating hot guys😭 it’s kind of so annoying


Yes and she really thought she ate. She said in this latest podcast how she loved how she did on Trish


60% of that episode was about brand deals lol who is that interesting for


The name dropping was so irritating 😭 And basically admitting she’s doing the same type of social climbing she did to become Tana’s friend by “manifesting” friends and hunting them down and clinging to them for deal life. It was Brooke at her least relatable, and I’m getting so tired of the constant jabs at Tana and the people who are supposed to be her friends, versus the ass kissing for people she wants to get in with.


I neeed to catch up! What time of things does she say when bragging about being skinny??


Im so happy that people are starting to notice how annoying she is getting. She keeps interrupting and shifting the convo and not even saying anything better just some annoying boring average LA girl shit. She just keeps trying to push the pod into a pg category and its sooo boring. Like girl shut up and keep your useless info to yourself we don’t want to know about your boring life when someone is trying to say something wild she forgot the target audience are tana’s unhinged fans not her youtube clean girl subs 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


This. Being a prototype of LA influencer gets you one thing, BORED OF. Who the fuck in their reg 20s/30s pod listening life wants to hear her romanticize and mimic completely un-unique ideals and giggle about how it makes her cool. Cancelled had one edge, the edge. Nobody except the vapid people you want to impress care about your Brags, and that care is fleeting and hallow. VIEWERSHIP happens when different things happen. She is just icking me/cringing me the fuck out with her desperate personality-less bulllshit.


It was weird to me how when they did the Coachella episode she was cool with telling messy drunk stories of the weekend but in this episode she seemed to get weird when Paige said she was hammered on Day 2. Like girl it’s okay, no one would judge you especially when Tana admitted to doing coke on the same episode lmao


I clocked that too, she honestly seemed offended and Defensive.


She was probably mad that attention was off her and her stories bc Paige was carrying


bro FR paige ate with this one and tana's genuine laughter at her jokes was so refreshing😭


fr her and tana bounce off eachother SO WELL i loved hearing them joke and laugh genuinely


I feel like tana would replace paige with brooke... I don't believe that brooke and tana get along off camera.


Brooke said (I think on Trisha’s pod) that her and Tana doing Cancelled led to more of business relationship and less of a friendship


she was so rude to paige


I cannot stand Brooke lately


I think now she’s made money from the tour and both Jeff and Mike are blowing smoke up her ass endlessly her ego is getting a little crazy


Agree. Jeff and mike were gassing her up like crazyyyyyy. Saying how perfect and amazing she looks. Then they would turn around and call tana fat and a whore 😂 but the truth is: I actually think tana looks better than Brooke now. Whatever tana is doing is working. She looks awesome ! Even her fashion has been on point. Tana w the little Dior bag and tie up shirt at Coachella was chefs kiss


That tattoo thing too… you could tell paige was offended


Right I get friends joke and snark back and forth but man…she has been making so many bitchy remarks and side comments. And I honestly don’t even think she’s “joking” half the time..I think her rude comments are honestly 100% how she truly feels.


She straight up admitting to saying “joking” when she’s telling the truth… so I always think it’s the truth


This is weird but I’ve felt this way about the last couple podcasts + the recent Just Trish, but I didn’t notice it on yesterdays podcast. Maybe because Paige and tana carried so I just didn’t pay it too much attention, but yeah Brooke’s vibe has felt very rude/surface level for a bit. And I hate to give in to these feelings bc it really is “we love tana but hate Brooke” then “we love Brooke but hate tana” vibes but …. She’s literally been acting different. It’s not us being petty


and at the end of the day... you could continue cancelled without brooke. you couldn't continue it without tana. that's a faCT. she needs to humble a lil


Period diva. (Paige’s lingo has really been rotting my brain)


100% agree and like you said I think the only reason that it wasn’t noticeable during this pod was because Paige and Tana carrrried, to the point that I genuinely barely remember brooke saying anything 😂




Yeah, I was definitely surprised when they were reviewing Coachella outfits and she was being some type of way to page and Tana about the outfits they liked like her opinion was God‘s opinion and they should not think any other way.


Right all she does is wear ugly neutral basics.


Seriously she’s a pretty girl and has lots of potential to do positive with her followers but the negativity is a big fat NO esp to her friends she’s taking brand safe a little tooooo serious


just this entire episode she was soooo pick me, ik she hates when people say that but like the interruptions just to say “me too” and then start on and on ab herself 🙄🙄🙄🙄she acts like she knows EVERYTHING even the lobotomy, like ik it’s not that serious but she was so know it all in that aspect when it wasn’t even his niece it was his sister, but to interrupt rudely and not even be right is so annoying to me.


Brookes vibe just isn’t it at all anymore, I can’t really stand her :/ her entire demeanor is just annoying as fuck


Didn’t she make a comment about how one girl used her pussy to pay for her body? I think she mentioned BB, whoever that is. Even if it’s true why out someone?


She said on just trish that BB is her best friend.. jeeeeeez!


thought i was the only one




Glad I’m not the only one


She's honestly sooo annoying! I wish paige would replace her, lovee her energy.


Paige would be an awesome replacement for brooke! And I would be able to watch the podcast again I'd be so happy.


Yes same!! Both tana and paige are so genuine and fun


Paige is so relatable and funny, she and tana also vibe really well.




YESSSS I FELT THIS SO HARD. She was reverting the conversations to ALWAYS be about her. She kept interrupting Paige’s good stories. Paige was saying how she used to be very professional as tan as assistant but now she switches it up and we could barely hear Paige finish the story Brooke cut her off at least twice during that one story.


It seems like she tries to disagree with everything Tana says and make her look dumb. I mean they’re all pretty dumb they don’t ever know what they’re talking about but for Brooke to pretend that she does and put Tana down for things is really off putting.


i noticed this when they were judging coachella fits and brooke interrupted and told paige to “just say it”. i just figured her ego has gotten too out of control after everyone has been hyping her up non stop recently


When they talked about not paying taxes for years and how dumb it is that they have to also pay taxes on free gifts they accept 🫠 Paige was awesome!! And so funny.


Also I couldn’t stand her going to say something and then saying never mind constantly through out the ep, she needs to be humbled


What she said about TaraYummy was so weird to me. Paige complimented her body and Brooke was like "Yeah and it's so hard to stay cute like that when you're 4 fucking 10" like first of all, you don't need to be skinny to have a "cute" body and why'd you immediately talk about how hard it is to be skinny and be short? Tara doesn't workout and basically eats whatever she wants, and plenty of short girls could workout and eat perfectly healthy and still never have a body like that. Idk I hate when ppl talk about short ppls weights cause it's so much more noticeable whenb u gain and lose weight


Omg agree i thought this was so weird too was wondering if anyone else noticed


Was a little aggressive with saying her height I found that odd too, made it sound like it was a bad thing, it’s just how she is lol


i’m starting to get really bothered by her for some reason.. i feel like her voice has changed too😂


She's so hateful to women in general people brush that off as she's being a pick me when in reality she's a misogynistic pos. The way she was so snarky toward Paige??? And for what. Also, she really needs to move on from the Ashley situation like leave her alone at this point.


The fact that she can’t move on from the Ashley situation but expects everyone to move on From her mindy situation. I never liked her after that she can fool people for a little but smoke and mirrors comes off eventually


explains why she only called out matt rife after he did her dirty too when his whole brand is misogyny


When and where does she talk about Ashly?? She really needs to keep it to herself cause she did the same thing Ashly did 💀


The amount of unjustified hate Ashley gets because of brooke is insane. Brooke really wanted to get rid of Ashley so she could take her place as tanas "bestie"


Exactly especially when we don't know the full story!! Brooke was the one that said the whole thing between Ashley and Joe went for like two years or sth like that, meanwhile tana said it only happened once!!! Ashley only addressed Brooke once in a YouTube video and was honest and straight forward that she doesn't like Brooke and that's it, Brooke on the other hand won't miss a chance to shade Ashley the way she shaded her in front of Mike was soooo icky P.s: I love you and thru the all hate that Brooke caused by bringing you up on a podcast after exposing her rasict ass I was always here upvoting you to the max lmaooo


I honestly respect Ashley so much for not saying anything despite brooke bashing her on every opportunity she gets even before the Mindy 2.0 situation. But as you said we know basically nothing about Mindy 2.0 because most of the story was told by brooke. When it was absolutely not her place to tell the story. And I also didn't think Ashley was mean to brooke, at least not online. But I also think thers a difference because brooke had something with a guy tana was still actively hooking up with and Ashley had something with a guy tana used to hook up with. Not to say it didn't hurt tana because it certainly did and I'm not saying it makes the situation okay because it doesn't. But I personally think one is a lot worse than the other but brooke was so quick to point the finger at Ashley and label her as Mindy. Awww that's so sweet thank your so much! It makes me happy to hear that I'm at least not annoying every single person here with brookes racist tweets who's already seen them 😂🥰


Brooke was too eager to expose Ashley and run her mouth.


And she never dropped it ever since but she's expecting people to forgive her for Mindy 1.0 instantly.. Like say Ashley fell off the doc one more time.


No Ashley is just a shitty person lmao


Just like brooke lmao


I never thought I'd see the day where I agree with you about brooke...but here we are. 😭


How the turn tables.. 😭


how is Ashley a shitty person? Sorry I'm new to all this


a lot of people don’t like her because when Brooke hooked up with Tanas ex, Ashly publicly denounced their friendship,(her and Brooke’s)and was supposedly very mean to Brooke all the time and just realllly shady about the whole thing to Brooke. But, Ashly had hooked up with one of Tana’s exes too, and it was a WAY more serious ex, and they had been hooking up for WAY longer, whereas with Brooke it was just a one time thing. So she did exactly what she shat on Brooke for but like a thousand times worse so it was allll just very hypocritical. If you want more details look up on all of the subreddits of this pod Mindy, and Mindy 2.0


omg thank you so much!


of course!! Theres a LOT more stuff so I’d definitely recommend going through the subreddits lol


Yeah and when Paige made some inside joke (I forget the word) and Tanya busted out laughing and Brooke didn't even try to look interested or laugh or ask about it . She was just kinda like meh 😶 and blankly zoning out.


YESSS! Lots of times when Brooke wouldn’t even acknowledge Paige’s jokes or even fake laugh. It was giving “uh im the cohost your not more funny than me so I’m not laughing”


It was about the “xandemic” I think was the word Brooke look so annoyed


Or “shooter”




i didn’t watch the EP yet but the vibe i get is she has no hobbies like at all…. all this money and nothing to do but be kinda rude to the ppl around her as entertainment and go to ALO with whoever is worth posting a selfie with.


100%, she and many influencers like her , their only ''hobby'' if u can call it that is maintaining their appearance.


Brooke has been way off in the last 10 episodes… not sure why maybe it’s the drugs/alcohol or maybe it’s the popularity and post Coachella trip


Ever since the Matt Rife drama/attention she got from it she's been insufferable. Like she thinks she has power now and can be the mean girl she's always been but had to hide


I’ve stopped watching the podcast for months now , something clicked in her and I did stop watching because of it. Happy she’s gotten this big something is just different now..




Literally 😭 like pls give it a break girl no one is tuning in for that??


She looks like a dehydrated hay needle, what workout is she doing. And last time she talked about having abs lol


The cookies did this


literally. ppl who post those “brookie” posts where they just stroke her ego to the core are the reason she’s like this now.


Imagine being close to 30 and getting an inflated ego by 15 year olds on the internet ☺️


I noticed that too. it was uncomfortable to watch at times


The ego is getting crazy


i used to adore brooke like love her love her, saw the show in person etc but she is definitely letting all the clout get to her head. i miss 2022 brooke, that was my queen


I felt second hand embarrassment sooo bad when out of no where Brooke was like “I think I’ve been in such a good mood bc I’ve been working out”, and the conversation prior had NOTHINGGG to do with that. Paige and Tana both seemed caught of guard and annoyed and definitely tried to just brush it off and keep the conversation going. Why does Brooke constantly feel the need to talk about herself??


I didn’t finish it for this exact reason. I have nothing against the podcast or the girls, but that’s my worst pet peeve. I’ll get feral if someone constantly cuts me off or someone I’m listening to


Idk what changed with Brooke because for awhile I LOVED her and honestly mostly watched for her, don’t get me wrong Tana raised me but I just felt she got a little boring 😬 That being said, Tana is doing better than ever and is sooo entertaining 👏🏻 Brooke on the other hand… idk. I can’t sit through any solo pods she does and I honestly only watch cancelled for Tana lately. Idk what changed but I’m not a fan


Justice for Paige. And petition to make her the new co-host. She's so much more beautiful, talented, charming, has character and depth, doesn't interrupt tana all of the time and vibes so much better with tana. Brooke is running the podcast with her boring rants about herself and how great she and her family is. This is canceled not the boring racist white girl show.


Yesss I’d love for Paige to takeover as cohost!! The short paw patrol / papa troll story had me caackling, I’d love to hear more where that came from


That was the first podcast in a long time I giggled and it was because of Paige and tana. And I think there's a lot more great storys where that came from and as a bonus we'd get hear the end of Tana's storys.


Brooke could slap a guest in the face and spit on them and people would be like “what?!! You guys dont mess with your friends??? Wow youre weird this is normal friendly behavior”


She has always been a pick me guys we shouldn’t be surprised she literally admits it herself 😅😅


YES!! At the beginning of the pod she compared Paige to some guy on Logan Paul’s podcast basically saying “she’s just there” kinda thing? I thought that was so rude? I loved Paige on the pod, her energy, humour was everything we needed 😂


Probably the adderall they’re all on


She did say she just did like a tree hour podcast with Trish and then had to drive from Calabasas which anyone that knows LA traffic can attest is very soil sucking but Brooke has been off for the last few episodes in my opinion. I think they need a break


Traffic is everywhere. This is her job, as she said before podcast is her job. Bitch isn’t on the job description


The popularity of these posts is vindicating my fucking soul :)


I’ve honestly always felt this way about brooke, even from the beginning it felt like half of her bits were just making fun of tana for being stupid/uneducated or downplaying tana’s trauma by interjecting to talk about her own stuff. she jokes about being a pick-me which would be funnier if it weren’t glaringly obvious she was doing everything for male attention. Everyone was blowing smoke up her ass in the fall saying she was the one carrying the podcast, but after seeing her on other podcasts, i don’t think that’s true… she has great chemistry with tana but tana has the personality that draws people in and keeps u paying attention. Also re: her talking about being skinny…. she is a beautiful girl but i think she’s looking a bit scary lately. And not even in the heroin chic modelesque way, just disproportionate and unhealthy. the drastic weight change took a toll on her skin as well. I hate to comment on anyone’s weight but she talks about it CONSTANTLYYYY especially around people who are more mid-sized (Tana/Trish for instance) i think she wants people to talk about it. Which like i mean girl don’t invite ppl to talk about your body like that by constantly bragging about it!


Tana midsized?


I genuinely have never liked Brooke idk why everyone loves her 😭😭


Brooke gives me frenemy vibes


The comment about Lana on ozempic made me completely flip as a Brooke fan


Brooke has no identity. Maybe it’s her BPD? But she’s someone who will adapt to whomever she’s around. If it’s a misogynistic dude, she’ll cater to him (Matt rife), if it’s a powerful woman whose coattails she wants to ride, she’ll become their ideal cohost, adopting their personality until she decides she can do it on her own, in which case she becomes this shell of a person we see now—wasting away physically, keeping topics surface level and centered on her. It’s giving narcissist, but BPD would also make sense.


i mean i'm not diagnosing her or anything obv, but when i was deep in an eating disorder my entire personality was awful and all i did was think about myself and my body and working out. i wasn't myself at all, in fact literally lost all my friends because i was so insufferable to be around


Tbh I’ve thought this but was a lil afraid to say it… I had a friend who went thru an ED and they were truly *insufferable* during the worst of it. Selfish, shallow, soulless and devoid of any personality or interests that weren’t self-serving. Ofc I know that an ED is a mental illness and mental illnesses can change a person, but my patience was waning for a bit there. I really do feel like Brooke’s personality took a shift around the time that she started exhibiting some ED-like behaviors


This lowkey makes sense


What's up with them raising brooks pitch? It's not just her voice they're clearly doing something and i need it to stop.


what was rude other than the tattoo???


On Just Trish, she said she only exposed Matt rife bc he didn’t pick her


Tana: my new thing is I’ve been acting like a Polly Pocket Brooke: what! That’s me ALLLL the time! I’m so teeny tiny!


I want tana and Paige on just Trish


she was so rude to paige she literally said paige resembles princess glitter sparkles from trolls like wtf




I'm gonna argue for Brooke for a second, she's typically interrupting when she's trying to relate to someone. I don't think she does it on purpose, her brain is getting excited.


Hahahah I felt this! But I think she was just miserable/drained after Trish but omg my exact thoughts.


dude y’all are all doing way too much touch grass. literally over analyzing ANYTHING to make it something. so toxic no wonder celebs hate their subreddits.


I thought she was being herself just tired! Brooke and Nat were having small chats doing the coachella outfit bit, I think they’re all just comfortable with eachother